# Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Robey Pointer <robeypointer@gmail.com> # # This file is part of paramiko. # # Paramiko is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free # Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) # any later version. # # Paramiko is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY # WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR # A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Paramiko; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. """ some unit tests to make sure sftp works. a real actual sftp server is contacted, and a new folder is created there to do test file operations in (so no existing files will be harmed). """ import os import socket import sys import threading import unittest import warnings from binascii import hexlify from tempfile import mkstemp import paramiko from paramiko.py3compat import PY2, b, u, StringIO from paramiko.common import o777, o600, o666, o644 from tests import skipUnlessBuiltin from tests.stub_sftp import StubServer, StubSFTPServer from tests.loop import LoopSocket from tests.util import test_path import paramiko.util from paramiko.sftp_attr import SFTPAttributes ARTICLE = ''' Insulin sensitivity and liver insulin receptor structure in ducks from two genera T. Constans, B. Chevalier, M. Derouet and J. Simon Station de Recherches Avicoles, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Nouzilly, France. Insulin sensitivity and liver insulin receptor structure were studied in 5-wk-old ducks from two genera (Muscovy and Pekin). In the fasting state, both duck types were equally resistant to exogenous insulin compared with chicken. Despite the low potency of duck insulin, the number of insulin receptors was lower in Muscovy duck and similar in Pekin duck and chicken liver membranes. After 125I-insulin cross-linking, the size of the alpha-subunit of the receptors from the three species was 135,000. Wheat germ agglutinin-purified receptors from the three species were contaminated by an active and unusual adenosinetriphosphatase (ATPase) contaminant (highest activity in Muscovy duck). Sequential purification of solubilized receptor from both duck types on lentil and then wheat germ agglutinin lectins led to a fraction of receptors very poor in ATPase activity that exhibited a beta-subunit size (95,000) and tyrosine kinase activity similar to those of ATPase-free chicken insulin receptors. Therefore the ducks from the two genera exhibit an alpha-beta- structure for liver insulin receptors and a clear difference in the number of liver insulin receptors. Their sensitivity to insulin is, however, similarly decreased compared with chicken. ''' # Here is how unicode characters are encoded over 1 to 6 bytes in utf-8 # U-00000000 - U-0000007F: 0xxxxxxx # U-00000080 - U-000007FF: 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx # U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF: 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx # U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF: 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx # U-00200000 - U-03FFFFFF: 111110xx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx # U-04000000 - U-7FFFFFFF: 1111110x 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx # Note that: hex(int('11000011',2)) == '0xc3' # Thus, the following 2-bytes sequence is not valid utf8: "invalid continuation byte" NON_UTF8_DATA = b'\xC3\xC3' FOLDER = os.environ.get('TEST_FOLDER', 'temp-testing000') sftp = None tc = None g_big_file_test = True # we need to use eval(compile()) here because Py3.2 doesn't support the 'u' marker for unicode # this test is the only line in the entire program that has to be treated specially to support Py3.2 unicode_folder = eval(compile(r"u'\u00fcnic\u00f8de'" if PY2 else r"'\u00fcnic\u00f8de'", 'test_sftp.py', 'eval')) utf8_folder = b'/\xc3\xbcnic\xc3\xb8\x64\x65' def get_sftp(): global sftp return sftp class SFTPTest (unittest.TestCase): @staticmethod def init(hostname, username, keyfile, passwd): global sftp, tc t = paramiko.Transport(hostname) tc = t try: key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(keyfile, passwd) except paramiko.PasswordRequiredException: sys.stderr.write('\n\nparamiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file REQUIRES PASSWORD.