The utpl script language supports declaring objects (dictionaries) using either JSON or JavaScript notation. -- Expect stdout -- { } { "name": "Bob", "age": 31, "email": { "work": "", "private": "" } } { "banana": "yellow", "tomato": "red", "broccoli": "green" } { "foo": "bar", "complex key": "qrx" } { "foo": { "bar": true } } -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% // An empty object can be declared using a pair of curly brackets empty_obj = { }; // It is also possible to use JSON notation to declare an object json_obj = { "name": "Bob", "age": 31, "email": { "work": "", "private": "" } }; // Declaring an object in JavaScript notation is supported as well another_obj = { banana: "yellow", tomato: "red", broccoli: "green" }; // Mixing styles is allowed too third_obj = { foo: "bar", "complex key": "qrx" }; // Important caveat: when nesting objects, ensure that curly brackets // are separated by space or newline to avoid interpretation as // expression block tag! nested_obj = { foo: { bar: true } }; // <-- mind the space in "} }" // Printing (or stringifying) objects will return their JSON representation print(empty_obj, "\n"); print(json_obj, "\n"); print(another_obj, "\n"); print(third_obj, "\n"); print(nested_obj, "\n"); %} -- End -- Additionally, utpl implements ES6-like spread operators to allow shallow copying of object properties into other objects. -- Expect stdout -- { "foo": true, "bar": false } { "foo": true, "bar": false, "baz": 123, "qrx": 456 } { "foo": false, "bar": true, "baz": 123, "qrx": 456 } { "foo": true, "bar": false } { "foo": true, "bar": false, "level2": { "baz": 123, "qrx": 456 } } { "foo": true, "bar": false, "0": 7, "1": 8, "2": 9 } -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% o1 = { foo: true, bar: false }; o2 = { baz: 123, qrx: 456 }; arr = [7, 8, 9]; print(join("\n", [ // copying one object into another { ...o1 }, // combining two objects { ...o1, ...o2 }, // copying object and override properties { ...o1, ...o2, foo: false, bar: true }, // default properties overwritten by spread operator { foo: 123, bar: 456, ...o1 }, // nested spread operators { ...o1, level2: { ...o2 } }, // merging array into objects { ...o1, ...arr } ]), "\n"); %} -- End -- ES2015 short hand property notation is supported as well. -- Expect stdout -- { "a": 123, "b": true, "c": "test" } -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% a = 123; b = true; c = "test"; o = { a, b, c }; print(o, "\n"); %} -- End -- -- Expect stderr -- Syntax error: Unexpected token Expecting ':' In line 2, byte 14: ` o = { "foo" };` Near here ------^ -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% o = { "foo" }; %} -- End -- -- Expect stderr -- Syntax error: Invalid identifier In line 2, byte 8: ` o = { function };` ^-- Near here -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% o = { function }; %} -- End -- ES2015 computed property names are supported. -- Expect stdout -- { "test": true, "hello": false, "ABC": 123 } -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% s = "test"; o = { [s]: true, ["he" + "llo"]: false, [uc("abc")]: 123 }; print(o, "\n"); %} -- End -- -- Expect stderr -- Syntax error: Expecting expression In line 2, byte 10: ` o1 = { []: true };` Near here --^ Syntax error: Unexpected token Expecting ']' In line 3, byte 14: ` o2 = { [true, false]: 123 };` Near here ------^ -- End -- -- Testcase -- {% o1 = { []: true }; o2 = { [true, false]: 123 }; %} -- End --