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authorIWASE Yusuke <>2016-05-17 10:52:13 +0900
committerFUJITA Tomonori <>2016-05-18 16:00:34 +0900
commit9d9f28519f0de2e07206feba2d18cf608f822410 (patch)
parent68025e66b1e6fdf543ffae17b7749141faf270bb (diff)
doc: Move Ryu App API doc into each source code
To improve maintainability, this patch moves the descriptions of "Ryu application API" into each source code. Signed-off-by: IWASE Yusuke <> Signed-off-by: FUJITA Tomonori <>
8 files changed, 292 insertions, 208 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/ryu_app_api.rst b/doc/source/ryu_app_api.rst
index 323b4a9d..67566c7c 100644
--- a/doc/source/ryu_app_api.rst
+++ b/doc/source/ryu_app_api.rst
@@ -82,20 +82,10 @@ For example, EventOFPPacketIn for packet-in message.
The OpenFlow controller part of Ryu automatically decodes OpenFlow messages
received from switches and send these events to Ryu applications which
expressed an interest using ryu.controller.handler.set_ev_cls.
-OpenFlow event classes have at least the following attributes.
+OpenFlow event classes are subclass of the following class.
-.. tabularcolumns:: |l|L|
+.. autoclass:: ryu.controller.ofp_event.EventOFPMsgBase
-============ =============================================================
-Attribute Description
-============ =============================================================
-msg An object which describes the corresponding OpenFlow message.
-msg.datapath A ryu.controller.controller.Datapath instance which describes
- an OpenFlow switch from which we received this OpenFlow message.
-============ =============================================================
-The msg object has some more additional members whose values are extracted
-from the original OpenFlow message.
See :ref:`ofproto_ref` for more info about OpenFlow messages.
@@ -103,97 +93,30 @@ ryu.base.app_manager.RyuApp
See :ref:`api_ref`.
-ryu.controller.handler.set_ev_cls(ev_cls, dispatchers=None)
-A decorator for Ryu application to declare an event handler.
-Decorated method will become an event handler.
-ev_cls is an event class whose instances this RyuApp wants to receive.
-dispatchers argument specifies one of the following negotiation phases
-(or a list of them) for which events should be generated for this handler.
-Note that, in case an event changes the phase, the phase before the change
-is used to check the interest.
-.. tabularcolumns:: |l|L|
-=========================================== ==================================
-Negotiation phase Description
-=========================================== ==================================
-ryu.controller.handler.HANDSHAKE_DISPATCHER Sending and waiting for hello
- message
-ryu.controller.handler.CONFIG_DISPATCHER Version negotiated and sent
- features-request message
-ryu.controller.handler.MAIN_DISPATCHER Switch-features message received
- and sent set-config message
-ryu.controller.handler.DEAD_DISPATCHER Disconnect from the peer. Or
- disconnecting due to some
- unrecoverable errors.
-=========================================== ==================================
+.. autofunction:: ryu.controller.handler.set_ev_cls
-A class to describe an OpenFlow switch connected to this controller.
-An instance has the following attributes.
-.. tabularcolumns:: |l|L|
-====================================== =======================================
-Attribute Description
-====================================== =======================================
-id 64-bit OpenFlow Datapath ID.
- Only available for
- ryu.controller.handler.MAIN_DISPATCHER
- phase.
-ofproto A module which exports OpenFlow
- definitions, mainly constants appeared
- in the specification, for the
- negotiated OpenFlow version. For
- example, ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_0 for
- OpenFlow 1.0.
-ofproto_parser A module which exports OpenFlow wire
- message encoder and decoder for the
- negotiated OpenFlow version. For
- example, ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_0_parser
- for OpenFlow 1.0.
-ofproto_parser.OFPxxxx(datapath, ....) A callable to prepare an OpenFlow
- message for the given switch. It can
- be sent with Datapath.send_msg later.
- xxxx is a name of the message. For
- example OFPFlowMod for flow-mod
- message. Arguemnts depend on the
- message.
-set_xid(self, msg) Generate an OpenFlow XID and put it
- in msg.xid.
-send_msg(self, msg) Queue an OpenFlow message to send to
- the corresponding switch. If msg.xid
- is None, set_xid is automatically
- called on the message before queueing.
