dist: xenial language: python sudo: false cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip python: - "2.7" - "3.4" - "3.5" - "3.6" - "3.7" - "3.8-dev" - "pypy" - "pypy3" matrix: allow_failures: - python: "3.8-dev" # Explicitly test against our oldest supported cryptography.io, in addition # to whatever the latest default is. include: - python: 2.7 env: "OLDEST_CRYPTO=2.5" - python: 3.7 env: "OLDEST_CRYPTO=2.5" - python: 2.7 env: "USE_K5TEST=yes" - python: 3.7 env: "USE_K5TEST=yes" install: # Ensure modern pip/etc to avoid some issues w/ older worker environs - pip install pip==9.0.1 setuptools==36.6.0 # Grab a specific version of Cryptography if desired. Doing this before other # installations ensures we don't have to do any downgrading/overriding. - | if [[ -n "$OLDEST_CRYPTO" ]]; then pip install "cryptography==${OLDEST_CRYPTO}" fi # Self-install for setup.py-driven deps (plus additional # safe-enough-for-all-matrix-cells optional deps) - pip install -e ".[ed25519,invoke]" # Dev (doc/test running) requirements # TODO: use poetry + whatever contexty-type stuff it has, should be more than # just prod/dev split. Also apply to the above re: extras_require. - pip install codecov # For codecov specifically - pip install -r dev-requirements.txt - | if [[ -n "$USE_K5TEST" ]]; then # we need a few commands and libraries # Debian/Ubuntu package: commands used by package k5test # libkrb5-dev: krb5-config # krb5-kdc: kdb5_util, krb5kdc # krb5-admin-server: kadmin.local, kprop, kadmind # krb5-user: kinit, klist # # krb5-multidev: required to build gssapi sudo apt-get -y install libkrb5-dev krb5-admin-server \ krb5-kdc krb5-user krb5-multidev && \ pip install k5test gssapi pyasn1 fi # In case of problems uncomment the following to get the krb environment # - | # if [[ -n "$USE_K5TEST" ]]; then # python -c 'from tests.util import k5shell; k5shell()' env | sort # fi script: # Fast syntax check failures for more rapid feedback to submitters # (Travis-oriented metatask that version checks Python, installs, runs.) - inv travis.blacken # I have this in my git pre-push hook, but contributors probably don't - flake8 # All (including slow) tests, w/ coverage! - inv coverage # Ensure documentation builds, both sites, maxxed nitpicking - inv sites notifications: irc: channels: "irc.freenode.org#paramiko" template: - "%{repository}@%{branch}: %{message} (%{build_url})" on_success: change on_failure: change email: false after_success: - codecov