# Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Robey Pointer # # This file is part of paramiko. # # Paramiko is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # Paramiko is distrubuted in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Paramiko; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. """ Some unit tests for utility functions. """ from binascii import hexlify import cStringIO import errno import os import unittest from Crypto.Hash import SHA import paramiko.util from paramiko.util import lookup_ssh_host_config as host_config from util import ParamikoTest test_config_file = """\ Host * User robey IdentityFile =~/.ssh/id_rsa # comment Host *.example.com \tUser bjork Port=3333 Host * \t \t Crazy something dumb Host spoo.example.com Crazy something else """ test_hosts_file = """\ secure.example.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA1PD6U2/TVxET6lkpKhOk5r\ 9q/kAYG6sP9f5zuUYP8i7FOFp/6ncCEbbtg/lB+A3iidyxoSWl+9jtoyyDOOVX4UIDV9G11Ml8om3\ D+jrpI9cycZHqilK0HmxDeCuxbwyMuaCygU9gS2qoRvNLWZk70OpIKSSpBo0Wl3/XUmz9uhc= happy.example.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAIEA8bP1ZA7DCZDB9J0s50l31M\ BGQ3GQ/Fc7SX6gkpXkwcZryoi4kNFhHu5LvHcZPdxXV1D+uTMfGS1eyd2Yz/DoNWXNAl8TI0cAsW\ 5ymME3bQ4J/k1IKxCtz/bAlAqFgKoc+EolMziDYqWIATtW0rYTJvzGAzTmMj80/QpsFH+Pc2M= """ # for test 1: from paramiko import * class UtilTest(ParamikoTest): def test_1_import(self): """ verify that all the classes can be imported from paramiko. """ symbols = globals().keys() self.assertTrue('Transport' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SSHClient' in symbols) self.assertTrue('MissingHostKeyPolicy' in symbols) self.assertTrue('AutoAddPolicy' in symbols) self.assertTrue('RejectPolicy' in symbols) self.assertTrue('WarningPolicy' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SecurityOptions' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SubsystemHandler' in symbols) self.assertTrue('Channel' in symbols) self.assertTrue('RSAKey' in symbols) self.assertTrue('DSSKey' in symbols) self.assertTrue('Message' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SSHException' in symbols) self.assertTrue('AuthenticationException' in symbols) self.assertTrue('PasswordRequiredException' in symbols) self.assertTrue('BadAuthenticationType' in symbols) self.assertTrue('ChannelException' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SFTP' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SFTPFile' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SFTPHandle' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SFTPClient' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SFTPServer' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SFTPError' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SFTPAttributes' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SFTPServerInterface' in symbols) self.assertTrue('ServerInterface' in symbols) self.assertTrue('BufferedFile' in symbols) self.assertTrue('Agent' in symbols) self.assertTrue('AgentKey' in symbols) self.assertTrue('HostKeys' in symbols) self.assertTrue('SSHConfig' in symbols) self.assertTrue('util' in symbols) def test_2_parse_config(self): global test_config_file f = cStringIO.StringIO(test_config_file) config = paramiko.util.parse_ssh_config(f) self.assertEquals(config._config, [ {'identityfile': '~/.ssh/id_rsa', 'host': '*', 'user': 'robey', 'crazy': 'something dumb '}, {'host': '*.example.com', 'user': 'bjork', 'port': '3333'}, {'host': 'spoo.example.com', 'crazy': 'something else'}]) def test_3_host_config(self): global test_config_file f = cStringIO.StringIO(test_config_file) config = paramiko.util.parse_ssh_config(f) for host, values in { 'irc.danger.com': {'user': 'robey', 'crazy': 'something dumb '}, 'irc.example.com': {'user': 'bjork', 'crazy': 'something dumb ', 'port': '3333'}, 'spoo.example.com': {'user': 'bjork', 'crazy': 'something else', 'port': '3333'} }.items(): values = dict(values, hostname=host, identityfile=os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_rsa") ) self.assertEquals( paramiko.util.lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config), values ) def test_4_generate_key_bytes(self): x = paramiko.util.generate_key_bytes(SHA, 'ABCDEFGH', 'This is my secret passphrase.', 64) hex = ''.join(['%02x' % ord(c) for c in x]) self.assertEquals(hex, '9110e2f6793b69363e58173e9436b13a5a4b339005741d5c680e505f57d871347b4239f14fb5c46e857d5e100424873ba849ac699cea98d729e57b3e84378e8b') def test_5_host_keys(self): f = open('hostfile.temp', 'w') f.write(test_hosts_file) f.close() try: hostdict = paramiko.util.load_host_keys('hostfile.temp') self.assertEquals(2, len(hostdict)) self.assertEquals(1, len(hostdict.values()[0])) self.assertEquals(1, len(hostdict.values()[1])) fp = hexlify(hostdict['secure.example.com']['ssh-rsa'].get_fingerprint()).upper() self.assertEquals('E6684DB30E109B67B70FF1DC5C7F1363', fp) finally: os.unlink('hostfile.temp') def test_6_random(self): from paramiko.common import rng # just verify that we can pull out 32 bytes and not get an exception. x = rng.read(32) self.assertEquals(len(x), 32) def test_7_host_config_expose_ssh_issue_33(self): test_config_file = """ Host www13.* Port 22 Host *.example.com Port 2222 Host * Port 3333 """ f = cStringIO.StringIO(test_config_file) config = paramiko.util.parse_ssh_config(f) host = 'www13.example.com' self.assertEquals( paramiko.util.lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config), {'hostname': host, 'port': '22'} ) def test_8_eintr_retry(self): self.assertEquals('foo', paramiko.util.retry_on_signal(lambda: 'foo')) # Variables that are set by raises_intr intr_errors_remaining = [3] call_count = [0] def raises_intr(): call_count[0] += 1 if intr_errors_remaining[0] > 0: intr_errors_remaining[0] -= 1 raise IOError(errno.EINTR, 'file', 'interrupted system call') self.assertTrue(paramiko.util.retry_on_signal(raises_intr) is None) self.assertEquals(0, intr_errors_remaining[0]) self.assertEquals(4, call_count[0]) def raises_ioerror_not_eintr(): raise IOError(errno.ENOENT, 'file', 'file not found') self.assertRaises(IOError, lambda: paramiko.util.retry_on_signal(raises_ioerror_not_eintr)) def raises_other_exception(): raise AssertionError('foo') self.assertRaises(AssertionError, lambda: paramiko.util.retry_on_signal(raises_other_exception)) def test_9_proxycommand_config_equals_parsing(self): """ ProxyCommand should not split on equals signs within the value. """ conf = """ Host space-delimited ProxyCommand foo bar=biz baz Host equals-delimited ProxyCommand=foo bar=biz baz """ f = cStringIO.StringIO(conf) config = paramiko.util.parse_ssh_config(f) for host in ('space-delimited', 'equals-delimited'): self.assertEquals( host_config(host, config)['proxycommand'], 'foo bar=biz baz' ) def test_10_proxycommand_interpolation(self): """ ProxyCommand should perform interpolation on the value """ config = paramiko.util.parse_ssh_config(cStringIO.StringIO(""" Host * Port 25 ProxyCommand host %h port %p Host specific Port 37 ProxyCommand host %h port %p lol Host portonly Port 155 """)) for host, val in ( ('foo.com', "host foo.com port 25"), ('specific', "host specific port 37 lol"), ('portonly', "host portonly port 155"), ): self.assertEquals( host_config(host, config)['proxycommand'], val )