/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Jo-Philipp Wich * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include "ucode/program.h" #include "ucode/source.h" #include "ucode/vallist.h" #include "ucode/chunk.h" uc_program_t * uc_program_new(uc_source_t *source) { uc_program_t *prog; prog = xalloc(sizeof(*prog)); prog->header.type = UC_PROGRAM; prog->header.refcount = 1; prog->functions.next = &prog->functions; prog->functions.prev = &prog->functions; prog->source = uc_source_get(source); uc_vallist_init(&prog->constants); return prog; } uc_function_t * uc_program_function_new(uc_program_t *prog, const char *name, size_t srcpos) { uc_function_t *func; size_t namelen = 0; if (name) namelen = strlen(name); func = xalloc(sizeof(*func) + namelen + 1); if (name) strcpy(func->name, name); func->nargs = 0; func->nupvals = 0; func->srcpos = srcpos; func->program = prog; func->vararg = false; uc_chunk_init(&func->chunk); ucv_ref(&prog->functions, &func->progref); return func; } size_t uc_program_function_id(uc_program_t *prog, uc_function_t *func) { size_t i = 1; uc_program_function_foreach(prog, fn) { if (fn == func) return i; i++; } return 0; } uc_function_t * uc_program_function_load(uc_program_t *prog, size_t id) { size_t i = 1; uc_program_function_foreach(prog, fn) if (i++ == id) return fn; return NULL; } size_t uc_program_function_srcpos(uc_function_t *fn, size_t off) { if (!fn) return 0; return fn->srcpos + uc_chunk_debug_get_srcpos(&fn->chunk, off); } void uc_program_function_free(uc_function_t *func) { if (!func) return; ucv_unref(&func->progref); uc_chunk_free(&func->chunk); free(func); } uc_value_t * uc_program_get_constant(uc_program_t *prog, size_t idx) { return uc_vallist_get(&prog->constants, idx); } ssize_t uc_program_add_constant(uc_program_t *prog, uc_value_t *val) { return uc_vallist_add(&prog->constants, val); } static void write_u16(size_t value, FILE *file) { uint16_t n; if (sizeof(value) > sizeof(n)) assert(value <= UINT16_MAX); n = htobe16((uint16_t)value); fwrite(&n, 1, sizeof(n), file); } static void write_u32(size_t value, FILE *file) { uint32_t n; if (sizeof(value) > sizeof(n)) assert(value <= UINT32_MAX); n = htobe32((uint32_t)value); fwrite(&n, 1, sizeof(n), file); } static void write_u64(uint64_t value, FILE *file) { uint64_t n; if (sizeof(value) > sizeof(n)) assert(value <= UINT64_MAX); n = htobe64((uint64_t)value); fwrite(&n, 1, sizeof(n), file); } static void _write_vector(size_t count, size_t itemsize, void *data, FILE *file) { size_t pad = (~(count * itemsize) + 1) & (sizeof(uint32_t) - 1); char z[sizeof(uint32_t) - 1] = { 0 }; write_u32(count, file); fwrite(data, itemsize, count, file); fwrite(z, 1, pad, file); } #define write_vector(vec, file) \ _write_vector((vec)->count, sizeof((vec)->entries[0]), (vec)->entries, file) #define write_string(str, file) \ _write_vector(strlen(str) + 1, 1, str, file) static void write_vallist(uc_value_list_t *vallist, FILE *file) { size_t i; /* write index */ write_u32(vallist->isize, file); for (i = 0; i < vallist->isize; i++) write_u64(vallist->index[i], file); /* write data */ write_u32(vallist->dsize, file); fwrite(vallist->data, 1, vallist->dsize, file); } enum { UC_PROGRAM_F_DEBUG = (1 << 0), UC_PROGRAM_F_SOURCEINFO = (1 << 1), UC_PROGRAM_F_SOURCEBUF = (1 << 2), }; enum { UC_FUNCTION_F_IS_ARROW = (1 << 0), UC_FUNCTION_F_IS_VARARG = (1 << 1), UC_FUNCTION_F_IS_STRICT = (1 << 2), UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_EXCEPTIONS = (1 << 3), UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_NAME = (1 << 4), UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_VARDBG = (1 << 5), UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_OFFSETDBG = (1 << 6), }; static void write_chunk(uc_chunk_t *chunk, FILE *file, uint32_t flags) { size_t i, slot; /* write bytecode data */ write_vector(chunk, file); /* write exception ranges */ if (flags & UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_EXCEPTIONS) { write_u32(chunk->ehranges.count, file); for (i = 0; i < chunk->ehranges.count; i++) { write_u32(chunk->ehranges.entries[i].from, file); write_u32(chunk->ehranges.entries[i].to, file); write_u32(chunk->ehranges.entries[i].target, file); write_u32(chunk->ehranges.entries[i].slot, file); } } /* write variable info */ if (flags & UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_VARDBG) { write_u32(chunk->debuginfo.variables.count, file); for (i = 0; i < chunk->debuginfo.variables.count; i++) { slot = chunk->debuginfo.variables.entries[i].slot; if (slot >= ((size_t)-1 / 2)) slot = ((uint32_t)-1 / 2) + (slot - ((size_t)-1 / 2)); write_u32(chunk->debuginfo.variables.entries[i].from, file); write_u32(chunk->debuginfo.variables.entries[i].to, file); write_u32(slot, file); write_u32(chunk->debuginfo.variables.entries[i].nameidx, file); } write_vallist(&chunk->debuginfo.varnames, file); } /* write offset info */ if (flags & UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_OFFSETDBG) write_vector(&chunk->debuginfo.offsets, file); } static void write_function(uc_function_t *func, FILE *file, bool debug) { uint32_t flags = 0; if (func->arrow) flags |= UC_FUNCTION_F_IS_ARROW; if (func->vararg) flags |= UC_FUNCTION_F_IS_VARARG; if (func->strict) flags |= UC_FUNCTION_F_IS_STRICT; if (func->chunk.ehranges.count) flags |= UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_EXCEPTIONS; if (debug && func->name[0]) flags |= UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_NAME; if (debug && func->chunk.debuginfo.variables.count) flags |= UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_VARDBG; if (debug && func->chunk.debuginfo.offsets.count) flags |= UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_OFFSETDBG; write_u32(flags, file); if (flags & UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_NAME) write_string(func->name, file); write_u16(func->nargs, file); write_u16(func->nupvals, file); write_u32(func->srcpos, file); write_chunk(&func->chunk, file, flags); } void uc_program_write(uc_program_t *prog, FILE *file, bool debug) { uint32_t flags = 0; size_t i = 0; if (debug) flags |= UC_PROGRAM_F_DEBUG; if (debug && prog->source) { flags |= UC_PROGRAM_F_SOURCEINFO; if (prog->source->buffer) flags |= UC_PROGRAM_F_SOURCEBUF; } /* magic word + flags */ write_u32(UC_PRECOMPILED_BYTECODE_MAGIC, file); write_u32(flags, file); if (flags & UC_PROGRAM_F_SOURCEINFO) { /* write source file name */ write_string(prog->source->filename, file); /* include source buffer if program was compiled from stdin */ if (flags & UC_PROGRAM_F_SOURCEBUF) write_string(prog->source->buffer, file); /* write lineinfo data */ write_vector(&prog->source->lineinfo, file); } /* write constants */ write_vallist(&prog->constants, file); /* write program sections */ uc_program_function_foreach(prog, fn1) { (void)fn1; i++; } write_u32(i, file); uc_program_function_foreach(prog, fn2) write_function(fn2, file, debug); } static bool read_error(FILE *file, char **errp, const char *subject, size_t rlen, size_t len) { const char *reason; if (feof(file)) reason = "Premature EOF"; else reason = strerror(errno); if (errp) xasprintf(errp, "%s while reading %s at offset %ld, got %zu of %zu bytes\n", reason, subject, ftell(file) - rlen, rlen, len); return false; } static bool skip_padding(FILE *file, size_t len, char **errp) { size_t pad = (~len + 1) & (sizeof(uint32_t) - 1), rlen; char buf[sizeof(uint32_t) - 1]; if (pad != 0) { rlen = fread(buf, 1, pad, file); if (rlen != pad) return read_error(file, errp, "padding", rlen, pad); } return true; } static bool read_u32(FILE *file, uint32_t *n, const char *subj, char **errp) { size_t rlen = fread(n, 1, sizeof(*n), file); if (rlen != sizeof(*n)) { *n = 0; return read_error(file, errp, subj ? subj : "uint32_t", rlen, sizeof(*n)); } *n = be32toh(*n); return true; } static bool read_u64(FILE *file, uint64_t *n, const char *subj, char **errp) { size_t rlen = fread(n, 1, sizeof(*n), file); if (rlen != sizeof(*n)) { *n = 0; return read_error(file, errp, subj ? subj : "uint64_t", rlen, sizeof(*n)); } *n = be64toh(*n); return true; } static bool read_size_t(FILE *file, size_t *n, size_t size, const char *subj, char **errp) { union { uint8_t u8; uint16_t u16; uint32_t u32; uint64_t u64; } nval; size_t rlen; rlen = fread(&nval.u64, 1, size, file); if (rlen != size) { *n = 0; if (!subj) { switch (size) { case 1: subj = "uint8_t"; break; case 2: subj = "uint16_t"; break; case 4: subj = "uint32_t"; break; case 8: subj = "uint64_t"; break; } } return read_error(file, errp, subj, rlen, sizeof(nval)); } switch (size) { case 1: *n = (size_t) nval.u8; break; case 2: *n = (size_t)be16toh(nval.u16); break; case 4: *n = (size_t)be32toh(nval.u32); break; case 8: *n = (size_t)be64toh(nval.u64); break; } return true; } static bool _read_vector(FILE *file, void *ptr, size_t itemsize, const char *subj, char **errp) { struct { size_t count; void *data; } *vec = ptr; size_t rlen, len; char subjbuf[64]; snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s