#!/usr/bin/python MSG_DISCONNECT, MSG_IGNORE, MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED, MSG_DEBUG, MSG_SERVICE_REQUEST, \ MSG_SERVICE_ACCEPT = range(1, 7) MSG_KEXINIT, MSG_NEWKEYS = range(20, 22) MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST, MSG_USERAUTH_FAILURE, MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS, \ MSG_USERAUTH_BANNER = range(50, 54) MSG_USERAUTH_PK_OK = 60 MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN, MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_SUCCESS, MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE, \ MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST, MSG_CHANNEL_DATA, MSG_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA, \ MSG_CHANNEL_EOF, MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE, MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST, \ MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS, MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE = range(90, 101) import sys, os, string, threading, socket, logging, struct from message import Message from channel import Channel from secsh import SecshException from util import format_binary, safe_string, inflate_long, deflate_long, tb_strings from rsakey import RSAKey from dsskey import DSSKey from kex_group1 import KexGroup1 from kex_gex import KexGex # these come from PyCrypt # http://www.amk.ca/python/writing/pycrypt/ # i believe this on the standards track. # PyCrypt compiled for Win32 can be downloaded from the HashTar homepage: # http://nitace.bsd.uchicago.edu:8080/hashtar from Crypto.Util.randpool import PersistentRandomPool, RandomPool from Crypto.Cipher import Blowfish, AES, DES3 from Crypto.Hash import SHA, MD5, HMAC from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA from logging import DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL # channel request failed reasons: CONNECTION_FAILED_CODE = { 1: 'Administratively prohibited', 2: 'Connect failed', 3: 'Unknown channel type', 4: 'Resource shortage' } # keep a crypto-strong PRNG nearby try: randpool = PersistentRandomPool(os.getenv('HOME') + '/.randpool') except: # the above will likely fail on Windows - fall back to non-persistent random pool randpool = RandomPool() randpool.randomize() class BaseTransport(threading.Thread): ''' An SSH Transport attaches to a stream (usually a socket), negotiates an encrypted session, authenticates, and then creates stream tunnels, called "channels", across the session. Multiple channels can be multiplexed across a single session (and often are, in the case of port forwardings). Transport expects to receive a "socket-like object" to talk to the SSH server. This means it has a method "settimeout" which sets a timeout for read/write calls, and a method "send()" to write bytes and "recv()" to read bytes. "recv" returns from 1 to n bytes, or 0 if the stream has been closed. EOFError may also be raised on a closed stream. (A return value of 0 is converted to an EOFError internally.) "send(s)" writes from 1 to len(s) bytes, and returns the number of bytes written, or returns 0 if the stream has been closed. As with instream, EOFError may be raised instead of returning 0. FIXME: Describe events here. ''' PROTO_ID = '2.0' CLIENT_ID = 'pyssh_1.1' preferred_ciphers = [ 'aes128-cbc', 'blowfish-cbc', 'aes256-cbc', '3des-cbc' ] preferred_macs = [ 'hmac-sha1', 'hmac-md5', 'hmac-sha1-96', 'hmac-md5-96' ] preferred_keys = [ 'ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss' ] preferred_kex = [ 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1', 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' ] cipher_info = { 'blowfish-cbc': { 'class': Blowfish, 'mode': Blowfish.MODE_CBC, 'block-size': 8, 'key-size': 16 }, 'aes128-cbc': { 'class': AES, 'mode': AES.MODE_CBC, 'block-size': 16, 'key-size': 16 }, 'aes256-cbc': { 'class': AES, 'mode': AES.MODE_CBC, 'block-size': 16, 'key-size': 32 }, '3des-cbc': { 'class': DES3, 'mode': DES3.MODE_CBC, 'block-size': 8, 'key-size': 24 }, } mac_info = { 'hmac-sha1': { 'class': SHA, 'size': 20 }, 'hmac-sha1-96': { 'class': SHA, 'size': 12 }, 'hmac-md5': { 'class': MD5, 'size': 16 }, 'hmac-md5-96': { 'class': MD5, 'size': 12 }, } kex_info = { 'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1': KexGroup1, 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1': KexGex, } REKEY_PACKETS = pow(2, 30) REKEY_BYTES = pow(2, 30) OPEN_FAILED_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED, OPEN_FAILED_CONNECT_FAILED, OPEN_FAILED_UNKNOWN_CHANNEL_TYPE, \ OPEN_FAILED_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE = range(1, 5) def __init__(self, sock): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.randpool = randpool self.sock = sock self.sock.settimeout(0.1) # negotiated crypto parameters self.local_version = 'SSH-' + self.PROTO_ID + '-' + self.CLIENT_ID self.remote_version = '' self.block_size_out = self.block_size_in = 8 self.local_mac_len = self.remote_mac_len = 0 self.engine_in = self.engine_out = None self.local_cipher = self.remote_cipher = '' self.sequence_number_in = self.sequence_number_out = 0L self.local_kex_init = self.remote_kex_init = None self.session_id = None # /negotiated crypto parameters self.expected_packet = 0 self.active = 0 self.initial_kex_done = 0 self.write_lock = threading.Lock() # lock around outbound writes (packet computation) self.lock = threading.Lock() # synchronization (always higher level than write_lock) self.authenticated = 0 self.channels = { } # (id -> Channel) self.channel_events = { } # (id -> Event) self.channel_counter = 1 self.logger = logging.getLogger('secsh.transport') self.window_size = 65536 self.max_packet_size = 2048 self.ultra_debug = 0 # used for noticing when to re-key: self.received_bytes = 0 self.received_packets = 0 self.received_packets_overflow = 0 # user-defined event callbacks: self.completion_event = None # server mode: self.server_mode = 0 self.server_key_dict = { } self.server_accepts = [ ] self.server_accept_cv = threading.Condition(self.lock) def start_client(self, event=None): self.completion_event = event self.start() def start_server(self, event=None): self.server_mode = 1 self.completion_event = event self.start() def add_server_key(self, key): self.server_key_dict[key.get_name()] = key def get_server_key(self): try: return self.server_key_dict[self.host_key_type] except KeyError: return None def __repr__(self): if not self.active: return '' out = ' 0: try: x = self.sock.recv(n) if len(x) == 0: raise EOFError() out += x n -= len(x) except socket.timeout: if not self.active: raise EOFError() return out def write_all(self, out): while len(out) > 0: n = self.sock.send(out) if n <= 0: raise EOFError() if n == len(out): return out = out[n:] return def build_packet(self, payload): # pad up at least 4 bytes, to nearest block-size (usually 8) bsize = self.block_size_out padding = 3 + bsize - ((len(payload) + 8) % bsize) packet = struct.pack('>I', len(payload) + padding + 1) packet += chr(padding) packet += payload packet += randpool.get_bytes(padding) return packet def send_message(self, data): # encrypt this sucka packet = self.build_packet(str(data)) if self.ultra_debug: self.log(DEBUG, format_binary(packet, 'OUT: ')) if self.engine_out != None: out = self.engine_out.encrypt(packet) else: out = packet # + mac try: self.write_lock.acquire() if self.engine_out != None: payload = struct.pack('>I', self.sequence_number_out) + packet out += HMAC.HMAC(self.mac_key_out, payload, self.local_mac_engine).digest()[:self.local_mac_len] self.sequence_number_out += 1L self.sequence_number_out %= 0x100000000L self.write_all(out) finally: self.write_lock.release() def read_message(self): "only one thread will ever be in this function" header = self.read_all(self.block_size_in) if self.engine_in != None: header = self.engine_in.decrypt(header) if self.ultra_debug: self.log(DEBUG, format_binary(header, 'IN: ')); packet_size = struct.unpack('>I', header[:4])[0] # leftover contains decrypted bytes from the first block (after the length field) leftover = header[4:] if (packet_size - len(leftover)) % self.block_size_in != 0: raise SecshException('Invalid packet blocking') buffer = self.read_all(packet_size + self.remote_mac_len - len(leftover)) packet = buffer[:packet_size - len(leftover)] post_packet = buffer[packet_size - len(leftover):] if self.engine_in != None: packet = self.engine_in.decrypt(packet) if self.ultra_debug: self.log(DEBUG, format_binary(packet, 'IN: ')); packet = leftover + packet if self.remote_mac_len > 0: mac = post_packet[:self.remote_mac_len] mac_payload = struct.pack('>II', self.sequence_number_in, packet_size) + packet my_mac = HMAC.HMAC(self.mac_key_in, mac_payload, self.remote_mac_engine).digest()[:self.remote_mac_len] if my_mac != mac: raise SecshException('Mismatched MAC') padding = ord(packet[0]) payload = packet[1:packet_size - padding + 1] randpool.add_event(packet[packet_size - padding + 1]) #self.log(DEBUG, 'Got payload (%d bytes, %d padding)' % (packet_size, padding)) msg = Message(payload[1:]) msg.seqno = self.sequence_number_in self.sequence_number_in = (self.sequence_number_in + 1) & 0xffffffffL # check for rekey self.received_bytes += packet_size + self.remote_mac_len + 4 self.received_packets += 1 if (self.received_packets >= self.REKEY_PACKETS) or (self.received_bytes >= self.REKEY_BYTES): # only ask once for rekeying if self.local_kex_init is None: self.log(DEBUG, 'Rekeying (hit %d packets, %d bytes)' % (self.received_packets, self.received_bytes)) self.received_packets_overflow = 0 self.send_kex_init() else: # we've asked to rekey already -- give them 20 packets to # comply, then just drop the connection self.received_packets_overflow += 1 if self.received_packets_overflow >= 20: raise SecshException('Remote transport is ignoring rekey requests') return ord(payload[0]), msg def set_K_H(self, k, h): "used by a kex object to set the K (root key) and H (exchange hash)" self.K = k self.H = h if self.session_id == None: self.session_id = h def verify_key(self, host_key, sig): if self.host_key_type == 'ssh-rsa': key = RSAKey(Message(host_key)) elif self.host_key_type == 'ssh-dss': key = DSSKey(Message(host_key)) else: key = None if (key == None) or not key.valid: raise SecshException('Unknown host key type') if not key.verify_ssh_sig(self.H, Message(sig)): raise SecshException('Signature verification (%s) failed. Boo. Robey should debug this.' % self.host_key_type) self.host_key = host_key def compute_key(self, id, nbytes): "id is 'A' - 'F' for the various keys used by ssh" m = Message() m.add_mpint(self.K) m.add_bytes(self.H) m.add_byte(id) m.add_bytes(self.session_id) out = sofar = SHA.new(str(m)).digest() while len(out) < nbytes: m = Message() m.add_mpint(self.K) m.add_bytes(self.H) m.add_bytes(sofar) hash = SHA.new(str(m)).digest() out += hash sofar += hash return out[:nbytes] def get_cipher(self, name, key, iv): if not self.cipher_info.has_key(name): raise SecshException('Unknown client cipher ' + name) return self.cipher_info[name]['class'].new(key, self.cipher_info[name]['mode'], iv) def run(self): self.active = 1 try: # SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_2.9p2 self.write_all(self.local_version + '\r\n') self.check_banner() self.send_kex_init() self.expected_packet = MSG_KEXINIT while self.active: ptype, m = self.read_message() if ptype == MSG_IGNORE: continue elif ptype == MSG_DISCONNECT: self.parse_disconnect(m) self.active = 0 break elif ptype == MSG_DEBUG: self.parse_debug(m) continue if self.expected_packet != 0: if ptype != self.expected_packet: raise SecshException('Expecting packet %d, got %d' % (self.expected_packet, ptype)) self.expected_packet = 0 if (ptype >= 30) and (ptype <= 39): self.kex_engine.parse_next(ptype, m) continue if self.handler_table.has_key(ptype): self.handler_table[ptype](self, m) elif self.channel_handler_table.has_key(ptype): chanid = m.get_int() if self.channels.has_key(chanid): self.channel_handler_table[ptype](self.channels[chanid], m) else: self.log(WARNING, 'Oops, unhandled type %d' % ptype) msg = Message() msg.add_byte(chr(MSG_UNIMPLEMENTED)) msg.add_int(m.seqno) self.send_message(msg) except SecshException, e: self.log(DEBUG, 'Exception: ' + str(e)) self.log(DEBUG, tb_strings()) except EOFError, e: self.log(DEBUG, 'EOF') except Exception, e: self.log(DEBUG, 'Unknown exception: ' + str(e)) self.log(DEBUG, tb_strings()) if self.active: self.active = 0 if self.completion_event != None: self.completion_event.set() if self.auth_event != None: self.auth_event.set() for e in self.channel_events.values(): e.set() self.sock.close() ### protocol stages def renegotiate_keys(self): self.completion_event = threading.Event() self.send_kex_init() while 