msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-30 17:00+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-03-18 05:05+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Anonymous Pootle User\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Language: pl\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n==1 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 "
"|| n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n"
"X-Generator: Pootle 2.0.4\n"

msgid "%s%s with %s"
msgstr "%s%s z %s"

msgid "(Unnamed Entry)"
msgstr "(Nienazwany wpis)"

msgid "(Unnamed Rule)"
msgstr "(Nienazwana reguła)"

msgid "(Unnamed SNAT)"
msgstr "(Nienazwany SNAT)"

msgid "-- Please choose --"
msgstr "-- Proszę wybrać --"

msgid "-- custom --"
msgstr "-- własne --"

msgid "<var>%d</var> pkts. per <var>%s</var>"
msgstr "<var>%d</var> pakiet. na <var>%s</var>"

msgid "<var>%d</var> pkts. per <var>%s</var>, burst <var>%d</var> pkts."
msgstr "<var>%d</var> pakiet. na <var>%s</var>, popsutych <var>%d</var> pakiet."

msgid "<var>%s</var> and limit to %s"
msgstr "<var>%s</var> i ograniczone do %s"

msgid "Accept forward"
msgstr "Akceptuj przekazywanie"

msgid "Accept input"
msgstr "Akceptuj wejście"

msgid "Action"
msgstr "Działanie"

msgid "Add"
msgstr "Dodaj"

msgid "Add and edit..."
msgstr "Dodaj i edytuj..."

msgid "Advanced Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia zaawansowane"

msgid "Allow forward from <em>source zones</em>:"
msgstr "Zezwól na przekazywanie z <em>source zones</em>:"

msgid "Allow forward to <em>destination zones</em>:"
msgstr "Zezwól na przekazywanie do <em>destination zones</em>:"

msgid "Any"
msgstr "Każdy"

msgid "Covered networks"
msgstr "Objęte sieci"

msgid "Custom Rules"
msgstr "Reguły własne"

msgid ""
"Custom rules allow you to execute arbritary iptables commands which are not "
"otherwise covered by the firewall framework. The commands are executed after "
"each firewall restart, right after the default ruleset has been loaded."
msgstr ""
"Własne reguły pozwalają na arbitralne wykonanie poleceń iptables, które nie "
"są objęte składnią zapory. Polecenia wykonywane są po każdym restarcie "
"zapory, zaraz po załadowaniu zestawu reguł domyślnych."

msgid "Destination"
msgstr "Miejsce przeznaczenia"

msgid "Destination IP address"
msgstr "Docelowy adres IP"

msgid "Destination address"
msgstr "Adres docelowy"

msgid "Destination port"
msgstr "Port docelowy"

msgid "Destination zone"
msgstr "Strefa docelowa"

msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Wyłącz"

msgid "Discard forward"
msgstr "Odrzuć przekazywanie"

msgid "Discard input"
msgstr "Odrzuć wejście"

msgid "Do not rewrite"
msgstr "Nie przepisuj"

msgid "Do not track forward"
msgstr "Nie śledź przekazywania"

msgid "Do not track input"
msgstr "Nie śledź wejścia"

msgid "Drop invalid packets"
msgstr "Porzuć wadliwe pakiety"

msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Włącz"

msgid "Enable NAT Loopback"
msgstr "Włącz NAT Loopback"

msgid "Enable SYN-flood protection"
msgstr "Włącz ochronę przed atakiem SYN-flood"

msgid "Enable logging on this zone"
msgstr "Włącz logowanie na tej strefy"

msgid "External IP address"
msgstr "Zewnętrzne adresy IP"

msgid "External port"
msgstr "Port zewnętrzny"

msgid "Extra arguments"
msgstr "Dodatkowe argumenty"

msgid "Family"
msgstr "Rodzina"

