AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2004-06-10[project @]Robey Pointer
more unit tests add a unit test for sending a large (1MB) file with line buffering but no linefeeds (this triggered several bugs and inefficiencies), and another test to verify that the write buffer is flushed on seek.
2004-05-31[project @]Robey Pointer
add demo script; bump to gyarados add a demo script to show how to do local port forwarding. add gyarados to all the docs and bump the version number everywhere.
2004-05-29[project @]Robey Pointer
add an sftp unit test for making 100 files create 100 files on the remote server, set their mode with chmod, then verify that they're all there and contain the right data. valeriy is reporting that sometimes he's getting stuck after 20 and though i'm not seeing it, i want to add a test to try to pin it down.
2004-05-29[project @]Robey Pointer
add direct-tcpip ability to open_channel open_channel can now be given a dest_addr and src_addr, which are filled in if the channel type is "forwarded-tcpip" or "direct-tcpip". these channel types are used in remote & local port forwarding, respectively. i've only tested "direct-tcpip" but i think if one works, they both should work. also fixed a bug in connect where it was still assuming the old meaning for get_remove_server_key() (oops!) and changed the sense of a send() failure from <= 0 to < 0 since it may be possible for send() to return 0 and it not be an EOF error.
2004-05-29[project @]Robey Pointer
add note about utf8 encodings add info to the README about what to do if python complains about missing encodings. veleriy pogrebitskiy ran into this and had advice.
2004-05-17[project @]Robey Pointer
fix deadlock in closing a channel closing a channel would enter an odd codepath where the lock was grabbed, some stuff was done, then another function was called where the lock was grabbed again. unfortunately python locks aren't monitors so this would deadlock. instead, make the smaller function lock-free with an explicit notice that you must be holding the lock before calling.
2004-05-17[project @]Robey Pointer
fix utf8, raise packet size, log exceptions, be more lax with sfp servers explicitly import utf8 encodings for "freezing" (and also because not all platforms come with utf8, apparently). raise the max acceptable packet size to 8kB, cuz 2kB was too low. log exceptions at error level instead of debug level. and don't reject older sftp servers.
2004-04-23[project @]Robey Pointer
fearow date and last-minute fixes update release date of fearow to 23apr. fix channel._set_closed() to grab the lock before notifying the in/out buffers that the channel is closed. try roger's trick for finding the home folder on windows.
2004-04-08[project @]Robey Pointer
fix doc typos
2004-04-08[project @]Robey Pointer
set version number to fearow set version number to fearow.
2004-04-08[project @]Robey Pointer
add socket.timeout for py22 oops, forgot this vital part of the py22 patches. roger binns sent me a code patch that included this snip.
2004-04-07[project @]Robey Pointer
README update notes added notes on what's new, what to watch out for in py22. added a "since: fearow" to all the relevant API calls that are new.
2004-04-07[project @]Robey Pointer
add set_keepalive() add set_keepalive() to set an automatic keepalive mechanism. (while waiting for a packet on a connection, we periodically check if it's time to send a keepalive packet.)
2004-04-07[project @]Robey Pointer
add get_username() method for remembering who you auth'd as add get_username() method for remembering who you auth'd as. also, fix these bugs: * "continue" auth response counted as a failure (in server mode). * try to import 'logging' in py22 before falling back to the fake logger, in case they have a backported version of 'logger' * raise the right exception when told to read a private key from a file that isn't a private key file * tell channels to close when the transport dies
2004-04-06[project @]Robey Pointer
fix encrypted private key files the random byte padding on private key files' BER data was confusing openssh, so switch to null-byte padding, which is slightly less secure but works with crappy old openssh. also, enforce the mode when writing the private key file. we really really want it to be 0600. (python seems to ignore the mode normally.)
2004-04-06[project @]Robey Pointer
support py22, more or less add roger binns' patches for supporting python 2.2. i hedged a bit on the logging stuff and just added some trickery to let logging be stubbed out for python 2.2. this changed a lot of import statements but i managed to avoid hacking at any of the existing logging. socket timeouts are required for the threads to notice when they've been deactivated. worked around it by using the 'select' module on py22. also fixed the sftp unit tests to cope with a password-protected private key.
2004-04-05[project @]Robey Pointer
make get_remote_server_key() return a PKey object a good suggestion from roger binns: make get_remote_server_key() just return a pkey object instead of a tuple of strings. all the strings can be extracted from the pkey object, as well as other potentially useful things.
2004-04-05[project @]Robey Pointer
add dss key generation too, and fix some bugs added the ability to generate dss keys and write private dss key files, similar to rsa. in the process, fixed a couple of bugs with ber encoding and writing password-encrypted key files. the key has to be padded to the iblock size of the cipher -- it's very difficult to determine how the others do this, so i just add random bytes to the end. fixed the simple demo to use Transport's (host, port) constructor for simplicity, and fixed a bug where the standard demo's DSS login wouldn't work. also, move the common logfile setup crap into util so all the demos can just call that one.