\n') sys.stderr.write('You have two options:\n') sys.stderr.write('* Use the "-K" option to point to a different (non-password-protected)\n') sys.stderr.write(' private key file.\n') sys.stderr.write('* Use the "-P" option to provide the password needed to unlock this private\n') sys.stderr.write(' key.\n') sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.exit(1) try: t.connect(username=username, pkey=key) except paramiko.SSHException: t.close() sys.stderr.write('\n\nparamiko.Transport.connect FAILED.\n') sys.stderr.write('There are several possible reasons why it might fail so quickly:\n\n') sys.stderr.write('* The host to connect to (%s) is not a valid SSH server.\n' % hostname) sys.stderr.write(' (Use the "-H" option to change the host.)\n') sys.stderr.write('* The username to auth as (%s) is invalid.\n' % username) sys.stderr.write(' (Use the "-U" option to change the username.)\n') sys.stderr.write('* The private key given (%s) is not accepted by the server.\n' % keyfile) sys.stderr.write(' (Use the "-K" option to provide a different key file.)\n') sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.exit(1) sftp = paramiko.SFTP.from_transport(t) @staticmethod def init_loopback(): global sftp, tc socks = LoopSocket() sockc = LoopSocket() sockc.link(socks) tc = paramiko.Transport(sockc) ts = paramiko.Transport(socks) host_key = paramiko.RSAKey.from_private_key_file(test_path('test_rsa.key')) ts.add_server_key(host_key) event = threading.Event() server = StubServer() ts.set_subsystem_handler('sftp', paramiko.SFTPServer, StubSFTPServer) ts.start_server(event, server) tc.connect(username='slowdive', password='pygmalion') event.wait(1.0) sftp = paramiko.SFTP.from_transport(tc) @staticmethod def set_big_file_test(onoff): global g_big_file_test g_big_file_test = onoff def setUp(self): global FOLDER for i in range(1000): FOLDER = FOLDER[:-3] + '%03d' % i try: sftp.mkdir(FOLDER) break except (IOError, OSError): pass def tearDown(self): #sftp.chdir() sftp.rmdir(FOLDER) def test_1_file(self): """ verify that we can create a file. """ f = sftp.open(FOLDER + '/test', 'w') try: self.assertEqual(f.stat().st_size, 0) finally: f.close() sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/test') def test_2_close(self): """ verify that closing the sftp session doesn't do anything bad, and that a new one can be opened. """ global sftp sftp.close() try: sftp.open(FOLDER + '/test2', 'w') self.fail('expected exception') except: pass sftp = paramiko.SFTP.from_transport(tc) def test_2_sftp_can_be_used_as_context_manager(self): """ verify that the sftp session is closed when exiting the context manager """ global sftp with sftp: pass try: sftp.open(FOLDER + '/test2', 'w') self.fail('expected exception') except (EOFError, socket.error): pass finally: sftp = paramiko.SFTP.from_transport(tc) def test_3_write(self): """ verify that a file can be created and written, and the size is correct. """ try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/duck.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(ARTICLE) self.assertEqual(sftp.stat(FOLDER + '/duck.txt').st_size, 1483) finally: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/duck.txt') def test_3_sftp_file_can_be_used_as_context_manager(self): """ verify that an opened file can be used as a context manager """ try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/duck.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(ARTICLE) self.assertEqual(sftp.stat(FOLDER + '/duck.txt').st_size, 1483) finally: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/duck.txt') def test_4_append(self): """ verify that a file can be opened for append, and tell() still works. """ try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/append.txt', 'w') as f: f.write('first line\nsecond line\n') self.assertEqual(f.tell(), 23) with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/append.txt', 'a+') as f: f.write('third line!!!\n') self.assertEqual(f.tell(), 37) self.assertEqual(f.stat().st_size, 37) f.seek(-26, f.SEEK_CUR) self.assertEqual(f.readline(), 'second line\n') finally: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/append.txt') def test_5_rename(self): """ verify that renaming a file works. """ try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/first.txt', 'w') as f: f.write('content!