-send_packet_out deprecated
-send_flow_mod deprecated
-send_flow_del deprecated
-send_delete_all_flows deprecated
-send_barrier Queue an OpenFlow barrier message to
- send to the switch.
-send_nxt_set_flow_format deprecated
-is_reserved_port deprecated
-====================================== =======================================
+.. autoclass:: ryu.controller.controller.Datapath
-The base of all event classes.
-A Ryu application can define its own event type by creating a subclass.
+.. autoclass:: ryu.controller.event.EventBase
-The base class for synchronous request for RyuApp.send_request.
+.. autoclass:: ryu.controller.event.EventRequestBase
-The base class for synchronous request reply for RyuApp.send_reply.
+.. autoclass:: ryu.controller.event.EventReplyBase
@@ -208,158 +131,49 @@ ryu.controller.ofp_event.EventOFPPortStateChange
-An event class to notify connect/disconnect of a switch.
-For OpenFlow switches, one can get the same notification by observing
-An instance has at least the following attributes.
-========= ====================================================================
-Attribute Description
-========= ====================================================================
-dp A ryu.controller.controller.Datapath instance of the switch
-enter True when the switch connected to our controller. False for
- disconnect.
-========= ====================================================================
+.. autoclass:: ryu.controller.dpset.EventDP
-An event class for switch port status notification.
-This event is generated when a new port is added to a switch.
-For OpenFlow switches, one can get the same notification by observing
-An instance has at least the following attributes.
-========= ====================================================================
-Attribute Description
-========= ====================================================================
-dp A ryu.controller.controller.Datapath instance of the switch
-port port number
-========= ====================================================================
+.. autoclass:: ryu.controller.dpset.EventPortAdd
-An event class for switch port status notification.
-This event is generated when a port is removed from a switch.
-For OpenFlow switches, one can get the same notification by observing
-An instance has at least the following attributes.
-========= ====================================================================
-Attribute Description
-========= ====================================================================
-dp A ryu.controller.controller.Datapath instance of the switch
-port port number
-========= ====================================================================
+.. autoclass:: ryu.controller.dpset.EventPortDelete
-An event class for switch port status notification.
-This event is generated when some attribute of a port is changed.
-For OpenFlow switches, one can get the same notification by observing
-An instance has at least the following attributes.
-========= ====================================================================
-Attribute Description
-========= ====================================================================
-dp A ryu.controller.controller.Datapath instance of the switch
-port port number
-========= ====================================================================
+.. autoclass:: ryu.controller.dpset.EventPortModify
-An event class for notification of port arrival and deperture.
-This event is generated when a port is introduced to or removed from a network
-by the REST API.
-An instance has at least the following attributes.
-========== ===================================================================
-Attribute Description
-========== ===================================================================
-network_id Network ID
-dpid OpenFlow Datapath ID of the switch to which the port belongs.
-port_no OpenFlow port number of the port
-add_del True for adding a port. False for removing a port.
-========== ===================================================================
+.. autoclass::
-An event class for network deletion.
-This event is generated when a network is deleted by the REST API.
-An instance has at least the following attributes.
-========== ===================================================================
-Attribute Description
-========== ===================================================================
-network_id Network ID
-========== ===================================================================
+.. autoclass::
-An event class for end-point MAC address registration.
-This event is generated when a end-point MAC address is updated
-by the REST API.
-An instance has at least the following attributes.
-=========== ==================================================================
-Attribute Description
-=========== ==================================================================
-network_id Network ID
-dpid OpenFlow Datapath ID of the switch to which the port belongs.
-port_no OpenFlow port number of the port
-mac_address The old MAC address of the port if add_del is False. Otherwise
- the new MAC address.
-add_del False if this event is a result of a port removal. Otherwise
- True.
-=========== ==================================================================
+.. autoclass::
-An event class for tunnel key registration.
-This event is generated when a tunnel key is registered or updated
-by the REST API.
-An instance has at least the following attributes.
-=========== ==================================================================
-Attribute Description
-=========== ==================================================================
-network_id Network ID
-tunnel_key Tunnel Key
-=========== ==================================================================
+.. autoclass:: ryu.controller.tunnels.EventTunnelKeyAdd
-An event class for tunnel key registration.
-This event is generated when a tunnel key is removed by the REST API.
-An instance has at least the following attributes.