1: self.completion_event.wait(0.1); if not self.active: return 0 if self.completion_event.isSet(): break return 1 def negotiate_keys(self, m): # throws SecshException on anything unusual if self.local_kex_init == None: # remote side wants to renegotiate self.send_kex_init() self.parse_kex_init(m) self.kex_engine.start_kex() def check_banner(self): # this is slow, but we only have to do it once for i in range(5): buffer = '' while not '\n' in buffer: buffer += self.read_all(1) buffer = buffer[:-1] if (len(buffer) > 0) and (buffer[-1] == '\r'): buffer = buffer[:-1] if buffer[:4] == 'SSH-': break self.log(DEBUG, 'Banner: ' + buffer) if buffer[:4] != 'SSH-': raise SecshException('Indecipherable protocol version "' + buffer + '"') # save this server version string for later self.remote_version = buffer # pull off any attached comment comment = '' i = string.find(buffer, ' ') if i >= 0: comment = buffer[i+1:] buffer = buffer[:i] # parse out version string and make sure it matches segs = buffer.split('-', 2) if len(segs) < 3: raise SecshException('Invalid SSH banner') version = segs[1] client = segs[2] if version != '1.99' and version != '2.0': raise SecshException('Incompatible version (%s instead of 2.0)' % (version,)) self.log(INFO, 'Connected (version %s, client %s)' % (version, client)) def send_kex_init(self): # send a really wimpy kex-init packet that says we're a bare-bones ssh client if self.server_mode: # FIXME: can't do group-exchange (gex) yet -- too slow if 'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1' in self.preferred_kex: self.preferred_kex.remove('diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1') m = Message() m.add_byte(chr(MSG_KEXINIT)) m.add_bytes(randpool.get_bytes(16)) m.add(','.join(self.preferred_kex)) m.add(','.join(self.preferred_keys)) m.add(','.join(self.preferred_ciphers)) m.add(','.join(self.preferred_ciphers)) m.add(','.join(self.preferred_macs)) m.add(','.join(self.preferred_macs)) m.add('none') m.add('none') m.add('') m.add('') m.add_boolean(0) m.add_int(0) # save a copy for later (needed to compute a hash) self.local_kex_init = str(m) self.send_message(m) def parse_kex_init(self, m): # reset counters of when to re-key, since we are now re-keying self.received_bytes = 0 self.received_packets = 0 self.received_packets_overflow = 0 cookie = m.get_bytes(16) kex_algo_list = m.get_list() server_key_algo_list = m.get_list() client_encrypt_algo_list = m.get_list() server_encrypt_algo_list = m.get_list() client_mac_algo_list = m.get_list() server_mac_algo_list = m.get_list() client_compress_algo_list = m.get_list() server_compress_algo_list = m.get_list() client_lang_list = m.get_list() server_lang_list = m.get_list() kex_follows = m.get_boolean() unused = m.get_int() # no compression support (yet?) if (not('none' in client_compress_algo_list) or not('none' in server_compress_algo_list)): raise SecshException('Incompatible ssh peer.') # as a server, we pick the first item in the client's list that we support. # as a client, we pick the first item in our list that the server supports. if self.server_mode: agreed_kex = filter(self.preferred_kex.__contains__, kex_algo_list) else: agreed_kex = filter(kex_algo_list.__contains__, self.preferred_kex) if len(agreed_kex) == 0: raise SecshException('Incompatible ssh peer (no acceptable kex algorithm)') self.kex_engine = self.kex_info[agreed_kex[0]](self) if self.server_mode: agreed_keys = filter(self.preferred_keys.__contains__, server_key_algo_list) else: agreed_keys = filter(server_key_algo_list.__contains__, self.preferred_keys) if len(agreed_keys) == 0: raise SecshException('Incompatible ssh peer (no acceptable host key)') self.host_key_type = agreed_keys[0] if self.server_mode and (self.get_server_key() is None): raise SecshException('Incompatible ssh peer (can\'t match requested host key type)') if self.server_mode: agreed_local_ciphers = filter(self.preferred_ciphers.__contains__, server_encrypt_algo_list) agreed_remote_ciphers = filter(self.preferred_ciphers.__contains__, client_encrypt_algo_list) else: agreed_local_ciphers = filter(client_encrypt_algo_list.__contains__, self.preferred_ciphers) agreed_remote_ciphers = filter(server_encrypt_algo_list.