path: root/sites
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Diffstat (limited to 'sites')
7 files changed, 550 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/sites/ b/sites/
index 4a6a5c4e..99fab315 100644
--- a/sites/
+++ b/sites/
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ html_theme_options = {
'description': "A Python implementation of SSHv2.",
'github_user': 'paramiko',
'github_repo': 'paramiko',
- 'gratipay_user': 'bitprophet',
'analytics_id': 'UA-18486793-2',
'travis_button': True,
diff --git a/sites/www/changelog.rst b/sites/www/changelog.rst
index bb93f885..57bc306d 100644
--- a/sites/www/changelog.rst
+++ b/sites/www/changelog.rst
@@ -2,6 +2,361 @@
+* :feature:`869` Add an ``auth_timeout`` kwarg to `SSHClient.connect
+ <paramiko.client.SSHClient.connect>` (default: 30s) to avoid hangs when the
+ remote end becomes unresponsive during the authentication step. Credit to
+ ``@timsavage``.
+* :support:`921` Tighten up the ``__hash__`` implementation for various key
+ classes; less code is good code. Thanks to Francisco Couzo for the patch.
+* :bug:`983` Move ``sha1`` above the now-arguably-broken ``md5`` in the list of
+ preferred MAC algorithms, as an incremental security improvement for users
+ whose target systems offer both. Credit: Pierce Lopez.
+* :bug:`667` The RC4/arcfour family of ciphers has been broken since version
+ 2.0; but since the algorithm is now known to be completely insecure, we are
+ opting to remove support outright instead of fixing it. Thanks to Alex Gaynor
+ for catch & patch.
+* :feature:`857` Allow `SSHClient.set_missing_host_key_policy
+ <paramiko.client.SSHClient.set_missing_host_key_policy>` to accept policy
+ classes _or_ instances, instead of only instances, thus fixing a
+ long-standing gotcha for unaware users.
+* :feature:`951` Add support for ECDH key exchange (kex), specifically the
+ algorithms ``ecdh-sha2-nistp256``, ``ecdh-sha2-nistp384``, and
+ ``ecdh-sha2-nistp521``. They now come before the older ``diffie-hellman-*``
+ family of kex algorithms in the preferred-kex list. Thanks to Shashank
+ Veerapaneni for the patch & Pierce Lopez for a follow-up.
+* :support:`- backported` A big formatting pass to clean up an enormous number
+ of invalid Sphinx reference links, discovered by switching to a modern,
+ rigorous nitpicking doc-building mode.
+* :bug:`900` (via :issue:`911`) Prefer newer ``ecdsa-sha2-nistp`` keys over RSA
+ and DSA keys during host key selection. This improves compatibility with
+ OpenSSH, both in terms of general behavior, and also re: ability to properly
+ leverage OpenSSH-modified ``known_hosts`` files. Credit: ``@kasdoe`` for
+ original report/PR and Pierce Lopez for the second draft.
+* :bug:`794` (via :issue:`981`) Prior support for ``ecdsa-sha2-nistp(384|521)``
+ algorithms didn't fully extend to covering host keys, preventing connection
+ to hosts which only offer these key types and no others. This is now fixed.
+ Thanks to ``@ncoult`` and ``@kasdoe`` for reports and Pierce Lopez for the
+ patch.
+* :feature:`325` (via :issue:`972`) Add Ed25519 support, for both host keys
+ and user authentication. Big thanks to Alex Gaynor for the patch.
+ .. note::
+ This change adds the ``bcrypt`` and ``pynacl`` Python libraries as
+ dependencies. No C-level dependencies beyond those previously required (for
+ Cryptography) have been added.
+* :support:`974 backported` Overhaul the codebase to be PEP-8, etc, compliant
+ (i.e. passes the maintainer's preferred `flake8 <>`_
+ configuration) and add a ``flake8`` step to the Travis config. Big thanks to
+ Dorian Pula!
+* :bug:`683` Make ``util.log_to_file`` append instead of replace. Thanks
+ to ``@vlcinsky`` for the report.
+* :release:`2.1.2 <2017-02-20>`
+* :release:`2.0.5 <2017-02-20>`
+* :release:`1.18.2 <2017-02-20>`
+* :release:`1.17.4 <2017-02-20>`
+* :bug:`853 (1.17+)` Tweak how `RSAKey.__str__ <paramiko.rsakey.RSAKey>`
+ behaves so it doesn't cause ``TypeError`` under Python 3. Thanks to Francisco
+ Couzo for the report.
+* :bug:`862 (1.17+)` (via :issue:`863`) Avoid test suite exceptions on
+ platforms lacking ``errno.ETIME`` (which seems to be some FreeBSD and some
+ Windows environments.) Thanks to Sofian Brabez.
+* :bug:`44 (1.17+)` (via :issue:`891`) `SSHClient <paramiko.client.SSHClient>`
+ now gives its internal `Transport <paramiko.transport.Transport>` a handle on
+ itself, preventing garbage collection of the client until the session is
+ closed. Without this, some code which returns stream or transport objects
+ without the client that generated them, would result in premature session
+ closure when the client was GCd. Credit: ``@w31rd0`` for original report,
+ Omer Anson for the patch.
