path: root/tests/
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+Tests focusing primarily on the authentication step.
+Thus, they concern AuthHandler and AuthStrategy, with a side of Transport.
+from logging import Logger
+from unittest.mock import Mock
+from pytest import raises
+from paramiko import (
+ AgentKey,
+ AuthenticationException,
+ AuthFailure,
+ AuthResult,
+ AuthSource,
+ AuthStrategy,
+ BadAuthenticationType,
+ DSSKey,
+ InMemoryPrivateKey,
+ NoneAuth,
+ OnDiskPrivateKey,
+ Password,
+ PrivateKey,
+ PKey,
+ RSAKey,
+ SSHException,
+ ServiceRequestingTransport,
+ SourceResult,
+from ._util import (
+ _disable_sha1_pubkey,
+ _disable_sha2,
+ _disable_sha2_pubkey,
+ _support,
+ requires_sha1_signing,
+ server,
+ unicodey,
+class AuthHandler_:
+ """
+ Most of these tests are explicit about the auth method they call.
+ This is because not too many other tests do so (they rely on the implicit
+ auth trigger of various connect() kwargs).
+ """
+ def bad_auth_type(self):
+ """
+ verify that we get the right exception when an unsupported auth
+ type is requested.
+ """
+ # Server won't allow password auth for this user, so should fail
+ # and return just publickey allowed types
+ with server(
+ connect=dict(username="unknown", password="error"),
+ catch_error=True,
+ ) as (_, _, err):
+ assert isinstance(err, BadAuthenticationType)
+ assert err.allowed_types == ["publickey"]
+ def bad_password(self):
+ """
+ verify that a bad password gets the right exception, and that a retry
+ with the right password works.
+ """
+ # NOTE: Transport.connect doesn't do any auth upfront if no userauth
+ # related kwargs given.
+ with server(defer=True) as (tc, ts):
+ # Auth once, badly
+ with raises(AuthenticationException):
+ tc.auth_password(username="slowdive", password="error")
+ # And again, correctly
+ tc.auth_password(username="slowdive", password="pygmalion")
+ def multipart_auth(self):
+ """
+ verify that multipart auth works.
+ """
+ with server(defer=True) as (tc, ts):
+ assert tc.auth_password(
+ username="paranoid", password="paranoid"
+ ) == ["publickey"]
+ key = DSSKey.from_private_key_file(_support("dss.key"))
+ assert tc.auth_publickey(username="paranoid", key=key) == []
+ def interactive_auth(self):
+ """
+ verify keyboard-interactive auth works.
+ """
+ def handler(title, instructions, prompts):
+ self.got_title = title
+ self.got_instructions = instructions
+ self.got_prompts = prompts
+ return ["cat"]
+ with server(defer=True) as (tc, ts):
+ assert tc.auth_interactive("commie", handler) == []
+ assert self.got_title == "password"
+ assert self.got_prompts == [("Password", False)]
+ def interactive_fallback(self):
+ """
+ verify that a password auth attempt will fallback to "interactive"
+ if password auth isn't supported but interactive is.
+ """
+ with server(defer=True) as (tc, ts):
+ # This username results in an allowed_auth of just kbd-int,
+ # and has a configured interactive->response on the server.
+ assert tc.auth_password("commie", "cat") == []
+ def utf8(self):
+ """
+ verify that utf-8 encoding happens in authentication.
+ """
+ with server(defer=True) as (tc, ts):
+ assert tc.auth_password("utf8", unicodey) == []
+ def non_utf8(self):
+ """
+ verify that non-utf-8 encoded passwords can be used for broken
+ servers.
+ """
+ with server(defer=True) as (tc, ts):
+ assert tc.auth_password("non-utf8", "\xff") == []
+ def auth_exception_when_disconnected(self):
+ """
+ verify that we catch a server disconnecting during auth, and report
+ it as an auth failure.
+ """
+ with server(defer=True, skip_verify=True) as (tc, ts), raises(
+ AuthenticationException
+ ):
+ tc.auth_password("bad-server", "hello")
+ def non_responsive_triggers_auth_exception(self):
+ """
+ verify that authentication times out if server takes to long to
+ respond (or never responds).
