diff options
authorIWASE Yusuke <>2016-10-31 08:58:44 +0900
committerFUJITA Tomonori <>2016-11-04 09:32:10 +0900
commitfba95e2afaa314572fe49961fe9961a072ff1902 (patch)
parent8d9ce87653566625f31f8dbca460733351bbd4e2 (diff)
ut/ovs: Add UT using Docker for ryu.lib.ovs
This patch adds UT cases using Docker for ryu.lib.ovs. If Docker is not available, these tests will be skipped. Signed-off-by: IWASE Yusuke <> Signed-off-by: FUJITA Tomonori <>
6 files changed, 824 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 82d194f6..826f3acf 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@ language: python
- "3.5" # Python 3.5 still needs to be installed on Travis-CI
- - docker
- TOX_ENV=py27
- TOX_ENV=py34
@@ -12,10 +9,16 @@ env:
- TOX_ENV=pypy26
- TOX_ENV=pep8
+ - docker
+sudo: required # Required to enable Docker service
+ - docker build -t ut_mininet ryu/tests/docker/mininet/
+ - CID=`docker run --privileged -t -d ut_mininet`; docker rm -f $CID # Test container
- pip install tox coveralls
-sudo: required
diff --git a/ryu/tests/docker/mininet/Dockerfile b/ryu/tests/docker/mininet/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e048bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ryu/tests/docker/mininet/Dockerfile
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+FROM ubuntu:16.04
+USER root
+WORKDIR /root
+RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
+ iproute2 \
+ mininet \
+ net-tools \
+ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* \
+ && sed -i -e "s/datapath='kernel'/datapath='user'/" \
+ /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/mininet/ \
+ && chmod +x /
+EXPOSE 6640
diff --git a/ryu/tests/docker/mininet/ b/ryu/tests/docker/mininet/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b7e3180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ryu/tests/docker/mininet/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+service openvswitch-switch start
+service openvswitch-switch stop
diff --git a/ryu/tests/unit/ b/ryu/tests/unit/
index e69de29b..de6e5a33 100644
--- a/ryu/tests/unit/
+++ b/ryu/tests/unit/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+# Note: The following import statement is defined in order to resolve
+# the conflict of the module names between 'ryu.lib.ovs' and 'ovs'.
+# The latter is the official Python package of Open vSwitch.
+import ovs
diff --git a/ryu/tests/unit/lib/ovs/ b/ryu/tests/unit/lib/ovs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ryu/tests/unit/lib/ovs/
diff --git a/ryu/tests/unit/lib/ovs/ b/ryu/tests/unit/lib/ovs/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d87a9906
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ryu/tests/unit/lib/ovs/
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2016 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from distutils.spawn import find_executable
+import logging
+import subprocess
+import unittest
+from import eq_
+from import ok_
+from ryu.lib.ovs import vsctl
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+DOCKER_IMAGE_MININET = 'ut_mininet'
+OVSDB_MANAGER_ADDR = 'ptcp:6640'
+OVSDB_SWITCH_ADDR = 'tcp:%s:6640'
+def setUpModule():
+ if not find_executable('docker'):
+ raise unittest.SkipTest(
+ 'Docker is not available. Test in %s will be skipped.' % __name__)
+def _run(command):
+ popen = subprocess.Popen(command.split(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+ popen.wait()
+ result ='utf-8')
+ if result:
+ return [str(r.strip('\r')) for r in result.split('\n')]
+ else:
+ return []
+class TestVSCtl(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Test cases for ryu.lib.ovs.vsctl.VSCtl
+ """
+ container_mn = None # Container ID of Mininet
+ container_mn_ip = None # IP of Mininet container
+ vsctl = None # instance of vsctl.VSCtl
+ @classmethod
+ def _docker_exec(cls, container, command):
+ return _run('docker exec -t %s %s' % (container, command))
+ @classmethod
+ def _docker_exec_mn(cls, command):
+ return cls._docker_exec(cls.container_mn, command)
+ @classmethod
+ def _docker_run(cls, image):
+ return _run('docker run --privileged -t -d %s' % image)[0]
+ @classmethod
+ def _docker_stop(cls, container):
+ return _run('docker stop %s' % container)[0]
+ @classmethod
+ def _docker_rm(cls, container):
+ return _run('docker rm %s' % container)[0]
+ @classmethod
+ def _docker_inspect_ip_addr(cls, container):
+ return _run(
+ 'docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" %s' %
+ container)[0]
+ @classmethod
+ def _set_up_mn_container(cls):
+ cls.container_mn = cls._docker_run(DOCKER_IMAGE_MININET)
+ cls.container_mn_ip = cls._docker_inspect_ip_addr(cls.container_mn)
+ cls._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl set-manager %s' % OVSDB_MANAGER_ADDR)
+ @classmethod
+ def _set_up_vsctl(cls):
+ cls.vsctl = vsctl.VSCtl(OVSDB_SWITCH_ADDR % cls.container_mn_ip)