+* :bug:`713 (<2.0)` (via :issue:`714` and :issue:`889`) Don't pass
+ initialization vectors to PyCrypto when dealing with counter-mode ciphers;
+ newer PyCrypto versions throw an exception otherwise (older ones simply
+ ignored this parameter altogether). Thanks to ``@jmh045000`` for report &
+ patches.
+* :bug:`895 (1.17+)` Fix a bug in server-mode concerning multiple interactive
+ auth steps (which were incorrectly responded to). Thanks to Dennis
+ Kaarsemaker for catch & patch.
+* :support:`866 backported (1.17+)` (also :issue:`838`) Remove an old
+ test-related file we don't support, and add PyPy to Travis-CI config. Thanks
+ to Pierce Lopez for the final patch and Pedro Rodrigues for an earlier
+ edition.
+* :release:`2.1.1 <2016-12-12>`
+* :release:`2.0.4 <2016-12-12>`
+* :release:`1.18.1 <2016-12-12>`
+* :bug:`859 (1.18+)` (via :issue:`860`) A tweak to the original patch
+ implementing :issue:`398` was not fully applied, causing calls to
+ `~paramiko.client.SSHClient.invoke_shell` to fail with ``AttributeError``.
+ This has been fixed. Patch credit: Kirk Byers.
+* :bug:`-` Accidentally merged the new features from 1.18.0 into the
+ 2.0.x bugfix-only branch. This included merging a bug in one of those new
+ features (breaking `~paramiko.client.SSHClient.invoke_shell` with an
+ ``AttributeError``.) The offending code has been stripped out of the 2.0.x
+ line (but of course, remains in 2.1.x and above.)
+* :bug:`859` (via :issue:`860`) A tweak to the original patch implementing
+ :issue:`398` was not fully applied, causing calls to
+ `~paramiko.client.SSHClient.invoke_shell` to fail with ``AttributeError``.
+ This has been fixed. Patch credit: Kirk Byers.
+* :release:`2.1.0 <2016-12-09>`
+* :release:`2.0.3 <2016-12-09>`
+* :release:`1.18.0 <2016-12-09>`
+* :release:`1.17.3 <2016-12-09>`
+* :bug:`802 (1.17+)` (via :issue:`804`) Update our vendored Windows API module
+ to address errors of the form ``AttributeError: 'module' object has no
+ attribute 'c_ssize_t'``. Credit to Jason R. Coombs.
+* :bug:`824 (1.17+)` Fix the implementation of ``PKey.write_private_key_file``
+ (this method is only publicly defined on subclasses; the fix was in the
+ private real implementation) so it passes the correct params to ``open()``.
+ This bug apparently went unnoticed and unfixed for 12 entire years. Congrats
+ to John Villalovos for noticing & submitting the patch!
+* :support:`801 backported (1.17+)` Skip a Unix-only test when on Windows;
+ thanks to Gabi Davar.
+* :support:`792 backported (1.17+)` Minor updates to the README and demos;
+ thanks to Alan Yee.
+* :feature:`780 (1.18+)` (also :issue:`779`, and may help users affected by
+ :issue:`520`) Add an optional ``timeout`` parameter to
+ `Transport.start_client <paramiko.transport.Transport.start_client>` (and
+ feed it the value of the configured connection timeout when used within
+ `SSHClient <paramiko.client.SSHClient>`.) This helps prevent situations where
+ network connectivity isn't timing out, but the remote server is otherwise
+ unable to service the connection in a timely manner. Credit to
+ ``@sanseihappa``.
+* :bug:`742` (also re: :issue:`559`) Catch ``AssertionError`` thrown by
+ Cryptography when attempting to load bad ECDSA keys, turning it into an
+ ``SSHException``. This moves the behavior in line with other "bad keys"
+ situations, re: Paramiko's main auth loop. Thanks to MengHuan Yu for the
+ patch.
+* :bug:`789 (1.17+)` Add a missing ``.closed`` attribute (plus ``._closed``
+ because reasons) to `ProxyCommand <paramiko.proxy.ProxyCommand>` so the
+ earlier partial fix for :issue:`520` works in situations where one is
+ gatewaying via ``ProxyCommand``.
+* :bug:`334 (1.17+)` Make the ``subprocess`` import in ```` lazy so
+ users on platforms without it (such as Google App Engine) can import Paramiko
+ successfully. (Relatedly, make it easier to tweak an active socket check
+ timeout [in `Transport <paramiko.transport.Transport>`] which was previously
+ hardcoded.) Credit: Shinya Okano.
+* :support:`854 backported (1.17+)` Fix incorrect docstring/param-list for
+ `Transport.auth_gssapi_keyex
+ <paramiko.transport.Transport.auth_gssapi_keyex>` so it matches the real
+ signature. Caught by ``@Score_Under``.
+* :bug:`681 (1.17+)` Fix a Python3-specific bug re: the handling of read
+ buffers when using ``ProxyCommand``. Thanks to Paul Kapp for catch & patch.
