path: root/tests/unit/lib/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unit/lib/')
1 files changed, 360 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unit/lib/ b/tests/unit/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2df123ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unit/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
+# Copyright (C) 2013-2015 YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamamoto at valinux co jp>
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import numbers
+import socket
+import struct
+import unittest
+from import raises
+import six
+from ryu.lib import hub
+from ryu.lib import rpc
+class MyException(BaseException):
+ pass
+class Test_rpc(unittest.TestCase):
+ """ Test case for ryu.lib.rpc
+ """
+ def _handle_request(self, m):
+ e = self._server_endpoint
+ msgid, method, params = m
+ if method == 'resp':
+ e.send_response(msgid, result=params[0])
+ elif method == 'err':
+ e.send_response(msgid, error=params[0])
+ elif method == 'callback':
+ n, cb, v = params
+ assert n > 0
+ self._requests.add(e.send_request(cb, [msgid, n, cb, v]))
+ elif method == 'notify1':
+ e.send_notification(params[1], params[2])
+ e.send_response(msgid, result=params[0])
+ elif method == 'shutdown':
+ how = getattr(socket, params[0])
+ self._server_sock.shutdown(how)
+ e.send_response(msgid, result=method)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("unknown method %s" % method)
+ def _handle_notification(self, m):
+ e = self._server_endpoint
+ method, params = m
+ if method == 'notify2':
+ e.send_notification(params[0], params[1])
+ def _handle_response(self, m):
+ e = self._server_endpoint
+ msgid, error, result = m
+ assert error is None
+ self._requests.remove(msgid)
+ omsgid, n, cb, v = result
+ assert n >= 0
+ if n == 0:
+ e.send_response(omsgid, result=v)
+ else:
+ self._requests.add(e.send_request(cb, [omsgid, n, cb, v]))
+ def setUp(self):
+ self._server_sock, self._client_sock = socket.socketpair()
+ table = {
+ rpc.MessageType.REQUEST: self._handle_request,
+ rpc.MessageType.RESPONSE: self._handle_response,
+ rpc.MessageType.NOTIFY: self._handle_notification
+ }
+ self._requests = set()
+ self._server_sock.setblocking(0)
+ self._server_endpoint = rpc.EndPoint(self._server_sock,
+ disp_table=table)
+ self._server_thread = hub.spawn(self._server_endpoint.serve)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ hub.kill(self._server_thread)
+ hub.joinall([self._server_thread])
+ def test_0_call_str(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = 'hoge'
+ result ='resp', [obj])
+ assert result == obj
+ assert isinstance(result, str)
+ def test_0_call_int(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = 12345
+ assert isinstance(obj, int)
+ result ='resp', [obj])
+ assert result == obj
+ assert isinstance(result, numbers.Integral)
+ def test_0_call_int2(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = six.MAXSIZE
+ assert isinstance(obj, int)
+ result ='resp', [obj])
+ assert result == obj
+ assert isinstance(result, numbers.Integral)
+ def test_0_call_int3(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = - six.MAXSIZE - 1
+ assert isinstance(obj, int)
+ result ='resp', [obj])
+ assert result == obj
+ assert isinstance(result, numbers.Integral)
+ def test_0_call_long(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = 0xffffffffffffffff # max value for msgpack
+ assert isinstance(obj, numbers.Integral)
+ result ='resp', [obj])
+ assert result == obj
+ assert isinstance(result, numbers.Integral)
+ def test_0_call_long2(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ # Note: the python type of this value is int for 64-bit arch
+ obj = -0x8000000000000000 # min value for msgpack
+ assert isinstance(obj, numbers.Integral)
+ result ='resp', [obj])
+ assert result == obj
+ assert isinstance(result, numbers.Integral)
+ @raises(TypeError)
+ def test_0_call_bytearray(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = bytearray(b'foo')
+ result ='resp', [obj])
+ assert result == obj
+ assert isinstance(result, str)
+ def test_1_shutdown_wr(self):
+ # test if the server shutdown on disconnect
+ self._client_sock.shutdown(socket.SHUT_WR)
+ hub.joinall([self._server_thread])
+ @raises(EOFError)
+ def test_1_client_shutdown_wr(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+'shutdown', ['SHUT_WR'])
+ def test_1_call_True(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = True
+ assert'resp', [obj]) == obj
+ def test_2_call_None(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = None
+ assert'resp', [obj]) is None
+ def test_2_call_False(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = False
+ assert'resp', [obj]) == obj
+ def test_2_call_dict(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = {'hoge': 1, 'fuga': 2}
+ assert'resp', [obj]) == obj
+ def test_2_call_empty_dict(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = {}
+ assert'resp', [obj]) == obj
+ def test_2_call_array(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ assert'resp', [obj]) == obj
+ def test_2_call_empty_array(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = []
+ assert'resp', [obj]) == obj
+ def test_2_call_tuple(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ # Note: msgpack library implicitly convert a tuple into a list
+ obj = (1, 2, 3)
+ assert'resp', [obj]) == list(obj)
+ def test_2_call_unicode(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ # Note: We use encoding='utf-8' option in msgpack.Packer/Unpacker
+ # in order to support Python 3.
