path: root/lexer.c
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lexer.c')
1 files changed, 126 insertions, 124 deletions
diff --git a/lexer.c b/lexer.c
index bf099f5..aaba314 100644
--- a/lexer.c
+++ b/lexer.c
@@ -32,22 +32,22 @@
#define UC_LEX_CONTINUE_PARSING (void *)1
struct keyword {
- int type;
+ unsigned type;
const char *pat;
- int plen;
+ unsigned plen;
union {
double d;
bool b;
- };
+ } u;
struct token {
- int type;
+ unsigned type;
union {
uint32_t patn;
char pat[4];
- };
- int plen;
+ } u;
+ unsigned plen;
uc_token *(*parse)(uc_lexer *, bool);
@@ -65,103 +65,103 @@ static uc_token *parse_number(uc_lexer *, bool);
static uc_token *parse_label(uc_lexer *, bool);
static const struct token tokens[] = {
- { TK_ASLEFT, { .pat = "<<=" }, 3 },
- { TK_ASRIGHT, { .pat = ">>=" }, 3 },
- { TK_LEXP, { .pat = "{{-" }, 3 },
- { TK_REXP, { .pat = "-}}" }, 3 },
- { TK_LSTM, { .pat = "{%+" }, 3 },
- { TK_LSTM, { .pat = "{%-" }, 3 },
- { TK_RSTM, { .pat = "-%}" }, 3 },
- { TK_EQS, { .pat = "===" }, 3 },
- { TK_NES, { .pat = "!==" }, 3 },
- { TK_ELLIP, { .pat = "..." }, 3 },
- { TK_AND, { .pat = "&&" }, 2 },
- { TK_ASADD, { .pat = "+=" }, 2 },
- { TK_ASBAND, { .pat = "&=" }, 2 },
- { TK_ASBOR, { .pat = "|=" }, 2 },
- { TK_ASBXOR, { .pat = "^=" }, 2 },
- //{ TK_ASDIV, { .pat = "/=" }, 2 },
- { TK_ASMOD, { .pat = "%=" }, 2 },
- { TK_ASMUL, { .pat = "*=" }, 2 },
- { TK_ASSUB, { .pat = "-=" }, 2 },
- { TK_DEC, { .pat = "--" }, 2 },
- { TK_INC, { .pat = "++" }, 2 },
- { TK_EQ, { .pat = "==" }, 2 },
- { TK_NE, { .pat = "!=" }, 2 },
- { TK_LE, { .pat = "<=" }, 2 },
- { TK_GE, { .pat = ">=" }, 2 },
- { TK_LSHIFT, { .pat = "<<" }, 2 },
- { TK_RSHIFT, { .pat = ">>" }, 2 },
+ { TK_ASLEFT, { .pat = "<<=" }, 3, NULL },
+ { TK_ASRIGHT, { .pat = ">>=" }, 3, NULL },
+ { TK_LEXP, { .pat = "{{-" }, 3, NULL },
+ { TK_REXP, { .pat = "-}}" }, 3, NULL },
+ { TK_LSTM, { .pat = "{%+" }, 3, NULL },
+ { TK_LSTM, { .pat = "{%-" }, 3, NULL },
+ { TK_RSTM, { .pat = "-%}" }, 3, NULL },
+ { TK_EQS, { .pat = "===" }, 3, NULL },
+ { TK_NES, { .pat = "!==" }, 3, NULL },
+ { TK_ELLIP, { .pat = "..." }, 3, NULL },
+ { TK_AND, { .pat = "&&" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_ASADD, { .pat = "+=" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_ASBAND, { .pat = "&=" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_ASBOR, { .pat = "|=" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_ASBXOR, { .pat = "^=" }, 2, NULL },
+ //{ TK_ASDIV, { .pat = "/=" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_ASMOD, { .pat = "%=" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_ASMUL, { .pat = "*=" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_ASSUB, { .pat = "-=" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_DEC, { .pat = "--" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_INC, { .pat = "++" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_EQ, { .pat = "==" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_NE, { .pat = "!=" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_LE, { .pat = "<=" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_GE, { .pat = ">=" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_LSHIFT, { .pat = "<<" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_RSHIFT, { .pat = ">>" }, 2, NULL },
{ 0, { .pat = "//" }, 2, parse_comment },
{ 0, { .pat = "/*" }, 2, parse_comment },
- { TK_OR, { .pat = "||" }, 2 },
- { TK_LEXP, { .pat = "{{" }, 2 },
- { TK_REXP, { .pat = "}}" }, 2 },
- { TK_LSTM, { .pat = "{%" }, 2 },
- { TK_RSTM, { .pat = "%}" }, 2 },
- { TK_ARROW, { .pat = "=>" }, 2 },
