/* $Id: htmlerror.c,v 1.7 2003-08-01 00:14:34 rjkaes Exp $ * * This file contains source code for the handling and display of * HTML error pages with variable substitution. * * Copyright (C) 2003 Steven Young <sdyoung@well.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any * later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. */ #include "tinyproxy.h" #include "common.h" #include "buffer.h" #include "conns.h" #include "heap.h" #include "htmlerror.h" #include "network.h" #include "utils.h" /* * Add an error number -> filename mapping to the errorpages list. */ #define ERRORNUM_BUFSIZE 8 /* this is more than required */ #define ERRPAGES_BUCKETCOUNT 16 int add_new_errorpage(char *filepath, unsigned int errornum) { char errornbuf[ERRORNUM_BUFSIZE]; config.errorpages = hashmap_create(ERRPAGES_BUCKETCOUNT); if (!config.errorpages) return(-1); snprintf(errornbuf, ERRORNUM_BUFSIZE, "%u", errornum); if (hashmap_insert(config.errorpages, errornbuf, filepath, strlen(filepath) + 1) < 0) return(-1); return(0); } /* * Get the file appropriate for a given error. */ static char* get_html_file(unsigned int errornum) { hashmap_iter result_iter; char errornbuf[ERRORNUM_BUFSIZE]; char *key; static char *val; assert(errornum >= 100 && errornum < 1000); if (!config.errorpages) return(config.errorpage_undef); snprintf(errornbuf, ERRORNUM_BUFSIZE, "%u", errornum); result_iter = hashmap_find(config.errorpages, errornbuf); if (hashmap_is_end(config.errorpages, result_iter)) return(config.errorpage_undef); if (hashmap_return_entry(config.errorpages, result_iter, &key, (void **)&val) < 0) return(config.errorpage_undef); return(val); } /* * Look up the value for a variable. */ static char* lookup_variable(struct conn_s *connptr, char *varname) { hashmap_iter result_iter; char *key; static char *data; result_iter = hashmap_find(connptr->error_variables, varname); if (hashmap_is_end(connptr->error_variables, result_iter)) return(NULL); if (hashmap_return_entry(connptr->error_variables, result_iter, &key, (void **)&data) < 0) return(NULL); return(data); } #define HTML_BUFSIZE 4096 /* * Send an already-opened file to the client with variable substitution. */ int send_html_file(FILE *infile, struct conn_s *connptr) { char inbuf[HTML_BUFSIZE], *varstart = NULL, *p; char *varval; int in_variable = 0, writeret; while(fgets(inbuf, HTML_BUFSIZE, infile) != NULL) { for (p = inbuf; *p; p++) { switch(*p) { case '}': if(in_variable) { *p = '\0'; if(!(varval = lookup_variable(connptr, varstart))) varval = "(unknown)"; writeret = write_message(connptr->client_fd, "%s", varval); if(writeret) return(writeret); in_variable = 0; } else { writeret = write_message(connptr->client_fd, "%c", *p); if (writeret) return(writeret); } break; case '{': /* a {{ will print a single {. If we are NOT * already in a { variable, then proceed with * setup. If we ARE already in a { variable, * this code will fallthrough to the code that * just dumps a character to the client fd. */ if(!in_variable) { varstart = p+1; in_variable++; } else in_variable = 0; default: if(!in_variable) { writeret = write_message(connptr->client_fd, "%c", *p); if(writeret) return(writeret); } } } in_variable = 0; } return(0); } int send_http_headers(struct conn_s *connptr, int code, char *message) { char *headers = \ "HTTP/1.0 %d %s\r\n" \ "Server: %s/%s\r\n" \ "Content-Type: text/html\r\n" \ "Connection: close\r\n" \ "\r\n"; return(write_message(connptr->client_fd, headers, code, message, PACKAGE, VERSION)); } /* * Display an error to the client. */ int send_http_error_message(struct conn_s *connptr) { char *error_file; FILE *infile; int ret; char *fallback_error = \ "<html><head><title>%s</title></head>" \ "<body><blockquote><i>%s %s</i><br>" \ "The page you requested was unavailable. The error code is listed " \ "below. In addition, the HTML file which has been configured as the " \ "page to be displayed when an error of this type was unavailable, " \ "with the error code %d (%s). Please contact your administrator." \ "<center>%s</center>" \ "</body></html>" \ "\r\n"; send_http_headers(connptr, connptr->error_number, connptr->error_string); error_file = get_html_file(connptr->error_number); if(!(infile = fopen(error_file, "r"))) return(write_message(connptr->client_fd, fallback_error, connptr->error_string, PACKAGE, VERSION, errno, strerror(errno), connptr->error_string)); ret = send_html_file(infile, connptr); fclose(infile); return(ret); } /* * Add a key -> value mapping for HTML file substitution. */ #define ERRVAR_BUCKETCOUNT 16 int add_error_variable(struct conn_s *connptr, char *key, char *val) { if(!connptr->error_variables) if (!(connptr->error_variables = hashmap_create(ERRVAR_BUCKETCOUNT))) return(-1); if (hashmap_insert(connptr->error_variables, key, val, strlen(val) + 1) < 0) return(-1); return(0); } #define ADD_VAR_RET(x, y) if(y) { if(add_error_variable(connptr, x, y) == -1) return(-1); } /* * Set some standard variables used by all HTML pages */ int add_standard_vars(struct conn_s *connptr) { char timebuf[30]; time_t global_time = time(NULL); strftime(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT", gmtime(&global_time)); ADD_VAR_RET("request", connptr->request_line); ADD_VAR_RET("cause", connptr->error_string); ADD_VAR_RET("clientip", connptr->client_ip_addr); ADD_VAR_RET("clienthost", connptr->client_string_addr); ADD_VAR_RET("version", VERSION); ADD_VAR_RET("package", PACKAGE); ADD_VAR_RET("date", timebuf); return(0); } /* * Add the error information to the conn structure. */ int indicate_http_error(struct conn_s* connptr, int number, char *message, ...) { va_list ap; char *key, *val; va_start(ap, message); while((key = va_arg(ap, char *))) { val = va_arg(ap, char *); if(add_error_variable(connptr, key, val) == -1) { va_end(ap); return(-1); } } connptr->error_number = number; connptr->error_string = safestrdup(message); va_end(ap); return(add_standard_vars(connptr)); }