The `int()` function converts the given value into a signed integer value and returns the resulting number. In case the value is of type string, a second optional base argument may be specified which is passed to the underlying strtoll(3) implementation. Returns `NaN` if the given argument is not convertible into a number. Returns `NaN` if the conversion result is out of range. -- Testcase -- {% printf("%.J\n", [ int(), int(false), int(123), int(456.789), int(""), int("invalid"), int("deaf"), int("0x1000"), int("0xffffffffffffffff"), int("0177"), int("+145"), int("-96"), int("0177", 8), int("0x1000", 16), int("1111", 2), int("0xffffffffffffffff", 16) ]); %} -- End -- -- Expect stdout -- [ 0, 0, 123, 456, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", 0, 0, 177, 145, -96, 127, 4096, 15, "NaN" ] -- End --