path: root/adns-0.6/src/general.c
diff options
authorRobert James Kaes <>2000-09-12 00:38:47 +0000
committerRobert James Kaes <>2000-09-12 00:38:47 +0000
commit15ea792c424fc1daa2e36e63c5c7474a45b73161 (patch)
tree51c7599757a01151bca28fc2987ea9aed020dba8 /adns-0.6/src/general.c
parent7a949c9470c6bd12132f228af14d5ea23f0be37c (diff)
We don't use ADNS anymore so get rid of the tree.
Diffstat (limited to 'adns-0.6/src/general.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 360 deletions
diff --git a/adns-0.6/src/general.c b/adns-0.6/src/general.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 8793762..0000000
--- a/adns-0.6/src/general.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
- * general.c
- * - diagnostic functions
- * - vbuf handling
- */
- * This file is
- * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Ian Jackson <>
- *
- * It is part of adns, which is
- * Copyright (C) 1997-1999 Ian Jackson <>
- * Copyright (C) 1999 Tony Finch <>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- * Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "internal.h"
-/* Core diagnostic functions */
-void adns__vdiag(adns_state ads, const char *pfx, adns_initflags prevent,
- int serv, adns_query qu, const char *fmt, va_list al) {
- const char *bef, *aft;
- vbuf vb;
- if (!ads->diagfile ||
- (!(ads->iflags & adns_if_debug) && (!prevent || (ads->iflags & prevent))))
- return;
- if (ads->iflags & adns_if_logpid) {
- fprintf(ads->diagfile,"adns%s [%ld]: ",pfx,(long)getpid());
- } else {
- fprintf(ads->diagfile,"adns%s: ",pfx);
- }
- vfprintf(ads->diagfile,fmt,al);
- bef= " (";
- aft= "\n";
- if (qu && qu->query_dgram) {
- adns__vbuf_init(&vb);
- fprintf(ads->diagfile,"%sQNAME=%s, QTYPE=%s",
- bef,
- adns__diag_domain(qu->ads,-1,0, &vb,
- qu->query_dgram,qu->query_dglen,DNS_HDRSIZE),
- qu->typei ? qu->typei->rrtname : "<unknown>");
- if (qu->typei && qu->typei->fmtname)
- fprintf(ads->diagfile,"(%s)",qu->typei->fmtname);
- bef=", "; aft=")\n";
- adns__vbuf_free(&vb);
- }
- if (serv>=0) {
- fprintf(ads->diagfile,"%sNS=%s",bef,inet_ntoa(ads->servers[serv].addr));
- bef=", "; aft=")\n";
- }
- fputs(aft,ads->diagfile);
-void adns__debug(adns_state ads, int serv, adns_query qu, const char *fmt, ...) {
- va_list al;
- va_start(al,fmt);
- adns__vdiag(ads," debug",0,serv,qu,fmt,al);
- va_end(al);
-void adns__warn(adns_state ads, int serv, adns_query qu, const char *fmt, ...) {
- va_list al;
- va_start(al,fmt);
- adns__vdiag(ads," warning",adns_if_noerrprint|adns_if_noserverwarn,serv,qu,fmt,al);
- va_end(al);
-void adns__diag(adns_state ads, int serv, adns_query qu, const char *fmt, ...) {
- va_list al;
- va_start(al,fmt);
- adns__vdiag(ads,"",adns_if_noerrprint,serv,qu,fmt,al);
- va_end(al);
-/* vbuf functions */
-void adns__vbuf_init(vbuf *vb) {
- vb->used= vb->avail= 0; vb->buf= 0;
-int adns__vbuf_ensure(vbuf *vb, int want) {
- void *nb;
- if (vb->avail >= want) return 1;
- nb= realloc(vb->buf,want); if (!nb) return 0;
- vb->buf= nb;
- vb->avail= want;
- return 1;
-void adns__vbuf_appendq(vbuf *vb, const byte *data, int len) {
