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1 files changed, 69 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paramiko/ b/paramiko/
index 8cb8ceaf..b546363d 100644
--- a/paramiko/
+++ b/paramiko/
@@ -193,6 +193,75 @@ class SFTPClient (BaseSFTP):
self._request(CMD_CLOSE, handle)
return filelist
+ def listdir_iter(self, path='.', read_ahead_requests=50):
+ """
+ Generator yielding L{SFTPAttributes} objects corresponding to
+ files in the given C{path}. Files are yielded in arbitrary order. It does
+ not include the special entries C{'.'} and C{'..'} even if they are
+ present in the folder.
+ The returned L{SFTPAttributes} objects will each have an additional
+ field: C{longname}, which may contain a formatted string of the file's
+ attributes, in unix format. The content of this string will probably
+ depend on the SFTP server implementation.
+ @param path: path to list (defaults to C{'.'})
+ @type path: str
+ @return: Yields L{SFTPAttributes}
+ @rtype: L{SFTPAttributes}
+ @since: 1.9
+ """
+ path = self._adjust_cwd(path)
+ self._log(DEBUG, 'listdir(%r)' % path)
+ t, msg = self._request(CMD_OPENDIR, path)
+ if t != CMD_HANDLE:
+ raise SFTPError('Expected handle')
+ handle = msg.get_string()
+ nums = list()
+ while True:
+ try:
+ # Assume the handle IDs we're getting will be in sequence...
+ # Send out a bunch of readdir requests so that we can read the responses later on
+ # Section 6.7 of the SSH file transfer RFC explains this
+ #
+ for i in range(read_ahead_requests):
+ num = self._async_request(type(None), CMD_READDIR, handle)
+ nums.append(num)
+ # For each of our sent requests
+ # Read and parse the corresponding packets
+ # If we're at the end of our queued requests, then fire off some more requests
+ # Exit the loop when we've reached the end of the directory handle
+ for num in nums:
+ # Avoid using self._request as it does a bunch of shit we don't care about in scanning directories
+ t, pkt_data = self._read_packet()
+ msg = Message(pkt_data)
+ new_num = msg.get_int()
+ if num == new_num:
+ if t == CMD_STATUS:
+ self._convert_status(msg)
+ count = msg.get_int()
+ for i in range(count):
+ filename = msg.get_string()
+ longname = msg.get_string()
+ attr = SFTPAttributes._from_msg(msg, filename, longname)
+ if (filename != '.') and (filename != '..'):
+ now =
+ yield attr
+ # If we've hit the end of our queued requests, reset nums.
+ nums = list()
+ except EOFError as e:
+ self._request(CMD_CLOSE, handle)
+ return
def open(self, filename, mode='r', bufsize=-1):
Open a file on the remote server. The arguments are the same as for