/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Jo-Philipp Wich * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include "ast.h" #include "lexer.h" #include "parser.h" #include #include #include #include #include static size_t ut_ext_types_count = 0; static struct ut_extended_type *ut_ext_types = NULL; struct ut_opcode * ut_new_op(struct ut_state *s, int type, struct json_object *val, ...) { struct ut_opcode *newop, *child; int n_op = 0; va_list ap; newop = calloc(1, sizeof(*newop)); if (!newop) { fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n"); exit(127); } newop->off = s->off; newop->type = type; newop->val = val; va_start(ap, val); while ((child = va_arg(ap, void *)) != (void *)1) if (n_op < sizeof(newop->operand) / sizeof(newop->operand[0])) newop->operand[n_op++] = child; va_end(ap); newop->next = s->pool; s->pool = newop; return newop; } struct ut_opcode * ut_wrap_op(struct ut_opcode *parent, ...) { struct ut_opcode *child; int n_op = 0; va_list ap; va_start(ap, parent); while ((child = va_arg(ap, void *)) != (void *)1) if (n_op < sizeof(parent->operand) / sizeof(parent->operand[0])) parent->operand[n_op++] = child; va_end(ap); return parent; } struct ut_opcode * ut_append_op(struct ut_opcode *a, struct ut_opcode *b) { struct ut_opcode *tail = a; while (tail->sibling) tail = tail->sibling; tail->sibling = b; return a; } static int double_rounded_to_string(struct json_object *v, struct printbuf *pb, int level, int flags) { double d = json_object_get_double(v); if (isnan(d)) return sprintbuf(pb, level ? "\"NaN\"" : "NaN"); if (d == INFINITY) return sprintbuf(pb, level ? "1e309" : "Infinity"); if (d == -INFINITY) return sprintbuf(pb, level ? "-1e309" : "-Infinity"); return sprintbuf(pb, "%g", d); } struct json_object * json_object_new_double_rounded(double v) { struct json_object *d = json_object_new_double(v); json_object_set_serializer(d, double_rounded_to_string, NULL, NULL); return d; } static int null_obj_to_string(struct json_object *v, struct printbuf *pb, int level, int flags) { return sprintbuf(pb, "null"); } struct json_object * json_object_new_null_obj(void) { struct json_object *d = json_object_new_boolean(false); json_object_set_serializer(d, null_obj_to_string, NULL, NULL); return d; } static int func_to_string(struct json_object *v, struct printbuf *pb, int level, int flags) { struct ut_opcode *op = json_object_get_userdata(v); struct ut_opcode *args = op ? op->operand[1] : NULL; struct json_object *name = (op && op->operand[0]) ? op->operand[0]->val : NULL; sprintbuf(pb, "%sfunction%s%s(", level ? "\"" : "", name ? " " : "", name ? json_object_get_string(name) : ""); while (args) { sprintbuf(pb, "%s%s", (args != op->operand[1]) ? ", " : "", json_object_get_string(args->val)); args = args->sibling; } return sprintbuf(pb, ") { ... }%s", level ? "\"" : ""); } struct ut_opcode * ut_new_func(struct ut_state *s, struct ut_opcode *name, struct ut_opcode *args, struct ut_opcode *body) { struct ut_opcode *op = ut_new_op(s, T_FUNC, json_object_new_boolean(0), name, args, body, (void *)1); json_object_set_serializer(op->val, func_to_string, op, NULL); return op; } static void ut_reset(struct ut_state *s) { s->semicolon_emitted = false; s->start_tag_seen = false; s->blocktype = UT_BLOCK_NONE; s->off = 0; if (s->error.code == UT_ERROR_EXCEPTION) json_object_put(s->error.info.exception); memset(&s->error, 0, sizeof(s->error)); } void ut_free(struct ut_state *s) { struct ut_opcode *op, *tmp; if (s) { while (s->stack.off > 0) json_object_put(s->stack.scope[--s->stack.off]); free(s->stack.scope); for (op = s->pool; op;) { tmp = op->next; json_object_put(op->val); free(op); op = tmp; } ut_reset(s); } free(ut_ext_types); free(s); } enum ut_error_type ut_parse(struct ut_state *s, const char *expr) { int len = strlen(expr); const char *ptr = expr; struct ut_opcode *op; void *pParser; int mlen = 0; if (!s) return UT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; ut_reset(s); pParser = ParseAlloc(malloc); if (!pParser) return UT_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; while (len > 0) { op = ut_get_token(s, ptr, &mlen); if (mlen < 0) { s->error.code = -mlen; goto out; } if (op) Parse(pParser, op->type, op, s); if (s->error.code) goto out; len -= mlen; ptr += mlen; } Parse(pParser, 0, NULL, s); out: ParseFree(pParser, free); return s->error.code; } bool ut_register_extended_type(const char *name, void (*freefn)(void *)) { struct ut_extended_type *tmp; tmp = realloc(ut_ext_types, (ut_ext_types_count + 1) * sizeof(*tmp)); if (!tmp) return false; ut_ext_types = tmp; ut_ext_types[ut_ext_types_count].name = name; ut_ext_types[ut_ext_types_count].free = freefn; ut_ext_types_count++; return true; } static int ut_extended_type_to_string(struct json_object *v, struct printbuf *pb, int level, int flags) { struct ut_tagvalue *tag = json_object_get_userdata(v); struct ut_extended_type *et; if (!tag) return 0; et = &ut_ext_types[tag->tagtype - 1]; return sprintbuf(pb, "%s<%s %p>%s", level ? "\"" : "", et->name, tag->data, level ? "\"" : ""); } static void ut_extended_type_free(struct json_object *v, void *ud) { struct ut_tagvalue *tag = json_object_get_userdata(v); struct ut_extended_type *et; if (!tag) return; et = &ut_ext_types[tag->tagtype - 1]; if (et->free) et->free(tag->data); json_object_put(tag->proto); free(ud); } struct json_object * ut_set_extended_type(struct ut_state *s, struct json_object *v, struct json_object *proto, const char *name, void *data) { struct ut_extended_type *et = NULL; struct ut_tagvalue *tag; size_t n; for (n = 0; n < ut_ext_types_count; n++) { if (!strcmp(name, ut_ext_types[n].name)) { et = &ut_ext_types[n]; break; } } if (!et) return NULL; tag = calloc(1, sizeof(*tag)); if (!tag) return NULL; tag->val = v; tag->type = T_RESSOURCE; tag->proto = json_object_get(proto); tag->tagtype = n + 1; tag->data = data; json_object_set_serializer(tag->val, ut_extended_type_to_string, tag, ut_extended_type_free); return tag->val; } void ** ut_get_extended_type(struct json_object *v, const char *name) { struct ut_tagvalue *tag = json_object_get_userdata(v); size_t n = tag ? tag->tagtype : 0; struct ut_extended_type *et; if (!tag || tag->type != T_RESSOURCE || n == 0 || n > ut_ext_types_count) return NULL; et = &ut_ext_types[n - 1]; if (name && strcmp(et->name, name)) return NULL; return &tag->data; }