2004-04-05[project @]Robey Pointer
add global request mechanism add transport.global_request() to make a global-style request (usually an extension to the protocol -- like keepalives) and handle requests from the remote host. incoming requests are now handled and responded to correctly, which should make openssh-style keepalives work. (before, we would silently ignore them, which was wrong.)
2004-04-05[project @]Robey Pointer
add file missing from previous change because tla doesn't like to add files in some situations. (frown)
2004-04-05[project @]Robey Pointer
can now generate rsa keys (not dss yet) added functionality to ber to create ber streams. added some common methods to PKey to allow dumping the key to base64 (the format used by openssh for public key files and host key lists), and a factory for creating a key from a private key file, and a common way to save private keys. RSAKey luckily didn't have to change that much. also added a factory method to RSAKey to generate a new key.
2004-04-05[project @]Robey Pointer
add for commonly used constants and globals now stores the constants and globals. lots of renaming because of this.
2004-04-02[project @]Robey Pointer
add send_ignore add send_ignore() call to allow for sending garbage ignored packets to the remote side.
2004-03-16[project @]Robey Pointer
fix some arcana in unpacking private keys "!= type([])" is a pretty obscure way to say it. let's try "is not list" which is a lot more readable. (mostly this is a test to make sure tla is working okay on my laptop.)
2004-03-09[project @]Robey Pointer
include tests in manifest include the tests in the manifest for dist, and remove some outdated notes in NOTES about the exported API (this is doc'd wayyy better in epydoc now).
2004-03-08[project @]Robey Pointer
add unit tests add unit tests for BufferedFile and SFTP (it's a start). remove the demo sftp client because it was 99% copied from the other demos, which makes it kinda confusing. the unit tests are a much better example.
2004-03-08[project @]Robey Pointer
bump version number to eevee bump the version number to eevee in a few places and talk about the unit tests.
2004-03-08[project @]Robey Pointer
finish up client sftp support added 'stat' to SFTPFile and SFTP, documented 'open' and 'listdir', and added 'rmdir', 'lstat', 'symlink', 'chmod', 'chown', 'utime', 'readlink'. turned off ultra debugging now that the unit tests are all working.
2004-03-08[project @]Robey Pointer
fix some docs and BufferedFile.readline fix some documentation and fix readline()'s universal newline support to always return strings ending with '\n', regardless of how they were in the original file. (this is an obvious feature of python's universal newline support that i somehow missed before.)
2004-03-08[project @]Robey Pointer
fix lingering thread bug this bug has been in there forever and i could never figure out a workaround till now. when the python interpreter exits, it doesn't necessarily destroy the remaining objects or call __del__ on anything, and it will lock up until all threads finish running. how the threads are supposed to notice the exiting interpreter has always been sort of a mystery to me. tonight i figured out how to use the 'atexit' module to register a handler that runs when the interpreter exits. now we keep a list of active threads and ask them all to exit on shutdown. no more going to another shell to kill -9 python! yeah!!
2004-03-04[project @]Robey Pointer
add BufferedFile abstraction SFTP client mode is mostly functional. there are probably still some bugs but most of the operations on "file" objects have survived my simple tests. BufferedFile wraps a simpler stream in something that looks like a python file (and can even handle seeking if the stream underneath supports it). it's meant to be subclassed. most of it is ripped out of what used to be ChannelFile so i can reuse it for sftp -- ChannelFile is now tiny. SFTP and Message are now exported. fixed util.format_binary_line to not quote spaces.
2004-01-27[project @]Robey Pointer
Transport constructor can take hostname or address tuple part of an ongoing attempt to make "simple" versions of some of the API calls, so you can do common-case operations with just a few calls: Transport's constructor will now let you pass in a string or tuple instead of a socket-like object. if you pass in a string, it assumes the string is a hostname (with optional ":port" segment) and turns that into an address tuple. if you pass in a tuple, it assumes it's an address tuple. in both cases, it then creates a socket, connects to the given address, and then continues as if that was the socket passed in. the idea being that you can call Transport('') and it will do the right thing.
2004-01-27[project @]Robey Pointer
pkey no longer raises binascii.Error catch binascii.Error in the private key decoder and convert it into an SSHException. there's no reason people should have to care that it was a decoding error vs. any of the other million things that could be wrong in a corrupt key file.
2004-01-27[project @]Robey Pointer
document more of Message; add get_int64 all of the get_* methods are now documented, but there's a bit more to do. get_int64 added for eventual sftp support.
2004-01-04[project @]Robey Pointer
quick doc fix. fix broken cross-link in kex_gex docs.
