path: root/tests/
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1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
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+from pathlib import Path
+from unittest.mock import patch, call
+from pytest import raises
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.ed448 import Ed448PrivateKey
+from paramiko import (
+ DSSKey,
+ Ed25519Key,
+ Message,
+ PKey,
+ PublicBlob,
+ RSAKey,
+ UnknownKeyType,
+from ._util import _support
+class PKey_:
+ # NOTE: this is incidentally tested by a number of other tests, such as the
+ # test suite
+ class from_type_string:
+ def loads_from_type_and_bytes(self, keys):
+ obj = PKey.from_type_string(keys.full_type, keys.pkey.asbytes())
+ assert obj == keys.pkey
+ # TODO: exceptions
+ #
+ # TODO: passphrase? OTOH since this is aimed at the agent...irrelephant
+ class from_path:
+ def loads_from_Path(self, keys):
+ obj = PKey.from_path(keys.path)
+ assert obj == keys.pkey
+ def loads_from_str(self):
+ key = PKey.from_path(str(_support("rsa.key")))
+ assert isinstance(key, RSAKey)
+ @patch("paramiko.pkey.Path")
+ def expands_user(self, mPath):
+ # real key for guts that want a real key format
+ mykey = Path(_support("rsa.key"))
+ pathy = mPath.return_value.expanduser.return_value
+ # read_bytes for's loaders
+ pathy.read_bytes.return_value = mykey.read_bytes()
+ # open() for our own class loader
+ =
+ # fake out exists() to avoid attempts to load cert
+ pathy.exists.return_value = False
+ PKey.from_path("whatever") # we're not testing expanduser itself
+ # Both key and cert paths
+ mPath.return_value.expanduser.assert_has_calls([call(), call()])
+ def raises_UnknownKeyType_for_unknown_types(self):
+ # I.e. a real, becomes a useful object via, key
+ # class that we do NOT support. Chose Ed448 randomly as OpenSSH
+ # doesn't seem to support it either, going by ssh-keygen...
+ keypath = _support("ed448.key")
+ with raises(UnknownKeyType) as exc:
+ PKey.from_path(keypath)
+ assert issubclass(exc.value.key_type, Ed448PrivateKey)
+ with open(keypath, "rb") as fd:
+ assert exc.value.key_bytes ==
+ def leaves_cryptography_exceptions_untouched(self):
+ # a Python file is not a private key!
+ with raises(ValueError):
+ PKey.from_path(__file__)
+ # TODO: passphrase support tested
+ class automatically_loads_certificates:
+ def existing_cert_loaded_when_given_key_path(self):
+ key = PKey.from_path(_support("rsa.key"))
+ # Public blob exists despite no .load_certificate call
+ assert key.public_blob is not None
+ assert (
+ key.public_blob.key_type == ""
+ )
+ # And it's definitely the one we expected
+ assert key.public_blob == PublicBlob.from_file(
+ _support("")
+ )
+ def can_be_given_cert_path_instead(self):
+ key = PKey.from_path(_support(""))
+ # It's still a key, not a PublicBlob
+ assert isinstance(key, RSAKey)
+ # Public blob exists despite no .load_certificate call
+ assert key.public_blob is not None
+ assert (
+ key.public_blob.key_type == ""
+ )
+ # And it's definitely the one we expected
+ assert key.public_blob == PublicBlob.from_file(
+ _support("")
+ )
+ def no_cert_load_if_no_cert(self):
+ # This key exists (it's a copy of the regular one) but has no
+ # matching
+ key = PKey.from_path(_support("rsa-lonely.key"))
+ assert key.public_blob is None
+ def excepts_usefully_if_no_key_only_cert(self):
+ # TODO: is that truly an error condition? the cert is ~the
+ # pubkey and we still require the privkey for signing, yea?
+ # This cert exists (it's a copy of the regular one) but there's
+ # no rsa-missing.key to load.
