path: root/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2006-11-10[project @]Robey Pointer
use python from env for unit tests
2006-07-31[project @]Robey Pointer
clean up a bit and allow filtering from the command line
2006-05-07[project @]Robey Pointer
add unit tests for SSHClient, and fix a few bugs that uncovered
2006-04-11[project @]Robey Pointer
oops, don't forget BufferedPipe unit tests
2006-03-09[project @]Robey Pointer
move sftp big-file tests into a separate class and add one that does a prefetch, then seeks in random order
2006-02-19[project @]Robey Pointer
add HostKeys, a helper for reading/parsing openssh known_hosts files, including hashed-host support
2005-12-04[project @]Robey Pointer
experimental util functions for parsing/getting openssh host config, and unit tests (turned out to be pretty easy)
2005-12-02[project @]Robey Pointer
turn down output for unit tests by default, but add --verbose option to manually crank them back up
2005-05-10[project @]Robey Pointer
add unit tests for the packetizer, and fix a little locking bug where i think more of the packetizer write function should be inside a lock
2005-05-01[project @]Robey Pointer
split out Packetizer, fix banner detection bug, new unit test split out a chunk of BaseTransport into a Packetizer class, which handles the in/out packet data, ciphers, etc. it didn't make the code any smaller ( is still close to 1500 lines, which is awful) but it did split out a coherent chunk of functionality into a discrete unit. in the process, fixed a bug that alain spineux pointed out: the banner check was too forgiving and would block forever waiting for an SSH banner. now it waits 5 seconds for the first line, and 2 seconds for each subsequent line, before giving up. added a unit test to test keepalive, since i wasn't sure that was still working after pulling out Packetizer.
2005-02-28[project @]Robey Pointer
even better 1.2 lapras re-bump the version # to 1.2 (with a new date since i added more stuff). add 2005 to the copyright date in a bunch of files.
2005-01-16[project @]Robey Pointer
make loopback sftp tests the default change the unit tests to default to always running the sftp tests locally, and make a -R option to force the tests to run against a remote server. the tests seem to work fine locally, and it helps test out server mode, even though there's a danger that they could get isolated from reality and only test that paramiko can talk to itself.
2004-12-19[project @]Robey Pointer
loopback sftp test add ability to turn off more tests, and a secret (for now) -X option to do the sftp tests via loopback socket. added another symlink sftp test to see what happens with absolute symlinks.
2004-11-07[project @]Robey Pointer
add key exchange tests + 1 more sftp test add test suite for key-exchange protocols, since i apparently broke the "gex" protocol recently and never noticed. also add an sftp unit test for mkdir/rmdir.
2004-10-20[project @]Robey Pointer
start testing Transport the beginnings of tests for Transport. only the bare minimum is there right now. also started doc'ing things up to ivysaur.
2004-09-25[project @]Robey Pointer
fix to use options instead of env vars, sftp tests default off fix up the test framework so that the sftp unit tests aren't always run (you have to ask for them explicitly) and they take their configuration from command-line options. they still require a remote server.
2004-06-10[project @]Robey Pointer
no more Foobar fix "Foobar" to be "Paramiko" in the one place i missed it in all the gpl headers. sigh. :)
2004-03-08[project @]Robey Pointer
add unit tests add unit tests for BufferedFile and SFTP (it's a start). remove the demo sftp client because it was 99% copied from the other demos, which makes it kinda confusing. the unit tests are a much better example.