+ """
+ with server(defer=True, skip_verify=True) as (tc, ts), raises(
+ AuthenticationException
+ ) as info:
+ tc.auth_timeout = 1 # 1 second, to speed up test
+ tc.auth_password("unresponsive-server", "hello")
+ assert "Authentication timeout" in str(info.value)
+class AuthOnlyHandler_:
+ def _server(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ kwargs.setdefault("transport_factory", ServiceRequestingTransport)
+ return server(*args, **kwargs)
+ class fallback_pubkey_algorithm:
+ @requires_sha1_signing
+ def key_type_algo_selected_when_no_server_sig_algs(self):
+ privkey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(_support("rsa.key"))
+ # Server pretending to be an apparently common setup:
+ # - doesn't support (or have enabled) sha2
+ # - also doesn't support (or have enabled) server-sig-algs/ext-info
+ # This is the scenario in which Paramiko has to guess-the-algo, and
+ # where servers that don't support sha2 or server-sig-algs can give
+ # us trouble.
+ server_init = dict(_disable_sha2_pubkey, server_sig_algs=False)
+ with self._server(
+ pubkeys=[privkey],
+ connect=dict(pkey=privkey),
+ server_init=server_init,
+ catch_error=True,
+ ) as (tc, ts, err):
+ # Auth did work
+ assert tc.is_authenticated()
+ # Selected ssh-rsa, instead of first-in-the-list (rsa-sha2-512)
+ assert tc._agreed_pubkey_algorithm == "ssh-rsa"
+ @requires_sha1_signing
+ def key_type_algo_selection_is_cert_suffix_aware(self):
+ # This key has a cert next to it, which should trigger cert-aware
+ # loading within key classes.
+ privkey = PKey.from_path(_support("rsa.key"))
+ server_init = dict(_disable_sha2_pubkey, server_sig_algs=False)
+ with self._server(
+ pubkeys=[privkey],
+ connect=dict(pkey=privkey),
+ server_init=server_init,
+ catch_error=True,
+ ) as (tc, ts, err):
+ assert not err
+ # Auth did work
+ assert tc.is_authenticated()
+ # Selected expected cert type
+ assert (
+ tc._agreed_pubkey_algorithm
+ == ""
+ )
+ @requires_sha1_signing
+ def uses_first_preferred_algo_if_key_type_not_in_list(self):
+ # This is functionally the same as legacy AuthHandler, just
+ # arriving at the same place in a different manner.
+ privkey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(_support("rsa.key"))
+ server_init = dict(_disable_sha2_pubkey, server_sig_algs=False)
+ with self._server(
+ pubkeys=[privkey],
+ connect=dict(pkey=privkey),
+ server_init=server_init,
+ client_init=_disable_sha1_pubkey, # no ssh-rsa
+ catch_error=True,
+ ) as (tc, ts, err):
+ assert not tc.is_authenticated()
+ assert isinstance(err, AuthenticationException)
+ assert tc._agreed_pubkey_algorithm == "rsa-sha2-512"
+class SHA2SignaturePubkeys:
+ def pubkey_auth_honors_disabled_algorithms(self):
+ privkey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(_support("rsa.key"))
+ with server(
+ pubkeys=[privkey],
+ connect=dict(pkey=privkey),
+ init=dict(
+ disabled_algorithms=dict(
+ pubkeys=["ssh-rsa", "rsa-sha2-256", "rsa-sha2-512"]
+ )
+ ),
+ catch_error=True,
+ ) as (_, _, err):
+ assert isinstance(err, SSHException)
+ assert "no RSA pubkey algorithms" in str(err)
+ def client_sha2_disabled_server_sha1_disabled_no_match(self):
+ privkey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(_support("rsa.key"))
+ with server(
+ pubkeys=[privkey],
+ connect=dict(pkey=privkey),
+ client_init=_disable_sha2_pubkey,
+ server_init=_disable_sha1_pubkey,
+ catch_error=True,
+ ) as (tc, ts, err):
+ assert isinstance(err, AuthenticationException)
+ def client_sha1_disabled_server_sha2_disabled_no_match(self):
+ privkey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(_support("rsa.key"))
+ with server(
+ pubkeys=[privkey],
+ connect=dict(pkey=privkey),
+ client_init=_disable_sha1_pubkey,
+ server_init=_disable_sha2_pubkey,
+ catch_error=True,
+ ) as (tc, ts, err):
+ assert isinstance(err, AuthenticationException)
+ @requires_sha1_signing
+ def ssh_rsa_still_used_when_sha2_disabled(self):
+ privkey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(_support("rsa.key"))
+ # NOTE: this works because key obj comparison uses public bytes
+ # TODO: would be nice for PKey to grow a legit "give me another obj of
+ # same class but just the public bits" using asbytes()
+ with server(
+ pubkeys=[privkey], connect=dict(pkey=privkey), init=_disable_sha2
+ ) as (tc, _):
+ assert tc.is_authenticated()
+ @requires_sha1_signing
+ def first_client_preferred_algo_used_when_no_server_sig_algs(self):
+ privkey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(_support("rsa.key"))
+ # Server pretending to be an apparently common setup:
+ # - doesn't support (or have enabled) sha2
+ # - also doesn't support (or have enabled) server-sig-algs/ext-info
+ # This is the scenario in which Paramiko has to guess-the-algo, and
+ # where servers that don't support sha2 or server-sig-algs give us
+ # trouble.