- memcpy(vb->buf+vb->used,data,len);
- vb->used+= len;
-int adns__vbuf_append(vbuf *vb, const byte *data, int len) {
- int newlen;
- void *nb;
- newlen= vb->used+len;
- if (vb->avail < newlen) {
- if (newlen<20) newlen= 20;
- newlen <<= 1;
- nb= realloc(vb->buf,newlen);
- if (!nb) { newlen= vb->used+len; nb= realloc(vb->buf,newlen); }
- if (!nb) return 0;
- vb->buf= nb;
- vb->avail= newlen;
- }
- adns__vbuf_appendq(vb,data,len);
- return 1;
-int adns__vbuf_appendstr(vbuf *vb, const char *data) {
- int l;
- l= strlen(data);
- return adns__vbuf_append(vb,data,l);
-void adns__vbuf_free(vbuf *vb) {
- free(vb->buf);
- adns__vbuf_init(vb);
-/* Additional diagnostic functions */
-const char *adns__diag_domain(adns_state ads, int serv, adns_query qu,
- vbuf *vb, const byte *dgram, int dglen, int cbyte) {
- adns_status st;
- st= adns__parse_domain(ads,serv,qu,vb, pdf_quoteok, dgram,dglen,&cbyte,dglen);
- if (st == adns_s_nomemory) {
- return "<cannot report domain... out of memory>";
- }
- if (st) {
- vb->used= 0;
- if (!(adns__vbuf_appendstr(vb,"<bad format... ") &&
- adns__vbuf_appendstr(vb,adns_strerror(st)) &&
- adns__vbuf_appendstr(vb,">") &&
- adns__vbuf_append(vb,"",1))) {
- return "<cannot report bad format... out of memory>";
- }
- }
- if (!vb->used) {
- adns__vbuf_appendstr(vb,"<truncated ...>");
- adns__vbuf_append(vb,"",1);
- }
- return vb->buf;
-adns_status adns_rr_info(adns_rrtype type,
- const char **rrtname_r, const char **fmtname_r,
- int *len_r,
- const void *datap, char **data_r) {
- const typeinfo *typei;
- vbuf vb;
- adns_status st;
- typei= adns__findtype(type);
- if (!typei) return adns_s_unknownrrtype;
- if (rrtname_r) *rrtname_r= typei->rrtname;
- if (fmtname_r) *fmtname_r= typei->fmtname;
- if (len_r) *len_r= typei->rrsz;
- if (!datap) return adns_s_ok;
- adns__vbuf_init(&vb);
- st= typei->convstring(&vb,datap);
- if (st) goto x_freevb;
- if (!adns__vbuf_append(&vb,"",1)) { st= adns_s_nomemory; goto x_freevb; }
- assert(strlen(vb.buf) == vb.used-1);
- *data_r= realloc(vb.buf,vb.used);
- if (!*data_r) *data_r= vb.buf;
- return adns_s_ok;
- x_freevb:
- adns__vbuf_free(&vb);
- return st;
-#define SINFO(n,s) { adns_s_##n, #n, s }
-static const struct sinfo {
- adns_status st;
- const char *abbrev;
- const char *string;
-} sinfos[]= {
- SINFO( ok, "OK" ),
- SINFO( nomemory, "Out of memory" ),
- SINFO( unknownrrtype, "Query not implemented in DNS library" ),
- SINFO( systemfail, "General resolver or system failure" ),
- SINFO( timeout, "DNS query timed out" ),
- SINFO( allservfail, "All nameservers failed" ),
- SINFO( norecurse, "Recursion denied by nameserver" ),
- SINFO( invalidresponse, "Nameserver sent bad response" ),
- SINFO( unknownformat, "Nameserver used unknown format" ),
- SINFO( rcodeservfail, "Nameserver reports failure" ),
- SINFO( rcodeformaterror, "Query not understood by nameserver" ),
- SINFO( rcodenotimplemented, "Query not implemented by nameserver" ),
- SINFO( rcoderefused, "Query refused by nameserver" ),
- SINFO( rcodeunknown, "Nameserver sent unknown response code" ),
