The logical AND and logical OR assignment operators set the left hand side variable or value to the right hand side expression result depending on whether the lhs value is truish. 1. The `&&=` operator overwrites the lhs variable or field with the rhs expression result if the lhs is truish. -- Expect stdout -- [ null, false, "is truish" ] -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% x = null; y = false; z = true; x &&= "is truish"; y &&= "is truish"; z &&= "is truish"; printf("%.J\n", [ x, y, z ]); %} -- End -- 2. The `||=` operator overwrites the lhs variable or field with the rhs expression result if the lhs is falsy. -- Expect stdout -- [ "is falsy", "is falsy", true ] -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% x = null; y = false; z = true; x ||= "is falsy"; y ||= "is falsy"; z ||= "is falsy"; printf("%.J\n", [ x, y, z ]); %} -- End --