vector size", subj); if (!read_size_t(file, &vec->count, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp)) return false; vec->data = xcalloc(vec->count, itemsize); len = vec->count; rlen = fread(vec->data, itemsize, len, file); if (rlen != len) { free(vec->data); vec->count = 0; vec->data = NULL; snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s vector data", subj); return read_error(file, errp, subjbuf, rlen * itemsize, len * itemsize); } return skip_padding(file, vec->count * itemsize, errp); } #define read_vector(file, vec, subj, errp) \ _read_vector(file, vec, sizeof((vec)->entries[0]), subj, errp) static bool read_string(FILE *file, char *dst, size_t len, const char *subj, char **errp) { size_t rlen; rlen = fread(dst, 1, len, file); if (rlen != len) return read_error(file, errp, subj, rlen, len); return skip_padding(file, len, errp); } static bool read_vallist(FILE *file, uc_value_list_t *vallist, const char *subj, char **errp) { char subjbuf[64]; size_t i; /* read index */ snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s index size", subj); if (!read_size_t(file, &vallist->isize, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp)) goto out; vallist->index = xcalloc(sizeof(vallist->index[0]), vallist->isize); for (i = 0; i < vallist->isize; i++) { snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s index entry %zu of %zu", subj, i, vallist->isize); if (!read_u64(file, &vallist->index[i], subjbuf, errp)) goto out; } /* read data */ snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s data size", subj); if (!read_size_t(file, &vallist->dsize, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp)) goto out; vallist->data = xalloc(vallist->dsize); snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s data", subj); if (!read_string(file, vallist->data, vallist->dsize, subj, errp)) goto out; return true; out: free(vallist->index); free(vallist->data); vallist->isize = 0; vallist->index = NULL; vallist->dsize = 0; vallist->data = NULL; return false; } static uc_source_t * read_sourceinfo(uc_source_t *input, uint32_t flags, char **errp) { char *path = NULL, *code = NULL; uc_source_t *source = NULL; size_t len; if (flags & UC_PROGRAM_F_SOURCEINFO) { if (!read_size_t(input->fp, &len, sizeof(uint32_t), "sourceinfo filename length", errp)) goto out; path = xalloc(len); if (!read_string(input->fp, path, len, "sourceinfo filename", errp)) goto out; if (flags & UC_PROGRAM_F_SOURCEBUF) { if (!read_size_t(input->fp, &len, sizeof(uint32_t), "sourceinfo code buffer length", errp)) goto out; code = xalloc(len); if (!read_string(input->fp, code, len, "sourceinfo code buffer data", errp)) { free(code); goto out; } source = uc_source_new_buffer(path, code, len); } else { source = uc_source_new_file(path); if (!source) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open source file %s: %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); source = uc_source_new_buffer(path, xstrdup(""), 0); } } if (!read_vector(input->fp, &source->lineinfo, "sourceinfo lineinfo", errp)) { uc_source_put(source); source = NULL; goto out; } } else { source = uc_source_new_buffer("[no source]", xstrdup(""), 0); } uc_source_runpath_set(source, input->runpath); out: free(path); return source; } static bool read_chunk(FILE *file, uc_chunk_t *chunk, uint32_t flags, const char *subj, char **errp) { uc_varrange_t *varrange; uc_ehrange_t *ehrange; char subjbuf[192]; size_t i; /* read bytecode data */ snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s byte code", subj); if (!read_vector(file, chunk, subjbuf, errp)) goto out; /* read exception ranges */ if (flags & UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_EXCEPTIONS) { snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s exception ranges count", subj); if (!read_size_t(file, &chunk->ehranges.count, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp)) goto out; chunk->ehranges.entries = xcalloc( sizeof(chunk->ehranges.entries[0]), chunk->ehranges.count); for (i = 0; i < chunk->ehranges.count; i++) { snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s exception range %zu of %zu offset", subj, i, chunk->ehranges.count); ehrange = &chunk->ehranges.entries[i]; if (!read_size_t(file, &ehrange->from, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp) || !read_size_t(file, &ehrange->to, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp) || !read_size_t(file, &ehrange->target, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp) || !read_size_t(file, &ehrange->slot, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp)) goto