#include #include #include #include "netifd.h" #include "device.h" #include "interface.h" #include "interface-ip.h" #include "proto.h" #include "ubus.h" #include "config.h" #include "system.h" struct vlist_tree interfaces; enum { IFACE_ATTR_IFNAME, IFACE_ATTR_PROTO, IFACE_ATTR_AUTO, IFACE_ATTR_DEFAULTROUTE, IFACE_ATTR_MAX }; static const struct blobmsg_policy iface_attrs[IFACE_ATTR_MAX] = { [IFACE_ATTR_PROTO] = { .name = "proto", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [IFACE_ATTR_IFNAME] = { .name = "ifname", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING }, [IFACE_ATTR_AUTO] = { .name = "auto", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_BOOL }, [IFACE_ATTR_DEFAULTROUTE] = { .name = "defaultroute", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_BOOL }, }; const struct config_param_list interface_attr_list = { .n_params = IFACE_ATTR_MAX, .params = iface_attrs, }; static void interface_clear_errors(struct interface *iface) { struct interface_error *error, *tmp; list_for_each_entry_safe(error, tmp, &iface->errors, list) { list_del(&error->list); free(error); } } void interface_add_error(struct interface *iface, const char *subsystem, const char *code, const char **data, int n_data) { struct interface_error *error; int i, len = 0; int *datalen = NULL; char *dest; if (n_data) { len = n_data * sizeof(char *); datalen = alloca(len); for (i = 0; i < n_data; i++) { datalen[i] = strlen(data[i]) + 1; len += datalen[i]; } } error = calloc(1, sizeof(*error) + sizeof(char *) + len); if (!error) return; list_add_tail(&error->list, &iface->errors); error->subsystem = subsystem; error->code = code; dest = (char *) &error->data[n_data + 1]; for (i = 0; i < n_data; i++) { error->data[i] = dest; memcpy(dest, data[i], datalen[i]); dest += datalen[i]; } error->data[n_data] = NULL; } static void interface_event(struct interface *iface, enum interface_event ev) { struct interface_user *dep, *tmp; list_for_each_entry_safe(dep, tmp, &iface->users, list) dep->cb(dep, IFEV_UP); interface_queue_event(iface, ev); } static void interface_flush_state(struct interface *iface) { interface_ip_flush(&iface->proto_ip); if (iface->main_dev.dev) device_release(&iface->main_dev); if (iface->l3_dev != &iface->main_dev && iface->l3_dev->dev) device_release(iface->l3_dev); } static void mark_interface_down(struct interface *iface) { if (iface->state == IFS_UP) interface_event(iface, IFEV_DOWN); interface_flush_state(iface); iface->state = IFS_DOWN; } void __interface_set_down(struct interface *iface, bool force) { interface_clear_errors(iface); if (iface->state == IFS_DOWN || iface->state == IFS_TEARDOWN) return; if (iface->state == IFS_UP) interface_event(iface, IFEV_DOWN); iface->state = IFS_TEARDOWN; interface_proto_event(iface->proto, PROTO_CMD_TEARDOWN, force); if (force) interface_flush_state(iface); } static void interface_cb(struct device_user *dep, enum device_event ev) { struct interface *iface; bool new_state; iface = container_of(dep, struct interface, main_dev); switch (ev) { case DEV_EVENT_ADD: new_state = true; break; case DEV_EVENT_REMOVE: new_state = false; break; default: return; } interface_set_available(iface, new_state); } void interface_set_available(struct interface *iface, bool new_state) { if (iface->available == new_state) return; D(INTERFACE, "Interface '%s', available=%d\n", iface->name, new_state); iface->available = new_state; if (new_state) { if (iface->autostart && !config_init) interface_set_up(iface); } else __interface_set_down(iface, true); } void interface_add_user(struct interface_user *dep, struct interface *iface) { dep->iface = iface; list_add(&dep->list, &iface->users); if (iface->state == IFS_UP) dep->cb(dep, IFEV_UP); } void interface_remove_user(struct interface_user *dep) { list_del_init(&dep->list); dep->iface = NULL; } static void interface_claim_device(struct interface *iface) { struct device *dev; if (iface->ifname && !