diff options
authorJeff Forcier <>2014-02-26 11:39:33 -0800
committerJeff Forcier <>2014-02-26 11:39:33 -0800
commit01f365a3e1cf5fdaf4c9b3d7bfef1cad6bc56b47 (patch)
parentf556c8f0ae11bdfb7277421114cb24228619a01a (diff)
Client info fields
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/paramiko/ b/paramiko/
index 8646131b..b5929e6e 100644
--- a/paramiko/
+++ b/paramiko/
@@ -82,11 +82,10 @@ class SSHClient (object):
and no exception will be raised if the file can't be read. This is
probably only useful on posix.
- :param filename: the filename to read, or ``None``
- :type filename: str
+ :param str filename: the filename to read, or ``None``
- :raises IOError: if a filename was provided and the file could not be
- read
+ :raises IOError:
+ if a filename was provided and the file could not be read
if filename is None:
# try the user's .ssh key file, and mask exceptions
@@ -110,8 +109,7 @@ class SSHClient (object):
will be merged with the existing set (new replacing old if there are
conflicts). When automatically saving, the last hostname is used.
- :param filename: the filename to read
- :type filename: str
+ :param str filename: the filename to read
:raises IOError: if the filename could not be read
@@ -124,8 +122,7 @@ class SSHClient (object):
`load_host_keys` (plus any added directly) will be saved -- not any
host keys loaded with `load_system_host_keys`.
- :param filename: the filename to save to
- :type filename: str
+ :param str filename: the filename to save to
:raises IOError: if the file could not be written
@@ -146,8 +143,7 @@ class SSHClient (object):
Get the local `.HostKeys` object. This can be used to examine the
local host keys or change them.
- :return: the local host keys
- :rtype: `.HostKeys`
+ :return: the local host keys as a `.HostKeys` object.
return self._host_keys
@@ -156,8 +152,7 @@ class SSHClient (object):
Set the channel for logging. The default is ``"paramiko.transport"``
but it can be set to anything you want.
- :param name: new channel name for logging
- :type name: str
+ :param str name: new channel name for logging
self._log_channel = name
@@ -168,9 +163,9 @@ class SSHClient (object):
default policy is to reject all unknown servers (using `.RejectPolicy`).
You may substitute `.AutoAddPolicy` or write your own policy class.
- :param policy: the policy to use when receiving a host key from a
+ :param .MissingHostKeyPolicy policy:
+ the policy to use when receiving a host key from a
previously-unknown server
- :type policy: `.MissingHostKeyPolicy`
self._policy = policy
@@ -195,33 +190,26 @@ class SSHClient (object):
If a private key requires a password to unlock it, and a password is
passed in, that password will be used to attempt to unlock the key.
- :param hostname: the server to connect to
- :type hostname: str
- :param port: the server port to connect to
- :type port: int
- :param username: the username to authenticate as (defaults to the
- current local username)
- :type username: str
- :param password: a password to use for authentication or for unlocking
- a private key
- :type password: str
- :param pkey: an optional private key to use for authentication
- :type pkey: `.PKey`
- :param key_filename: the filename, or list of filenames, of optional
- private key(s) to try for authentication
- :type key_filename: str or list(str)
- :param timeout: an optional timeout (in seconds) for the TCP connect
- :type timeout: float
- :param allow_agent: set to False to disable connecting to the SSH agent
- :type allow_agent: bool
- :param look_for_keys: set to False to disable searching for discoverable
- private key files in ``~/.ssh/``
- :type look_for_keys: bool
- :param compress: set to True to turn on compression
- :type compress: bool
- :param sock: an open socket or socket-like object (such as a
- `.Channel`) to use for communication to the target host
- :type sock: socket
+ :param str hostname: the server to connect to
+ :param int port: the server port to connect to
+ :param str username:
+ the username to authenticate as (defaults to the current local
+ username)
+ :param str password:
+ a password to use for authentication or for unlocking a private key
+ :param .PKey pkey: an optional private key to use for authentication
+ :param str key_filename:
+ the filename, or list of filenames, of optional private key(s) to
+ try for authentication
+ :param float timeout: an optional timeout (in seconds) for the TCP connect
+ :param bool allow_agent: set to False to disable connecting to the SSH agent
+ :param bool look_for_keys:
+ set to False to disable searching for discoverable private key
+ files in ``~/.ssh/``
+ :param bool compress: set to True to turn on compression
+ :param socket sock:
+ an open socket or socket-like object (such as a `.Channel`) to use
+ for communication to the target host
:raises BadHostKeyException: if the server's host key could not be
@@ -304,14 +292,15 @@ class SSHClient (object):
streams are returned as Python ``file``-like objects representing
stdin, stdout, and stderr.
- :param command: the command to execute
- :type command: str
- :param bufsize: interpreted the same way as by the built-in ``file()`` function in Python
- :type bufsize: int
- :param timeout: set command's channel timeout. See `Channel.settimeout`.settimeout
- :type timeout: int
- :return: the stdin, stdout, and stderr of the executing command
- :rtype: tuple(`.ChannelFile`, `.ChannelFile`, `.ChannelFile`)
+ :param str command: the command to execute
+ :param int bufsize:
+ interpreted the same way as by the built-in ``file()`` function in
+ Python
+ :param int timeout:
+ set command's channel timeout. See `Channel.settimeout`.settimeout
+ :return:
+ the stdin, stdout, and stderr of the executing command, as a
+ 3-tuple
:raises SSHException: if the server fails to execute the command
@@ -332,18 +321,13 @@ class SSHClient (object):
is opened and connected to a pseudo-terminal using the requested
terminal type and size.
- :param term: the terminal type to emulate (for example, ``"vt100"``)
- :type term: str
- :param width: the width (in characters) of the terminal window
- :type width: int
- :param height: the height (in characters) of the terminal window
- :type height: int
- :param width_pixels: the width (in pixels) of the terminal window
- :type width_pixels: int
- :param height_pixels: the height (in pixels) of the terminal window
- :type height_pixels: int
- :return: a new channel connected to the remote shell
- :rtype: `.Channel`
+ :param str term:
+ the terminal type to emulate (for example, ``"vt100"``)
+ :param int width: the width (in characters) of the terminal window
+ :param int height: the height (in characters) of the terminal window
+ :param int width_pixels: the width (in pixels) of the terminal window
+ :param int height_pixels: the height (in pixels) of the terminal window
+ :return: a new `.Channel` connected to the remote shell
:raises SSHException: if the server fails to invoke a shell
@@ -356,8 +340,7 @@ class SSHClient (object):
Open an SFTP session on the SSH server.
- :return: a new SFTP session object
- :rtype: `.SFTPClient`
+ :return: a new `.SFTPClient` session object
return self._transport.open_sftp_client()
@@ -367,8 +350,7 @@ class SSHClient (object):
This can be used to perform lower-level tasks, like opening specific
kinds of channels.
- :return: the Transport for this connection
- :rtype: `.Transport`
+ :return: the `.Transport` for this connection
return self._transport