+* :feature:`398 (1.18+)` Add an ``environment`` dict argument to
+ `Client.exec_command <paramiko.client.SSHClient.exec_command>` (plus the
+ lower level `Channel.update_environment
+ <>` and
+ `Channel.set_environment_variable
+ <>` methods) which
+ implements the ``env`` SSH message type. This means the remote shell
+ environment can be set without the use of ``VARNAME=value`` shell tricks,
+ provided the server's ``AcceptEnv`` lists the variables you need to set.
+ Thanks to Philip Lorenz for the pull request.
+* :support:`819 backported (>=1.15,<2.0)` Document how lacking ``gmp`` headers
+ at install time can cause a significant performance hit if you build PyCrypto
+ from source. (Most system-distributed packages already have this enabled.)
+* :release:`2.0.2 <2016-07-25>`
+* :release:`1.17.2 <2016-07-25>`
+* :release:`1.16.3 <2016-07-25>`
+* :bug:`673 (1.16+)` (via :issue:`681`) Fix protocol banner read errors
+ (``SSHException``) which would occasionally pop up when using
+ ``ProxyCommand`` gatewaying. Thanks to ``@Depado`` for the initial report and
+ Paul Kapp for the fix.
+* :bug:`774 (1.16+)` Add a ``_closed`` private attribute to
+ `` objects so that they continue functioning when
+ used as proxy sockets under Python 3 (e.g. as ``direct-tcpip`` gateways for
+ other Paramiko connections.)
+* :bug:`758 (1.16+)` Apply type definitions to ``_winapi`` module from
+ ` <>`_ 3.6.1. This
+ should address issues on Windows platforms that often result in errors like
+ ``ArgumentError: [...] int too long to convert``. Thanks to ``@swohlerLL``
+ for the report and Jason R. Coombs for the patch.
+* :release:`2.0.1 <2016-06-21>`
+* :release:`1.17.1 <2016-06-21>`
+* :release:`1.16.2 <2016-06-21>`
+* :bug:`520 (1.16+)` (Partial fix) Fix at least one instance of race condition
+ driven threading hangs at end of the Python interpreter session. (Includes a
+ docs update as well - always make sure to ``.close()`` your clients!)
+* :bug:`537 (1.16+)` Fix a bug in `BufferedPipe.set_event
+ <paramiko.buffered_pipe.BufferedPipe.set_event>` which could cause
+ deadlocks/hangs when one uses `` against
+ `` objects (or otherwise calls `Channel.fileno
+ <>` after the channel has closed). Thanks to
+ Przemysław Strzelczak for the report & reproduction case, and to Krzysztof
+ Rusek for the fix.
+* :release:`2.0.0 <2016-04-28>`
+* :release:`1.17.0 <2016-04-28>`
+* :release:`1.16.1 <2016-04-28>`
+* :release:`1.15.5 <2016-04-28>`
+* :feature:`731` (working off the earlier :issue:`611`) Add support for 384-
+ and 512-bit elliptic curve groups in ECDSA key types (aka
+ ``ecdsa-sha2-nistp384`` / ``ecdsa-sha2-nistp521``). Thanks to Michiel Tiller
+ and ``@CrazyCasta`` for the patches.
+* :bug:`670` Due to an earlier bugfix, less-specific ``Host`` blocks'
+ ``ProxyCommand`` values were overriding ``ProxyCommand none`` in
+ more-specific ``Host`` blocks. This has been fixed in a backwards compatible
+ manner (i.e. ``ProxyCommand none`` continues to appear as a total lack of any
+ ``proxycommand`` key in parsed config structures). Thanks to Pat Brisbin for
+ the catch.
+* :bug:`676` (via :issue:`677`) Fix a backwards incompatibility issue that
+ cropped up in `SFTPFile.prefetch <paramiko.sftp_file.SFTPFile.prefetch>` re:
+ the erroneously non-optional ``file_size`` parameter. Should only affect
+ users who manually call ``prefetch``. Thanks to ``@stevevanhooser`` for catch
+ & patch.
+* :feature:`394` Replace PyCrypto with the Python Cryptographic Authority
+ (PyCA) 'Cryptography' library suite. This improves security, installability,
+ and performance; adds PyPy support; and much more.
+ There aren't enough ways to thank Alex Gaynor for all of his work on this,
+ and then his patience while the maintainer let his PR grow moss for a year
+ and change. Paul Kehrer came in with an assist, and I think I saw Olle
+ Lundberg, ``@techtonik`` and ``@johnthagen`` supplying backup as well. Thanks
+ to all!
+ .. warning::
+ **This is a backwards incompatible change.**
+ However, **it should only affect installation** requirements; **no API
+ changes are intended or expected**. Please report any such breakages as
+ bugs.
+ See our updated :doc:`installation docs <installing>` for details on what
+ is now required to install Paramiko; many/most users should be able to
+ simply ``pip install -U paramiko`` (especially if you **upgrade to pip
+ 8**).
+* :bug:`577` (via :issue:`578`; should also fix :issue:`718`, :issue:`560`) Fix
+ stalled/hung SFTP downloads by cleaning up some threading lock issues. Thanks
+ to Stephen C. Pope for the patch.
+* :bug:`716` Fix a Python 3 compatibility issue when handling two-factor
+ authentication. Thanks to Mateusz Kowalski for the catch & original patch.
