Regex literals are enclosed in forward slashes and may contain zero or more trailing flag characters. Interpretation of escape sequences within regular expression literals is subject of the underlying regular expression engine. -- Expect stdout -- [ "/Hello world/", "/test/gis", "/test/g", "/test1 / test2/", "/1\n\\.\u0007\bc☀\\\\/" ] -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% print([ /Hello world/, // A very simple expression /test/gsi, // Regular expression flags /test/gg, // Repeated flags /test1 \/ test2/, // Escaped forward slash /\x31\n\.\a\b\c\u2600\\/ // Ensure that escape sequences are passed as-is ], "\n"); %} -- End -- Testing regular expression type. -- Expect stdout -- regexp -- End -- -- Testcase -- {{ type(/foo/) }} -- End -- Testing invalid flag characters. -- Expect stderr -- Syntax error: Unexpected token Expecting ';' In line 2, byte 8: ` /test/x` ^-- Near here -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% /test/x %} -- End -- Testing unclosed regular expression. -- Expect stderr -- Syntax error: Unterminated string In line 2, byte 2: ` /foo \/` ^-- Near here -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% /foo \/ %} -- End -- Testing regex compilation errors. -- Expect stderr -- Catched syntax error In line 7, byte 30: ` die("Catched syntax error");` Near here ----------------------------^ -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% try { /foo (/ } catch (e) { if (e.type == "Syntax error") die("Catched syntax error"); } %} -- End -- Testing that slashes within character classes are not treated as regex literal delimitters. -- Expect stdout -- [ "/[/]/", "/[[./.]/]/", "/[[:alpha:]/]/", "/[[=/=]/]/" ] -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% printf("%.J\n", [ /[/]/, /[[./.]/]/, /[[:alpha:]/]/, /[[=/=]/]/ ]); %} -- End --