(iface->proto_handler->flags & PROTO_FLAG_NODEV)) { dev = device_get(iface->ifname, true); if (dev) device_add_user(&iface->main_dev, dev); } if (iface->proto_handler->flags & PROTO_FLAG_INIT_AVAILABLE) interface_set_available(iface, true); } static void interface_cleanup(struct interface *iface, bool reload) { struct interface_user *dep, *tmp; list_for_each_entry_safe(dep, tmp, &iface->users, list) interface_remove_user(dep); interface_ip_flush(&iface->config_ip); interface_flush_state(iface); interface_clear_errors(iface); if (iface->main_dev.dev && (!reload || !iface->main_dev.hotplug)) device_remove_user(&iface->main_dev); iface->l3_dev = &iface->main_dev; interface_set_proto_state(iface, NULL); } static void interface_do_free(struct interface *iface) { interface_cleanup(iface, false); free(iface->config); netifd_ubus_remove_interface(iface); avl_delete(&interfaces.avl, &iface->node.avl); free(iface); } static void interface_do_reload(struct interface *iface) { interface_cleanup(iface, true); proto_init_interface(iface, iface->config); interface_claim_device(iface); } static void interface_handle_config_change(struct interface *iface) { switch(iface->config_state) { case IFC_NORMAL: break; case IFC_RELOAD: interface_do_reload(iface); break; case IFC_REMOVE: interface_do_free(iface); return; } if (iface->autostart && iface->available) interface_set_up(iface); } static void interface_proto_cb(struct interface_proto_state *state, enum interface_proto_event ev) { struct interface *iface = state->iface; switch (ev) { case IFPEV_UP: if (iface->state != IFS_SETUP) return; interface_ip_set_enabled(&iface->config_ip, true); system_flush_routes(); iface->state = IFS_UP; iface->start_time = system_get_rtime(); interface_event(iface, IFEV_UP); interface_write_resolv_conf(); netifd_log_message(L_NOTICE, "Interface '%s' is now up\n", iface->name); break; case IFPEV_DOWN: if (iface->state == IFS_DOWN) return; netifd_log_message(L_NOTICE, "Interface '%s' is now down\n", iface->name); interface_ip_set_enabled(&iface->config_ip, false); system_flush_routes(); mark_interface_down(iface); interface_handle_config_change(iface); break; case IFPEV_LINK_LOST: if (iface->state != IFS_UP) return; netifd_log_message(L_NOTICE, "Interface '%s' has lost the connection\n", iface->name); if (iface->state == IFS_UP) interface_event(iface, IFEV_DOWN); iface->state = IFS_SETUP; break; } } void interface_set_proto_state(struct interface *iface, struct interface_proto_state *state) { if (iface->proto) { iface->proto->free(iface->proto); iface->proto = NULL; } iface->state = IFS_DOWN; iface->proto = state; if (!state) return; state->proto_event = interface_proto_cb; state->iface = iface; } void interface_init(struct interface *iface, const char *name, struct blob_attr *config) { struct blob_attr *tb[IFACE_ATTR_MAX]; struct blob_attr *cur; const char *proto_name = NULL; strncpy(iface->name, name, sizeof(iface->name) - 1); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&iface->errors); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&iface->users); INIT_LIST_HEAD(&iface->hotplug_list); interface_ip_init(&iface->proto_ip, iface); interface_ip_init(&iface->config_ip, iface); iface->config_ip.enabled = false; iface->main_dev.cb = interface_cb; iface->l3_dev = &iface->main_dev; blobmsg_parse(iface_attrs, IFACE_ATTR_MAX, tb, blob_data(config), blob_len(config)); if ((cur = tb[IFACE_ATTR_PROTO])) proto_name = blobmsg_data(cur); proto_attach_interface(iface, proto_name); iface->autostart = blobmsg_get_bool_default(tb[IFACE_ATTR_AUTO], true); iface->proto_ip.no_defaultroute = !blobmsg_get_bool_default(tb[IFACE_ATTR_DEFAULTROUTE], true); iface->config_autostart = iface->autostart; } void interface_add(struct interface *iface, struct blob_attr *config) { struct blob_attr *tb[IFACE_ATTR_MAX]; struct blob_attr *cur; blobmsg_parse(iface_attrs, IFACE_ATTR_MAX, tb, blob_data(config), blob_len(config)); if ((cur = tb[IFACE_ATTR_IFNAME])) iface->ifname = blobmsg_data(cur); iface->config = config; vlist_add(&interfaces, &iface->node); } int interface_remove_link(struct interface *iface, struct device *dev) { struct device *mdev = iface->main_dev.dev; if (mdev && mdev->hotplug_ops) return mdev->hotplug_ops->del(mdev, dev); if (!iface->main_dev.hotplug) return UBUS_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; if (dev != iface->main_dev.dev) return UBUS_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT; device_remove_user(&iface->main_dev); return 