diff options
authorRobey Pointer <>2006-04-23 18:11:26 -0700
committerRobey Pointer <>2006-04-23 18:11:26 -0700
commit3bcdf46a9dfa3b97fc425e795b8929648fd6b8dc (patch)
parent8e81ba61f59a6721137cef03c5ff6f61e627049b (diff)
[project @]
add SSHClient (so far)
2 files changed, 375 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/paramiko/ b/paramiko/
index 26ee7603..c341d2bd 100644
--- a/paramiko/
+++ b/paramiko/
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ __license__ = "GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL)"
from transport import randpool, SecurityOptions, Transport
+from client import SSHClient, MissingHostKeyPolicy, AutoAddPolicy, RejectPolicy
from auth_handler import AuthHandler
from channel import Channel, ChannelFile
from ssh_exception import SSHException, PasswordRequiredException, BadAuthenticationType
@@ -87,12 +88,13 @@ from pkey import PKey
from hostkeys import HostKeys
# fix module names for epydoc
-for x in [Transport, SecurityOptions, Channel, SFTPServer, SSHException, \
- PasswordRequiredException, BadAuthenticationType, ChannelFile, \
- SubsystemHandler, AuthHandler, RSAKey, DSSKey, SFTPError, \
- SFTP, SFTPClient, SFTPServer, Message, Packetizer, SFTPAttributes, \
- SFTPHandle, SFTPServerInterface, BufferedFile, Agent, AgentKey, \
- PKey, BaseSFTP, SFTPFile, ServerInterface, HostKeys]:
+for x in (Transport, SecurityOptions, Channel, SFTPServer, SSHException,
+ PasswordRequiredException, BadAuthenticationType, ChannelFile,
+ SubsystemHandler, AuthHandler, RSAKey, DSSKey, SFTPError,
+ SFTP, SFTPClient, SFTPServer, Message, Packetizer, SFTPAttributes,
+ SFTPHandle, SFTPServerInterface, BufferedFile, Agent, AgentKey,
+ PKey, BaseSFTP, SFTPFile, ServerInterface, HostKeys, SSHClient,
+ MissingHostKeyPolicy, AutoAddPolicy, RejectPolicy):
x.__module__ = 'paramiko'
@@ -103,6 +105,10 @@ from sftp import SFTP_OK, SFTP_EOF, SFTP_NO_SUCH_FILE, SFTP_PERMISSION_DENIED, S
__all__ = [ 'Transport',
+ 'SSHClient',
+ 'MissingHostKeyPolicy',
+ 'AutoAddPolicy',
+ 'RejectPolicy'
diff --git a/paramiko/ b/paramiko/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..567c833d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paramiko/
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2006 Robey Pointer <>
+# This file is part of paramiko.
+# Paramiko is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
+# Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# Paramiko is distrubuted in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
+# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with Paramiko; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
+# 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
+import getpass
+import os
+from paramiko.agent import Agent
+from paramiko.common import *
+from paramiko.dsskey import DSSKey
+from paramiko.hostkeys import HostKeys
+from paramiko.rsakey import RSAKey
+from paramiko.ssh_exception import SSHException
+from paramiko.transport import Transport
+from paramiko.util import hexify
+class MissingHostKeyPolicy (object):
+ """
+ Interface for defining the policy that L{SSHClient} should use when the
+ SSH server's hostname is not in either the system host keys or the
+ application's keys. Pre-made classes implement policies for automatically
+ adding the key to the application's L{HostKeys} object (L{AutoAddPolicy}),
+ and for automatically rejecting the key (L{RejectPolicy}).
+ This function may be used to ask the user to verify the key, for example.
+ """
+ def missing_host_key(self, client, hostname, key):
+ """
+ Called when an L{SSHClient} receives a server key for a server that
+ isn't in either the system or local L{HostKeys} object. To accept
+ the key, simply return. To reject, raised an exception (which will
+ be passed to the calling application).
+ """
+ pass
+class AutoAddPolicy (MissingHostKeyPolicy):
+ """
+ Policy for automatically adding the hostname and new host key to the
+ local L{HostKeys} object, and saving it. This is used by L{SSHClient}.
+ """
+ def missing_host_key(self, client, hostname, key):
+ if not client._host_keys.has_key(hostname):
+ client._host_keys[hostname] = {}
+ client._host_keys[hostname][key.get_name()] = key
+ our_server_key = server_key
+ if client._host_keys_filename is not None:
+ client.save_host_keys(client._host_keys_filename)
+ client._log(DEBUG, 'Adding %s host key for %s: %s' %
+ (key.get_name(), hostname, hexify(key.get_fingerprint())))
+class RejectPolicy (MissingHostKeyPolicy):
+ """
+ Policy for automatically rejecting the unknown hostname & key. This is
+ used by L{SSHClient}.