-=========== ==================================================================
-Attribute Description
-=========== ==================================================================
-network_id Network ID
-tunnel_key Tunnel Key
-=========== ==================================================================
+.. autoclass:: ryu.controller.tunnels.EventTunnelKeyDel
-An event class for tunnel port registration.
-This event is generated when a tunnel port is added or removed by the REST API.
-An instance has at least the following attributes.
-=========== ==================================================================
-Attribute Description
-=========== ==================================================================
-dpid OpenFlow Datapath ID
-port_no OpenFlow port number
-remote_dpid OpenFlow port number of the tunnel peer
-add_del True for adding a tunnel. False for removal.
-=========== ==================================================================
+.. autoclass:: ryu.controller.tunnels.EventTunnelPort
diff --git a/ryu/controller/ b/ryu/controller/
index 177b2892..f1ba45cb 100644
--- a/ryu/controller/
+++ b/ryu/controller/
@@ -125,6 +125,56 @@ def _deactivate(method):
class Datapath(ofproto_protocol.ProtocolDesc):
+ """
+ A class to describe an OpenFlow switch connected to this controller.
+ An instance has the following attributes.
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |l|L|
+ ==================================== ======================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ==================================== ======================================
+ id 64-bit OpenFlow Datapath ID.
+ Only available for
+ ryu.controller.handler.MAIN_DISPATCHER
+ phase.
+ ofproto A module which exports OpenFlow
+ definitions, mainly constants appeared
+ in the specification, for the
+ negotiated OpenFlow version. For
+ example, ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_0 for
+ OpenFlow 1.0.
+ ofproto_parser A module which exports OpenFlow wire
+ message encoder and decoder for the
+ negotiated OpenFlow version.
+ For example,
+ ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_0_parser
+ for OpenFlow 1.0.
+ ofproto_parser.OFPxxxx(datapath,...) A callable to prepare an OpenFlow
+ message for the given switch. It can
+ be sent with Datapath.send_msg later.
+ xxxx is a name of the message. For
+ example OFPFlowMod for flow-mod
+ message. Arguemnts depend on the
+ message.
+ set_xid(self, msg) Generate an OpenFlow XID and put it
+ in msg.xid.
+ send_msg(self, msg) Queue an OpenFlow message to send to
+ the corresponding switch. If msg.xid
+ is None, set_xid is automatically
+ called on the message before queueing.
+ send_packet_out deprecated
+ send_flow_mod deprecated
+ send_flow_del deprecated
+ send_delete_all_flows deprecated
+ send_barrier Queue an OpenFlow barrier message to
+ send to the switch.
+ send_nxt_set_flow_format deprecated
+ is_reserved_port deprecated
+ ==================================== ======================================
+ """
def __init__(self, socket, address):
super(Datapath, self).__init__()
diff --git a/ryu/controller/ b/ryu/controller/
index 1ec6a338..5af6835a 100644
--- a/ryu/controller/
+++ b/ryu/controller/
@@ -44,6 +44,23 @@ class EventDPBase(event.EventBase):
class EventDP(EventDPBase):
+ """
+ An event class to notify connect/disconnect of a switch.
+ For OpenFlow switches, one can get the same notification by observing
+ ryu.controller.ofp_event.EventOFPStateChange.
+ An instance has at least the following attributes.
+ ========= =================================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ========= =================================================================
+ dp A ryu.controller.controller.Datapath instance of the switch
+ enter True when the switch connected to our controller. False for
+ disconnect.
+ ports A list of port instances.
+ ========= =================================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, dp, enter_leave):
# enter_leave
# True: dp entered
@@ -67,16 +84,64 @@ class EventPortBase(EventDPBase):
class EventPortAdd(EventPortBase):
+ """
+ An event class for switch port status "ADD" notification.
+ This event is generated when a new port is added to a switch.
+ For OpenFlow switches, one can get the same notification by observing
+ ryu.controller.ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatus.
+ An instance has at least the following attributes.
+ ========= =================================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ========= =================================================================
+ dp A ryu.controller.controller.Datapath instance of the switch
+ port port number
+ ========= =================================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, dp, port):
super(EventPortAdd, self).__init__(dp, port)
class EventPortDelete(EventPortBase):
+ """
+ An event class for switch port status "DELETE" notification.
+ This event is generated when a port is removed from a switch.