- SINFO( inconsistent, "Inconsistent resource records in DNS" ),
- SINFO( prohibitedcname, "DNS alias found where canonical name wanted" ),
- SINFO( answerdomaininvalid, "Found syntactically invalid domain name" ),
- SINFO( answerdomaintoolong, "Found overly-long domain name" ),
- SINFO( invaliddata, "Found invalid DNS data" ),
- SINFO( querydomainwrong, "Domain invalid for particular DNS query type" ),
- SINFO( querydomaininvalid, "Domain name is syntactically invalid" ),
- SINFO( querydomaintoolong, "Domain name is too long" ),
- SINFO( nxdomain, "No such domain" ),
- SINFO( nodata, "No such data" )
-static int si_compar(const void *key, const void *elem) {
- const adns_status *st= key;
- const struct sinfo *si= elem;
- return *st < si->st ? -1 : *st > si->st ? 1 : 0;
-static const struct sinfo *findsinfo(adns_status st) {
- return bsearch(&st,sinfos,sizeof(sinfos)/sizeof(*sinfos),sizeof(*sinfos),si_compar);
-const char *adns_strerror(adns_status st) {
- const struct sinfo *si;
- si= findsinfo(st);
- return si->string;
-const char *adns_errabbrev(adns_status st) {
- const struct sinfo *si;
- si= findsinfo(st);
- return si->abbrev;
-#define STINFO(max) { adns_s_max_##max, #max }
-static const struct stinfo {
- adns_status stmax;
- const char *abbrev;
-} stinfos[]= {
- { adns_s_ok, "ok" },
- STINFO( localfail ),
- STINFO( remotefail ),
- STINFO( tempfail ),
- STINFO( misconfig ),
- STINFO( misquery ),
- STINFO( permfail )
-static int sti_compar(const void *key, const void *elem) {
- const adns_status *st= key;
- const struct stinfo *sti= elem;
- adns_status here, min, max;
- here= *st;
- min= (sti==stinfos) ? 0 : sti[-1].stmax+1;
- max= sti->stmax;
- return here < min ? -1 : here > max ? 1 : 0;
-const char *adns_errtypeabbrev(adns_status st) {
- const struct stinfo *sti;
- sti= bsearch(&st,stinfos,sizeof(stinfos)/sizeof(*stinfos),sizeof(*stinfos),sti_compar);
- return sti->abbrev;
-void adns__isort(void *array, int nobjs, int sz, void *tempbuf,
- int (*needswap)(void *context, const void *a, const void *b),
- void *context) {
- byte *data= array;
- int i, place;
- for (i=0; i<nobjs; i++) {
- for (place= i;
- place>0 && needswap(context, data + (place-1)*sz, data + i*sz);
- place--);
- if (place != i) {
- memcpy(tempbuf, data + i*sz, sz);
- memmove(data + (place+1)*sz, data + place*sz, (i-place)*sz);
- memcpy(data + place*sz, tempbuf, sz);
- }
- }
-/* SIGPIPE protection. */
-void adns__sigpipe_protect(adns_state ads) {
- sigset_t toblock;
- struct sigaction sa;
- int r;
- if (ads->iflags & adns_if_nosigpipe) return;
- sigfillset(&toblock);
- sigdelset(&toblock,SIGPIPE);
- sa.sa_handler= SIG_IGN;
- sigfillset(&sa.sa_mask);
- sa.sa_flags= 0;
- r= sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK,&toblock,&ads->stdsigmask); assert(!r);
- r= sigaction(SIGPIPE,&sa,&ads->stdsigpipe); assert(!r);
-void adns__sigpipe_unprotect(adns_state ads) {
- int r;
- if (ads->iflags & adns_if_nosigpipe) return;
- r= sigaction(SIGPIPE,&ads->stdsigpipe,0); assert(!r);
- r= sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK,&ads->stdsigmask,0); assert(!r);