## tinyproxy.conf -- tinyproxy daemon configuration file

# Name of the user the tinyproxy daemon should switch to after the port
# has been bound.
User nobody
Group nogroup

# Port to listen on.
Port 8888

# If you have multiple interfaces this allows you to bind to only one. If
# this is commented out, tinyproxy will bind to all interfaces present.

# Timeout: The number of seconds of inactivity a connection is allowed to
# have before it closed by tinyproxy.
Timeout 600

# Where to log the information. Either LogFile or Syslog should be set,
# but not both.
Logfile "/var/log/tinyproxy.log"
# Syslog On

# Set the logging level. Allowed settings are:
#	Critical	(least verbose)
#	Error
#	Warning
#	Notice
#	Connect		(to log connections without Info's noise)
#	Info		(most verbose)
# The LogLevel logs from the set level and above. For example, if the LogLevel
# was set to Warning, than all log messages from Warning to Critical would be
# output, but Notice and below would be suppressed.
LogLevel Info

# PidFile: Write the PID of the main tinyproxy thread to this file so it
# can be used for signalling purposes.
PidFile "/var/run/tinyproxy.pid"

# Include the X-Tinyproxy header, which has the client's IP address when
# connecting to the sites listed.
#XTinyproxy mydomain.com

# Turns tinyproxy into a TCP tunnel which connects the local computer on
# 'Port' to the remote computer's port. The form is remote_machine port
#Tunnel some.remote.computer:port

# This is the absolute highest number of threads which will be created. In
# other words, only MaxClients number of clients can be connected at the
# same time.
MaxClients 100

# These settings set the upper and lower limit for the number of
# spare servers which should be available. If the number of spare servers
# falls below MinSpareServers then new ones will be created. If the number
# of servers exceeds MaxSpareServers then the extras will be killed off.
MinSpareServers 5
MaxSpareServers 20

# Number of servers to start initially.
StartServers 10

# MaxRequestsPerChild is the number of connections a thread will handle
# before it is killed. In practice this should be set to 0, which disables
# thread reaping. If you do notice problems with memory leakage, then set
# this to something like 10000
MaxRequestsPerChild 0

# The following is the authorization controls. If there are any access
# control keywords then the default action is to DENY. Otherwise, the
# default action is ALLOW.
# Also the order of the controls are important. The incoming connections
# are tested against the controls based on order.

# The location of the filter file.
#Filter "/etc/tinyproxy/filter"

# If an Anonymous keyword is present, then anonymous proxying is enabled.
# The headers listed are allowed through, while all others are denied. If
# no Anonymous keyword is present, then all header are allowed through.
#Anonymous Host
#Anonymous Authorization