+ """
+ def missing_host_key(self, client, hostname, key):
+ client._log(DEBUG, 'Rejecting %s host key for %s: %s' %
+ (key.get_name(), hostname, hexify(key.get_fingerprint())))
+ raise SSHException('Unknown server %s' % hostname)
+class SSHClient (object):
+ """
+ A high-level representation of a session with an SSH server. This class
+ wraps L{Transport}, L{Channel}, and L{SFTPClient} to take care of most
+ aspects of authenticating and opening channels. A typical use case is::
+ client = SSHClient()
+ client.load_system_host_keys()
+ client.connect('')
+ stdin, stdout, stderr = client.exec_command('ls -l')
+ You may pass in explicit overrides for authentication and server host key
+ checking. The default mechanism is to try to use local key files or an
+ SSH agent (if one is running).
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Create a new SSHClient.
+ """
+ self._system_host_keys = HostKeys()
+ self._host_keys = HostKeys()
+ self._host_keys_filename = None
+ self._log_channel = None
+ self._policy = RejectPolicy()
+ def load_system_host_keys(self, filename=None):
+ """
+ Load host keys from a system (read-only) file. Host keys read with
+ this method will not be saved back by L{save_host_keys}.
+ This method can be called multiple times. Each new set of host keys
+ will be merged with the existing set (new replacing old if there are
+ conflicts).
+ If C{filename} is left as C{None}, an attempt will be made to read
+ keys from the user's local "known hosts" file, as used by OpenSSH,
+ and no exception will be raised if the file can't be read. This is
+ probably only useful on posix.
+ @param filename: the filename to read, or C{None}
+ @type filename: str
+ @raise IOError: if a filename was provided and the file could not be
+ read
+ """
+ if filename is None:
+ # try the user's .ssh key file, and mask exceptions
+ filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/known_hosts')
+ try:
+ self._system_host_keys.load(filename)
+ except IOError:
+ pass
+ return
+ self._system_host_keys.load(filename)
+ def load_host_keys(self, filename):
+ """
+ Load host keys from a local host-key file. Host keys read with this
+ method will be checked I{after} keys loaded via L{load_system_host_keys},
+ but will be saved back by L{save_host_keys} (so they can be modified).
+ The missing host key policy L{AutoAddPolicy} adds keys to this set and
+ saves them, when connecting to a previously-unknown server.
+ This method can be called multiple times. Each new set of host keys
+ will be merged with the existing set (new replacing old if there are
+ conflicts). When automatically saving, the last hostname is used.
+ @param filename: the filename to read
+ @type filename: str
+ @raise IOError: if the filename could not be read
+ """
+ self._host_keys_filename = filename
+ self._host_keys.load(filename)
+ def save_host_keys(self, filename):
+ """
+ Save the host keys back to a file. Only the host keys loaded with
+ L{load_host_keys} (plus any added directly) will be saved -- not any
+ host keys loaded with L{load_system_host_keys}.
+ @param filename: the filename to save to
+ @type filename: str
+ @raise IOError: if the file could not be written
+ """
+ f = open(filename, 'w')
+ f.write('# SSH host keys collected by paramiko\n')
+ for hostname, keys in self._host_keys.iteritems():
+ for keytype, key in keys.iteritems():
+ f.write('%s %s %s\n' % (hostname, keytype, key.get_base64()))
+ f.close()
+ def set_log_channel(self, channel):
+ self._log_channel = channel
+ def set_missing_host_key_policy(self, policy):
+ """
+ Set the policy to use when connecting to a server that doesn't have a
+ host key in either the system or local L{HostKeys} objects. The
+ default policy is to reject all unknown servers (using L{RejectPolicy}).
+ You may substitute L{AutoAddPolicy} or write your own policy class.
+ @param policy: the policy to use when receiving a host key from a
+ previously-unknown server
+ @type policy: L{MissingHostKeyPolicy}
+ """
+ self._policy = policy
+ def connect(self, hostname, port=22, username=None, password=None, pkey=None,
+ key_filename=None):
+ """
+ Connect to an SSH server and authenticate to it. The server's host key
+ is checked against the system host keys (see L{load_system_host_keys})
+ and any local host keys (L{load_host_keys}). If the server's hostname
+ is not found in either set of host keys, the missing host key policy
+ is used (see L{set_missing_host_key_policy}). The default policy is
+ to reject the key and raise an L{SSHException}.
+ Authentication is attempted in the following order of priority:
+ - The C{pkey} or C{key_filename} passed in (if any)
+ - Any key we can find through an SSH agent
+ - Any "id_rsa" or "id_dsa" key discoverable in C{~/.ssh/}
+ - Plain username/password auth, if a password was given
+ If a private key requires a password to unlock it, and a password is
+ passed in, that password will be used to attempt to unlock the key.