+* :support:`729 backported (>=1.15,<2.0)` Clean up ```` to always use
+ ``setuptools``, not doing so was a historical artifact from bygone days.
+ Thanks to Alex Gaynor.
+* :bug:`649 major (==1.17)` Update the module in charge of handling SSH moduli
+ so it's consistent with OpenSSH behavior re: prime number selection. Thanks
+ to Damien Tournoud for catch & patch.
+* :bug:`617` (aka `fabric/fabric#1429
+ <>`_; via :issue:`679`; related:
+ :issue:`678`, :issue:`685`, :issue:`615` & :issue:`616`) Fix up
+ `~paramiko.ssh_exception.NoValidConnectionsError` so it pickles correctly,
+ and fix a related Python 3 compatibility issue. Thanks to Rebecca Schlussel
+ for the report & Marius Gedminas for the patch.
+* :bug:`613` (via :issue:`619`) Update to ```` 3.4.1 to fix some
+ errors related to ``ctypes`` on Windows platforms. Credit to Jason R. Coombs.
+* :support:`621 backported (>=1.15,<2.0)` Annotate some public attributes on
+ `` such as ``.closed``. Thanks to Sergey Vasilyev
+ for the report.
+* :bug:`632` Fix logic bug in the SFTP client's callback-calling functionality;
+ previously there was a chance the given callback would fire twice at the end
+ of a transfer. Thanks to ``@ab9-er`` for catch & original patch.
+* :support:`612 backported (>=1.15,<2.0)` Identify & work around a race
+ condition in the test for handshake timeouts, which was causing frequent test
+ failures for a subset of contributors as well as Travis-CI (usually, but not
+ always, limited to Python 3.5). Props to Ed Kellett for assistance during
+ some of the troubleshooting.
+* :support:`697 backported (>=1.15,<2.0)` Remove whitespace in our
+ ````'s ``install_requires`` as it triggers occasional bugs in some
+ versions of ``setuptools``. Thanks to Justin Lecher for catch & original
+ patch.
+* :bug:`499` Strip trailing/leading whitespace from lines when parsing SSH
+ config files - this brings things in line with OpenSSH behavior. Thanks to
+ Alfredo Esteban for the original report and Nick Pillitteri for the patch.
+* :bug:`652` Fix behavior of ``gssapi-with-mic`` auth requests so they fail
+ gracefully (allowing followup via other auth methods) instead of raising an
+ exception. Patch courtesy of ``@jamercee``.
+* :feature:`588 (==1.17)` Add missing file-like object methods for
+ `~paramiko.file.BufferedFile` and `~paramiko.sftp_file.SFTPFile`. Thanks to
+ Adam Meily for the patch.
+* :support:`636 backported (>=1.15,<2.0)` Clean up and enhance the README (and
+ rename it to ``README.rst`` from just ``README``). Thanks to ``@LucasRMehl``.
+* :release:`1.16.0 <2015-11-04>`
+* :bug:`194 major` (also :issue:`562`, :issue:`530`, :issue:`576`) Streamline
+ use of ``stat`` when downloading SFTP files via `SFTPClient.get
+ <paramiko.sftp_client.SFTPClient.get>`; this avoids triggering bugs in some
+ off-spec SFTP servers such as IBM Sterling. Thanks to ``@muraleee`` for the
+ initial report and to Torkil Gustavsen for the patch.
+* :feature:`467` (also :issue:`139`, :issue:`412`) Fully enable two-factor
+ authentication (e.g. when a server requires ``AuthenticationMethods
+ pubkey,keyboard-interactive``). Thanks to ``@perryjrandall`` for the patch
+ and to ``@nevins-b`` and Matt Robenolt for additional support.
+* :bug:`502 major` Fix 'exec' requests in server mode to use ``get_string``
+ instead of ``get_text`` to avoid ``UnicodeDecodeError`` on non-UTF-8 input.
+ Thanks to Anselm Kruis for the patch & discussion.
+* :bug:`401` Fix line number reporting in log output regarding invalid
+ ``known_hosts`` line entries. Thanks to Dylan Thacker-Smith for catch &
+ patch.
+* :support:`525 backported` Update the vendored Windows API addon to a more
+ recent edition. Also fixes :issue:`193`, :issue:`488`, :issue:`498`. Thanks
+ to Jason Coombs.
+* :release:`1.15.4 <2015-11-02>`
+* :release:`1.14.3 <2015-11-02>`
+* :release:`1.13.4 <2015-11-02>`
+* :bug:`366` Fix `~paramiko.sftp_attr.SFTPAttributes` so its string
+ representation doesn't raise exceptions on empty/initialized instances. Patch
+ by Ulrich Petri.
+* :bug:`359` Use correct attribute name when trying to use Python 3's
+ ``int.bit_length`` method; prior to fix, the Python 2 custom fallback
+ implementation was always used, even on Python 3. Thanks to Alex Gaynor.
+* :support:`594 backported` Correct some post-Python3-port docstrings to
+ specify ``bytes`` type instead of ``str``. Credit to ``@redixin``.