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ cls._set_up_mn_container()
+ cls._set_up_vsctl()
+ @classmethod
+ def _tear_down_mn_container(cls):
+ cls._docker_exec_mn('mn --clean')
+ cls._docker_stop(cls.container_mn)
+ cls._docker_rm(cls.container_mn)
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ cls._tear_down_mn_container()
+ def setUp(self):
+ pass
+ def tearDown(self):
+ pass
+ def _run_commands(self, commands):
+ self.vsctl.run_command(commands, timeout_sec=1)
+ # 00: Open vSwitch commands
+ def test_00_01_init(self):
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('init')
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ ok_(command.result is None)
+ def test_00_02_show(self):
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('show')
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ ok_(command.result is not None)
+ # 01: Bridge commands
+ def test_01_01_add_br_bridge(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('add-br', (bridge,))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn('ovs-vsctl list-br')
+ ok_(bridge in result)
+ def test_01_02_add_br_parent_vlan(self):
+ bridge = 'sub-s1-100'
+ parent = 's1'
+ vlan = '100'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('add-br', (bridge, parent, vlan))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn('ovs-vsctl list-br')
+ ok_(bridge in result)
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl br-to-parent %s' % bridge)
+ eq_(parent, result[0])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl br-to-vlan %s' % bridge)
+ eq_(vlan, result[0])
+ def test_01_03_del_br(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ child = 'sub-s1-100'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('del-br', (bridge,))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn('ovs-vsctl list-br')
+ ok_(bridge not in result)
+ ok_(child not in result)
+ def test_01_04_list_br(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ child = 'sub-s1-100'
+ vlan = '100'
+ self._docker_exec_mn('ovs-vsctl add-br %s' % bridge)
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl add-br %s %s %s' % (child, bridge, vlan))
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('list-br')
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ ok_(bridge in command.result)
+ ok_(child in command.result)
+ def test_01_05_br_exists(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('br-exists', (bridge, ))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ eq_(True, command.result)
+ def test_01_06_br_to_vlan(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('br-to-vlan', (bridge, ))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ eq_(0, command.result)
+ def test_01_06_br_to_vlan_fake_bridge(self):
+ bridge = 'sub-s1-100'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('br-to-vlan', (bridge, ))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ eq_(100, command.result)
+ def test_01_07_br_to_parent(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ parent = bridge
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('br-to-parent', (bridge, ))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ # result = <ryu.lib.ovs.vsctl.VSCtlBridge object>
+ eq_(parent,
+ def test_01_07_br_to_parent_fake_bridge(self):
+ bridge = 'sub-s1-100'
+ parent = 's1'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('br-to-parent', (bridge, ))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ # result = <ryu.lib.ovs.vsctl.VSCtlBridge object>
+ eq_(parent,
+ def test_01_08_br_set_external_id_add(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ key = 'ext_id_key'
+ value = 'ext_id_value'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'br-set-external-id', (bridge, key, value))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl br-get-external-id %s %s' % (bridge, key))
+ eq_(value, result[0])
+ def test_01_09_br_get_external_id_value(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ key = 'ext_id_key'
+ value = 'ext_id_value'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'br-get-external-id', (bridge, key))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ eq_(value, command.result)
+ def test_01_10_br_get_external_id_dict(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ key = 'ext_id_key'
+ value = 'ext_id_value'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'br-get-external-id', (bridge,))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ eq_({key: value}, command.result)
+ def test_01_11_br_set_external_id_clear(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ key = 'ext_id_key'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'br-set-external-id', (bridge, key))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl br-get-external-id %s %s' % (bridge, key))
+ eq_([], result)
+ # Clean up
+ self._docker_exec_mn('mn --clean')