\n') sftp.rename(FOLDER + '/first.txt', FOLDER + '/second.txt') try: sftp.open(FOLDER + '/first.txt', 'r') self.assertTrue(False, 'no exception on reading nonexistent file') except IOError: pass with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/second.txt', 'r') as f: f.seek(-6, f.SEEK_END) self.assertEqual(u(f.read(4)), 'tent') finally: try: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/first.txt') except: pass try: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/second.txt') except: pass def test_5a_posix_rename(self): """Test posix-rename@openssh.com protocol extension.""" try: # first check that the normal rename works as specified with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/a', 'w') as f: f.write('one') sftp.rename(FOLDER + '/a', FOLDER + '/b') with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/a', 'w') as f: f.write('two') try: sftp.rename(FOLDER + '/a', FOLDER + '/b') self.assertTrue(False, 'no exception when rename-ing onto existing file') except (OSError, IOError): pass # now check with the posix_rename sftp.posix_rename(FOLDER + '/a', FOLDER + '/b') with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/b', 'r') as f: data = u(f.read()) self.assertEqual('two', data, "Contents of renamed file not the same as original file") finally: try: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/a') except: pass try: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/b') except: pass def test_6_folder(self): """ create a temporary folder, verify that we can create a file in it, then remove the folder and verify that we can't create a file in it anymore. """ sftp.mkdir(FOLDER + '/subfolder') sftp.open(FOLDER + '/subfolder/test', 'w').close() sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/subfolder/test') sftp.rmdir(FOLDER + '/subfolder') try: sftp.open(FOLDER + '/subfolder/test') # shouldn't be able to create that file self.assertTrue(False, 'no exception at dummy file creation') except IOError: pass def test_7_listdir(self): """ verify that a folder can be created, a bunch of files can be placed in it, and those files show up in sftp.listdir. """ try: sftp.open(FOLDER + '/duck.txt', 'w').close() sftp.open(FOLDER + '/fish.txt', 'w').close() sftp.open(FOLDER + '/tertiary.py', 'w').close() x = sftp.listdir(FOLDER) self.assertEqual(len(x), 3) self.assertTrue('duck.txt' in x) self.assertTrue('fish.txt' in x) self.assertTrue('tertiary.py' in x) self.assertTrue('random' not in x) finally: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/duck.txt') sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/fish.txt') sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/tertiary.py') def test_7_5_listdir_iter(self): """ listdir_iter version of above test """ try: sftp.open(FOLDER + '/duck.txt', 'w').close() sftp.open(FOLDER + '/fish.txt', 'w').close() sftp.open(FOLDER + '/tertiary.py', 'w').close() x = [x.filename for x in sftp.listdir_iter(FOLDER)] self.assertEqual(len(x), 3) self.assertTrue('duck.txt' in x) self.assertTrue('fish.txt' in x) self.assertTrue('tertiary.py' in x) self.assertTrue('random' not in x) finally: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/duck.txt') sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/fish.txt') sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/tertiary.py') def test_8_setstat(self): """ verify that the setstat functions (chown, chmod, utime, truncate) work. """ try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/special', 'w') as f: f.write('x' * 1024) stat = sftp.stat(FOLDER + '/special') sftp.chmod(FOLDER + '/special', (stat.st_mode & ~o777) | o600) stat = sftp.stat(FOLDER + '/special') expected_mode = o600 if sys.platform == 'win32': # chmod not really functional on windows expected_mode = o666 if sys.platform == 'cygwin': # even worse. expected_mode = o644 self.assertEqual(stat.st_mode & o777, expected_mode) self.assertEqual(stat.st_size, 1024) mtime = stat.st_mtime - 3600 atime = stat.st_atime - 1800 sftp.utime(FOLDER + '/special', (atime, mtime)) stat = sftp.stat(FOLDER + '/special') self.assertEqual(stat.st_mtime, mtime) if sys.platform not in ('win32', 'cygwin'): self.assertEqual(stat.st_atime, atime) # can't really test chown, since we'd have to know a valid uid. sftp.truncate(FOLDER + '/special', 512) stat = sftp.stat(FOLDER + '/special') self.assertEqual(stat.st_size, 512) finally: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/special') def test_9_fsetstat(self): """ verify that the fsetstat functions (chown, chmod, utime, truncate) work on open files. """ try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/special', 'w') as f: f.write('x' * 1024) with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/special', 'r+') as f: stat = f.stat() f.chmod((stat.st_mode & ~o777) | o600) stat = f.stat() expected_mode = o600 if sys.platform == 'win32': # chmod not really functional on windows expected_mode = o666 if sys.platform == 'cygwin': # even worse. expected_mode = o644 self.assertEqual(stat.st_mode & o777, expected_mode) self.assertEqual(stat.st_size, 1024) mtime = stat.st_mtime - 3600 atime = stat.st_atime - 1800 f.utime((atime, mtime)) stat = f.stat() self.assertEqual(stat.st_mtime, mtime) if sys.platform not in ('win32', 'cygwin'): self.assertEqual(stat.st_atime, atime) # can't really test chown, since we'd have to know a valid uid. f.truncate(512) stat = f.stat() self.assertEqual(stat.st_size, 512) finally: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/special') def test_A_readline_seek(self): """ create a text file and write a bunch of text into it. then count the lines in the file, and seek around to retrieve particular lines. this should verify that read buffering and 'tell' work well together, and that read buffering is reset on 'seek'. """ try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/duck.txt', 'w') as f: f.write(ARTICLE) with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/duck.txt', 'r+') as f: line_number = 0 loc = 0 pos_list = [] for line in f: line_number += 1 pos_list.append(loc) loc = f.tell() self.assertTrue(f.seekable()) f.seek(pos_list[6], f.SEEK_SET) self.assertEqual(f.readline(), 'Nouzilly, France.\n') f.seek(pos_list[17], f.SEEK_SET) self.assertEqual(f.readline()[:4], 'duck') f.seek(pos_list[10], f.SEEK_SET) self.assertEqual(f.readline(), 'duck types were equally resistant to exogenous insulin compared with chicken.\n') finally: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/duck.txt') def test_B_write_seek(self): """ create a text file, seek back and change part of it, and verify that the changes worked. """ try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/testing.txt', 'w') as f: f.write('hello kitty.\n') f.seek(-5, f.SEEK_CUR) f.write('dd') self.assertEqual(sftp.stat(FOLDER + '/testing.txt').st_size, 13) with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/testing.txt', 'r') as f: data = f.read(20) self.assertEqual(data, b'hello kiddy.\n') finally: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/testing.txt') def test_C_symlink(self): """ create a symlink and then check that lstat doesn't follow it. """ if not hasattr(os, "symlink"): # skip symlink tests on windows return try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/original.txt', 'w') as f: f.write('original\n') sftp.symlink('original.txt', FOLDER + '/link.txt') self.assertEqual(sftp.readlink(FOLDER + '/link.txt'), 'original.txt') with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/link.txt', 'r') as f: self.assertEqual(f.readlines(), ['original\n']) cwd = sftp.normalize('.') if cwd[-1] == '/': cwd = cwd[:-1] abs_path = cwd + '/' + FOLDER + '/original.txt' sftp.symlink(abs_path, FOLDER + '/link2.txt') self.assertEqual(abs_path, sftp.readlink(FOLDER + '/link2.txt')) self.assertEqual(sftp.lstat(FOLDER + '/link.txt').st_size, 12) self.assertEqual(sftp.stat(FOLDER + '/link.txt').st_size, 9) # the sftp server may be hiding extra path members from us, so the # length may be longer than we expect: self.assertTrue(sftp.lstat(FOLDER + '/link2.txt').st_size >= len(abs_path)) self.assertEqual(sftp.stat(FOLDER + '/link2.txt').st_size, 9) self.assertEqual(sftp.stat(FOLDER + '/original.txt').st_size, 9) finally: try: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/link.txt') except: pass try: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/link2.txt') except: pass try: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/original.txt') except: pass def test_D_flush_seek(self): """ verify that buffered writes are automatically flushed on seek. """ try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/happy.txt', 'w', 1) as f: f.write('full line.\n') f.write('partial') f.seek(9, f.SEEK_SET) f.write('?\n') with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/happy.txt', 'r') as f: self.assertEqual(f.readline(), u('full line?