+ server_init = dict(_disable_sha2_pubkey, server_sig_algs=False)
+ with server(
+ pubkeys=[privkey],
+ connect=dict(username="slowdive", pkey=privkey),
+ server_init=server_init,
+ catch_error=True,
+ ) as (tc, ts, err):
+ assert not tc.is_authenticated()
+ assert isinstance(err, AuthenticationException)
+ # Oh no! this isn't ssh-rsa, and our server doesn't support sha2!
+ assert tc._agreed_pubkey_algorithm == "rsa-sha2-512"
+ def sha2_512(self):
+ privkey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(_support("rsa.key"))
+ with server(
+ pubkeys=[privkey],
+ connect=dict(pkey=privkey),
+ init=dict(
+ disabled_algorithms=dict(pubkeys=["ssh-rsa", "rsa-sha2-256"])
+ ),
+ ) as (tc, ts):
+ assert tc.is_authenticated()
+ assert tc._agreed_pubkey_algorithm == "rsa-sha2-512"
+ def sha2_256(self):
+ privkey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(_support("rsa.key"))
+ with server(
+ pubkeys=[privkey],
+ connect=dict(pkey=privkey),
+ init=dict(
+ disabled_algorithms=dict(pubkeys=["ssh-rsa", "rsa-sha2-512"])
+ ),
+ ) as (tc, ts):
+ assert tc.is_authenticated()
+ assert tc._agreed_pubkey_algorithm == "rsa-sha2-256"
+ def sha2_256_when_client_only_enables_256(self):
+ privkey = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(_support("rsa.key"))
+ with server(
+ pubkeys=[privkey],
+ connect=dict(pkey=privkey),
+ # Client-side only; server still accepts all 3.
+ client_init=dict(
+ disabled_algorithms=dict(pubkeys=["ssh-rsa", "rsa-sha2-512"])
+ ),
+ ) as (tc, ts):
+ assert tc.is_authenticated()
+ assert tc._agreed_pubkey_algorithm == "rsa-sha2-256"
+class AuthSource_:
+ class base_class:
+ def init_requires_and_saves_username(self):
+ with raises(TypeError):
+ AuthSource()
+ assert AuthSource(username="foo").username == "foo"
+ def dunder_repr_delegates_to_helper(self):
+ source = AuthSource("foo")
+ source._repr = Mock(wraps=lambda: "whatever")
+ repr(source)
+ source._repr.assert_called_once_with()
+ def repr_helper_prints_basic_kv_pairs(self):
+ assert repr(AuthSource("foo")) == "AuthSource()"
+ assert (
+ AuthSource("foo")._repr(bar="open") == "AuthSource(bar='open')"
+ )
+ def authenticate_takes_transport_and_is_abstract(self):
+ # TODO: this test kinda just goes away once we're typed?