+* :bug:`565` Don't explode with ``IndexError`` when reading private key files
+ lacking an ``-----END <type> PRIVATE KEY-----`` footer. Patch courtesy of
+ Prasanna Santhanam.
+* :feature:`604` Add support for the ``aes192-ctr`` and ``aes192-cbc`` ciphers.
+ Thanks to Michiel Tiller for noticing it was as easy as tweaking some key
+ sizes :D
+* :feature:`356` (also :issue:`596`, :issue:`365`, :issue:`341`, :issue:`164`,
+ :issue:`581`, and a bunch of other duplicates besides) Add support for SHA-2
+ based key exchange (kex) algorithm ``diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256``
+ and (H)MAC algorithms ``hmac-sha2-256`` and ``hmac-sha2-512``.
+ This change includes tweaks to debug-level logging regarding
+ algorithm-selection handshakes; the old all-in-one log line is now multiple
+ easier-to-read, printed-at-handshake-time log lines.
+ Thanks to the many people who submitted patches for this functionality and/or
+ assisted in testing those patches. That list includes but is not limited to,
+ and in no particular order: Matthias Witte, Dag Wieers, Ash Berlin, Etienne
+ Perot, Gert van Dijk, ``@GuyShaanan``, Aaron Bieber, ``@cyphase``, and Eric
+ Brown.
+* :release:`1.15.3 <2015-10-02>`
+* :support:`554 backported` Fix inaccuracies in the docstring for the ECDSA key
+ class. Thanks to Jared Hance for the patch.
+* :support:`516 backported` Document `~paramiko.agent.AgentRequestHandler`.
+ Thanks to ``@toejough`` for report & suggestions.
+* :bug:`496 (1.15+)` Fix a handful of small but critical bugs in Paramiko's
+ GSSAPI support (note: this includes switching from PyCrypo's Random to
+ `os.urandom`). Thanks to Anselm Kruis for catch & patch.
+* :bug:`491` (combines :issue:`62` and :issue:`439`) Implement timeout
+ functionality to address hangs from dropped network connections and/or failed
+ handshakes. Credit to ``@vazir`` and ``@dacut`` for the original patches and
+ to Olle Lundberg for reimplementation.
+* :bug:`490` Skip invalid/unparseable lines in ``known_hosts`` files, instead
+ of raising `~paramiko.ssh_exception.SSHException`. This brings Paramiko's
+ behavior more in line with OpenSSH, which silently ignores such input. Catch
+ & patch courtesy of Martin Topholm.
+* :bug:`404` Print details when displaying
+ `~paramiko.ssh_exception.BadHostKeyException` objects (expected vs received
+ data) instead of just "hey shit broke". Patch credit: Loic Dachary.
+* :bug:`469` (also :issue:`488`, :issue:`461` and like a dozen others) Fix a
+ typo introduced in the 1.15 release which broke WinPageant support. Thanks to
+ everyone who submitted patches, and to Steve Cohen who was the lucky winner
+ of the cherry-pick lottery.
+* :bug:`353` (via :issue:`482`) Fix a bug introduced in the Python 3 port
+ which caused ``OverFlowError`` (and other symptoms) in SFTP functionality.
+ Thanks to ``@dboreham`` for leading the troubleshooting charge, and to
+ Scott Maxwell for the final patch.
+* :support:`582` Fix some old ```` related helper code which was
+ breaking ``bdist_dumb`` on Mac OS X. Thanks to Peter Odding for the patch.
+* :bug:`22 major` Try harder to connect to multiple network families (e.g. IPv4
+ vs IPv6) in case of connection issues; this helps with problems such as hosts
+ which resolve both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses but are only listening on IPv4.
+ Thanks to Dries Desmet for original report and Torsten Landschoff for the
+ foundational patchset.
+* :bug:`402` Check to see if an SSH agent is actually present before trying to
+ forward it to the remote end. This replaces what was usually a useless
+ ``TypeError`` with a human-readable
+ `~paramiko.ssh_exception.AuthenticationException`. Credit to Ken Jordan for
+ the fix and Yvan Marques for original report.
* :release:`1.15.2 <2014-12-19>`
* :release:`1.14.2 <2014-12-19>`
* :release:`1.13.3 <2014-12-19>`
@@ -25,7 +380,7 @@ Changelog
use of the ``shlex`` module. Thanks to Yan Kalchevskiy.
* :support:`422 backported` Clean up some unused imports. Courtesy of Olle
-* :support:`421 backported` Modernize threading calls to user newer API. Thanks
+* :support:`421 backported` Modernize threading calls to use newer API. Thanks
to Olle Lundberg.
* :support:`419 backported` Modernize a bunch of the codebase internals to
leverage decorators. Props to ``@beckjake`` for realizing we're no longer on
@@ -46,10 +401,12 @@ Changelog
* :release:`1.15.1 <2014-09-22>`
* :bug:`399` SSH agent forwarding (potentially other functionality as
well) would hang due to incorrect values passed into the new window size
- arguments for `.Transport` (thanks to a botched merge). This has been
- corrected. Thanks to Dylan Thacker-Smith for the report & patch.
-* :feature:`167` Add `.SSHConfig.get_hostnames` for easier introspection of a
- loaded SSH config file or object. Courtesy of Søren Løvborg.
