AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-12-31Merge branch '1.10' into 1.11Jeff Forcier
2013-12-31Merge branch '1.9' into 1.10Jeff Forcier
2013-12-31Merge branch '1.8' into 1.9Jeff Forcier
2013-12-31No more Python 2.5 on Travis :(Jeff Forcier
2013-12-31New yearJeff Forcier
2013-12-05Fix import of win_pageantScott Maxwell
2013-12-04Fix deprecation warning in array conversionScott Maxwell
2013-11-19Bump version to 1.13.0 in initScott Maxwell
2013-11-19Remove Python 2.5 from travis and fix minimum required version in init and RE...Scott Maxwell
2013-11-19Remove byte conversions and unhexlify calls that we only needed for Py2.5 sup...Scott Maxwell
2013-11-19Remove `from __future__ import with_statement`Scott Maxwell
2013-11-19Remove unnecessary vars for openScott Maxwell
2013-11-19Use 'with' for opening most file and SFTPFIle objectsScott Maxwell
2013-11-19Use 'with' for opening most file and SFTPFIle objectsScott Maxwell
2013-11-19Remove eval that was required for Py25 supportScott Maxwell
2013-11-19Change all exceptions to modern format (not Py2.5 compatible)Scott Maxwell
2013-11-19Change conditional from PY3 to PY2 to be better prepared for a possible Py4.Scott Maxwell
2013-11-15Change logging level of "Secsh channel" logsDavid Pursehouse
2013-11-02Bump version to 1.13.0Scott Maxwell
2013-11-02More type conversionsScott Maxwell
2013-11-02Fix message to handle long properly, even on Py3Scott Maxwell
2013-11-02Fix some deprecation and resource warningsScott Maxwell
2013-11-02Make handle binary and text, more type conversionScott Maxwell
2013-11-01Fix thread stop for Py3Scott Maxwell
2013-11-01Changes inspired by the nischu7 branchScott Maxwell
2013-11-01Don't import test_sftp or test_sftp_big unless we are going to do the testsScott Maxwell
2013-11-01Have to use u'' format in test_sftp so this test won't run on Py3.2 unless we...Scott Maxwell
2013-11-01Fixes for Python 2.5 and Python 3.2 supportScott Maxwell
2013-11-01Eliminate all uses of b'' syntax to allow for Python 2.5 supportScott Maxwell
2013-10-31More type fixesScott Maxwell
2013-10-31Fixes for test_sftpScott Maxwell
2013-10-31More type conversionScott Maxwell
2013-10-31More type conversionScott Maxwell
2013-10-31Fix demosScott Maxwell
2013-10-31Fix demo_serverScott Maxwell
2013-10-31Fix demo_keygenScott Maxwell
2013-10-31More type conversionScott Maxwell
2013-10-31Salt needs to be 16 bytes instead of 8Scott Maxwell
2013-10-31Switch feed from text to binaryScott Maxwell
2013-10-31More type fixupsScott Maxwell
2013-10-31Removed an unused import.Alex Gaynor
2013-10-31Setup so we can run test_sftp_big independentlyScott Maxwell
2013-10-31Fix bytes/str type in more placesScott Maxwell
2013-10-30Fix nextScott Maxwell
2013-10-30Fix inputScott Maxwell
2013-10-30Convert and detect types properly, use helper constants, use StringIO and rangeScott Maxwell
2013-10-30Fix winapiScott Maxwell
2013-10-30Fix message sendingScott Maxwell
2013-10-30Fix importsScott Maxwell
2013-10-30Fix dict iters, sorts, exceptions, bytes renames and tuple argsScott Maxwell