\n')) self.assertEqual(f.read(7), b'partial') finally: try: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/happy.txt') except: pass def test_E_realpath(self): """ test that realpath is returning something non-empty and not an error. """ pwd = sftp.normalize('.') self.assertTrue(len(pwd) > 0) f = sftp.normalize('./' + FOLDER) self.assertTrue(len(f) > 0) self.assertEqual(os.path.join(pwd, FOLDER), f) def test_F_mkdir(self): """ verify that mkdir/rmdir work. """ try: sftp.mkdir(FOLDER + '/subfolder') except: self.assertTrue(False, 'exception creating subfolder') try: sftp.mkdir(FOLDER + '/subfolder') self.assertTrue(False, 'no exception overwriting subfolder') except IOError: pass try: sftp.rmdir(FOLDER + '/subfolder') except: self.assertTrue(False, 'exception removing subfolder') try: sftp.rmdir(FOLDER + '/subfolder') self.assertTrue(False, 'no exception removing nonexistent subfolder') except IOError: pass def test_G_chdir(self): """ verify that chdir/getcwd work. """ root = sftp.normalize('.') if root[-1] != '/': root += '/' try: sftp.mkdir(FOLDER + '/alpha') sftp.chdir(FOLDER + '/alpha') sftp.mkdir('beta') self.assertEqual(root + FOLDER + '/alpha', sftp.getcwd()) self.assertEqual(['beta'], sftp.listdir('.')) sftp.chdir('beta') with sftp.open('fish', 'w') as f: f.write('hello\n') sftp.chdir('..') self.assertEqual(['fish'], sftp.listdir('beta')) sftp.chdir('..') self.assertEqual(['fish'], sftp.listdir('alpha/beta')) finally: sftp.chdir(root) try: sftp.unlink(FOLDER + '/alpha/beta/fish') except: pass try: sftp.rmdir(FOLDER + '/alpha/beta') except: pass try: sftp.rmdir(FOLDER + '/alpha') except: pass def test_H_get_put(self): """ verify that get/put work. """ warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'tempnam.*') fd, localname = mkstemp() os.close(fd) text = b'All I wanted was a plastic bunny rabbit.\n' with open(localname, 'wb') as f: f.write(text) saved_progress = [] def progress_callback(x, y): saved_progress.append((x, y)) sftp.put(localname, FOLDER + '/bunny.txt', progress_callback) with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/bunny.txt', 'rb') as f: self.assertEqual(text, f.read(128)) self.assertEqual([(41, 41)], saved_progress) os.unlink(localname) fd, localname = mkstemp() os.close(fd) saved_progress = [] sftp.get(FOLDER + '/bunny.txt', localname, progress_callback) with open(localname, 'rb') as f: self.assertEqual(text, f.read(128)) self.assertEqual([(41, 41)], saved_progress) os.unlink(localname) sftp.unlink(FOLDER + '/bunny.txt') def test_I_check(self): """ verify that file.check() works against our own server. (it's an sftp extension that we support, and may be the only ones who support it.) """ with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/kitty.txt', 'w') as f: f.write('here kitty kitty' * 64) try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/kitty.txt', 'r') as f: sum = f.check('sha1') self.assertEqual('91059CFC6615941378D413CB5ADAF4C5EB293402', u(hexlify(sum)).upper()) sum = f.check('md5', 0, 512) self.assertEqual('93DE4788FCA28D471516963A1FE3856A', u(hexlify(sum)).upper()) sum = f.check('md5', 0, 0, 510) self.assertEqual('EB3B45B8CD55A0707D99B177544A319F373183D241432BB2157AB9E46358C4AC90370B5CADE5D90336FC1716F90B36D6', u(hexlify(sum)).upper()) finally: sftp.unlink(FOLDER + '/kitty.txt') def test_J_x_flag(self): """ verify that the 'x' flag works when opening a file. """ sftp.open(FOLDER + '/unusual.txt', 'wx').close() try: try: sftp.open(FOLDER + '/unusual.txt', 'wx') self.fail('expected exception') except IOError: pass finally: sftp.unlink(FOLDER + '/unusual.txt') def test_K_utf8(self): """ verify that unicode strings are encoded into utf8 correctly. """ with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/something', 'w') as f: f.write('okay') try: sftp.rename(FOLDER + '/something', FOLDER + '/' + unicode_folder) sftp.open(b(FOLDER) + utf8_folder, 'r') except Exception as e: self.fail('exception ' + str(e)) sftp.unlink(b(FOLDER) + utf8_folder) def test_L_utf8_chdir(self): sftp.mkdir(FOLDER + '/' + unicode_folder) try: sftp.chdir(FOLDER + '/' + unicode_folder) with sftp.open('something', 'w') as f: f.write('okay') sftp.unlink('something') finally: sftp.chdir() sftp.rmdir(FOLDER + '/' + unicode_folder) def test_M_bad_readv(self): """ verify that readv at the end of the file doesn't essplode. """ sftp.open(FOLDER + '/zero', 'w').close() try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/zero', 'r') as f: f.readv([(0, 12)]) with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/zero', 'r') as f: file_size = f.stat().st_size f.prefetch(file_size) f.read(100) finally: sftp.unlink(FOLDER + '/zero') def test_N_put_without_confirm(self): """ verify that get/put work without confirmation. """ warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', 'tempnam.