+ # 02: Port commands
+ def test_02_01_list_ports(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ interface_1 = 's1-eth1'
+ interface_2 = 's1-eth2'
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ip link add %s type dummy' % interface_1)
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ip link add %s type dummy' % interface_2)
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl add-br %(bridge)s'
+ ' -- add-port %(bridge)s %(interface_1)s'
+ ' -- add-port %(bridge)s %(interface_2)s' % locals())
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('list-ports', (bridge,))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ ok_(interface_1 in command.result)
+ ok_(interface_2 in command.result)
+ def test_02_02_add_port(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ interface_1 = 's1-eth1'
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl del-port %s %s' % (bridge, interface_1))
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('add-port', (bridge, interface_1))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl port-to-br %s' % interface_1)
+ eq_(bridge, result[0])
+ def test_02_03_add_bond(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ interface_1 = 's1-eth1'
+ interface_2 = 's1-eth2'
+ port = 's1-bond1'
+ interface_list = [interface_1, interface_2]
+ self._docker_exec_mn('ovs-vsctl del-br %s' % bridge)
+ self._docker_exec_mn('ovs-vsctl add-br %s' % bridge)
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'add-bond', (bridge, port, interface_list))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl port-to-br %s' % port)
+ eq_(bridge, result[0])
+ def test_02_04_del_port(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ port = 's1-bond1'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('del-port', (bridge, port))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl list-ports %s' % bridge)
+ eq_([], result)
+ def test_02_05_port_to_br(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ port_1 = 's1-eth1'
+ port_2 = 's1-eth2'
+ self._docker_exec_mn('ovs-vsctl del-br %s' % bridge)
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl add-br %(bridge)s'
+ ' -- add-port %(bridge)s %(port_1)s'
+ ' -- add-port %(bridge)s %(port_2)s' % locals())
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('port-to-br', (port_1,))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ eq_(bridge, command.result)
+ # Clean up
+ self._docker_exec_mn('mn --clean')
+ # 03: Interface commands
+ def test_03_01_list_ifaces(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ interface_1 = 's1-eth1'
+ interface_2 = 's1-eth2'
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ip link add %s type dummy' % interface_1)
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ip link add %s type dummy' % interface_2)
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl add-br %(bridge)s'
+ ' -- add-port %(bridge)s %(interface_1)s'
+ ' -- add-port %(bridge)s %(interface_2)s' % locals())
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('list-ifaces', (bridge,))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ ok_(interface_1 in command.result)
+ ok_(interface_2 in command.result)
+ def test_03_02_ifaces_to_br(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ interface_1 = 's1-eth1'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('iface-to-br', (interface_1,))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ eq_(bridge, command.result)
+ # Clean up
+ self._docker_exec_mn('mn --clean')
+ # 04: Controller commands
+ def test_04_01_get_controller(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ controller = 'tcp:'
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl add-br %(bridge)s'
+ ' -- set-controller %(bridge)s %(controller)s' % locals())
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('get-controller', (bridge,))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ eq_(1, len(command.result))
+ eq_(controller, command.result[0])
+ def test_04_02_del_controller(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('del-controller', (bridge,))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get-controller %s' % bridge)
+ eq_([], result)
+ def test_04_03_set_controller(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ controller = 'tcp:'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('set-controller', (bridge, controller))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get-controller %s' % bridge)
+ eq_(controller, result[0])
+ def test_04_04_get_fail_mode(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ fai_mode = 'secure'
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl set-fail-mode %s %s' % (bridge, fai_mode))
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('get-fail-mode', (bridge,))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ eq_(fai_mode, command.result)