- { TK_ADD, { .pat = "+" }, 1 },
- { TK_ASSIGN, { .pat = "=" }, 1 },
- { TK_BAND, { .pat = "&" }, 1 },
- { TK_BOR, { .pat = "|" }, 1 },
- { TK_LBRACK, { .pat = "[" }, 1 },
- { TK_RBRACK, { .pat = "]" }, 1 },
- { TK_BXOR, { .pat = "^" }, 1 },
- { TK_LBRACE, { .pat = "{" }, 1 },
- { TK_RBRACE, { .pat = "}" }, 1 },
- { TK_COLON, { .pat = ":" }, 1 },
- { TK_COMMA, { .pat = "," }, 1 },
- { TK_COMPL, { .pat = "~" }, 1 },
- //{ TK_DIV, { .pat = "/" }, 1 },
- { TK_GT, { .pat = ">" }, 1 },
- { TK_NOT, { .pat = "!" }, 1 },
- { TK_LT, { .pat = "<" }, 1 },
- { TK_MOD, { .pat = "%" }, 1 },
- { TK_MUL, { .pat = "*" }, 1 },
- { TK_LPAREN, { .pat = "(" }, 1 },
- { TK_RPAREN, { .pat = ")" }, 1 },
- { TK_QMARK, { .pat = "?" }, 1 },
- { TK_SCOL, { .pat = ";" }, 1 },
- //{ TK_SUB, { .pat = "-" }, 1 },
- { TK_DOT, { .pat = "." }, 1 },
+ { TK_OR, { .pat = "||" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_LEXP, { .pat = "{{" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_REXP, { .pat = "}}" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_LSTM, { .pat = "{%" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_RSTM, { .pat = "%}" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_ARROW, { .pat = "=>" }, 2, NULL },
+ { TK_ADD, { .pat = "+" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_ASSIGN, { .pat = "=" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_BAND, { .pat = "&" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_BOR, { .pat = "|" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_LBRACK, { .pat = "[" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_RBRACK, { .pat = "]" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_BXOR, { .pat = "^" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_LBRACE, { .pat = "{" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_RBRACE, { .pat = "}" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_COLON, { .pat = ":" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_COMMA, { .pat = "," }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_COMPL, { .pat = "~" }, 1, NULL },
+ //{ TK_DIV, { .pat = "/" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_GT, { .pat = ">" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_NOT, { .pat = "!" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_LT, { .pat = "<" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_MOD, { .pat = "%" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_MUL, { .pat = "*" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_LPAREN, { .pat = "(" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_RPAREN, { .pat = ")" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_QMARK, { .pat = "?" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_SCOL, { .pat = ";" }, 1, NULL },
+ //{ TK_SUB, { .pat = "-" }, 1, NULL },
+ { TK_DOT, { .pat = "." }, 1, NULL },
{ TK_STRING, { .pat = "'" }, 1, parse_string },
{ TK_STRING, { .pat = "\"" }, 1, parse_string },
{ TK_REGEXP, { .pat = "/" }, 1, parse_regexp },
- { TK_LABEL, { .pat = "_" }, 1, parse_label },
- { TK_LABEL, { .pat = "az" }, 0, parse_label },
- { TK_LABEL, { .pat = "AZ" }, 0, parse_label },
+ { TK_LABEL, { .pat = "_" }, 1, parse_label },
+ { TK_LABEL, { .pat = "az" }, 0, parse_label },
+ { TK_LABEL, { .pat = "AZ" }, 0, parse_label },
{ TK_NUMBER, { .pat = "-" }, 1, parse_number },
{ TK_NUMBER, { .pat = "09" }, 0, parse_number },
static const struct keyword reserved_words[] = {
- { TK_ENDFUNC, "endfunction", 11 },
+ { TK_ENDFUNC, "endfunction", 11, { 0 } },
{ TK_DOUBLE, "Infinity", 8, { .d = INFINITY } },
