AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2005-05-01[project @]Robey Pointer
split out Packetizer, fix banner detection bug, new unit test split out a chunk of BaseTransport into a Packetizer class, which handles the in/out packet data, ciphers, etc. it didn't make the code any smaller ( is still close to 1500 lines, which is awful) but it did split out a coherent chunk of functionality into a discrete unit. in the process, fixed a bug that alain spineux pointed out: the banner check was too forgiving and would block forever waiting for an SSH banner. now it waits 5 seconds for the first line, and 2 seconds for each subsequent line, before giving up. added a unit test to test keepalive, since i wasn't sure that was still working after pulling out Packetizer.
2005-04-30[project @]Robey Pointer
add Transport.open_sftp_client
2005-04-21[project @]Robey Pointer
make SFTPClient.file an alias for clean up docs a little, and make 'file' an alias for 'open'. this is how python is heading in general.
2005-04-18[project @]Robey Pointer
wacky banner add the wacky banner to the archive.
2005-04-18[project @]Robey Pointer
fix some docs remove some epydoc comments about fileno() being non-portable.
2005-04-18[project @]Robey Pointer
add SFTPClient.close() add SFTPClient.close() and add a simple little unit test for it.
2005-04-18[project @]Robey Pointer
avoid os.environ['HOME'] in the demos avoid using os.environ['HOME'], which will never work on windows, and use os.path.expanduser() instead. it's semi-moot because windows doesn't have a standard location for ssh files, but i think paramiko should set a good example anyway.
2005-04-16[project @]Robey Pointer
integrated laptop work (test commit) Patches applied: * tag of * test commit * initial import * no changes
2005-04-10[project @]Robey Pointer
1.3 marowak bump version to 1.3 / marowak
2005-04-10[project @]Robey Pointer
clean up SFTPAttributes.__repr__ clean up SFTPAttributes repr() a bit.
2005-04-10[project @]Robey Pointer
remove ChangeLog from remove ChangeLog from the dist list.
2005-04-06[project @]Robey Pointer
change SubsystemHandler/SFTPServerInterface API change the API of SubsystemHandler to accept a reference to the ServerInstance object during construction. this will break all code that currently creates subsystem handlers (like sftp servers) -- sorry! lots of little doc fixups (mostly indenting).
2005-03-26[project @]Robey Pointer
rewrite channel pipes to work on windows the pipe system i was using for simulating an os-level FD (for select) was retarded. i realized this week that i could just use a single byte in the pipe to signal "data is ready" and not try to feed all incoming data thru the pipe -- and then i don't have to try to make the pipe non-blocking (which should make it work on windows). a lot of duplicate code got removed and now it's all going thru the same code-path on read. there's still a slight penalty on incoming feeds and calling 'recv' when a pipe has been opened (by calling 'fileno'), but it's tiny. removed a bunch of documentation and comments about things not working on windows, since i think they probably do now.
2005-03-25[project @]Robey Pointer
fix sending of large sftp packet sizes fix a bug where packets larger than about 12KB would cause the session to die on platforms other than osx. turns out that on most platforms, setting a socket timeout also causes timeouts to occur on writes (but not on osx). so on a huge write, once the os buffers were full, paramiko would get a socket.timeout exception when writing, and bail. since the timeout is primarily so we can periodically poll to see if the session has been killed from elsewhere, do that on a timeout but otherwise continue trying to write. large packet sizes (in sftp) should now work.
2005-02-28[project @]Robey Pointer
even better 1.2 lapras re-bump the version # to 1.2 (with a new date since i added more stuff). add 2005 to the copyright date in a bunch of files.
2005-02-28[project @]Robey Pointer
tweak sftp_file write behavior on large blocks of data BufferedFile.write() wasn't correctly dealing with the possibility that the underlying write might not write the entire data block at once (even though the docs said it would). now that it's working, make sftp_file take advantage of it in order to chop up blocks larger than 32kB (the max allowed on sftp) and add a unit test for it.
2005-02-28[project @]Robey Pointer
little doc fixes stupid little doc fixups that didn't fit with the other patches.
2005-02-28[project @]Robey Pointer
fix race in transport thread startup set active=True from the methods that start the main transport thread, right before actually starting the thread. this avoids a race where the main thread could be started, but the original thread could wake up from the event.wait(0.1) before the new thread actually set the transport active. impossible, you say? no machines so slow exist? au contraire, my sad little linux box faced this problem earlier today.
2005-02-28[project @]Robey Pointer
when combining stderr with stdout on a channel, merge the buffers too when turning on combine-stderr mode on a channel, grab the channel lock and feed any existing stderr buffer into the normal buffer. this should help applications (and my unit tests) avoid races between data coming in over stderr and setting combine-stderr. _send_eof is now slightly safer too, although i don't think that really fixed anything. it just makes me feel better.
2005-02-28[project @]Robey Pointer
add thread ids to logs add a logging filter that reports the thread-id of the logger, and use that for all paramiko logging. since thread-local stuff didn't appear until python 2.4, i hacked up my own little version to assign incrementing numbers to threads as they log.
2005-02-26[project @]Robey Pointer
forgot to check in stub_sftp yikes! don't forget to check this in: needed for unit tests.
