AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2004-09-25[project @]Robey Pointer
add Message.rewind() add rewind() method to Message, which just resets the pointer so you can start reading from the beginning again. this is useful for some tests.
2004-09-25[project @]Robey Pointer
clean up pkey interface change the pkey interface so that it's no longer possible to have a pkey that doesn't represent a valid key. (ie: no more "blank" key objects.) also add "get_bits" and "can_sign" methods to determine the key bit length and whether it can sign things (contains the "private parts") respectively.
2004-09-11[project @]Robey Pointer
unit tests for Message spanking new unit tests for Message. i'm trying to fix the embarrassment of having so little of paramiko testable. next up is Transport!
2004-09-11[project @]Robey Pointer
move SFTPFile and SFTPAttributes into their own files move SFTPFile and SFTPAttributes into their own files.
2004-09-11[project @]Robey Pointer
add sftp.normalize kevin c. dorff pointed out that it would be nice to expose a way to determine the server's "current working directory", so this new method (normalize) directly maps to REALPATH.
2004-09-11[project @]Robey Pointer
tweak Message.add() in the key exchanges use the new Message.add() behavior to make a little code here much easier to read.
2004-09-11[project @]Robey Pointer
doc fixes fix "string" -> "str" in types when documenting BufferedFile.
2004-09-11[project @]Robey Pointer
more unit tests add test for and sftp.normalize().
2004-09-11[project @]Robey Pointer
move SubsystemHandler to move SubsystemHandler into where it makes more sense (it's part of the server interface). also fix up paramiko's "version string" used in ssh2 negotiation to stop saying "pyssh" and start saying "paramiko". :)
2004-09-11[project @]Robey Pointer
Message.add() can take many args a bit of cleanup to Message: add() can now take any number of params, and will add them all in order (using type guessing).
2004-09-09[project @]Robey Pointer
fix rbuffer -> _rbuffer in 3 places i missed fix 3 places where "rbuffer" hadn't been converted to "_rbuffer". thanks to kevin c. dorff for the bug report.
2004-09-07[project @]Robey Pointer
docs for SubsystemHandler add documentation to constructor for SubsystemHandler.
2004-09-07[project @]Robey Pointer
add i retardedly forgot to import this file a few days ago: it's the split-out client mode for sftp. it now also has some changes to adapt it to the improved SFTPAttributes object API.
2004-09-07[project @]Robey Pointer
clean up SFTPAttributes add english descriptions to the FX_* error codes of sftp. clean up (and document) SFTPAttributes since it's exported now, and make it simple to generate one from a python os.stat object. make "_pythonize" the default -- that is, just use the same field names as python does for os.stat. (i'm not sure why i didn't do it that way in the first place; probably ignorance.) also add str() method that converts the SFTPAttributes into a string suitable for use in ls (used in an obscure way in sftp servers).
2004-09-07[project @]Robey Pointer
note pycrypto 2.0 in README update the README to note that pycrypto 2.0 works (i just tried it). also fix the name from pyCrypt back to pycrypto -- that project is having trouble making up its mind about naming. :)
2004-09-05[project @]Robey Pointer
split sftp into sftp, sftp_client; renamed SFTP -> SFTPClient add sftp_client file, and split out the common code (sftp) from stuff specific to client mode (sftp_client). renamed SFTP class to SFTPClient, but left an alias so old code will still work. renamed a bunch of sftp constants now that they're better hidden from epydoc.
2004-09-05[project @]Robey Pointer
some framework for adding subsystem handlers in server mode you can now register a subsystem with a Transport by passing in the name (like "sftp") and a class (like a hypothetical SFTPServer). the default ServerInterface.check_channel_request_subsystem now checks this table in Transport, and if it finds a match, it creates a new thread for the handler and calls into it. a new class SubsystemHandler is added for this purpose (to be subclassed).
2004-09-05[project @]Robey Pointer
remove redundant 'auth_complete' member remove the redundant 'auth_complete' field and just use 'authenticated' for both client and server mode. this makes the repr() string look correct in server mode instead of always claiming that the transport is un-auth'd.
2004-09-03[project @]Robey Pointer
clean up server interface; no longer need to subclass Channel - export AUTH_*, OPEN_FAILED_*, and the new OPEN_SUCCEEDED into the paramiko namespace instead of making people dig into paramiko.Transport.AUTH_* etc. - move all of the check_* methods from Channel to ServerInterface so apps don't need to subclass Channel anymore just to run an ssh server - ServerInterface.check_channel_request() returns an error code now, not a new Channel object - fix to follow all these changes - fix a bunch of places where i used "string" in docstrings but meant "str" - added Channel.get_id()
2004-08-31[project @]Robey Pointer
clean up SecurityOptions the preferences are now tuples in Transport, and passed as tuples out of SecurityOptions, so that the options can't be modified without setting them back to the options field again. the algorithm lists in Transport are used to validate the fields.