- { TK_CONTINUE, "continue", 8 },
- { TK_ENDWHILE, "endwhile", 8 },
- { TK_FUNC, "function", 8 },
- { TK_DEFAULT, "default", 7 },
- { TK_RETURN, "return", 6 },
- { TK_ENDFOR, "endfor", 6 },
- { TK_SWITCH, "switch", 6 },
- { TK_LOCAL, "local", 5 },
- { TK_ENDIF, "endif", 5 },
- { TK_WHILE, "while", 5 },
- { TK_BREAK, "break", 5 },
- { TK_CATCH, "catch", 5 },
+ { TK_CONTINUE, "continue", 8, { 0 } },
+ { TK_ENDWHILE, "endwhile", 8, { 0 } },
+ { TK_FUNC, "function", 8, { 0 } },
+ { TK_DEFAULT, "default", 7, { 0 } },
+ { TK_RETURN, "return", 6, { 0 } },
+ { TK_ENDFOR, "endfor", 6, { 0 } },
+ { TK_SWITCH, "switch", 6, { 0 } },
+ { TK_LOCAL, "local", 5, { 0 } },
+ { TK_ENDIF, "endif", 5, { 0 } },
+ { TK_WHILE, "while", 5, { 0 } },
+ { TK_BREAK, "break", 5, { 0 } },
+ { TK_CATCH, "catch", 5, { 0 } },
{ TK_BOOL, "false", 5, { .b = false } },
{ TK_BOOL, "true", 4, { .b = true } },
- { TK_ELIF, "elif", 4 },
- { TK_ELSE, "else", 4 },
- { TK_THIS, "this", 4 },
- { TK_NULL, "null", 4 },
- { TK_CASE, "case", 4 },
+ { TK_ELIF, "elif", 4, { 0 } },
+ { TK_ELSE, "else", 4, { 0 } },
+ { TK_THIS, "this", 4, { 0 } },
+ { TK_NULL, "null", 4, { 0 } },
+ { TK_CASE, "case", 4, { 0 } },
{ TK_DOUBLE, "NaN", 3, { .d = NAN } },
- { TK_TRY, "try", 3 },
- { TK_FOR, "for", 3 },
- { TK_LOCAL, "let", 3 },
- { TK_IF, "if", 2 },
- { TK_IN, "in", 2 },
+ { TK_TRY, "try", 3, { 0 } },
+ { TK_FOR, "for", 3, { 0 } },
+ { TK_LOCAL, "let", 3, { 0 } },
+ { TK_IF, "if", 2, { 0 } },
+ { TK_IN, "in", 2, { 0 } },
@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ utf8enc(char **out, int *rem, int code)
static uc_token *
-emit_op(uc_lexer *lex, uint32_t pos, int type, struct json_object *val)
+emit_op(uc_lexer *lex, uint32_t pos, int type, uc_value_t *uv)
lex->curr.type = type;
- lex->curr.val = val;
+ lex->curr.uv = uv;
lex->curr.pos = pos;
return &lex->curr;
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ lookbehind_to_text(uc_lexer *lex, uint32_t pos, int type, const char *strip_trai
- rv = emit_op(lex, pos, type, xjs_new_string_len(lex->lookbehind, lex->lookbehindlen));
+ rv = emit_op(lex, pos, type, ucv_string_new_length(lex->lookbehind, lex->lookbehindlen));
@@ -360,9 +360,9 @@ parse_comment(uc_lexer *lex, bool no_regexp)
size_t elen;
if (!buf_remaining(lex))
- return emit_op(lex, lex->lastoff, TK_ERROR, xjs_new_string("Unterminated comment"));
+ return emit_op(lex, lex->lastoff, TK_ERROR, ucv_string_new("Unterminated comment"));
- if (!strcmp(tok->pat, "//")) {
+ if (!strcmp(tok->u.pat, "//")) {
end = "\n";
elen = 1;
@@ -400,13 +400,13 @@ static uc_token *
parse_string(uc_lexer *lex, bool no_regexp)
const struct token *tok = lex->tok;
- char q = tok->pat[0];
+ char q = tok->u.pat[0];
char *ptr, *c;
uc_token *rv;
int code;
if (!buf_remaining(lex))
- return emit_op(lex, lex->lastoff, TK_ERROR, xjs_new_string("Unterminated string"));
+ return emit_op(lex, lex->lastoff, TK_ERROR, ucv_string_new("Unterminated string"));
for (ptr = lex->bufstart; ptr < lex->bufend; ptr++) {
/* continuation of escape sequence */
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ parse_string(uc_lexer *lex, bool no_regexp)
lex->is_escape = false;
- c = strchr("a\ab\be\ef\fn\nr\rt\tv\v", *ptr);
+ c = strchr("a\ab\be\033f\fn\nr\rt\tv\v", *ptr);
if (c && *c >= 'a') {
lookbehind_append(lex, c + 1, 1);
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ parse_string(uc_lexer *lex, bool no_regexp)
case 'u':
if (lex->esclen < 5) {
if (!isxdigit(*ptr))
- return emit_op(lex, lex->source->off + lex->esclen + 1, TK_ERROR, xjs_new_string("Invalid escape sequence"));