0; } int interface_add_link(struct interface *iface, struct device *dev) { struct device *mdev = iface->main_dev.dev; if (mdev == dev) return 0; if (iface->main_dev.hotplug) device_remove_user(&iface->main_dev); if (mdev) { if (mdev->hotplug_ops) return mdev->hotplug_ops->add(mdev, dev); else return UBUS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; } device_add_user(&iface->main_dev, dev); iface->main_dev.hotplug = true; return 0; } int interface_set_up(struct interface *iface) { int ret; iface->autostart = true; if (iface->state != IFS_DOWN) return 0; interface_clear_errors(iface); if (!iface->available) { interface_add_error(iface, "interface", "NO_DEVICE", NULL, 0); return -1; } if (iface->main_dev.dev) { ret = device_claim(&iface->main_dev); if (ret) return ret; } iface->state = IFS_SETUP; ret = interface_proto_event(iface->proto, PROTO_CMD_SETUP, false); if (ret) { mark_interface_down(iface); return ret; } return 0; } int interface_set_down(struct interface *iface) { if (!iface) { vlist_for_each_element(&interfaces, iface, node) __interface_set_down(iface, false); } else { iface->autostart = false; __interface_set_down(iface, false); } return 0; } void interface_start_pending(void) { struct interface *iface; vlist_for_each_element(&interfaces, iface, node) { if (iface->available && iface->autostart) interface_set_up(iface); } } static void set_config_state(struct interface *iface, enum interface_config_state s) { iface->config_state = s; if (iface->state == IFS_DOWN) interface_handle_config_change(iface); else __interface_set_down(iface, false); } void interface_update_start(struct interface *iface) { interface_ip_update_start(&iface->proto_ip); } void interface_update_complete(struct interface *iface) { struct device_route *route; interface_ip_update_complete(&iface->proto_ip); vlist_for_each_element(&iface->config_ip.route, route, node) { if (iface->l3_dev->dev) { system_add_route(iface->l3_dev->dev, route); route->enabled = true; } } } static void interface_change_config(struct interface *if_old, struct interface *if_new) { struct blob_attr *old_config = if_old->config; const char *old_ifname = if_old->ifname; const struct proto_handler *proto = if_old->proto_handler; interface_clear_errors(if_old); if_old->config = if_new->config; if (!if_old->config_autostart && if_new->config_autostart) if_old->autostart = true; if_old->config_autostart = if_new->config_autostart; if_old->ifname = if_new->ifname; if_old->proto_handler = if_new->proto_handler; if ((!!old_ifname != !!if_new->ifname) || (old_ifname && strcmp(old_ifname, if_new->ifname) != 0) || proto != if_new->proto_handler) { D(INTERFACE, "Reload interface '%s' because of ifname/proto change\n", if_old->name); goto reload; } if (!proto->config_params) D(INTERFACE, "No config parameters for interface '%s'\n", if_old->name); else if (!config_check_equal(old_config, if_new->config, proto->config_params)) { D(INTERFACE, "Reload interface '%s because of config changes\n", if_old->name); goto reload; } if (if_old->proto_ip.no_defaultroute != if_new->proto_ip.no_defaultroute) { if_old->proto_ip.no_defaultroute = if_new->proto_ip.no_defaultroute; interface_ip_set_enabled(&if_old->proto_ip, if_old->proto_ip.enabled); } goto out; reload: set_config_state(if_old, IFC_RELOAD); out: free(old_config); free(if_new); } static void interface_update(struct vlist_tree *tree, struct vlist_node *node_new, struct vlist_node *node_old) { struct interface *if_old = container_of(node_old, struct interface, node); struct interface *if_new = container_of(node_new, struct interface, node); if (node_old && node_new) { D(INTERFACE, "Update interface '%s'\n", if_new->name); interface_change_config(if_old, if_new); } else if (node_old) { D(INTERFACE, "Remove interface '%s'\n", if_old->name); set_config_state(if_old, IFC_REMOVE); } else if (node_new) { D(INTERFACE, "Create interface '%s'\n", if_new->name); proto_init_interface(if_new, if_new->config); interface_claim_device(if_new); netifd_ubus_add_interface(if_new); } } static void __init interface_init_list(void) { vlist_init(&interfaces, avl_strcmp, interface_update, struct interface, node, name); interfaces.keep_old = true; interfaces.no_delete = true; }