AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-12-10bgp_scenario_test/bgp: PylintIWASE Yusuke
2016-12-10bgp_scenario_test/common: PylintIWASE Yusuke
2016-12-10Delete an unnecessary functionfumihiko kakuma
2016-12-10Get some debug informationfumihiko kakuma
2016-12-10Add DHCP options constants to DHCP libOmer Anson
2016-12-10lib/ofctl_v_*: Enable to filter flow stats by priorityIWASE Yusuke
2016-12-10packet/bgp: Fix default of esi for IP Prefix routeIWASE Yusuke
2016-12-10BGPSpeaker: ESI to be optional arg in MAC/IP Adv routeIWASE Yusuke
2016-12-10packet/bgp: Support multiple next_hop in BGPPathAttributeMpReachNLRIIWASE Yusuke
2016-12-10packet/bgp: Unpack mpls_label in BGPPathAttributePmsiTunnelIWASE Yusuke
2016-12-10stringify: Add optional attributes list to be displayedIWASE Yusuke
2016-12-10packet/bgp: Support multiple BGP messages in a packetIWASE Yusuke
2016-12-10BGPSpeaker: Support Ethernet A-D Route and Ethernet Segment RouteShinpei Muraoka
2016-12-10packet/bgp: Fix the ESI Label Extended Community to use mpls_labelShinpei Muraoka
2016-12-05Ryu 4.9FUJITA Tomonori
2016-11-24scenario test: Fix the wrong retry check in command executionfumihiko kakuma
2016-11-24Enable to run a scenario test with a specific python versionfumihiko kakuma
2016-11-18rest_firewall: Compare reserved port in str representationIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-18test_vsctl: Use osrg/ryu-book image as Mininet containerIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-18test_vsctl: Wait for loading OVS kernel moduleIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-18integrated/bgp: Use Ubuntu:16.04 for base imageIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-18docker_base: Update base image to Ubuntu:16.04IWASE Yusuke
2016-11-15BGPSpeaker: Confirm SSH feature to be optionalIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-15docker_base: Add missing requirements for test-requiresIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-15README: Use pip to resolve dependenciesIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-15pip: Separate test-requiresIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14RPC: Specify encoding to msgpack.Packer/UnpackerIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14test_rpc: Use numbers.Integral instead of long typeIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14wsgi: Avoid using inspect.getargspecIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14wsgi: Reduce pylint warningsIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14wsgi: Use six.text_type instead of unicodeIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14contrib: Revert module path to ryu.contribIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14protocols/bgp/base: Add missing __next__ methodIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14BGPSpeaker: Support to advertise EVPN IP Prefix routeShinpei Muraoka
2016-11-14packet/bgp: Support for IP Prefix Route encodingShinpei Muraoka
2016-11-14packet/bgp: Fix the EvpnNLRI to use the ryu.lib.packet.vxlanShinpei Muraoka
2016-11-14packet/bgp: Fix the EvpnNLRI to use the ryu.lib.packet.mplsShinpei Muraoka
2016-11-14packet/bgp: Fix the EvpnNLRI to use the ryu.lib.ipShinpei Muraoka
2016-11-14BGPSpeaker: Enable to set capability for IPv6IWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14test_bgp: Add test cases for IPv6 and VPNv6 routesIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14test_bgp: Enable to check parsed BGP messageIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14packet/bgp: Refactor MP_REACH_NLRI and MP_UNREACH_NLRIIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14lib/ip: Add method to convert IPv4/IPv6 to intIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-14test_bgp: Uncomment out test case for UPDATEIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-11packet/bgp: Enable Extended Length flags if specifiedIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-11pip: Move tinyrpc to pip-requiresIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-07Ryu 4.8FUJITA Tomonori
2016-11-04contrib/tinyrpc: Remove embedded tinyrpc, use upstreamIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-04contrib/ncclient: Remove embedded ncclient, use upstreamIWASE Yusuke
2016-11-04ut/ovs: Add UT using Docker for ryu.lib.ovsIWASE Yusuke