*') fd, localname = mkstemp() os.close(fd) text = b'All I wanted was a plastic bunny rabbit.\n' with open(localname, 'wb') as f: f.write(text) saved_progress = [] def progress_callback(x, y): saved_progress.append((x, y)) res = sftp.put(localname, FOLDER + '/bunny.txt', progress_callback, False) self.assertEqual(SFTPAttributes().attr, res.attr) with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/bunny.txt', 'r') as f: self.assertEqual(text, f.read(128)) self.assertEqual((41, 41), saved_progress[-1]) os.unlink(localname) sftp.unlink(FOLDER + '/bunny.txt') def test_O_getcwd(self): """ verify that chdir/getcwd work. """ self.assertEqual(None, sftp.getcwd()) root = sftp.normalize('.') if root[-1] != '/': root += '/' try: sftp.mkdir(FOLDER + '/alpha') sftp.chdir(FOLDER + '/alpha') self.assertEqual('/' + FOLDER + '/alpha', sftp.getcwd()) finally: sftp.chdir(root) try: sftp.rmdir(FOLDER + '/alpha') except: pass def XXX_test_M_seek_append(self): """ verify that seek does't affect writes during append. does not work except through paramiko. :( openssh fails. """ try: with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/append.txt', 'a') as f: f.write('first line\nsecond line\n') f.seek(11, f.SEEK_SET) f.write('third line\n') with sftp.open(FOLDER + '/append.txt', 'r') as f: self.assertEqual(f.stat().st_size, 34) self.assertEqual(f.readline(), 'first line\n') self.assertEqual(f.readline(), 'second line\n') self.assertEqual(f.readline(), 'third line\n') finally: sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/append.txt') def test_putfo_empty_file(self): """ Send an empty file and confirm it is sent. """ target = FOLDER + '/empty file.txt' stream = StringIO() try: attrs = sftp.putfo(stream, target) # the returned attributes should not be null self.assertNotEqual(attrs, None) finally: sftp.remove(target) def test_N_file_with_percent(self): """ verify that we can create a file with a '%' in the filename. ( it needs to be properly escaped by _log() ) """ self.assertTrue( paramiko.util.get_logger("paramiko").handlers, "This unit test requires logging to be enabled" ) f = sftp.open(FOLDER + '/test%file', 'w') try: self.assertEqual(f.stat().st_size, 0) finally: f.close() sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/test%file') def test_O_non_utf8_data(self): """Test write() and read() of non utf8 data""" try: with sftp.open('%s/nonutf8data' % FOLDER, 'w') as f: f.write(NON_UTF8_DATA) with sftp.open('%s/nonutf8data' % FOLDER, 'r') as f: data = f.read() self.assertEqual(data, NON_UTF8_DATA) with sftp.open('%s/nonutf8data' % FOLDER, 'wb') as f: f.write(NON_UTF8_DATA) with sftp.open('%s/nonutf8data' % FOLDER, 'rb') as f: data = f.read() self.assertEqual(data, NON_UTF8_DATA) finally: sftp.remove('%s/nonutf8data' % FOLDER) def test_sftp_attributes_empty_str(self): sftp_attributes = SFTPAttributes() self.assertEqual(str(sftp_attributes), "?--------- 1 0 0 0 (unknown date) ?") @skipUnlessBuiltin('buffer') def test_write_buffer(self): """Test write() using a buffer instance.""" data = 3 * b'A potentially large block of data to chunk up.\n' try: with sftp.open('%s/write_buffer' % FOLDER, 'wb') as f: for offset in range(0, len(data), 8): f.write(buffer(data, offset, 8)) with sftp.open('%s/write_buffer' % FOLDER, 'rb') as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), data) finally: sftp.remove('%s/write_buffer' % FOLDER) @skipUnlessBuiltin('memoryview') def test_write_memoryview(self): """Test write() using a memoryview instance.""" data = 3 * b'A potentially large block of data to chunk up.\n' try: with sftp.open('%s/write_memoryview' % FOLDER, 'wb') as f: view = memoryview(data) for offset in range(0, len(data), 8): f.write(view[offset:offset+8]) with sftp.open('%s/write_memoryview' % FOLDER, 'rb') as f: self.assertEqual(f.read(), data) finally: sftp.remove('%s/write_memoryview' % FOLDER) if __name__ == '__main__': SFTPTest.init_loopback() # logging is required by test_N_file_with_percent paramiko.util.log_to_file('test_sftp.log') from unittest import main main()