AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-03-16ryu.conf: obsoleted argument used in sample configurationWei-Li Tang
2014-03-16ofctl_v1_2/3: IPv4 dotted decimal subnet mask supportWei-Li Tang
2014-03-05Ryu 3.7FUJITA Tomonori
2014-03-05test_parser: update expected json representationYAMAMOTO Takashi
2014-03-05OFPPropCommonExperimenter4ByteData: change payload to bytesYAMAMOTO Takashi
2014-03-05Apply normalize_json.pyYAMAMOTO Takashi
2014-03-04of14: Correct documentation of table mod flags and propertiesSimon Horman
2014-03-04of13: Correct documentation of meter mod flagsSimon Horman
2014-03-04of13: Correct documentation of flow mod flagsSimon Horman
2014-03-04of13: Correct documentation of set config flagsSimon Horman
2014-03-04of13: Correct documentation and example of get config reply flagsSimon Horman
2014-03-04of14: Correct documentation of flow mod flagsSimon Horman
2014-03-04of14: Correct documentation of meter mod flagsSimon Horman
2014-03-04of14: Correct documentation of set config flagsSimon Horman
2014-03-04of14: Correct documentation and example of get config reply flagsSimon Horman
2014-03-04of14: set default attributes for meter-related classesYuichi Ito
2014-03-04of13: set default attributes for meter-related classesYuichi Ito
2014-03-04fix load_apps() in AppManager classFUJITA Tomonori
2014-03-04six.add_metaclass requires six>=1.4.0Wei-Li Tang
2014-02-27of14: Add experimenter property to port mod reply unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add port mod experimenter propertySimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add optical property to port mod reply unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add port mod optical propertySimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Remove _PACK_STR from port mod ethernet propertySimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add experimenter property to port stats reply unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add port stats experimenter propertySimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add optical property to port stats reply unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add experimenter property to port status unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27ofctl_v1_3:support whole of match fieldsKiyonari Harigae
2014-02-27of14: Add port stats optical propertySimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add experimenter property to queue stats reply unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add queue stats experimenter propertySimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Rename QueueProp as QueueStatsPropSimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add experimenter property to table features request unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add experimenter property to table features reply unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add table feature experimenter propertySimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add table feature table sync from propertySimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add experimenter property to port desc reply unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add port desc experimenter propertySimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add optical property to port desc reply unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add optical property to port status unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add port desc optical propertySimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add action experimenter to flow mod unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of14: Add action experimenter supportSimon Horman
2014-02-27of13: Add experimenter property to table features reply unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of13: Add experimenter property to table features request unit testSimon Horman
2014-02-27of13: Add table feature experimenter propertySimon Horman
2014-02-27ofproto_v1_3_parser: update OFPActionSetField docstringYAMAMOTO Takashi
2014-02-27ofproto_v1_2_parser: update OFPActionSetField docstringYAMAMOTO Takashi
2014-02-27ofproto_v1_4_parser: update OFPActionSetField docstringYAMAMOTO Takashi