+ def test_04_05_del_fail_mode(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('del-fail-mode', (bridge,))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get-fail-mode %s' % bridge)
+ eq_([], result)
+ def test_04_06_set_fail_mode(self):
+ bridge = 's1'
+ fail_mode = 'secure'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('set-fail-mode', (bridge, fail_mode))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get-fail-mode %s' % bridge)
+ eq_(fail_mode, result[0])
+ # Clean up
+ self._docker_exec_mn('mn --clean')
+ # 05: Manager commands (not implemented yet)
+ # 06: SSL commands (not implemented yet)
+ # 07: Switch commands (not implemented yet)
+ # 08: Database commands
+ def test_08_01_list(self):
+ table = 'Bridge'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ interface_1 = 's1-eth1'
+ interface_2 = 's1-eth2'
+ fail_mode = 'secure'
+ protocols = 'OpenFlow10,OpenFlow13'
+ datapath_id = '1111111111111111'
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ip link add %s type dummy' % interface_1)
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ip link add %s type dummy' % interface_2)
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl add-br %(bridge)s'
+ ' -- add-port %(bridge)s %(interface_1)s'
+ ' -- add-port %(bridge)s %(interface_2)s' % locals())
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl set %(table)s %(bridge)s '
+ 'fail_mode=%(fail_mode)s '
+ 'protocols=%(protocols)s '
+ 'other_config:datapath-id=%(datapath_id)s' % locals())
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('list', (table,))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ eq_(1, len(command.result))
+ # command.result[0] = <ryu.lib.ovs.vsctl.VSCtlBridge object>
+ eq_(bridge, command.result[0].name)
+ def test_08_02_find(self):
+ table = 'Bridge'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('find', (table, 'name=%s' % bridge))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ eq_(1, len(command.result))
+ # command.result[0] = <ovs.db.idl.Row object object> for Bridge
+ eq_(bridge, command.result[0].name)
+ def test_08_02_find_complex(self):
+ table = 'Bridge'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ fail_mode = 'secure'
+ protocols = 'OpenFlow10,OpenFlow13'
+ datapath_id = '1111111111111111'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'find', (table, 'fail_mode=%s' % fail_mode,
+ 'protocols=%s' % protocols,
+ 'other_config:datapath-id=%s' % datapath_id))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ eq_(1, len(command.result))
+ # command.result[0] = <ovs.db.idl.Row object object> for Bridge
+ eq_(bridge, command.result[0].name)
+ def test_08_03_get_01_value(self):
+ table = 'Bridge'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'fail_mode'
+ value = 'secure'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('get', (table, bridge, column))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ # command.result[0] is a list of return values
+ eq_(value, command.result[0][0])
+ def test_08_03_get_02_set(self):
+ table = 'Bridge'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'protocols'
+ value = 'OpenFlow10,OpenFlow13'.split(',')
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('get', (table, bridge, column))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ # command.result[0] is a list
+ eq_(value, command.result[0])
+ def test_08_03_get_03_map(self):
+ table = 'Bridge'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'other_config'
+ key = 'datapath-id'
+ datapath_id = '1111111111111111'
+ value = {key: datapath_id}
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand('get', (table, bridge, column))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ # command.result[0] is a dict
+ eq_(value, command.result[0])
+ def test_08_03_get_04_map_value(self):
+ table = 'Bridge'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'other_config'
+ key = 'datapath-id'
+ datapath_id = '1111111111111111'
+ value = datapath_id
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'get', (table, bridge, '%s:%s' % (column, key)))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ # command.result[0] is a dict
+ eq_(value, command.result[0])
+ def test_08_04_set_01_value(self):
+ table = 'Bridge'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'fail_mode'
+ value = 'standalone'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'set', (table, bridge, '%s=%s' % (column, value)))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get %s %s %s' % (table, bridge, column))
+ eq_(value, result[0])
+ def test_08_04_set_02_set(self):
+ table = 'Bridge'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'protocols'
+ value = 'OpenFlow10,OpenFlow12,OpenFlow13'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'set', (table, bridge, '%s=%s' % (column, value)))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get %s %s %s' % (table, bridge, column))
