=================================== Frequently Asked/Answered Questions =================================== Which version should I use? I see multiple active releases. =========================================================== Please see :ref:`the installation docs <release-lines>` which have an explicit section about this topic. Paramiko doesn't work with my Cisco, Windows or other non-Unix system! ====================================================================== In an ideal world, the developers would love to support every possible target system. Unfortunately, volunteer development time and access to non-mainstream platforms are limited, meaning that we can only fully support standard OpenSSH implementations such as those found on the average Linux distribution (as well as on Mac OS X and \*BSD.) Because of this, **we typically close bug reports for nonstandard SSH implementations or host systems**. However, **closed does not imply locked** - affected users can still post comments on such tickets - and **we will always consider actual patch submissions for these issues**, provided they can get +1s from similarly affected users and are proven to not break existing functionality. I'm having strange issues with my code hanging at shutdown! =========================================================== Make sure you explicitly ``.close()`` your connection objects (usually ``SSHClient``) if you're having any sort of hang/freeze at shutdown time! Doing so isn't strictly necessary 100% of the time, but it is almost always the right solution if you run into the various corner cases that cause race conditions, etc.