__contains__, self.preferred_ciphers) if (len(agreed_local_ciphers) == 0) or (len(agreed_remote_ciphers) == 0): raise SecshException('Incompatible ssh server (no acceptable ciphers)') self.local_cipher = agreed_local_ciphers[0] self.remote_cipher = agreed_remote_ciphers[0] self.log(DEBUG, 'Ciphers agreed: local=%s, remote=%s' % (self.local_cipher, self.remote_cipher)) if self.server_mode: agreed_remote_macs = filter(self.preferred_macs.__contains__, client_mac_algo_list) agreed_local_macs = filter(self.preferred_macs.__contains__, server_mac_algo_list) else: agreed_local_macs = filter(client_mac_algo_list.__contains__, self.preferred_macs) agreed_remote_macs = filter(server_mac_algo_list.__contains__, self.preferred_macs) if (len(agreed_local_macs) == 0) or (len(agreed_remote_macs) == 0): raise SecshException('Incompatible ssh server (no acceptable macs)') self.local_mac = agreed_local_macs[0] self.remote_mac = agreed_remote_macs[0] self.log(DEBUG, 'kex algos:' + str(kex_algo_list) + ' server key:' + str(server_key_algo_list) + \ ' client encrypt:' + str(client_encrypt_algo_list) + \ ' server encrypt:' + str(server_encrypt_algo_list) + \ ' client mac:' + str(client_mac_algo_list) + \ ' server mac:' + str(server_mac_algo_list) + \ ' client compress:' + str(client_compress_algo_list) + \ ' server compress:' + str(server_compress_algo_list) + \ ' client lang:' + str(client_lang_list) + \ ' server lang:' + str(server_lang_list) + \ ' kex follows?' + str(kex_follows)) self.log(DEBUG, 'using kex %s; server key type %s; cipher: local %s, remote %s; mac: local %s, remote %s' % (agreed_kex[0], self.host_key_type, self.local_cipher, self.remote_cipher, self.local_mac, self.remote_mac)) # save for computing hash later... # now wait! openssh has a bug (and others might too) where there are # actually some extra bytes (one NUL byte in openssh's case) added to # the end of the packet but not parsed. turns out we need to throw # away those bytes because they aren't part of the hash. self.remote_kex_init = chr(MSG_KEXINIT) + m.get_so_far() def activate_inbound(self): "switch on newly negotiated encryption parameters for inbound traffic" self.block_size_in = self.cipher_info[self.remote_cipher]['block-size'] if self.server_mode: IV_in = self.compute_key('A', self.block_size_in) key_in = self.compute_key('C', self.cipher_info[self.remote_cipher]['key-size']) else: IV_in = self.compute_key('B', self.block_size_in) key_in = self.compute_key('D', self.cipher_info[self.remote_cipher]['key-size']) self.engine_in = self.get_cipher(self.remote_cipher, key_in, IV_in) self.remote_mac_len = self.mac_info[self.remote_mac]['size'] self.remote_mac_engine = self.mac_info[self.remote_mac]['class'] # initial mac keys are done in the hash's natural size (not the potentially truncated # transmission size) if self.server_mode: self.mac_key_in = self.compute_key('E', self.remote_mac_engine.digest_size) else: self.mac_key_in = self.compute_key('F', self.remote_mac_engine.digest_size) def activate_outbound(self): "switch on newly negotiated encryption parameters for outbound traffic" m = Message() m.add_byte(chr(MSG_NEWKEYS)) self.send_message(m) self.block_size_out = self.cipher_info[self.local_cipher]['block-size'] if self.server_mode: IV_out = self.compute_key('B', self.block_size_out) key_out = self.compute_key('D', self.cipher_info[self.local_cipher]['key-size']) else: IV_out = self.compute_key('A', self.block_size_out) key_out = self.compute_key('C', self.cipher_info[self.local_cipher]['key-size']) self.engine_out = self.get_cipher(self.local_cipher, key_out, IV_out) self.local_mac_len = self.mac_info[self.local_mac]['size'] self.local_mac_engine = self.mac_info[self.local_mac]['class'] # initial mac keys are done in the hash's natural size (not the potentially truncated # transmission size) if self.server_mode: self.mac_key_out = self.compute_key('F', self.local_mac_engine.digest_size) else: self.mac_key_out = self.compute_key('E', self.local_mac_engine.digest_size) def parse_newkeys(self, m): self.log(DEBUG, 'Switch to new keys ...') self.activate_inbound() # can also free a bunch of stuff here self.local_kex_init = self.remote_kex_init = None self.e = self.f = self.K = self.x = None if not self.initial_kex_done: # this was the first key exchange self.initial_kex_done = 1 # send an event? if self.completion_event != None: self.completion_event.set() return def parse_disconnect(self, m): code = m.get_int() desc = m.get_string() self.log(INFO, 'Disconnect (code %d): %s' % (code, desc)) def parse_channel_open_success(self, m): chanid = m.get_int() server_chanid = m.get_int() server_window_size = m.get_int() server_max_packet_size = m.get_int() if not self.channels.has_key(chanid): self.log(WARNING, 'Success for unrequested channel! [??]') return try: self.lock.acquire() chan = self.channels[chanid] chan.set_remote_channel(server_chanid, server_window_size, server_max_packet_size) self.log(INFO, 'Secsh channel %d opened.' % chanid) if self.channel_events.has_key(chanid): self.channel_events[chanid].set() del self.channel_events[chanid] finally: self.lock.release() return def parse_channel_open_failure(self, m): chanid = m.get_int() reason = m.get_int() reason_str = m.get_string() lang = m.get_string() if CONNECTION_FAILED_CODE.has_key(reason): reason_text = CONNECTION_FAILED_CODE[reason] else: reason_text = '(unknown code)' self.log(INFO, 'Secsh channel %d open FAILED: %s: %s' % (chanid, reason_str, reason_text)) try: self.lock.aquire() if self.channels.has_key(chanid): del self.channels[chanid] if self.channel_events.has_key(chanid): self.channel_events[chanid].set() del self.channel_events[chanid] finally: self.lock.release() return def check_channel_request(self, kind, chanid): "override me! return object descended from Channel to allow, or None to reject" return None def parse_channel_open(self, m): kind = m.get_string() chanid = m.get_int() initial_window_size = m.get_int() max_packet_size = m.get_int() reject = False if not self.server_mode: self.log(DEBUG, 'Rejecting "%s" channel request from server.' % kind) reject = True reason = self.OPEN_FAILED_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED else: try: self.lock.acquire() my_chanid = self.channel_counter self.channel_counter += 1 finally: self.lock.release() chan = self.check_channel_request(kind, my_chanid) if (chan is None) or (type(chan) is int): self.log(DEBUG, 'Rejecting "%s" channel request from client.' % kind) reject = True if type(chan) is int: reason = chan else: reason = self.OPEN_FAILED_ADMINISTRATIVELY_PROHIBITED if reject: msg = Message() msg.add_byte(chr(MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE)) msg.add_int(chanid) msg.add_int(reason) msg.add_string('') msg.add_string('en') self.send_message(msg) return try: self.lock.acquire() self.channels[my_chanid] = chan chan.set_transport(self) chan.set_window(self.window_size, self.max_packet_size) chan.set_remote_channel(chanid, initial_window_size, max_packet_size) finally: self.lock.release() m = Message() m.add_byte(chr(MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_SUCCESS)) m.add_int(chanid) m.add_int(my_chanid) m.add_int(self.window_size) m.add_int(self.max_packet_size) self.send_message(m) self.log(INFO, 'Secsh channel %d opened.' % my_chanid) try: self.lock.acquire() self.server_accepts.append(chan) self.server_accept_cv.notify() finally: self.lock.release() def accept(self, timeout=None): try: self.lock.acquire() if len(self.server_accepts) > 0: chan = self.server_accepts.pop(0) else: self.server_accept_cv.wait(timeout) if len(self.server_accepts) > 0: chan = self.server_accepts.pop(0) else: # timeout chan = None finally: self.lock.release() return chan def parse_debug(self, m): always_display = m.get_boolean() msg = m.get_string() lang = m.get_string() self.log(DEBUG, 'Debug msg: ' + safe_string(msg)) handler_table = { MSG_NEWKEYS: parse_newkeys, MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_SUCCESS: parse_channel_open_success, MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN_FAILURE: parse_channel_open_failure, MSG_CHANNEL_OPEN: parse_channel_open, MSG_KEXINIT: negotiate_keys, } channel_handler_table = { MSG_CHANNEL_SUCCESS: Channel.request_success, MSG_CHANNEL_FAILURE: Channel.request_failed, MSG_CHANNEL_DATA: Channel.feed, MSG_CHANNEL_WINDOW_ADJUST: Channel.window_adjust, MSG_CHANNEL_REQUEST: Channel.handle_request, MSG_CHANNEL_EOF: Channel.handle_eof, MSG_CHANNEL_CLOSE: Channel.handle_close, }