The `replace()` function replaces the given regular expression or plain string pattern on the given subject value with the specified replacement. In case a regular expression with the global (`g`) modifier set or a string is passed as pattern, all found occurrences are replaced. In case a regular expression without global modifier is given, only the first match will be replaced. The replacement value may be either a string, which is inserted in place of the matched result after certain interpolation steps or a function which is invoked for each match and whose return value is used as replacement. The subject is implicitly converted to a string if it is not a string. The pattern is implicitly converted to a string if it is neither a string nor a regular expression value. The replacement value is implicitly converted to a string if it is neither a string nor a function value. Returns a copy of the input string with the match(es) replaced by their corresponding replacement values. Returns `null` either the subject, the pattern or the replacement value is `null`. -- Testcase -- {% print(join("\n###\n", [ // Capitalize and reformat all key=value pairs using a callback replace("kind=fruit name=strawberry color=red", /([[:alpha:]])([[:alpha:]]*)=(.)([^= ]*) */g, function(m, letter1, rest1, letter2, rest2) { return sprintf('%s%s: %s%s\n', uc(letter1), rest1, uc(letter2), rest2 ); }), // strike any three letter word replace("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", /(^| )([[:alpha:]]{3})( |$)/g, "$1$2$3"), // highlight any vowel replace("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog", /[aeiou]/g, "[$&]"), // replace with fixed pattern replace("foo bar foo baz foo qrx", "foo", "xxx"), // testing all possible replacement interpolations replace("before abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz! after", / ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z!]{3}) /, '|\n---\n' + 'Entire match ($$&): [$&]\n' + 'Before match ($$`): [$`]\n' + "After match ($$'): [$']\n" + 'Group 1 match ($$1): [$1]\n' + 'Group 2 match ($$2): [$2]\n' + 'Group 3 match ($$3): [$3]\n' + 'Group 4 match ($$4): [$4]\n' + 'Group 5 match ($$5): [$5]\n' + 'Group 6 match ($$6): [$6]\n' + 'Group 7 match ($$7): [$7]\n' + 'Group 8 match ($$8): [$8]\n' + 'Group 9 match ($$9): [$9]\n' + 'Literal $$: [$$]\n' + '---\n|'), // testing that all captures are passed to the callback replace("before abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz! after", / ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z]{3}) ([a-z!]{3}) /, function(m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9) { return sprintf( '|\n---\n' + 'Entire match (arg 0): [%s]\n' + 'Group 1 match (arg 1): [%s]\n' + 'Group 2 match (arg 2): [%s]\n' + 'Group 3 match (arg 3): [%s]\n' + 'Group 4 match (arg 4): [%s]\n' + 'Group 5 match (arg 5): [%s]\n' + 'Group 6 match (arg 6): [%s]\n' + 'Group 7 match (arg 7): [%s]\n' + 'Group 8 match (arg 8): [%s]\n' + 'Group 9 match (arg 9): [%s]\n' + '---\n|', m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9 ); }), // the subject is implictly stringified replace({ foo: true }, "foo", "xxx"), // the pattern is implictly stringified replace({ foo: true }, true, "false"), // the replacement is implictly stringified replace({ foo: true }, "foo", 0x7b), // special case: replace all empty matches replace("foo", "", "."), replace("foo", /()/g, ".") ]), "\n"); %} -- End -- -- Expect stdout -- Kind: Fruit Name: Strawberry Color: Red ### The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ### Th[e] q[u][i]ck br[o]wn f[o]x j[u]mps [o]v[e]r th[e] l[a]zy d[o]g ### xxx bar xxx baz xxx qrx ### before | --- Entire match ($&): [ abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz! ] Before match ($`): [before ] After match ($'): [ after] Group 1 match ($1): [abc] Group 2 match ($2): [def] Group 3 match ($3): [ghi] Group 4 match ($4): [jkl] Group 5 match ($5): [mno] Group 6 match ($6): [pqr] Group 7 match ($7): [stu] Group 8 match ($8): [vwx] Group 9 match ($9): [yz!] Literal $: [$] --- | after ### before | --- Entire match (arg 0): [ abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yz! ] Group 1 match (arg 1): [abc] Group 2 match (arg 2): [def] Group 3 match (arg 3): [ghi] Group 4 match (arg 4): [jkl] Group 5 match (arg 5): [mno] Group 6 match (arg 6): [pqr] Group 7 match (arg 7): [stu] Group 8 match (arg 8): [vwx] Group 9 match (arg 9): [yz!] --- | after ### { "xxx": true } ### { "foo": false } ### { "123": true } ### .f.o.o. ### .f.o.o. -- End -- Omitting subject, pattern or replacement yields `null`. -- Testcase -- {% printf("%.J\n", [ replace(null, "u", "x"), replace("nullnull", null, "x"), replace("foo", "o", null) ]); %} -- End -- -- Expect stdout -- [ null, null, null ] -- End -- Exceptions in the callback terminate the replacement process and are propagated to the calling context. -- Testcase -- {% replace("foo", "o", function(m) { die() }); %} -- End -- -- Expect stderr -- Died In [anonymous function](), line 2, byte 40: called from function replace ([C]) called from anonymous function ([stdin]:2:43) ` replace("foo", "o", function(m) { die() });` Near here --------------------------------^ -- End --