# Copyright (C) 2012 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 import unittest import logging import struct from struct import * from nose.tools import * from ryu.ofproto import ether from ryu.lib.packet.ethernet import ethernet from ryu.lib.packet.packet import Packet from ryu.lib.packet.arp import arp from ryu.lib.packet.vlan import vlan from ryu.lib import addrconv LOG = logging.getLogger('test_arp') class Test_arp(unittest.TestCase): """ Test case for arp """ hwtype = 1 proto = 0x0800 hlen = 6 plen = 4 opcode = 1 src_mac = '00:07:0d:af:f4:54' src_ip = '' dst_mac = '00:00:00:00:00:00' dst_ip = '' fmt = arp._PACK_STR buf = pack(fmt, hwtype, proto, hlen, plen, opcode, addrconv.mac.text_to_bin(src_mac), addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(src_ip), addrconv.mac.text_to_bin(dst_mac), addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(dst_ip)) a = arp(hwtype, proto, hlen, plen, opcode, src_mac, src_ip, dst_mac, dst_ip) def setUp(self): pass def tearDown(self): pass def find_protocol(self, pkt, name): for p in pkt.protocols: if p.protocol_name == name: return p def test_init(self): eq_(self.hwtype, self.a.hwtype) eq_(self.proto, self.a.proto) eq_(self.hlen, self.a.hlen) eq_(self.plen, self.a.plen) eq_(self.opcode, self.a.opcode) eq_(self.src_mac, self.a.src_mac) eq_(self.src_ip, self.a.src_ip) eq_(self.dst_mac, self.a.dst_mac) eq_(self.dst_ip, self.a.dst_ip) def test_parser(self): _res = self.a.parser(self.buf) if type(_res) is tuple: res = _res[0] else: res = _res eq_(res.hwtype, self.hwtype) eq_(res.proto, self.proto) eq_(res.hlen, self.hlen) eq_(res.plen, self.plen) eq_(res.opcode, self.opcode) eq_(res.src_mac, self.src_mac) eq_(res.src_ip, self.src_ip) eq_(res.dst_mac, self.dst_mac) eq_(res.dst_ip, self.dst_ip) def test_serialize(self): data = bytearray() prev = None buf = self.a.serialize(data, prev) fmt = arp._PACK_STR res = struct.unpack(fmt, buf) eq_(res[0], self.hwtype) eq_(res[1], self.proto) eq_(res[2], self.hlen) eq_(res[3], self.plen) eq_(res[4], self.opcode) eq_(res[5], addrconv.mac.text_to_bin(self.src_mac)) eq_(res[6], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.src_ip)) eq_(res[7], addrconv.mac.text_to_bin(self.dst_mac)) eq_(res[8], addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(self.dst_ip)) def _build_arp(self, vlan_enabled): if vlan_enabled is True: ethertype = ether.ETH_TYPE_8021Q v = vlan(1, 1, 3, ether.ETH_TYPE_ARP) else: ethertype = ether.ETH_TYPE_ARP e = ethernet(self.dst_mac, self.src_mac, ethertype) p = Packet() p.add_protocol(e) if vlan_enabled is True: p.add_protocol(v) p.add_protocol(self.a) p.serialize() return p def test_build_arp_vlan(self): p = self._build_arp(True) e = self.find_protocol(p, "ethernet") ok_(e) eq_(e.ethertype, ether.ETH_TYPE_8021Q) v = self.find_protocol(p, "vlan") ok_(v) eq_(v.ethertype, ether.ETH_TYPE_ARP) a = self.find_protocol(p, "arp") ok_(a) eq_(a.hwtype, self.hwtype) eq_(a.proto, self.proto) eq_(a.hlen, self.hlen) eq_(a.plen, self.plen) eq_(a.opcode, self.opcode) eq_(a.src_mac, self.src_mac) eq_(a.src_ip, self.src_ip) eq_(a.dst_mac, self.dst_mac) eq_(a.dst_ip, self.dst_ip) def test_build_arp_novlan(self): p = self._build_arp(False) e = self.find_protocol(p, "ethernet") ok_(e) eq_(e.ethertype, ether.ETH_TYPE_ARP) a = self.find_protocol(p, "arp") ok_(a) eq_(a.hwtype, self.hwtype) eq_(a.proto, self.proto) eq_(a.hlen, self.hlen) eq_(a.plen, self.plen) eq_(a.opcode, self.opcode) eq_(a.src_mac, self.src_mac) eq_(a.src_ip, self.src_ip) eq_(a.dst_mac, self.dst_mac) eq_(a.dst_ip, self.dst_ip) @raises(Exception) def test_malformed_arp(self): m_short_buf = self.buf[1:arp._MIN_LEN] arp.parser(m_short_buf) def test_json(self): jsondict = self.a.to_jsondict() a = arp.from_jsondict(jsondict['arp']) eq_(str(self.a), str(a))