path: root/NEWS
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Diffstat (limited to 'NEWS')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/NEWS b/NEWS
index 37739c60..7b45d621 100644
--- a/NEWS
+++ b/NEWS
@@ -12,9 +12,67 @@ Issues noted as "Fabric #NN" can be found at
-v1.8.0 <DATE>
+v1.10.0 (DD MM YYYY)
+* #110: Honor SSH config `AddressFamily` setting when looking up local
+ host's FQDN. Thanks to John Hensley for the patch.
+* #128: Defer FQDN resolution until needed, when parsing SSH config files.
+ Thanks to Parantapa Bhattacharya for catch & patch.
+* #102: Forego random padding for packets when running under `*-ctr` ciphers.
+ This corrects some slowdowns on platforms where random byte generation is
+ inefficient (e.g. Windows). Thanks to `@warthog618` for catch & patch, and
+ Michael van der Kolff for code/technique review.
+* #127: Turn `SFTPFile` into a context manager. Thanks to Michael Williamson
+* for the patch.
+* #116: Limit `Message.get_bytes` to an upper bound of 1MB to protect against
+ potential DoS vectors. Thanks to `@mvschaik` for catch & patch.
+* #115: Add convenience `get_pty` kwarg to `Client.exec_command` so users not
+ manually controlling a channel object can still toggle PTY creation. Thanks
+ to Michael van der Kolff for the patch.
+* #71: Add `SFTPClient.putfo` and `.getfo` methods to allow direct
+ uploading/downloading of file-like objects. Thanks to Eric Buehl for the
+ patch.
+* #113: Add `timeout` parameter to `SSHClient.exec_command` for easier setting
+ of the command's internal channel object's timeout. Thanks to Cernov Vladimir
+ for the patch.
+* #94: Remove duplication of SSH port constant. Thanks to Olle Lundberg for the
+ catch.
+* #80: Expose the internal "is closed" property of the file transfer class
+ `BufferedFile` as `.closed`, better conforming to Python's file interface.
+ Thanks to `@smunaut` and James Hiscock for catch & patch.
+v1.9.0 (6th Nov 2012)
+* #97 (with a little #93): Improve config parsing of `ProxyCommand` directives
+ and provide a wrapper class to allow subprocess-driven proxy commands to be
+ used as `sock=` arguments for `SSHClient.connect`.
+* #77: Allow `SSHClient.connect()` to take an explicit `sock` parameter
+ overriding creation of an internal, implicit socket object.
+* Thanks in no particular order to Erwin Bolwidt, Oskari Saarenmaa, Steven
+ Noonan, Vladimir Lazarenko, Lincoln de Sousa, Valentino Volonghi, Olle
+ Lundberg, and Github user `@acrish` for the various and sundry patches
+ leading to the above changes.
+v1.8.1 (6th Nov 2012)
+* #90: Ensure that callbacks handed to `SFTPClient.get()` always fire at least
+ once, even for zero-length files downloaded. Thanks to Github user `@enB` for
+ the catch.
+* #85: Paramiko's test suite overrides
+ `unittest.TestCase.assertTrue/assertFalse` to provide these modern assertions
+ to Python 2.2/2.3, which lacked them. However on newer Pythons such as 2.7,
+ this now causes deprecation warnings. The overrides have been patched to only
+ execute when necessary. Thanks to `@Arfrever` for catch & patch.
+v1.8.0 (3rd Oct 2012)
+* #17 ('ssh' 28): Fix spurious `NoneType has no attribute 'error'` and similar
+ exceptions that crop up on interpreter exit.
* 'ssh' 32: Raise a more useful error explaining which `known_hosts` key line was
problematic, when encountering `binascii` issues decoding known host keys.
Thanks to `@thomasvs` for catch & patch.