2004-08-30[project @]Robey Pointer
added Transport.get_security_options() just something i wanted to play with: added Transport.get_security_options() which returns a SecurityOptions object. this object is a kind of proxy for the 4 "preferred_*" fields in Transport, and lets me avoid exposing those fields directly in case i change my mind later about how they should be stored. added some docs to Channel explaining that the request methods now return True/False, and fixed up docs in a few other places.
2004-08-28[project @]Robey Pointer
replay patch 63 (missing channel changes) i'm still getting the hang of tla/arch, obviously. replay patch 63, which was meant to be part of the later mega-patch, but apparently when i reversed it, i lost it entirely.
2004-08-27[project @]Robey Pointer
new ServerInterface class, outbound rekey works, etc. a bunch of changes that i'm too lazy to split out into individual patches: * all the server overrides from have been moved into a separate class ServerInterface, so server code doesn't have to subclass the whole paramiko library * updated demo_server to subclass ServerInterface * when re-keying during a session, block other messages until the new keys are activated (openssh doensn't like any other traffic during a rekey) * re-key when outbound limits are tripped too (was only counting inbound traffic) * don't log scary things on EOF
2004-08-27[project @]Robey Pointer
add settimeout/gettimeout/setblocking, some bugfixes. hide the command and response codes in sftp so they aren't exported. add settimeout/gettimeout/setblocking that just wrap calls to the underlying socket or channel. fix _read_all to not catch timeout exceptions.
2004-08-27[project @]Robey Pointer
reverse messed-up patch Patches applied: * initial import * no changes
2004-08-27[project @]Robey Pointer
add settimeout/gettimeout/setblocking, some bugfixes. hide the command and response codes in sftp so they aren't exported. add settimeout/gettimeout/setblocking that just wrap calls to the underlying socket or channel. fix _read_all to not catch timeout exceptions.
2004-06-27[project @]Robey Pointer
version -> horsea up version to horsea.
2004-06-10[project @]Robey Pointer
no more Foobar fix "Foobar" to be "Paramiko" in the one place i missed it in all the gpl headers. sigh. :)
2004-06-10[project @]Robey Pointer
limit read/write requests to 32KB, advertise 32KB max packet size one of the unit tests was failing because the openssh sftp server was dropping the connection without any error. turns out they have a maximum allowed write size (possibly around 64KB). the sftp rfcs have a small hint that some servers may drop read/write requests of greater than 32KB. so, all reads are limited to 32KB, and all writes > 32KB are now chopped up and sent in 32KB chunks. this seems to keep openssh happy. also, we now advertise 32KB max packet size instead of 8KB (the speed improves a lot), and log when we read/write a packet. and sftp files are flushed on seek.
2004-06-10[project @]Robey Pointer
speed up parts of BufferedFile BufferedFile uses cStringIO for the write buffer now (i don't actually notice any speed difference so this might revert later) and the default buffer size has been upped from 1KB to 8KB. when scanning for linefeeds (when writing to a line-buffered file), only scan the newly-written bytes, since we know all the previously buffered data is linefeed-free. this was the #1 slowdown on the 1MB-file unit test. also, limit the buffering on line-buffered files to whatever the default buffer size is. there's no reason to buffer 1MB waiting for a linefeed.
2004-06-10[project @]Robey Pointer
some Channel fixes for max packet size & blocking on zero window some clean-ups and fixes to channels: * when send() is blocked on a zero-width window, check that the channel is still open. this was causing some lockups. * set a lower bound to the "maximum packet size" we accept from the remote host. if they tell us anything less than 1KB, assume they meant 1KB. (it's not reasonable to fragment below that.) * leave a little padding instead of cutting right up to the maximum packet size: some space will be taken up by protocol overhead. * turn off some of the debug log lines unless "ultra_debug" is on (nobody cares about the feed info)
2004-06-10[project @]Robey Pointer
more unit tests add a unit test for sending a large (1MB) file with line buffering but no linefeeds (this triggered several bugs and inefficiencies), and another test to verify that the write buffer is flushed on seek.
2004-05-31[project @]Robey Pointer
add demo script; bump to gyarados add a demo script to show how to do local port forwarding. add gyarados to all the docs and bump the version number everywhere.
2004-05-29[project @]Robey Pointer
add an sftp unit test for making 100 files create 100 files on the remote server, set their mode with chmod, then verify that they're all there and contain the right data. valeriy is reporting that sometimes he's getting stuck after 20 and though i'm not seeing it, i want to add a test to try to pin it down.