+ return emit_op(lex, lex->source->off + lex->esclen + 1, TK_ERROR, ucv_string_new("Invalid escape sequence"));
lex->esc[lex->esclen++] = *ptr;
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@ parse_string(uc_lexer *lex, bool no_regexp)
case 'x':
if (lex->esclen < 3) {
if (!isxdigit(*ptr))
- return emit_op(lex, lex->source->off + lex->esclen + 1, TK_ERROR, xjs_new_string("Invalid escape sequence"));
+ return emit_op(lex, lex->source->off + lex->esclen + 1, TK_ERROR, ucv_string_new("Invalid escape sequence"));
lex->esc[lex->esclen++] = *ptr;
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ parse_string(uc_lexer *lex, bool no_regexp)
if (code > 255)
- return emit_op(lex, lex->source->off + lex->esclen + 1, TK_ERROR, xjs_new_string("Invalid escape sequence"));
+ return emit_op(lex, lex->source->off + lex->esclen + 1, TK_ERROR, ucv_string_new("Invalid escape sequence"));
append_utf8(lex, code);
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ parse_string(uc_lexer *lex, bool no_regexp)
rv = lookbehind_to_text(lex, lex->lastoff, TK_STRING, NULL);
if (!rv)
- rv = emit_op(lex, lex->lastoff, TK_STRING, xjs_new_string_len("", 0));
+ rv = emit_op(lex, lex->lastoff, TK_STRING, ucv_string_new_length("", 0));
return rv;
@@ -685,10 +685,11 @@ parse_regexp(uc_lexer *lex, bool no_regexp)
len = xasprintf(&s, "%c%*s",
(is_reg_global << 0) | (is_reg_icase << 1) | (is_reg_newline << 2),
- json_object_get_string_len(rv->val),
- json_object_get_string(rv->val));
+ ucv_string_length(rv->uv),
+ ucv_string_get(rv->uv));
- json_object_set_string_len(rv->val, s, len);
+ ucv_free(rv->uv, false);
+ rv->uv = ucv_string_new_length(s, len);
rv->type = TK_REGEXP;
@@ -724,20 +725,20 @@ parse_label(uc_lexer *lex, bool no_regexp)
size_t i;
if (!lex->lookbehind && tok->plen)
- lookbehind_append(lex, tok->pat, tok->plen);
+ lookbehind_append(lex, tok->u.pat, tok->plen);
if (!buf_remaining(lex) || (lex->bufstart[0] != '_' && !isalnum(lex->bufstart[0]))) {
for (i = 0, word = &reserved_words[0]; i < ARRAY_SIZE(reserved_words); i++, word = &reserved_words[i]) {
- if (lex->lookbehindlen == word->plen && !strncmp(lex->lookbehind, word->pat, word->plen)) {
+ if (lex->lookbehind && lex->lookbehindlen == word->plen && !strncmp(lex->lookbehind, word->pat, word->plen)) {
switch (word->type) {
- rv = emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - word->plen, word->type, uc_double_new(word->d));
+ rv = emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - word->plen, word->type, ucv_double_new(word->u.d));
case TK_BOOL:
- rv = emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - word->plen, word->type, xjs_new_boolean(word->b));
+ rv = emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - word->plen, word->type, ucv_boolean_new(word->u.b));
@@ -802,23 +803,23 @@ parse_number(uc_lexer *lex, bool no_regexp)
if (*e == '.' || *e == 'e' || *e == 'E') {
d = strtod(lex->lookbehind, &e);
- if (tok->pat[0] == '-')
+ if (tok->u.pat[0] == '-')
d = -d;
if (e > lex->lookbehind && *e == 0)
- rv = emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - (e - lex->lookbehind), TK_DOUBLE, uc_double_new(d));
+ rv = emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - (e - lex->lookbehind), TK_DOUBLE, ucv_double_new(d));
- rv = emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - (lex->lookbehindlen - (e - lex->lookbehind) - 1), TK_ERROR, xjs_new_string("Invalid number literal"));
+ rv = emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - (lex->lookbehindlen - (e - lex->lookbehind) - 1), TK_ERROR, ucv_string_new("Invalid number literal"));