+ with raises(TypeError):
+ AuthSource("foo").authenticate()
+ with raises(NotImplementedError):
+ AuthSource("foo").authenticate(None)
+ class NoneAuth_:
+ def authenticate_auths_none(self):
+ trans = Mock()
+ result = NoneAuth("foo").authenticate(trans)
+ trans.auth_none.assert_called_once_with("foo")
+ assert result is trans.auth_none.return_value
+ def repr_shows_class(self):
+ assert repr(NoneAuth("foo")) == "NoneAuth()"
+ class Password_:
+ def init_takes_and_stores_password_getter(self):
+ with raises(TypeError):
+ Password("foo")
+ getter = Mock()
+ pw = Password("foo", password_getter=getter)
+ assert pw.password_getter is getter
+ def repr_adds_username(self):
+ pw = Password("foo", password_getter=Mock())
+ assert repr(pw) == "Password(user='foo')"
+ def authenticate_gets_and_supplies_password(self):
+ getter = Mock(return_value="bar")
+ trans = Mock()
+ pw = Password("foo", password_getter=getter)
+ result = pw.authenticate(trans)
+ trans.auth_password.assert_called_once_with("foo", "bar")
+ assert result is trans.auth_password.return_value
+ class PrivateKey_:
+ def authenticate_calls_publickey_with_pkey(self):
+ source = PrivateKey(username="foo")
+ source.pkey = Mock() # set by subclasses
+ trans = Mock()
+ result = source.authenticate(trans)
+ trans.auth_publickey.assert_called_once_with("foo", source.pkey)
+ assert result is trans.auth_publickey.return_value
+ class InMemoryPrivateKey_:
+ def init_takes_pkey_object(self):
+ with raises(TypeError):
+ InMemoryPrivateKey("foo")
+ pkey = Mock()
+ source = InMemoryPrivateKey(username="foo", pkey=pkey)
+ assert source.pkey is pkey
+ def repr_shows_pkey_repr(self):
+ pkey = PKey.from_path(_support("ed25519.key"))
+ source = InMemoryPrivateKey("foo", pkey)
+ assert (
+ repr(source)
+ == "InMemoryPrivateKey(pkey=PKey(alg=ED25519, bits=256, fp=SHA256:J6VESFdD3xSChn8y9PzWzeF+1tl892mOy2TqkMLO4ow))" # noqa
+ )
+ def repr_appends_agent_flag_when_AgentKey(self):
+ real_key = PKey.from_path(_support("ed25519.key"))
+ pkey = AgentKey(agent=None, blob=bytes(real_key))
+ source = InMemoryPrivateKey("foo", pkey)
+ assert (
+ repr(source)
+ == "InMemoryPrivateKey(pkey=PKey(alg=ED25519, bits=256, fp=SHA256:J6VESFdD3xSChn8y9PzWzeF+1tl892mOy2TqkMLO4ow)) [agent]" # noqa
+ )
+ class OnDiskPrivateKey_:
+ def init_takes_source_path_and_pkey(self):
+ with raises(TypeError):
+ OnDiskPrivateKey("foo")
+ with raises(TypeError):
+ OnDiskPrivateKey("foo", "bar")
+ with raises(TypeError):
+ OnDiskPrivateKey("foo", "bar", "biz")
+ source = OnDiskPrivateKey(
+ username="foo",
+ source="ssh-config",
+ path="of-exile",
+ pkey="notreally",
+ )
+ assert source.username == "foo"
+ assert source.source == "ssh-config"
+ assert source.path == "of-exile"
+ assert source.pkey == "notreally"
+ def init_requires_specific_value_for_source(self):
+ with raises(
+ ValueError,
+ match=r"source argument must be one of: \('ssh-config', 'python-config', 'implicit-home'\)", # noqa
+ ):
+ OnDiskPrivateKey("foo", source="what?", path="meh", pkey="no")
+ def repr_reflects_source_path_and_pkey(self):
+ source = OnDiskPrivateKey(
+ username="foo",
+ source="ssh-config",
+ path="of-exile",
+ pkey="notreally",
+ )
+ assert (
+ repr(source)
+ == "OnDiskPrivateKey(key='notreally', source='ssh-config', path='of-exile')" # noqa
+ )
+class AuthResult_:
+ def setup_method(self):
+ self.strat = AuthStrategy(None)
+ def acts_like_list_with_strategy_attribute(self):
+ with raises(TypeError):
+ AuthResult()
+ # kwarg works by itself
+ AuthResult(strategy=self.strat)
+ # or can be given as posarg w/ regular list() args after
+ result = AuthResult(self.strat, [1, 2, 3])
+ assert result.strategy is self.strat
+ assert result == [1, 2, 3]
+ assert isinstance(result, list)
