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authorJeff Forcier <>2016-09-21 16:47:13 -0700
committerJeff Forcier <>2016-09-21 16:47:13 -0700
commit4687fcf4c0469ed0e3840a6715cb9c766c18628a (patch)
parent00f109bb8c2836b83fbba3f828988c91c54f0b4f (diff)
Port #819 doc update to 2.0+'s 1.x install doc
Wheeee versions
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/sites/www/installing-1.x.rst b/sites/www/installing-1.x.rst
index 0c2424bb..356fac49 100644
--- a/sites/www/installing-1.x.rst
+++ b/sites/www/installing-1.x.rst
@@ -48,6 +48,32 @@ Tools on the Mac, or the ``build-essential`` package on Ubuntu or Debian Linux
-- basically, anything with ``gcc``, ``make`` and so forth) as well as the
Python development libraries, often named ``python-dev`` or similar.
+Slow vs fast crypto math
+PyCrypto attempts to use the ``gmp`` C math library if it is present on your
+system, which enables what it internally calls "fastmath" (````).
+When those headers are not available, it falls back to "slowmath"
+(````) which is a pure-Python implementation.
+Real-world tests have shown significant benefits to using the C version of this
+code; thus we strongly recommend you install the ``gmp`` development headers
+**before** installing Paramiko/PyCrypto. E.g.::
+ $ apt-get install libgmp-dev # or just apt
+ $ yum install gmp-devel # or dnf
+ $ brew install gmp
+If you're unsure which version of math you've ended up with, a quick way to
+check is to examine whether ```` or ```` appears in the
+output of::
+ from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
+ print(RSA._impl._math)
For **Windows** users we recommend using :ref:`pypm`, installing a C
development environment such as `Cygwin <>`_ or obtaining a
precompiled Win32 PyCrypto package from `voidspace's Python modules page