path: root/README
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authorRobey Pointer <>2004-01-04 09:29:13 +0000
committerRobey Pointer <>2004-01-04 09:29:13 +0000
commit988c6abda08dd7380da37cfc74b9642437afe1ae (patch)
tree64ef726eb8fdf17e01f832a8487c7a2776939067 /README
parent3a8887a42083dda796f50e1e9b32f625abcb5d5a (diff)
[project @]
more docs, and password-protected key files can now be read lots more documentation, some of it moved out of the README file, which is now much smaller and less rambling. repr(Transport) now reports the number of bits used in the cipher. cleaned up BER to use util functions, and throw a proper exception (the new BERException) on error. it doesn't ever have to be a full BER decoder, but it can at least comb its hair and tuck in its shirt. lots of stuff added to PKey.read_private_key_file so it can try to decode password-protected key files. right now it only understands "DES-EDE3-CBC" format, but this is the only format i've seen openssh make so far. if the key is password-protected, but no password was given, a new exception (PasswordRequiredException) is raised so an outer layer can ask for a password and try again.
Diffstat (limited to 'README')
1 files changed, 21 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/README b/README
index 9b48e6a7..022d8166 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -17,22 +17,20 @@ telnet and rsh for secure access to remote shells, but the protocol also
includes the ability to open arbitrary channels to remote services across the
encrypted tunnel (this is how sftp works, for example).
-the module works by taking a socket-like object that you pass in, negotiating
-with the remote server, authenticating (using a password or a given private
-key), and opening flow-controled "channels" to the server, which are returned
-as socket-like objects. you are responsible for verifying that the server's
-host key is the one you expected to see, and you have control over which kinds
-of encryption or hashing you prefer (if you care), but all of the heavy lifting
-is done by the paramiko module.
it is written entirely in python (no C or platform-dependent code) and is
released under the GNU LGPL (lesser GPL).
+the package and its API is fairly well documented in the "doc/" folder that
+should have come with this archive.
python 2.3 <>
-pyCrypto <>
+pyCrypt <>
+PyCrypt compiled for Win32 can be downloaded from the HashTar homepage:
@@ -45,12 +43,8 @@ run into Windows problems, send me a patch: portability is important to me.
the Channel object supports a "fileno()" call so that it can be passed into
select or poll, for polling on posix. once you call "fileno()" on a Channel,
it changes behavior in some fundamental ways, and these ways require posix.
-so don't call "fileno()" on a Channel on Windows. (the problem is that pipes
-are used to simulate an open socket, so that the ssh "socket" has an OS-level
-file descriptor. i haven't figured out how to make pipes on Windows go into
-non-blocking mode yet. [if you don't understand this last sentence, don't
-be afraid. the point is to make the API simple enough that you don't HAVE to
-know these screwy steps. i just don't understand windows enough.])
+so don't call "fileno()" on a Channel on Windows. this is detailed in the
+documentation for the "fileno" method.
*** DEMO
@@ -63,13 +57,15 @@ you can run with no arguments, or you can give a hostname (or
username@hostname) on the command line. if you don't, it'll prompt you for
a hostname and username. if you have an ".ssh/" folder, it will try to read
the host keys from there, though it's easily confused. you can choose to
-authenticate with a password, or with an RSA or DSS key, but it can only
-read your private key file(s) if they're not password-protected.
+authenticate with a password, or with an RSA or DSS key.
the demo app leaves a logfile called "demo.log" so you can see what paramiko
logs as it works. but the most interesting part is probably the code itself,
which hopefully demonstrates how you can use the paramiko library.
+a simpler example is in, which is a copy of the demo client
+that uses the simpler "connect" method call (new with 0.9-doduo).
there's also now a demo server ( which listens on port 2200
and accepts a login (robey/foo) and pretends to be a BBS, just to demonstrate
how to perform the server side of things.
@@ -77,63 +73,17 @@ how to perform the server side of things.
*** USE
-(this section could probably be improved a lot.)
-first, create a Transport by passing in an existing socket (connected to the
-desired server). call "start_client(event)", passing in an event which will
-be triggered when the negotiation is finished (either successfully or not).
-the event is required because each new Transport creates a new worker thread
-to handle incoming data asynchronously.
-after the event triggers, use "is_active()" to determine if the Transport was
-successfully connected. if so, you should check the server's host key to make
-sure it's what you expected. don't worry, i don't mean "check" in any crypto
-sense: i mean compare the key, byte for byte, with what you saw last time, to
-make sure it's the same key. Transport will handle verifying that the server's
-key works.
-next, authenticate, using either "auth_key" or "auth_password". in the future,
-this API may change to accomodate servers that require both forms of auth.
-pass another event in so you can determine when the authentication dance is
-over. if it was successful, "is_authenticated()" will return true.
-once authentication is successful, the Transport is ready to use. call
-"open_channel" or "open_session" to create new channels over the Transport
-(SSH2 supports many different channels over the same connection). these calls
-block until they succeed or fail, and return a Channel object on success, or
-None on failure. Channel objects can be treated as "socket-like objects": they
- recv(nbytes)
- send(data)
- settimeout(timeout_in_seconds)
- close()
- fileno() [* see note below]
-because SSH2 has a windowing kind of flow control, if you stop reading data
-from a Channel and its buffer fills up, the server will be unable to send you
-any more data until you read some of it. (this won't affect other channels on
-the Transport, though.)
-* NOTE that if you use "fileno()", the behavior of the Channel will change
-slightly, underneath. this shouldn't be noticable outside the library, but
-this alternate implementation will not work on non-posix systems. so don't
-try calling "fileno()" on Windows! this has the side effect that you can't
-pass a Channel to "select" or "poll" on Windows (which should be fine, since
-those calls don't exist on Windows). calling "fileno()" creates an OS-level
-pipe and generates a real file descriptor which can be used for polling, BUT
-should not be used for reading data from the channel: use "recv" instead.
-because each Transport has a worker thread running in the background, you
-must call "close()" on the Transport to kill this thread. on many platforms,
-the python interpreter will refuse to exit cleanly if any of these threads
-are still running (and you'll have to kill -9 from another shell window).
-[fixme: add info about server mode]
+the demo clients ( & and the demo server
+( are probably the best example of how to use this package.
+there is also a lot of documentation, generated with epydoc, in the doc/
+folder. point your browser there. seriously, do it. mad props to epydoc,
+which actually motivated me to write more documentation than i ever would
+have before.
* ctr forms of ciphers are missing (blowfish-ctr, aes128-ctr, aes256-ctr)
-* can't handle password-protected private key files
* multi-part auth not supported (ie, need username AND pk)
-* server mode needs better doc
+* server mode needs better documentation
+* sftp?