2004-01-04[project @]Robey Pointer
fix, change version numbers to 0.9-doduo, fix LPGL notices fixed to include the demo scripts, LICENSE, and ChangeLog. upped everything to version 0.9-doduo. fixed the copyright notice, and added the LGPL banner to the top of every python file.
2004-01-04[project @]Robey Pointer
MANIFEST ->, fix out with MANIFEST, in with
2004-01-04[project @]Robey Pointer
more docs, and password-protected key files can now be read lots more documentation, some of it moved out of the README file, which is now much smaller and less rambling. repr(Transport) now reports the number of bits used in the cipher. cleaned up BER to use util functions, and throw a proper exception (the new BERException) on error. it doesn't ever have to be a full BER decoder, but it can at least comb its hair and tuck in its shirt. lots of stuff added to PKey.read_private_key_file so it can try to decode password-protected key files. right now it only understands "DES-EDE3-CBC" format, but this is the only format i've seen openssh make so far. if the key is password-protected, but no password was given, a new exception (PasswordRequiredException) is raised so an outer layer can ask for a password and try again.
2003-12-31[project @]Robey Pointer
renamed auth_key -> auth_publickey; more docs. renamed Transport.auth_key to auth_publickey for consistency. and lots more documentation.
2003-12-30[project @]Robey Pointer
added public-key support to server mode, more docs added public-key support to server mode (it can now verify a client signature) and added a demo of that to the script (user_rsa_key). in the process, cleaned up the API of PKey so that now it only has to know about signing and verifying ssh2 blobs, and can be hashed and compared with other keys (comparing & hashing only the public parts of the key). keys can also be created from strings now too. some more documentation and hiding private methods.
2003-12-30[project @]Robey Pointer
lots more documentation, and added Transport.connect() renamed demo_host_key to demo_rsa_key. moved changelog to a separate file, and indicated that future changelog entries should be fetched from tla. tried to clean up "__all__" in a way that makes epydoc still work. added lots more documentation, and renamed many methods and vars to hide them as private non-exported API. Transport's ModulusPack is now a static member, so it only has to be loaded once, and can then be used by any future Transport object. added Transport.connect(), which tries to wrap all the SSH2 negotiation and authentication into one method. you should be able to create a Transport, call connect(), and then create channels.
2003-12-28[project @]Robey Pointer
hook up server-side kex-gex; add more documentation group-exchange kex should work now on the server side. it will only be advertised if a "moduli" file has been loaded (see the -gasp- docs) so we don't spend hours (literally. hours.) computing primes. some of the logic was previously wrong, too, since it had never been tested. fixed repr() string for Transport/BaseTransport. moved is_authenticated to Transport where it belongs. added lots of documentation (but still only about 10% documented). lots of methods were made private finally.
2003-12-27[project @]Robey Pointer
fix up new paramiko/ folder. moved SSHException to a new file ( and turned into an file. i'm still not entirely sure how this normally works, so i may have done something wrong, but it's supposed to work the same as before.
2003-12-27[project @]Robey Pointer
move the paramiko files into a paramiko/ folder. just moving the files into a folder. it won't build this way yet.
2003-12-24[project @]Robey Pointer
fix a deadlock/race in handle_eof & close (patch from fred gansevles) add locking around the eof handler and the close() call, so we can't be in both simultaneously.
2003-12-24[project @]Robey Pointer
fix dss key signing (expanded on a patch from fred gansevles) add a demo dss key for server mode, and fix some bugs that had caused the dss signing stuff to never work before. the demo_server is a bit more verbose now, too. both key types (RSAKey & DSSKey) now have a function to return the fingerprint of the key, and both versions of read_private_key_file() now raise exceptions on failure, instead of just silently setting "valid" to false.
2003-12-23[project @]Robey Pointer
in server mode, don't offer keys we don't have (from Paolo Losi) in server mode, when advertising which key methods we support, don't list methods that we don't have any existing keys for.
2003-11-10[project @]Robey Pointer
rename secsh -> paramiko also, rename SecshException back to SSHException. sigh. :)
2003-11-10[project @]Robey Pointer
doc changes
2003-11-10[project @]Robey Pointer
cleaned up server code, renamed some files & classes renamed and demo-host-key to and demo_host_key, just to be consistent. renamed SSHException -> SecshException. generalized the mechanism where Channel decides whether to allow different channel requests: 4 of the main ones (pty, window-change, shell, and subsystem) go through easily override-able methods now. you could probably make an actual ssh shell server. gave ChannelFile a repr(). turned off ultra debugging in the demos. demo_server creates a subclass of Channel to allow pty/shell and sets an event when the shell request is made, so that it knows when it can start sending the fake bbs. renamed to charmander and updated some of the distutils files.