Welcome to Paramiko! ==================== Paramiko is a Python (2.6+, 3.3+) implementation of the SSHv2 protocol [#]_, providing both client and server functionality. While it leverages a Python C extension for low level cryptography (`PyCrypto `_), Paramiko itself is a pure Python interface around SSH networking concepts. This website covers project information for Paramiko such as the changelog, contribution guidelines, development roadmap, news/blog, and so forth. Detailed usage and API documentation can be found at our code documentation site, `docs.paramiko.org `_. .. toctree:: changelog FAQs installing contributing contact .. Hide blog in hidden toctree for now (to avoid warnings.) .. toctree:: :hidden: blog .. rubric:: Footnotes .. [#] SSH is defined in RFCs `4251 `_, `4252 `_, `4253 `_, and `4254 `_; the primary working implementation of the protocol is the `OpenSSH project `_. Paramiko implements a large portion of the SSH feature set, but there are occasional gaps.