+ arguments for `~paramiko.transport.Transport` (thanks to a botched merge).
+ This has been corrected. Thanks to Dylan Thacker-Smith for the report &
+ patch.
+* :feature:`167` Add `~paramiko.config.SSHConfig.get_hostnames` for easier
+ introspection of a loaded SSH config file or object. Courtesy of Søren
+ Løvborg.
* :release:`1.15.0 <2014-09-18>`
* :support:`393` Replace internal use of PyCrypto's ```` with the
stdlib's ``hashlib.sha1``. Thanks to Alex Gaynor.
@@ -58,10 +415,10 @@ Changelog
(:ref:`installation docs here <gssapi>`). Mega thanks to Sebastian Deiß, with
assist by Torsten Landschoff.
- .. note::
- Unix users should be aware that the ``python-gssapi`` library (a
- requirement for using this functionality) only appears to support
- Python 2.7 and up at this time.
+ .. note::
+ Unix users should be aware that the ``python-gssapi`` library (a
+ requirement for using this functionality) only appears to support
+ Python 2.7 and up at this time.
* :bug:`346 major` Fix an issue in private key files' encryption salts that
could cause tracebacks and file corruption if keys were re-encrypted. Credit
@@ -157,7 +514,7 @@ Changelog
* :bug:`-` Fix logging error in sftp_client for filenames containing the '%'
character. Thanks to Antoine Brenner.
-* :bug:`308` Fix regression in that caused sporadic signature
+* :bug:`308` Fix regression in that caused sporadic signature
verification failures. Thanks to Chris Rose.
* :support:`299` Use deterministic signatures for ECDSA keys for improved
security. Thanks to Alex Gaynor.
@@ -180,7 +537,7 @@ Changelog
* :feature:`16` **Python 3 support!** Our test suite passes under Python 3, and
it (& Fabric's test suite) continues to pass under Python 2. **Python 2.5 is
no longer supported with this change!**
The merged code was built on many contributors' efforts, both code &
feedback. In no particular order, we thank Daniel Goertzen, Ivan Kolodyazhny,
Tomi Pieviläinen, Jason R. Coombs, Jan N. Schulze, ``@Lazik``, Dorian Pula,
diff --git a/sites/www/ b/sites/www/
index 0b0fb85c..c7ba0a86 100644
--- a/sites/www/
+++ b/sites/www/
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@ from shared_conf import *
# Releases changelog extension
-# Paramiko 1.x tags start with 'v'. Meh.
-releases_release_uri = ""
+releases_release_uri = ""
releases_issue_uri = ""
# Default is 'local' building, but reference the public docs site when building
diff --git a/sites/www/faq.rst b/sites/www/faq.rst
index a5d9b383..74b7501e 100644
--- a/sites/www/faq.rst
+++ b/sites/www/faq.rst
@@ -24,3 +24,13 @@ However, **closed does not imply locked** - affected users can still post
comments on such tickets - and **we will always consider actual patch
submissions for these issues**, provided they can get +1s from similarly
affected users and are proven to not break existing functionality.
+I'm having strange issues with my code hanging at shutdown!
+Make sure you explicitly ``.close()`` your connection objects (usually
+``SSHClient``) if you're having any sort of hang/freeze at shutdown time!
+Doing so isn't strictly necessary 100% of the time, but it is almost always the
+right solution if you run into the various corner cases that cause race
+conditions, etc.
diff --git a/sites/www/index.rst b/sites/www/index.rst
index 1b609709..f0a5db8a 100644
--- a/sites/www/index.rst
+++ b/sites/www/index.rst
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@ Welcome to Paramiko!
Paramiko is a Python (2.6+, 3.3+) implementation of the SSHv2 protocol [#]_,
providing both client and server functionality. While it leverages a Python C
-extension for low level cryptography (`PyCrypto <>`_),
-Paramiko itself is a pure Python interface around SSH networking concepts.
+extension for low level cryptography
+(`Cryptography <>`_), Paramiko itself is a pure Python
+interface around SSH networking concepts.
This website covers project information for Paramiko such as the changelog,
contribution guidelines, development roadmap, news/blog, and so forth. Detailed
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ Please see the sidebar to the left to begin.
FAQs <faq>
+ installing-1.x
@@ -26,11 +28,7 @@ Please see the sidebar to the left to begin.
.. rubric:: Footnotes
.. [#]
- SSH is defined in RFCs
- `4251 <>`_,
- `4252 <>`_,
- `4253 <>`_, and
- `4254 <>`_;
- the primary working implementation of the protocol is the `OpenSSH project
+ SSH is defined in :rfc:`4251`, :rfc:`4252`, :rfc:`4253` and :rfc:`4254`. The
+ primary working implementation of the protocol is the `OpenSSH project
<>`_. Paramiko implements a large portion of the SSH
feature set, but there are occasional gaps.
diff --git a/sites/www/installing-1.x.rst b/sites/www/installing-1.x.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ede40d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sites/www/installing-1.x.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+Installing (1.x)
+.. note:: Installing Paramiko 2.0 or above? See :doc:`installing` instead.
