Installing (1.x) ================ .. note:: Installing Paramiko 2.0 or above? See :doc:`installing` instead. This document includes legacy notes on installing Paramiko 1.x (specifically, 1.13 and up). Users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to 2.0 when possible; PyCrypto (the dependency covered below) is no longer maintained and contains security vulnerabilities. General install notes ===================== * Python 2.6+ and 3.3+ are supported; Python <=2.5 and 3.0-3.2 are **not supported**. * See the note in the main install doc about :ref:`release-lines` for details on specific versions you may want to install. .. note:: 1.x will eventually be entirely end-of-lifed. * Paramiko 1.7-1.14 have only one dependency: :ref:`pycrypto`. * Paramiko 1.15+ (not including 2.x and above) add a second, pure-Python dependency: the ``ecdsa`` module, trivially installable via PyPI. * Paramiko 1.15+ (again, not including 2.x and up) also allows you to optionally install a few more dependencies to gain support for :ref:`GSS-API/Kerberos <gssapi-on-1x>`. * Users on Windows may want to opt for the :ref:`pypm` approach. .. _pycrypto: PyCrypto ======== `PyCrypto <>`__ provides the low-level (C-based) encryption algorithms we need to implement the SSH protocol. There are a couple gotchas associated with installing PyCrypto: its compatibility with Python's package tools, and the fact that it is a C-based extension. C extension ----------- Unless you are installing from a precompiled source such as a Debian apt repository or RedHat RPM, or using :ref:`pypm <pypm>`, you will also need the ability to build Python C-based modules from source in order to install PyCrypto. Users on **Unix-based platforms** such as Ubuntu or Mac OS X will need the traditional C build toolchain installed (e.g. Developer Tools / XCode Tools on the Mac, or the ``build-essential`` package on Ubuntu or Debian Linux -- basically, anything with ``gcc``, ``make`` and so forth) as well as the Python development libraries, often named ``python-dev`` or similar. For **Windows** users we recommend using :ref:`pypm`, installing a C development environment such as `Cygwin <>`_ or obtaining a precompiled Win32 PyCrypto package from `voidspace's Python modules page <>`_. .. note:: Some Windows users whose Python is 64-bit have found that the PyCrypto dependency ``winrandom`` may not install properly, leading to ImportErrors. In this scenario, you'll probably need to compile ``winrandom`` yourself via e.g. MS Visual Studio. See `Fabric #194 <>`_ for info. .. _pypm: ActivePython and PyPM ===================== Windows users who already have ActiveState's `ActivePython <>`_ distribution installed may find Paramiko is best installed with `its package manager, PyPM <>`_. Below is example output from an installation of Paramiko via ``pypm``:: C:\> pypm install paramiko The following packages will be installed into "%APPDATA%\Python" (2.7): paramiko-1.7.8 pycrypto-2.4 Get: [] paramiko 1.7.8 Get: [] pycrypto 2.4 Installing paramiko-1.7.8 Installing pycrypto-2.4 C:\> .. _gssapi-on-1x: Optional dependencies for GSS-API / SSPI / Kerberos =================================================== First, see the main install doc's notes: :ref:`gssapi` - everything there is required for Paramiko 1.x as well. Additionally, users of Paramiko 1.x, on all platforms, need a final dependency: `pyasn1 <>`_ ``0.1.7`` or better.