+ # With this option, utf-8 encoded bytes will be decoded into unicode
+ # type in Python 2 and str type in Python 3.
+ obj = u"hoge"
+ result ='resp', [obj])
+ assert result == obj
+ assert isinstance(result, six.text_type)
+ def test_2_call_small_binary(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = struct.pack("100x")
+ result ='resp', [obj])
+ assert result == obj
+ assert isinstance(result, six.binary_type)
+ def test_3_call_complex(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = [1, 'hoge', {'foo': 1, 3: 'bar'}]
+ assert'resp', [obj]) == obj
+ @unittest.skip("doesn't work with eventlet 0.18 and later")
+ def test_4_call_large_binary(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = struct.pack("10000000x")
+ result ='resp', [obj])
+ assert result == obj
+ assert isinstance(result, six.binary_type)
+ def test_0_notification1(self):
+ l = []
+ def callback(n):
+ l.append(n)
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock, notification_callback=callback)
+ obj = 'hogehoge'
+ robj = 'fugafuga'
+ assert'notify1', [robj, 'notify_hoge', [obj]]) == robj
+ c.receive_notification()
+ assert len(l) == 1
+ n = l.pop(0)
+ assert n is not None
+ method, params = n
+ assert method == 'notify_hoge'
+ assert params[0] == obj
+ def test_0_notification2(self):
+ l = []
+ def callback(n):
+ l.append(n)
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock, notification_callback=callback)
+ obj = 'hogehogehoge'
+ c.send_notification('notify2', ['notify_hoge', [obj]])
+ c.receive_notification()
+ assert len(l) == 1
+ n = l.pop(0)
+ assert n is not None
+ method, params = n
+ assert method == 'notify_hoge'
+ assert params[0] == obj
+ def test_0_call_error(self):
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock)
+ obj = 'hoge'
+ try:
+'err', [obj])
+ raise Exception("unexpected")
+ except rpc.RPCError as e:
+ assert e.get_value() == obj
+ def test_0_call_error_notification(self):
+ l = []
+ def callback(n):
+ l.append(n)
+ c = rpc.Client(self._client_sock, notification_callback=callback)
+ c.send_notification('notify2', ['notify_foo', []])
+ hub.sleep(0.5) # give the peer a chance to run
+ obj = 'hoge'
+ try:
+'err', [obj])
+ raise Exception("unexpected")
+ except rpc.RPCError as e:
+ assert e.get_value() == obj
+ assert len(l) == 1
+ n = l.pop(0)
+ method, params = n
+ assert method == 'notify_foo'
+ assert params == []
+ def test_4_async_call(self):
+ """send a bunch of requests and then wait for responses
+ """
+ num_calls = 9999
+ old_blocking = self._client_sock.setblocking(0)
+ try:
+ e = rpc.EndPoint(self._client_sock)
+ s = set()
+ for i in range(1, num_calls + 1):
+ s.add(e.send_request('resp', [i]))
+ sum = 0
+ while s:
+ e.block()
+ e.process()
+ done = set()
+ for x in s:
+ r = e.get_response(x)
+ if r is None:
+ continue
+ res, error = r
+ assert error is None
+ sum += res
+ done.add(x)
+ assert done.issubset(s)
+ s -= done
+ assert sum == (1 + num_calls) * num_calls / 2
+ finally:
+ self._client_sock.setblocking(old_blocking)
+ def test_4_async_call2(self):
+ """both sides act as rpc client and server
+ """
+ assert not self._requests
+ num_calls = 100
+ old_blocking = self._client_sock.setblocking(0)
+ try:
+ e = rpc.EndPoint(self._client_sock)
+ s = set()
+ for i in range(1, num_calls + 1):
+ s.add(e.send_request('callback', [i, 'ourcallback', 0]))
+ sum = 0
+ while s:
+ e.block()
+ e.process()
+ done = set()
+ for x in s:
+ r = e.get_response(x)
+ if r is None:
+ continue
+ res, error = r
+ assert error is None
+ sum += res
+ done.add(x)
+ assert done.issubset(s)
+ s -= done
+ r = e.get_request()
+ if r is not None:
+ msgid, method, params = r
+ assert method == 'ourcallback'
+ omsgid, n, cb, v = params
+ assert omsgid in s
+ assert cb == 'ourcallback'
+ assert n > 0
+ e.send_response(msgid, result=[omsgid, n - 1, cb, v + 1])
+ assert sum == (1 + num_calls) * num_calls / 2
+ finally:
+ self._client_sock.setblocking(old_blocking)
+ assert not self._requests