+This document includes legacy notes on installing Paramiko 1.x (specifically,
+1.13 and up). Users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to 2.0 when possible;
+PyCrypto (the dependency covered below) is no longer maintained and contains
+security vulnerabilities.
+General install notes
+* Python 2.6+ and 3.3+ are supported; Python <=2.5 and 3.0-3.2 are **not
+ supported**.
+* See the note in the main install doc about :ref:`release-lines` for details
+ on specific versions you may want to install.
+ .. note:: 1.x will eventually be entirely end-of-lifed.
+* Paramiko 1.7-1.14 have only one dependency: :ref:`pycrypto`.
+* Paramiko 1.15+ (not including 2.x and above) add a second, pure-Python
+ dependency: the ``ecdsa`` module, trivially installable via PyPI.
+* Paramiko 1.15+ (again, not including 2.x and up) also allows you to
+ optionally install a few more dependencies to gain support for
+ :ref:`GSS-API/Kerberos <gssapi-on-1x>`.
+* Users on Windows may want to opt for the :ref:`pypm` approach.
+.. _pycrypto:
+`PyCrypto <>`__ provides the low-level
+(C-based) encryption algorithms we need to implement the SSH protocol. There
+are a couple gotchas associated with installing PyCrypto: its compatibility
+with Python's package tools, and the fact that it is a C-based extension.
+C extension
+Unless you are installing from a precompiled source such as a Debian apt
+repository or RedHat RPM, or using :ref:`pypm <pypm>`, you will also need the
+ability to build Python C-based modules from source in order to install
+PyCrypto. Users on **Unix-based platforms** such as Ubuntu or Mac OS X will
+need the traditional C build toolchain installed (e.g. Developer Tools / XCode
+Tools on the Mac, or the ``build-essential`` package on Ubuntu or Debian Linux
+-- basically, anything with ``gcc``, ``make`` and so forth) as well as the
+Python development libraries, often named ``python-dev`` or similar.
+Slow vs fast crypto math
+PyCrypto attempts to use the ``gmp`` C math library if it is present on your
+system, which enables what it internally calls "fastmath" (````).
+When those headers are not available, it falls back to "slowmath"
+(````) which is a pure-Python implementation.
+Real-world tests have shown significant benefits to using the C version of this
+code; thus we strongly recommend you install the ``gmp`` development headers
+**before** installing Paramiko/PyCrypto. E.g.::
+ $ apt-get install libgmp-dev # or just apt
+ $ yum install gmp-devel # or dnf
+ $ brew install gmp
+If you're unsure which version of math you've ended up with, a quick way to
+check is to examine whether ```` or ```` appears in the
+output of::
+ from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
+ print(RSA._impl._math)
+For **Windows** users we recommend using :ref:`pypm`, installing a C
+development environment such as `Cygwin <>`_ or obtaining a
+precompiled Win32 PyCrypto package from `voidspace's Python modules page
+.. note::
+ Some Windows users whose Python is 64-bit have found that the PyCrypto
+ dependency ``winrandom`` may not install properly, leading to ImportErrors.
+ In this scenario, you'll probably need to compile ``winrandom`` yourself
+ via e.g. MS Visual Studio. See `Fabric #194
+ <>`_ for info.
+.. _pypm:
+ActivePython and PyPM
+Windows users who already have ActiveState's `ActivePython
+<>`_ distribution installed
+may find Paramiko is best installed with `its package manager, PyPM
+<>`_. Below is example output from an
+installation of Paramiko via ``pypm``::
+ C:\> pypm install paramiko
+ The following packages will be installed into "%APPDATA%\Python" (2.7):
+ paramiko-1.7.8 pycrypto-2.4
+ Get: [] paramiko 1.7.8
+ Get: [] pycrypto 2.4
+ Installing paramiko-1.7.8
+ Installing pycrypto-2.4
+ C:\>
+.. _gssapi-on-1x:
+Optional dependencies for GSS-API / SSPI / Kerberos
+First, see the main install doc's notes: :ref:`gssapi` - everything there is
+required for Paramiko 1.x as well.
+Additionally, users of Paramiko 1.x, on all platforms, need a final dependency:
+`pyasn1 <>`_ ``0.1.7`` or better.
diff --git a/sites/www/installing.rst b/sites/www/installing.rst
index a657c3fc..f335a9e7 100644
--- a/sites/www/installing.rst
+++ b/sites/www/installing.rst
@@ -2,6 +2,13 @@
+.. note::
+ These instructions cover Paramiko 2.0 and above. If you're looking to
+ install Paramiko 1.x, see :doc:`installing-1.x`. However, **the 1.x line
+ relies on insecure dependencies** so upgrading is strongly encouraged.
.. _paramiko-itself:
Paramiko itself
@@ -12,21 +19,15 @@ via `pip <>`_::
$ pip install paramiko
-.. note::
- Users who want the bleeding edge can install the development version via
- ``pip install paramiko==dev``.
-We currently support **Python 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3+** (Python **3.2** should also
-work but has a less-strong compatibility guarantee from us.) Users on Python
-2.5 or older are urged to upgrade.
+We currently support **Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3+, and PyPy**. Users on Python 2.5
+or older (or 3.2 or older) are urged to upgrade.
