.. _internals_l2_isolation:

Ryu L2 isolation
This section describes how Ryu cooperates with Openstack Quantum and
how its L2 isolation works.

Ryu provides REST API by which Quantum server tells necessary informations.
Quantum Server manages the association networks(uuid) to actual key value in
addition to normal Quantum management informations.
(Here key value is an integer for VLAN ID, GRE key and so on.
The quantum only have to know the range of key which depends on the isolation
technology. For example, 12 bit in VLAN case, 24 bit in GRE case.)
Quantum Ryu plugin doesn't know about what technology Ryu uses for L2

  .. image:: /images/internal-quantum-overview.png

Quantum doesn't necessarily knows all the informations Ryu needs like
mac address attached to the interface. Ryu can gather those informations
by accessing directly to OVSDB. When tunnel ports on OVS needs to be created
on compute-node, Ryu will directly accesses to OVSDB and creates/deletes

Cooperate with Openstack Quantum
Ryu reacts to Qauntnum events, compute-node boots up, network
creation/deletion, and VM instance creation/deletion.
When VM instance is created, corresponding quantum port is created.

compute-node boot up
When a compute note boots up, minimal initalization work is done by
Ryu-quantum-agent which tell necessary informations to Ryu.
Then Ryu set up OVS such that OVS connects to Ryu via OpenFlow.
There are 2 steps of OVS initialization. By agent and by Ryu.
This is to keep Ryu agent logic minimal and independent from what actual Ryu
needs to set. Even if Ryu is enhanced for new feature and some additional
configuration to OVS is needed (for example multi-controller for HA),
ryu agent doesn't need to be modified due to 2 step initialization.

  .. image:: /images/internal-quantum-bootup.png

network creation
When network is created, quantum Ryu plugin assigns Key value to
a created network, and tell the association to Ryu

  .. image:: /images/internal-quantum-network-creation.png

VM instance creation
When VM instance is created, quantum port is created. Quantum Ryu
plugin tells the association of (network uuid, port uuid) to Ryu, and
then OVS port is created.  Ryu finds the port creation via OpenFlow
and get the information of the created port for (port uuid, attached
mac address) via OVSDB protocoal, and then sets up network
configuration to OVS.

  .. image:: /images/internal-quantum-instance-create.png

quantum_adapater RyuApp
This application watches port creation/deletion by OF protocol.
When it detects the creation of ports, it tries to retrieve related
informations(port uuid, mac address) by OVSDB protocol,
tries to determine if the port corresponds to Qauntnum VM port, and then
stores those informations into the in-memory, which generates the event of
VMPort creation. Then Ryu app of isolation (simple_vlan or gre_tunnel)
will be notified.

live-migration is popular feature with virtualization, so as OpenStack.
As of this writing, there is no hooks in quantum. So no notification/callback
are triggered when live-migration starts/on-going/ends/error-abort.
Traditional live-migration uses GARP to tell switches the used mac address
is moved.

  .. image:: /images/internal-live-migration.png

OVS supports port vlan with setting tag value in OVSDB.
Ryu utilizes it for L2 isolation.

simple_vlan RyuApp
When port is created, it sets tag value to key assigned to a given network uuid.
And sets flow entry to output:normal.

As flows includes output:normal action, packets are processed by
OVS builtin mac-learning.

#. When destination VM port is created, same rule is inserted on OVS
   on the destination.
   But the port on the destination is not used until the first GARP packet
   is sent
#. When VM is resumed on the destination, a GARP packet is sent.
   Then, mac learning tables on each switch are updated.
   So the port on the source will be unused.
#. When the VM on the source is destroyed, the port on the source is also

GRE tunneling
OVS supports tunneling and Ryu utilizes it for L2 isolation as follows.

  .. image:: /images/internal-gre-tunnel.png

tunnel_port_updator RyuApp
This application watches the VM port creation/deletion, and creates/deletes
tunnel port on OVS when necessary.
That is, it creates tunnel port between compute-nodes which have VMs of same
tenant. it deletes tunnel ports when compute-nodes have no VMs of same

gre_tunnel RyuApp
This application watches VM/tunnel port creation/deletion, and
installs/removes flow entries based on port creation/deletion.

Flow Entries
Ryu installs following flow entries.

  .. image:: /images/internal-quantum-gre-flow-table.png

As flows are aware of mac address of each ports, Ryu updates flow table
for live-migration on each compute-nodes.
When the port of same mac address is added on another compute-node,
Ryu installs flows that duplicates packet so that packets destined to
the mac address will be duplicated and sent to both ports.
GARP from hypervisor isn't used.

  .. image:: /images/internal-tunnel-live-migration-before.png
  .. image:: /images/internal-tunnel-live-migration-during.png
  .. image:: /images/internal-tunnel-live-migration-after.png

Mac address based L2 isolation
Ryu also supports mac address based L2 isolation.
In this case key isn't used.

mac learing
When VM sends packets, Ryu determins network uuid from OVS port and then
associates src mac address to network uuid.

   .. image:: /images/mac-learning.png

packet filtering(L2 unicast case)
* When VM sending L2-unicast packet, Ryu checks if the destination mac
  address belongs to the same netowrk id of the source mac address which
  is same to the network uuid that the OVS port is associated to.
* If no, the packet is dropped.
* If yes, send the packet is sent to ports which belongs to the same
  network uuid and external port.

   .. image:: /images/filtering-outgoing.png
   .. image:: /images/filtering-incoming.png

packet filtering(L2 broadcast case)
* When VM sending L2-broadcast/multicaset packet, Ryu checks if the source
  mac address.
* send the packet to all external ports and all OVS ports that belongs
  to the same network uuid of the source mac address.
* When receiving broacast/multicast packet from the external ports,
  Ryu checks if the source mac address belongs to known network uuid.

   * If yes, send the packet to the external ports except incoming one
     and the all OVS ports that belongs to the network uuid
   * if no, drop the packet.

   .. image:: /images/filtering-broadcast.png

As of this writing, simple isolation doesn't support live-migration.