C-style numeric integer and float literals are understood, as well as the special keywords "Infinity" and "NaN" to denote the IEEE 754 floating point values. Numeric values are either stored as signed 64 bit integers or signed doubles internally. -- Expect stdout -- Integers literals: 123, 127, 2748, 57082 Float literals: 10, 10.3, 1.23456e-65, 16.0625 Octal literals: 63, 118 Binary literals: 7, 11 Special values: Infinity, Infinity, NaN, NaN Minimum values: -9223372036854775808, -1.79769e+308 Maximum values: 9223372036854775807, 1.79769e+308 Minimum truncation: -9223372036854775808, -Infinity Maximum truncation: 18446744073709551615, Infinity -- End -- -- Testcase -- Integers literals: {{ 123 }}, {{ 0177 }}, {{ 0xabc }}, {{ 0xDEFA }} Float literals: {{ 10. }}, {{ 10.3 }}, {{ 123.456e-67 }}, {{ 0x10.1 }} Octal literals: {{ 0o77 }}, {{ 0O166 }} Binary literals: {{ 0b111 }}, {{ 0B1011 }} Special values: {{ Infinity }}, {{ 1 / 0 }}, {{ NaN }}, {{ "x" / 1 }} Minimum values: {{ -9223372036854775808 }}, {{ -1.7976931348623158e+308 }} Maximum values: {{ 9223372036854775807 }}, {{ 1.7976931348623158e+308 }} Minimum truncation: {{ -100000000000000000000 }}, {{ -1.0e309 }} Maximum truncation: {{ 100000000000000000000 }}, {{ 1.0e309 }} -- End --