-Paramiko has two hard dependencies: the pure-Python ECDSA module ``ecdsa``, and the
-PyCrypto C extension. ``ecdsa`` is easily installable from wherever you
-obtained Paramiko's package; PyCrypto may require more work. Read on for
+Paramiko has only one direct hard dependency: the Cryptography library. See
If you need GSS-API / SSPI support, see :ref:`the below subsection on it
-<gssapi>` for details on additional dependencies.
+<gssapi>` for details on its optional dependencies.
.. _release-lines:
@@ -37,71 +38,52 @@ Users desiring stability may wish to pin themselves to a specific release line
once they first start using Paramiko; to assist in this, we guarantee bugfixes
for the last 2-3 releases including the latest stable one.
-If you're unsure which version to install, we have suggestions:
+This typically spans major & minor versions, so even if e.g. 3.1 is the latest
+stable release, it's likely that bugfixes will occasionally come out for the
+latest 2.x and perhaps even 1.x releases, as well as for 3.0. New feature
+releases for previous major-version lines are less likely but not unheard of.
+If you're unsure which version to install:
* **Completely new users** should always default to the **latest stable
release** (as above, whatever is newest / whatever shows up with ``pip
install paramiko``.)
-* **Users upgrading from a much older version** (e.g. the 1.7.x line) should
- probably get the **oldest actively supported line** (see the paragraph above
- this list for what that currently is.)
+* **Users upgrading from a much older version** (e.g. 1.7.x through 1.10.x)
+ should probably get the **oldest actively supported line** (check the
+ :doc:`changelog` for recent releases).
* **Everybody else** is hopefully already "on" a given version and can
carefully upgrade to whichever version they care to, when their release line
stops being supported.
-`PyCrypto <>`_ provides the low-level
-(C-based) encryption algorithms we need to implement the SSH protocol. There
-are a couple gotchas associated with installing PyCrypto: its compatibility
-with Python's package tools, and the fact that it is a C-based extension.
-C extension
+.. _cryptography:
-Unless you are installing from a precompiled source such as a Debian apt
-repository or RedHat RPM, or using :ref:`pypm <pypm>`, you will also need the
-ability to build Python C-based modules from source in order to install
-PyCrypto. Users on **Unix-based platforms** such as Ubuntu or Mac OS X will
-need the traditional C build toolchain installed (e.g. Developer Tools / XCode
-Tools on the Mac, or the ``build-essential`` package on Ubuntu or Debian Linux
--- basically, anything with ``gcc``, ``make`` and so forth) as well as the
-Python development libraries, often named ``python-dev`` or similar.
-For **Windows** users we recommend using :ref:`pypm`, installing a C
-development environment such as `Cygwin <>`_ or obtaining a
-precompiled Win32 PyCrypto package from `voidspace's Python modules page
-.. note::
- Some Windows users whose Python is 64-bit have found that the PyCrypto
- dependency ``winrandom`` may not install properly, leading to ImportErrors.
- In this scenario, you'll probably need to compile ``winrandom`` yourself
- via e.g. MS Visual Studio. See `Fabric #194
- <>`_ for info.
+`Cryptography <>`__ provides the low-level (C-based)
+encryption algorithms we need to implement the SSH protocol. It has detailed
+`installation instructions`_ (and an `FAQ
+<>`_) which you should read carefully.
-.. _pypm:
+In general, you'll need one of the following setups:
-ActivePython and PyPM
+* On Windows or Mac OS X, provided your ``pip`` is modern (8.x+): nothing else
+ is required. ``pip`` will install statically compiled binary archives of
+ Cryptography & its dependencies.
+* On Linux, or on other platforms with older versions of ``pip``: you'll need a
+ C build toolchain, plus development headers for Python, OpenSSL and
+ ``libffi``. Again, see `Cryptography's install docs`_; these requirements may
+ occasionally change.
-Windows users who already have ActiveState's `ActivePython
-<>`_ distribution installed
-may find Paramiko is best installed with `its package manager, PyPM
-<>`_. Below is example output from an
-installation of Paramiko via ``pypm``::
+ .. warning::
+ If you go this route, note that **OpenSSL 1.0.1 or newer is effectively
+ required**. Cryptography 1.3 and older technically allow OpenSSL 0.9.8, but
+ 1.4 and newer - which Paramiko will gladly install or upgrade, if you e.g.
+ ``pip install -U`` - drop that support.
- C:\> pypm install paramiko
- The following packages will be installed into "%APPDATA%\Python" (2.7):
- paramiko-1.7.8 pycrypto-2.4
- Get: [] paramiko 1.7.8
- Get: [] pycrypto 2.4
- Installing paramiko-1.7.8
- Installing pycrypto-2.4
- C:\>
+.. _installation instructions:
+.. _Cryptography's install docs:
.. _gssapi:
@@ -115,8 +97,6 @@ due to their infrequent utility & non-platform-agnostic requirements):
* It hopefully goes without saying but **all platforms** need **a working
installation of GSS-API itself**, e.g. Heimdal.
-* **All platforms** need `pyasn1 <>`_
- ``0.1.7`` or better.
* **Unix** needs `python-gssapi <>`_
``0.6.1`` or better.