+ def repr_is_list_repr_untouched(self):
+ result = AuthResult(self.strat, [1, 2, 3])
+ assert repr(result) == "[1, 2, 3]"
+ class dunder_str:
+ def is_multiline_display_of_sourceresult_tuples(self):
+ result = AuthResult(self.strat)
+ result.append(SourceResult("foo", "bar"))
+ result.append(SourceResult("biz", "baz"))
+ assert str(result) == "foo -> bar\nbiz -> baz"
+ def shows_str_not_repr_of_auth_source_and_result(self):
+ result = AuthResult(self.strat)
+ result.append(
+ SourceResult(NoneAuth("foo"), ["password", "pubkey"])
+ )
+ assert str(result) == "NoneAuth() -> ['password', 'pubkey']"
+ def empty_list_result_values_show_success_string(self):
+ result = AuthResult(self.strat)
+ result.append(SourceResult(NoneAuth("foo"), []))
+ assert str(result) == "NoneAuth() -> success"
+class AuthFailure_:
+ def is_an_AuthenticationException(self):
+ assert isinstance(AuthFailure(None), AuthenticationException)
+ def init_requires_result(self):
+ with raises(TypeError):
+ AuthFailure()
+ result = AuthResult(None)
+ fail = AuthFailure(result=result)
+ assert fail.result is result
+ def str_is_newline_plus_result_str(self):
+ result = AuthResult(None)
+ result.append(SourceResult(NoneAuth("foo"), Exception("onoz")))
+ fail = AuthFailure(result)
+ assert str(fail) == "\nNoneAuth() -> onoz"
+class AuthStrategy_:
+ def init_requires_ssh_config_param_and_sets_up_a_logger(self):
+ with raises(TypeError):
+ AuthStrategy()
+ conf = object()
+ strat = AuthStrategy(ssh_config=conf)
+ assert strat.ssh_config is conf
+ assert isinstance(strat.log, Logger)
+ assert == "paramiko.auth_strategy"
+ def get_sources_is_abstract(self):
+ with raises(NotImplementedError):
+ AuthStrategy(None).get_sources()
+ class authenticate:
+ def setup_method(self):
+ self.strat = AuthStrategy(None) # ssh_config not used directly
+ self.source, self.transport = NoneAuth(None), Mock()
+ self.source.authenticate = Mock()
+ self.strat.get_sources = Mock(return_value=[self.source])
+ def requires_and_uses_transport_with_methods_returning_result(self):
+ with raises(TypeError):
+ self.strat.authenticate()
+ result = self.strat.authenticate(self.transport)
+ self.strat.get_sources.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.source.authenticate.assert_called_once_with(self.transport)
+ assert isinstance(result, AuthResult)
+ assert result.strategy is self.strat
+ assert len(result) == 1
+ source_res = result[0]
+ assert isinstance(source_res, SourceResult)
+ assert source_res.source is self.source
+ assert source_res.result is self.source.authenticate.return_value
+ def logs_sources_attempted(self):
+ self.strat.log = Mock()
+ self.strat.authenticate(self.transport)
+ self.strat.log.debug.assert_called_once_with("Trying NoneAuth()")
+ def raises_AuthFailure_if_no_successes(self):
+ self.strat.log = Mock()
+ oops = Exception("onoz")
+ self.source.authenticate.side_effect = oops
+ with raises(AuthFailure) as info:
+ self.strat.authenticate(self.transport)
+ result = info.value.result
+ assert isinstance(result, AuthResult)
+ assert len(result) == 1
+ source_res = result[0]
+ assert isinstance(source_res, SourceResult)
+ assert source_res.source is self.source
+ assert source_res.result is oops
+ "Authentication via NoneAuth() failed with Exception"
+ )
+ def short_circuits_on_successful_auth(self):
+ kaboom = Mock(authenticate=Mock(side_effect=Exception("onoz")))
+ self.strat.get_sources.return_value = [self.source, kaboom]
+ result = self.strat.authenticate(self.transport)
+ # No exception, and it's just a regular ol Result
+ assert isinstance(result, AuthResult)
+ # And it did not capture any attempt to execute the 2nd source
+ assert len(result) == 1
+ assert result[0].source is self.source