+ @param hostname: the server to connect to
+ @type hostname: str
+ @param port: the server port to connect to
+ @type port: int
+ @param username: the username to authenticate as (defaults to the
+ current local username)
+ @type username: str
+ @param password: a password to use for authentication or for unlocking
+ a private key
+ @type password: str
+ @param pkey: an optional private key to use for authentication
+ @type pkey: L{PKey}
+ @param key_filename: the filename of an optional private key to use
+ for authentication
+ @type key_filename: str
+ @raise SSHException: if there was an error authenticating or verifying
+ the server's host key
+ """
+ t = Transport((hostname, port))
+ if self._log_channel is not None:
+ t.set_log_channel(self._log_channel)
+ t.start_client()
+ server_key = t.get_remote_server_key()
+ server_key_hex = hexify(server_key.get_fingerprint())
+ keytype = server_key.get_name()
+ our_server_key = self._system_host_keys.get(hostname, {}).get(keytype, None)
+ if our_server_key is None:
+ our_server_key = self._host_keys.get(hostname, {}).get(keytype, None)
+ if our_server_key is None:
+ # will raise exception if the key is rejected; let that fall out
+ self._policy.missing_host_key(self, hostname, server_key)
+ our_server_key_hex = hexify(our_server_key.get_fingerprint())
+ if server_key != our_server_key:
+ raise SSHException('Host key for server %s does not match! (%s != %s)' %
+ (hostname, our_server_key_kex, server_key_hex))
+ self._transport = t
+ if username is None:
+ username = getpass.getuser()
+ self._auth(username, password, pkey, key_filename)
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Close this SSHClient and its underlying L{Transport}.
+ """
+ self._transport.close()
+ self._transport = None
+ def exec_command(self, command):
+ """
+ Execute a command on the SSH server. A new L{Channel} is opened and
+ the requested command is executed. The command's input and output
+ streams are returned as python C{file}-like objects representing
+ stdin, stdout, and stderr.
+ @param command: the command to execute
+ @type command: str
+ @return: the stdin, stdout, and stderr of the executing command
+ @rtype: tuple(L{ChannelFile}, L{ChannelFile}, L{ChannelFile})
+ @raise SSHException: if the server fails to execute the command
+ """
+ chan = self._transport.open_session()
+ if not chan.exec_command(command):
+ raise SSHException('Command execution failed.')
+ stdin = chan.makefile('wb')
+ stdout = chan.makefile('rb')
+ stderr = chan.makefile_stderr('rb')
+ return stdin, stdout, stderr
+ def invoke_shell(self):
+ pass
+ def open_sftp(self):
+ pass
+ def _auth(self, username, password, pkey, key_filename):
+ """
+ Try, in order:
+ - The key passed in, if one was passed in.
+ - Any key we can find through an SSH agent.
+ - Any "id_rsa" or "id_dsa" key discoverable in ~/.ssh/.
+ - Plain username/password auth, if a password was given.
+ (The password might be needed to unlock a private key.)
+ """
+ saved_exception = None
+ if pkey is not None:
+ try:
+ self._log(DEBUG, 'Trying SSH key %s' % hexify(pkey.get_fingerprint()))
+ self._transport.auth_publickey(username, pkey)
+ return
+ except SSHException, e:
+ saved_exception = e
+ if key_filename is not None:
+ for pkey_class in (paramiko.RSAKey, paramiko.DSSKey):
+ try:
+ key = pkey_class.from_private_key_file(key_filename, password)
+ self._log(DEBUG, 'Trying key %s from %s' % (hexify(key.get_fingerprint()), key_filename))
+ self._transport.auth_publickey(username, key)
+ return
+ except SSHException, e:
+ saved_exception = e
+ for key in Agent().get_keys():
+ try:
+ self._log(DEBUG, 'Trying SSH agent key %s' % hexify(key.get_fingerprint()))
+ self._transport.auth_publickey(username, key)
+ return
+ except SSHException, e:
+ saved_exception = e
+ for pkey_class, filename in ((paramiko.RSAKey, 'id_rsa'),
+ (paramiko.DSSKey, 'id_dsa')):
+ filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ssh/' + filename)
+ try:
+ key = pkey_class.from_private_key_file(filename, password)
+ self._log(DEBUG, 'Trying discovered key %s in %s' % (hexify(key.get_fingerprint(), filename)))
+ self._transport.auth_publickey(username, key)
+ return
+ except SSHException, e:
+ saved_exception = e
+ if password is not None:
+ try:
+ transport.auth_password(username, password)
+ return
+ except SSHException, e:
+ saved_exception = e
+ # if we got an auth-failed exception earlier, re-raise it
+ if saved_exception is not None:
+ raise saved_exception
+ raise SSHException('No authentication methods available')
+ def _log(self, level, msg):
+ self._transport._log(level, msg)