out; } } /* read variable info */ if (flags & UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_VARDBG) { snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s variable scopes count", subj); if (!read_size_t(file, &chunk->debuginfo.variables.count, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp)) goto out; chunk->debuginfo.variables.entries = xcalloc( sizeof(chunk->debuginfo.variables.entries[0]), chunk->debuginfo.variables.count); for (i = 0; i < chunk->debuginfo.variables.count; i++) { snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s variable scope %zu of %zu offset", subj, i, chunk->debuginfo.variables.count); varrange = &chunk->debuginfo.variables.entries[i]; if (!read_size_t(file, &varrange->from, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp) || !read_size_t(file, &varrange->to, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp) || !read_size_t(file, &varrange->slot, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp) || !read_size_t(file, &varrange->nameidx, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp)) goto out; if (varrange->slot >= ((uint32_t)-1 / 2)) varrange->slot = ((size_t)-1 / 2) + (varrange->slot - ((uint32_t)-1 / 2)); } snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s variable names", subj); if (!read_vallist(file, &chunk->debuginfo.varnames, subjbuf, errp)) goto out; } /* read offset info */ if (flags & UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_OFFSETDBG) { snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "%s source offsets", subj); if (!read_vector(file, &chunk->debuginfo.offsets, subjbuf, errp)) goto out; } return true; out: uc_vallist_free(&chunk->debuginfo.varnames); free(chunk->entries); free(chunk->ehranges.entries); free(chunk->debuginfo.variables.entries); chunk->count = 0; chunk->entries = NULL; chunk->ehranges.count = 0; chunk->ehranges.entries = NULL; chunk->debuginfo.variables.count = 0; chunk->debuginfo.variables.entries = NULL; return false; } static bool read_function(FILE *file, uc_program_t *program, size_t idx, char **errp) { char subjbuf[64], *name = NULL; uc_function_t *func = NULL; uint32_t flags, u32; snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "function #%zu flags", idx); if (!read_u32(file, &flags, subjbuf, errp)) goto out; if (flags & UC_FUNCTION_F_HAS_NAME) { snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "function #%zu name length", idx); if (!read_u32(file, &u32, subjbuf, errp)) goto out; name = xalloc(u32); snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "function #%zu name", idx); if (!read_string(file, name, u32, subjbuf, errp)) goto out; } snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "function #%zu (%s) arg count and offset", idx, name ? name : "-"); func = (uc_function_t *)uc_program_function_new(program, name, 0); func->arrow = (flags & UC_FUNCTION_F_IS_ARROW); func->vararg = (flags & UC_FUNCTION_F_IS_VARARG); func->strict = (flags & UC_FUNCTION_F_IS_STRICT); if (!read_size_t(file, &func->nargs, sizeof(uint16_t), subjbuf, errp) || !read_size_t(file, &func->nupvals, sizeof(uint16_t), subjbuf, errp) || !read_size_t(file, &func->srcpos, sizeof(uint32_t), subjbuf, errp)) goto out; snprintf(subjbuf, sizeof(subjbuf), "function #%zu (%s) body", idx, name ? name : "-"); if (!read_chunk(file, &func->chunk, flags, subjbuf, errp)) goto out; free(name); return true; out: free(name); return false; } uc_program_t * uc_program_load(uc_source_t *input, char **errp) { uc_program_t *program = NULL; uc_source_t *source = NULL; uint32_t flags, nfuncs, i; if (!read_u32(input->fp, &i, "file magic", errp)) goto out; if (i != UC_PRECOMPILED_BYTECODE_MAGIC) { xasprintf(errp, "Invalid file magic\n"); goto out; } if (!read_u32(input->fp, &flags, "program flags", errp)) goto out; source = read_sourceinfo(input, flags, errp); if (!source) goto out; program = uc_program_new(source); uc_source_put(source); if (!read_vallist(input->fp, &program->constants, "constants", errp)) goto out; if (!read_u32(input->fp, &nfuncs, "function count", errp)) goto out; for (i = 0; i < nfuncs; i++) if (!read_function(input->fp, program, i, errp)) goto out; return program; out: uc_program_put(program); return NULL; } uc_function_t * uc_program_entry(uc_program_t *program) { if (program->functions.prev == &program->functions) return NULL; return (uc_function_t *)program->functions.prev; }