The following are some features that I'd like to add to tinyproxy in the
future.  Where possible, I've listed the person who suggested it.  This
list is in no particular order.  And hey, if you want to implement one of
these, or another idea you have, go right ahead.  Just mail me the diff
against the current tree and I'll integrate it if possible. 

  - Include hooks so other types of proxies can be modularly added to  
    the source tree.  Then people can simply choose which types of 
    proxies (ftp, www, etc) they'd like enabled in tinyproxy.h 
    Suggested: Tarun Tuli.
  - Find a more elegant solution to embedding HTML documents in the 
    source than the current method.  (see httperr() and showstats() for 
    examples of how it's done right now).
  - Include a function to rewrite the incoming requests. Should not be
    much of a problem. Just need to modify the process_method() code
    to look up the URL and rewrite it. If we want to go really fancy
    with RegEx mapping this could get ugly. :)
  - Have the ability to send the data from the connections through an
    external filtering program. I kind of like this idea, but I don't
    really have a good way of doing it yet.
    Suggested: Ed Avis
  - Handle Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections (usually port 443).
  - Include the ability to rewrite both incoming and outgoing headers.
  - Log requests for tunnelled connections
  - Allow HTTP header filtering through tunnelled connections