2004-05-29[project @]Robey Pointer
add direct-tcpip ability to open_channel open_channel can now be given a dest_addr and src_addr, which are filled in if the channel type is "forwarded-tcpip" or "direct-tcpip". these channel types are used in remote & local port forwarding, respectively. i've only tested "direct-tcpip" but i think if one works, they both should work. also fixed a bug in connect where it was still assuming the old meaning for get_remove_server_key() (oops!) and changed the sense of a send() failure from <= 0 to < 0 since it may be possible for send() to return 0 and it not be an EOF error.
2004-05-29[project @]Robey Pointer
add note about utf8 encodings add info to the README about what to do if python complains about missing encodings. veleriy pogrebitskiy ran into this and had advice.
2004-05-17[project @]Robey Pointer
fix deadlock in closing a channel closing a channel would enter an odd codepath where the lock was grabbed, some stuff was done, then another function was called where the lock was grabbed again. unfortunately python locks aren't monitors so this would deadlock. instead, make the smaller function lock-free with an explicit notice that you must be holding the lock before calling.
2004-05-17[project @]Robey Pointer
fix utf8, raise packet size, log exceptions, be more lax with sfp servers explicitly import utf8 encodings for "freezing" (and also because not all platforms come with utf8, apparently). raise the max acceptable packet size to 8kB, cuz 2kB was too low. log exceptions at error level instead of debug level. and don't reject older sftp servers.
2004-04-23[project @]Robey Pointer
fearow date and last-minute fixes update release date of fearow to 23apr. fix channel._set_closed() to grab the lock before notifying the in/out buffers that the channel is closed. try roger's trick for finding the home folder on windows.
2004-04-08[project @]Robey Pointer
fix doc typos
2004-04-08[project @]Robey Pointer
set version number to fearow set version number to fearow.
2004-04-08[project @]Robey Pointer
add socket.timeout for py22 oops, forgot this vital part of the py22 patches. roger binns sent me a code patch that included this snip.
2004-04-07[project @]Robey Pointer
README update notes added notes on what's new, what to watch out for in py22. added a "since: fearow" to all the relevant API calls that are new.
2004-04-07[project @]Robey Pointer
add set_keepalive() add set_keepalive() to set an automatic keepalive mechanism. (while waiting for a packet on a connection, we periodically check if it's time to send a keepalive packet.)
2004-04-07[project @]Robey Pointer
add get_username() method for remembering who you auth'd as add get_username() method for remembering who you auth'd as. also, fix these bugs: * "continue" auth response counted as a failure (in server mode). * try to import 'logging' in py22 before falling back to the fake logger, in case they have a backported version of 'logger' * raise the right exception when told to read a private key from a file that isn't a private key file * tell channels to close when the transport dies
2004-04-06[project @]Robey Pointer
fix encrypted private key files the random byte padding on private key files' BER data was confusing openssh, so switch to null-byte padding, which is slightly less secure but works with crappy old openssh. also, enforce the mode when writing the private key file. we really really want it to be 0600. (python seems to ignore the mode normally.)
2004-04-06[project @]Robey Pointer
support py22, more or less add roger binns' patches for supporting python 2.2. i hedged a bit on the logging stuff and just added some trickery to let logging be stubbed out for python 2.2. this changed a lot of import statements but i managed to avoid hacking at any of the existing logging. socket timeouts are required for the threads to notice when they've been deactivated. worked around it by using the 'select' module on py22. also fixed the sftp unit tests to cope with a password-protected private key.
2004-04-05[project @]Robey Pointer
make get_remote_server_key() return a PKey object a good suggestion from roger binns: make get_remote_server_key() just return a pkey object instead of a tuple of strings. all the strings can be extracted from the pkey object, as well as other potentially useful things.
2004-04-05[project @]Robey Pointer
add dss key generation too, and fix some bugs added the ability to generate dss keys and write private dss key files, similar to rsa. in the process, fixed a couple of bugs with ber encoding and writing password-encrypted key files. the key has to be padded to the iblock size of the cipher -- it's very difficult to determine how the others do this, so i just add random bytes to the end. fixed the simple demo to use Transport's (host, port) constructor for simplicity, and fixed a bug where the standard demo's DSS login wouldn't work. also, move the common logfile setup crap into util so all the demos can just call that one.
2004-04-05[project @]Robey Pointer
add global request mechanism add transport.global_request() to make a global-style request (usually an extension to the protocol -- like keepalives) and handle requests from the remote host. incoming requests are now handled and responded to correctly, which should make openssh-style keepalives work. (before, we would silently ignore them, which was wrong.)