+ For OpenFlow switches, one can get the same notification by observing
+ ryu.controller.ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatus.
+ An instance has at least the following attributes.
+ ========= =================================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ========= =================================================================
+ dp A ryu.controller.controller.Datapath instance of the switch
+ port port number
+ ========= =================================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, dp, port):
super(EventPortDelete, self).__init__(dp, port)
class EventPortModify(EventPortBase):
+ """
+ An event class for switch port status "MODIFY" notification.
+ This event is generated when some attribute of a port is changed.
+ For OpenFlow switches, one can get the same notification by observing
+ ryu.controller.ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatus.
+ An instance has at least the following attributes.
+ ========= ====================================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ========= ====================================================================
+ dp A ryu.controller.controller.Datapath instance of the switch
+ port port number
+ ========= ====================================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, dp, new_port):
super(EventPortModify, self).__init__(dp, new_port)
diff --git a/ryu/controller/ b/ryu/controller/
index a90bf660..e9d49211 100644
--- a/ryu/controller/
+++ b/ryu/controller/
@@ -16,11 +16,20 @@
class EventBase(object):
- # Nothing yet
- pass
+ """
+ The base of all event classes.
+ A Ryu application can define its own event type by creating a subclass.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ super(EventBase, self).__init__()
class EventRequestBase(EventBase):
+ """
+ The base class for synchronous request for RyuApp.send_request.
+ """
def __init__(self):
super(EventRequestBase, self).__init__()
self.dst = None # of provide the event.
@@ -30,6 +39,9 @@ class EventRequestBase(EventBase):
class EventReplyBase(EventBase):
+ """
+ The base class for synchronous request reply for RyuApp.send_reply.
+ """
def __init__(self, dst):
super(EventReplyBase, self).__init__()
self.dst = dst
diff --git a/ryu/controller/ b/ryu/controller/
index a0782a12..f1fb7076 100644
--- a/ryu/controller/
+++ b/ryu/controller/
@@ -47,6 +47,33 @@ class _Caller(object):
# should be named something like 'observe_event'
def set_ev_cls(ev_cls, dispatchers=None):
+ """
+ A decorator for Ryu application to declare an event handler.
+ Decorated method will become an event handler.
+ ev_cls is an event class whose instances this RyuApp wants to receive.
+ dispatchers argument specifies one of the following negotiation phases
+ (or a list of them) for which events should be generated for this handler.
+ Note that, in case an event changes the phase, the phase before the change
+ is used to check the interest.
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |l|L|
+ =========================================== ===============================
+ Negotiation phase Description
+ =========================================== ===============================
+ ryu.controller.handler.HANDSHAKE_DISPATCHER Sending and waiting for hello
+ message
+ ryu.controller.handler.CONFIG_DISPATCHER Version negotiated and sent
+ features-request message
+ ryu.controller.handler.MAIN_DISPATCHER Switch-features message
+ received and sent set-config
+ message
+ ryu.controller.handler.DEAD_DISPATCHER Disconnect from the peer. Or
+ disconnecting due to some
+ unrecoverable errors.
+ =========================================== ===============================
+ """
def _set_ev_cls_dec(handler):
if 'callers' not in dir(handler):
handler.callers = {}
diff --git a/ryu/controller/ b/ryu/controller/
index 9b9baa4e..83c91b4d 100644
--- a/ryu/controller/
+++ b/ryu/controller/
@@ -31,12 +31,42 @@ class MacAddressAlreadyExist(ryu_exc.RyuException):
class EventNetworkDel(event.EventBase):
+ """
+ An event class for network deletion.
+ This event is generated when a network is deleted by the REST API.
+ An instance has at least the following attributes.
+ ========== ===================================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ========== ===================================================================
+ network_id Network ID
+ ========== ===================================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, network_id):
super(EventNetworkDel, self).__init__()
self.network_id = network_id
class EventNetworkPort(event.EventBase):
+ """
+ An event class for notification of port arrival and deperture.
+ This event is generated when a port is introduced to or removed from a
+ network by the REST API.
+ An instance has at least the following attributes.
+ ========== ================================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ========== ================================================================
+ network_id Network ID
+ dpid OpenFlow Datapath ID of the switch to which the port belongs.
+ port_no OpenFlow port number of the port
+ add_del True for adding a port. False for removing a port.