2005-02-26[project @]Robey Pointer
1.2 (lapras) bump version stuff to 1.2 / lapras.
2005-02-15[project @]Robey Pointer
raise better exception on empty key raise a clearer exception when trying to create an empty key.
2005-02-15[project @]Robey Pointer
add methods for sending/receiving a channel's exit status track a channel's exit status and provide a method (recv_exit_status) to block waiting for it to arrive. also provide a convenience method for servers to send it (send_exit_status). add shutdown_read and shutdown_write. fix a bug in sending window change requests.
2005-02-06[project @]Robey Pointer
fix docs clean up some of the docs.
2005-02-06[project @]Robey Pointer
fix an sftp unit test fix one of the sftp unit tests to actually work.
2005-02-05[project @]Robey Pointer
fix windows sample script's HOME fix the HOME environ var to work on windows too.
2005-01-25[project @]Robey Pointer
misc logging fixes change the level of some log messages so interesting stuff gets logged at info instead of debug. fix an oops where channels defaulted to being in ultra debug mode, and make this mode depend on a new Transport method: "set_hexdump".
2005-01-17[project @]Robey Pointer
more flexible logging some tweaks to make channels etc follow the logger setting of their parent transport, so that setting the log channel for a paramiko transport will cause all sub-logging to branch out from that channel. also, close all open file handles when the sftp server ends.
2005-01-16[project @]Robey Pointer
make loopback sftp tests the default change the unit tests to default to always running the sftp tests locally, and make a -R option to force the tests to run against a remote server. the tests seem to work fine locally, and it helps test out server mode, even though there's a danger that they could get isolated from reality and only test that paramiko can talk to itself.
2005-01-16[project @]Robey Pointer
doc fixups little doc fixups that i did obsessively on the train one morning.
2005-01-09[project @]Robey Pointer
added listdir_attr() add SFTPClient.listdir_attr() to fetch a list of files & their attributes, instead of just their filenames. artur piwko would find this useful.
2004-12-19[project @]Robey Pointer
loopback sftp test add ability to turn off more tests, and a secret (for now) -X option to do the sftp tests via loopback socket. added another symlink sftp test to see what happens with absolute symlinks.
2004-12-19[project @]Robey Pointer
more sftp cleanup oops, this should've been part of the last patch.
2004-12-19[project @]Robey Pointer
cleanup & docs in sftp add some more docs to SFTPHandle, and give a default implementation for close() that's usually right. add a flush() to the default implementation of write(). document that symlink's args in the sftp protocol are out of order (the spec is wrong).
2004-12-13[project @]Robey Pointer
unit test madness add some more testy bits and fix up some other bits.
2004-12-13[project @]Robey Pointer
oops (continued) er, part 2 of that.
2004-12-13[project @]Robey Pointer
move check_global_request move check_global_request into the server interface -- i missed it during the initial move (oops).
2004-12-13[project @]Robey Pointer
small fixups move _wait_for_send_window into the right place in Channel. remove outdated note from auth_transport. fix download url in
2004-12-12[project @]Robey Pointer
1.1 (kabuto) edit various files to bump the version to 1.1. also fix to point to the new url.
2004-12-12[project @]Robey Pointer
more unit tests added unit tests for multi-part auth, exec_command, and invoke_shell.
2004-12-12[project @]Robey Pointer
doc fixups fix some typos in sftp_client docs
2004-12-12[project @]Robey Pointer
server support for stderr & exec_command for the server side of my stderr blunder, add send_stderr & sendall_stderr, and make the sending side of makefile_stderr work correctly. also, call check_channel_exec_request on a server object for exec requests on a channel.
2004-12-12[project @]Robey Pointer
add client-side multi-part auth support added support for multi-part authentication (even though nobody supports it that i've seen). on a successful "partial" auth, the auth_* method will return a list of acceptable means to continue authenticating.
2004-12-11[project @]Robey Pointer
docs fixup fix a comment typo, and add @since designators to a couple of new methods.
2004-12-11[project @]Robey Pointer
clean up authentication add new exception "BadAuthenticationType", which is raised when auth fails because your auth type (password or public-key) isn't valid on the server. used this as an excuse to clean up auth_password and auth_publickey so their 'event' arg is optional, and if missing, they block until auth is finished, raising an exception on error. also, don't close the session on failed auth -- the server may let you try again. added some test cases for failed auth.
2004-12-10[project @]Robey Pointer
symlink, readlink add support for symlink command, and finish support for readlink. (i guess i started readlink a while ago but forgot to add the right method to the SFTPServerInterface class.)
2004-12-10[project @]Robey Pointer
other part of that last patch oops, forgot this part.
2004-12-10[project @]Robey Pointer
add stderr support methods big embarrassment: i didn't read the ssh2 docs close enough, and all this time paramiko wasn't handling "extended_data" packets, which contain stderr output. so now, several new functions: recv_stderr_ready() and recv_stderr() to mirror recv_ready() and recv(), and set_combined_stderr() to force stderr to be combined into stdout. also, makefile_stderr() to create a fake file object to represent stderr.
2004-12-10[project @]Robey Pointer
reformat README reformatted the README to a slightly smaller margin, just because.