else if (*e == 0) {
- if (tok->pat[0] == '-')
+ if (tok->u.pat[0] == '-')
n = (errno == ERANGE) ? INT64_MIN : -n;
- rv = emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - (e - lex->lookbehind), TK_NUMBER, xjs_new_int64(n));
+ rv = emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - (e - lex->lookbehind), TK_NUMBER, ucv_int64_new(n));
//OP(rv)->is_overflow = (errno == ERANGE);
else {
- rv = emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - (lex->lookbehindlen - (e - lex->lookbehind) - 1), TK_ERROR, xjs_new_string("Invalid number literal"));
+ rv = emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - (lex->lookbehindlen - (e - lex->lookbehind) - 1), TK_ERROR, ucv_string_new("Invalid number literal"));
@@ -856,7 +857,8 @@ lex_step(uc_lexer *lex, FILE *fp, bool no_regexp)
rem = lex->bufend - lex->bufstart;
- memcpy(lex->buf, lex->bufstart, rem);
+ if (rem)
+ memcpy(lex->buf, lex->bufstart, rem);
rlen = fread(lex->buf + rem, 1, lex->buflen - rem, fp);
@@ -1008,7 +1010,7 @@ lex_step(uc_lexer *lex, FILE *fp, bool no_regexp)
buf_consume(lex, lex->bufend - lex->bufstart);
- return emit_op(lex, lex->lastoff, TK_ERROR, xjs_new_string("Unterminated template block"));
+ return emit_op(lex, lex->lastoff, TK_ERROR, ucv_string_new("Unterminated template block"));
@@ -1041,8 +1043,8 @@ lex_step(uc_lexer *lex, FILE *fp, bool no_regexp)
c = buf_remaining(lex) ? lex->bufstart[0] : 0;
- if (tok->plen ? ((search.n & masks[tok->plen]) == tok->patn)
- : (c >= tok->pat[0] && c <= tok->pat[1])) {
+ if (tok->plen ? ((search.n & masks[tok->plen]) == tok->u.patn)
+ : (c >= tok->u.pat[0] && c <= tok->u.pat[1])) {
lex->lastoff = lex->source->off;
/* token has a parse method, switch state */
@@ -1059,14 +1061,14 @@ lex_step(uc_lexer *lex, FILE *fp, bool no_regexp)
if (tok->type == TK_LSTM || tok->type == TK_LEXP) {
buf_consume(lex, tok->plen);
- return emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - tok->plen, TK_ERROR, xjs_new_string("Template blocks may not be nested"));
+ return emit_op(lex, lex->source->off - tok->plen, TK_ERROR, ucv_string_new("Template blocks may not be nested"));
/* found end of block */
else if ((lex->block == STATEMENTS && tok->type == TK_RSTM) ||
(lex->block == EXPRESSION && tok->type == TK_REXP)) {
/* strip whitespace after block */
- if (tok->pat[0] == '-')
+ if (tok->u.pat[0] == '-')
lex->modifier = MINUS;
/* strip newline after statement block */
@@ -1093,7 +1095,7 @@ lex_step(uc_lexer *lex, FILE *fp, bool no_regexp)
/* no token matched and we do have remaining data, junk */
if (buf_remaining(lex))
- return emit_op(lex, lex->source->off, TK_ERROR, xjs_new_string("Unexpected character"));
+ return emit_op(lex, lex->source->off, TK_ERROR, ucv_string_new("Unexpected character"));
/* we're at eof, allow unclosed statement blocks */
if (lex->block == STATEMENTS) {
@@ -1103,7 +1105,7 @@ lex_step(uc_lexer *lex, FILE *fp, bool no_regexp)
/* premature EOF */
- return emit_op(lex, lex->source->off, TK_ERROR, xjs_new_string("Unterminated template block"));
+ return emit_op(lex, lex->source->off, TK_ERROR, ucv_string_new("Unterminated template block"));
@@ -1188,7 +1190,7 @@ uc_lexer_next_token(uc_lexer *lex, bool no_regexp)
const char *
-uc_get_tokenname(int type)
+uc_get_tokenname(unsigned type)
static char buf[sizeof("'endfunction'")];
size_t i;
@@ -1206,7 +1208,7 @@ uc_get_tokenname(int type)
if (tokens[i].type != type)
- snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "'%s'", tokens[i].pat);
+ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "'%s'", tokens[i].u.pat);
return buf;