+ ========== ================================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, network_id, dpid, port_no, add_del):
super(EventNetworkPort, self).__init__()
self.network_id = network_id
@@ -46,6 +76,26 @@ class EventNetworkPort(event.EventBase):
class EventMacAddress(event.EventBase):
+ """
+ An event class for end-point MAC address registration.
+ This event is generated when a end-point MAC address is updated
+ by the REST API.
+ An instance has at least the following attributes.
+ =========== ===============================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ =========== ===============================================================
+ network_id Network ID
+ dpid OpenFlow Datapath ID of the switch to which the port belongs.
+ port_no OpenFlow port number of the port
+ mac_address The old MAC address of the port if add_del is False. Otherwise
+ the new MAC address.
+ add_del False if this event is a result of a port removal. Otherwise
+ True.
+ =========== ===============================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, dpid, port_no, network_id, mac_address, add_del):
super(EventMacAddress, self).__init__()
assert network_id is not None
diff --git a/ryu/controller/ b/ryu/controller/
index 8c990aae..6b1c8b3e 100644
--- a/ryu/controller/
+++ b/ryu/controller/
@@ -27,6 +27,25 @@ from . import event
class EventOFPMsgBase(event.EventBase):
+ """
+ The base class of OpenFlow event class.
+ OpenFlow event classes have at least the following attributes.
+ .. tabularcolumns:: |l|L|
+ ============ ==============================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ============ ==============================================================
+ msg An object which describes the corresponding OpenFlow message.
+ msg.datapath A ryu.controller.controller.Datapath instance
+ which describes an OpenFlow switch from which we received
+ this OpenFlow message.
+ ============ ==============================================================
+ The msg object has some more additional members whose values are extracted
+ from the original OpenFlow message.
+ """
def __init__(self, msg):
super(EventOFPMsgBase, self).__init__()
self.msg = msg
@@ -83,6 +102,7 @@ for ofp_mods in ofproto.get_ofp_modules().values():
class EventOFPStateChange(event.EventBase):
An event class for negotiation phase change notification.
An instance of this class is sent to observer after changing
the negotiation phase.
An instance has at least the following attributes.
@@ -101,6 +121,7 @@ class EventOFPStateChange(event.EventBase):
class EventOFPPortStateChange(event.EventBase):
An event class to notify the port state changes of Dtatapath instance.
This event performs like EventOFPPortStatus, but Ryu will
send this event after updating ``ports`` dict of Datapath instances.
An instance has at least the following attributes.
diff --git a/ryu/controller/ b/ryu/controller/
index 0a946738..61f0c160 100644
--- a/ryu/controller/
+++ b/ryu/controller/
@@ -43,16 +43,61 @@ class EventTunnelKeyBase(event.EventBase):
class EventTunnelKeyAdd(EventTunnelKeyBase):
+ """
+ An event class for tunnel key registration.
+ This event is generated when a tunnel key is registered or updated
+ by the REST API.
+ An instance has at least the following attributes.
+ =========== ===============================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ =========== ===============================================================
+ network_id Network ID
+ tunnel_key Tunnel Key
+ =========== ===============================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, network_id, tunnel_key):
super(EventTunnelKeyAdd, self).__init__(network_id, tunnel_key)
class EventTunnelKeyDel(EventTunnelKeyBase):
+ """
+ An event class for tunnel key registration.
+ This event is generated when a tunnel key is removed by the REST API.
+ An instance has at least the following attributes.
+ =========== ===============================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ =========== ===============================================================
+ network_id Network ID
+ tunnel_key Tunnel Key
+ =========== ===============================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, network_id, tunnel_key):
super(EventTunnelKeyDel, self).__init__(network_id, tunnel_key)
class EventTunnelPort(event.EventBase):
+ """
+ An event class for tunnel port registration.
+ This event is generated when a tunnel port is added or removed
+ by the REST API.
+ An instance has at least the following attributes.
+ =========== ===============================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ =========== ===============================================================
+ dpid OpenFlow Datapath ID
+ port_no OpenFlow port number
+ remote_dpid OpenFlow port number of the tunnel peer
+ add_del True for adding a tunnel. False for removal.
+ =========== ===============================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, dpid, port_no, remote_dpid, add_del):
super(EventTunnelPort, self).__init__()
self.dpid = dpid