+ with raises(FileNotFoundError) as info:
+ PKey.from_path(_support(""))
+ assert info.value.filename.endswith("rsa-missing.key")
+ class load_certificate:
+ def rsa_public_cert_blobs(self):
+ # Data to test signing with (arbitrary)
+ data = b"ice weasels"
+ # Load key w/o cert at first (so avoiding .from_path)
+ key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(_support("rsa.key"))
+ assert key.public_blob is None
+ # Sign regular-style (using, arbitrarily, SHA2)
+ msg = key.sign_ssh_data(data, "rsa-sha2-256")
+ msg.rewind()
+ assert "rsa-sha2-256" == msg.get_text()
+ signed = msg.get_binary() # for comparison later
+ # Load cert and inspect its internals
+ key.load_certificate(_support(""))
+ assert key.public_blob is not None
+ assert key.public_blob.key_type == ""
+ assert key.public_blob.comment == ""
+ msg = Message(key.public_blob.key_blob)
+ # cert type
+ assert msg.get_text() == ""
+ # nonce
+ msg.get_string()
+ # public numbers
+ assert msg.get_mpint() == key.public_numbers.e
+ assert msg.get_mpint() == key.public_numbers.n
+ # serial number
+ assert msg.get_int64() == 1234
+ # TODO: whoever wrote the OG tests didn't care about the remaining
+ # fields from
+ #
+ # so neither do I, for now...
+ # Sign cert-style (still SHA256 - so this actually does almost
+ # exactly the same thing under the hood as the previous sign)
+ msg = key.sign_ssh_data(data, "")
+ msg.rewind()
+ assert "rsa-sha2-256" == msg.get_text()
+ assert signed == msg.get_binary() # same signature as above
+ msg.rewind()
+ assert key.verify_ssh_sig(b"ice weasels", msg) # our data verified
+ def loading_cert_of_different_type_from_key_raises_ValueError(self):
+ edkey = Ed25519Key.from_private_key_file(_support("ed25519.key"))
+ err = "PublicBlob type incompatible with key type ssh-ed25519" # noqa
+ with raises(ValueError, match=err):
+ edkey.load_certificate(_support(""))
+ def fingerprint(self, keys):
+ # NOTE: Hardcoded fingerprint expectation stored in fixture.
+ assert keys.pkey.fingerprint == keys.expected_fp
+ def algorithm_name(self, keys):
+ key = keys.pkey
+ if isinstance(key, RSAKey):
+ assert key.algorithm_name == "RSA"
+ elif isinstance(key, DSSKey):
+ assert key.algorithm_name == "DSS"
+ elif isinstance(key, ECDSAKey):
+ assert key.algorithm_name == "ECDSA"
+ elif isinstance(key, Ed25519Key):
+ assert key.algorithm_name == "ED25519"
+ # TODO: corner case: AgentKey, whose .name can be cert-y (due to the
+ # value of the name field passed via agent protocol) and thus
+ # algorithm_name is eg "RSA-CERT" - keys loaded directly from disk will
+ # never look this way, even if they have a .public_blob attached.
+ class equality_and_hashing:
+ def same_key_is_equal_to_itself(self, keys):
+ assert keys.pkey == keys.pkey2
+ def same_key_same_hash(self, keys):
+ # NOTE: this isn't a great test due to hashseed randomization under
+ # Python 3 preventing use of static values, but it does still prove
+ # that __hash__ is implemented/doesn't explode & works across
+ # instances
+ assert hash(keys.pkey) == hash(keys.pkey2)
+ def keys_are_not_equal_to_other_types(self, keys):
+ for value in [None, True, ""]:
+ assert keys.pkey != value
+ class identifiers_classmethods:
+ def default_is_class_name_attribute(self):
+ # NOTE: not all classes _have_ this, only the ones that don't
+ # customize identifiers().
+ class MyKey(PKey):
+ name = "it me"
+ assert MyKey.identifiers() == ["it me"]
+ def rsa_is_all_combos_of_cert_and_sha_type(self):
+ assert RSAKey.identifiers() == [
+ "ssh-rsa",
+ "",
+ "rsa-sha2-256",
+ "",
+ "rsa-sha2-512",
+ "",
+ ]
+ def dss_is_protocol_name(self):
+ assert DSSKey.identifiers() == ["ssh-dss"]
+ def ed25519_is_protocol_name(self):
+ assert Ed25519Key.identifiers() == ["ssh-ed25519"]
+ def ecdsa_is_all_curve_names(self):
+ assert ECDSAKey.identifiers() == [
+ "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256",
+ "ecdsa-sha2-nistp384",
+ "ecdsa-sha2-nistp521",
+ ]