+ expected_value = '["OpenFlow10", "OpenFlow12", "OpenFlow13"]'
+ eq_(expected_value, result[0])
+ def test_08_04_set_03_map(self):
+ table = 'Bridge'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'other_config'
+ key = 'datapath-id'
+ value = '0000000000000001'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'set', (table, bridge, '%s:%s=%s' % (column, key, value)))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get %s %s %s:%s' % (table, bridge, column, key))
+ expected_value = '"0000000000000001"'
+ eq_(expected_value, result[0])
+ def test_08_05_add_01_value(self):
+ table = 'Port'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'tag'
+ value = '100'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'add', (table, bridge, column, value))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get %s %s %s' % (table, bridge, column))
+ eq_(value, result[0])
+ def test_08_05_add_02_set(self):
+ table = 'Port'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'trunks'
+ value = '100,200'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'add', (table, bridge, column, value))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get %s %s %s' % (table, bridge, column))
+ expected_value = '[100, 200]'
+ eq_(expected_value, result[0])
+ def test_08_05_add_03_map(self):
+ table = 'Bridge'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'other_config'
+ key = 'datapath-id'
+ value = '0000000000000011'
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'add', (table, bridge, column, '%s=%s' % (key, value)))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get %s %s %s:%s' % (table, bridge, column, key))
+ expected_value = '"0000000000000011"'
+ eq_(expected_value, result[0])
+ def test_08_06_remove_01_value(self):
+ table = 'Port'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'tag'
+ value = '100'
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl set %s %s %s=%s' % (table, bridge, column, value))
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'remove', (table, bridge, column, value))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get %s %s %s' % (table, bridge, column))
+ expected_value = '[]'
+ eq_(expected_value, result[0])
+ def test_08_06_remove_02_set(self):
+ table = 'Port'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'trunks'
+ init_value = '100,200,300'
+ value = '100,200'
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl set %s %s %s=%s' % (table, bridge, column, init_value))
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'remove', (table, bridge, column, value))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get %s %s %s' % (table, bridge, column))
+ expected_value = '[300]'
+ eq_(expected_value, result[0])
+ def test_08_06_remove_03_map(self):
+ table = 'Port'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'other_config'
+ key = 'priority-tag'
+ value = 'true'
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl set %s %s %s:%s=%s' %
+ (table, bridge, column, key, value))
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'remove', (table, bridge, column, '%s=%s' % (key, value)))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get %s %s %s' % (table, bridge, column))
+ expected_value = '{}'
+ eq_(expected_value, result[0])
+ def test_08_07_clear_01_value(self):
+ table = 'Port'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'tag'
+ value = '100'
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl set %s %s %s=%s' % (table, bridge, column, value))
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'clear', (table, bridge, column))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get %s %s %s' % (table, bridge, column))
+ expected_value = '[]'
+ eq_(expected_value, result[0])
+ def test_08_07_clear_02_set(self):
+ table = 'Port'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'trunks'
+ value = '100,200'
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl set %s %s %s=%s' % (table, bridge, column, value))
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'clear', (table, bridge, column))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get %s %s %s' % (table, bridge, column))
+ expected_value = '[]'
+ eq_(expected_value, result[0])
+ def test_08_07_clear_03_map(self):
+ table = 'Port'
+ bridge = 's1'
+ column = 'other_config'
+ key = 'priority-tag'
+ value = 'true'
+ self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl set %s %s %s:%s=%s' %
+ (table, bridge, column, key, value))
+ command = vsctl.VSCtlCommand(
+ 'clear', (table, bridge, column, '%s=%s' % (key, value)))
+ self._run_commands([command])
+ result = self._docker_exec_mn(
+ 'ovs-vsctl get %s %s %s' % (table, bridge, column))
+ expected_value = '{}'
+ eq_(expected_value, result[0])
+ # Clean up
+ self._docker_exec_mn('mn --clean')