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Generated from applications/luci-fw/luasrc/model/cbi/luci_fw/zones.lua      #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
msgid "Firewall"
msgstr "Zapora"

msgid "Firewall - Custom Rules"
msgstr "Zapora - Reguły własne"

msgid "Firewall - Port Forwards"
msgstr "Zapora - Przekazywanie portów"

msgid "Firewall - Traffic Rules"
msgstr "Zapora - Reguły ruchu"

msgid "Firewall - Zone Settings"
msgstr "Zapora - Ustawienia strefy"

msgid "Force connection tracking"
msgstr "Wymuś śledzenie połączeń"

msgid "Forward"
msgstr "Przekazuj"

msgid "Forward to %s in %s"
msgstr "Przekazuj do %s w %s"

msgid "Forward to %s, %s in %s"
msgstr "Przekazuj d0 %s, %s w %s"

msgid "From %s in %s"
msgstr "Z %s w %s"

msgid "From %s in %s with source %s"
msgstr "Z %s w %s ze źródłem %s"

msgid "From %s in %s with source %s and %s"
msgstr "Z %s w %s ze źródłem %s i %s"

msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "Ustawienia ogólne"

msgid "IP"
msgstr "IP"

msgid "IP range"
msgstr "Zakres IP"

msgid "IPs"
msgstr "Numery IP"

msgid "IPv4"
msgstr "IPv4"

msgid "IPv4 and IPv6"
msgstr "IPv4 i IPv6"

msgid "IPv4 only"
msgstr "Tylko IPv4"

msgid "IPv6"
msgstr "IPv6"

msgid "IPv6 only"
msgstr "Tylko IPv6"

msgid "Input"
msgstr "Ruch przychodzący"

msgid "Inter-Zone Forwarding"
msgstr "Przekazywanie pomiędzy strefami"

msgid "Internal IP address"
msgstr "Wewnętrzny adres IP"

msgid "Internal port"
msgstr "Wewnętrzny port"

msgid "Internal zone"
msgstr "Strefa wewnętrzna"

msgid "Limit log messages"
msgstr "Ograniczenie logowania"

msgid "MAC"
msgstr "MAC"

msgid "MACs"
msgstr "Adresy MAC"

msgid "MSS clamping"
msgstr "Mocowania MSS"

msgid "Masquerading"
msgstr "Maskarada"

msgid "Match ICMP type"
msgstr "Dopasuj typ ICMP"

msgid "Match forwarded traffic to the given destination port or port range."
msgstr "Dopasuj przekazywany ruch do danego docelowego portu lub zakresu portów"

msgid ""
"Match incoming traffic directed at the given destination port or port range "
"on this host"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Match incoming traffic originating from the given source port or port range "
"on the client host."
msgstr ""

msgid "Name"
msgstr ""

msgid "New SNAT rule"
msgstr ""

msgid "New forward rule"
msgstr ""

msgid "New input rule"
msgstr ""

msgid "New port forward"
msgstr ""

msgid "New source NAT"
msgstr ""

msgid "Only match incoming traffic directed at the given IP address."
msgstr ""

msgid "Only match incoming traffic from these MACs."
msgstr ""

msgid "Only match incoming traffic from this IP or range."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Only match incoming traffic originating from the given source port or port "
"range on the client host"
msgstr ""

msgid "Open ports on router"
msgstr ""

msgid "Other..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Output"
msgstr ""

msgid "Passes additional arguments to iptables. Use with care!"
msgstr ""

msgid "Port Forwards"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Port forwarding allows remote computers on the Internet to connect to a "
"specific computer or service within the private LAN."
msgstr ""

msgid "Protocol"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Redirect matched incoming traffic to the given port on the internal host"
msgstr ""

msgid "Redirect matched incoming traffic to the specified internal host"
msgstr ""

msgid "Refuse forward"
msgstr ""

msgid "Refuse input"
msgstr ""

msgid "Restrict Masquerading to given destination subnets"
msgstr ""

msgid "Restrict Masquerading to given source subnets"
msgstr ""

msgid "Restrict to address family"
msgstr ""

msgid "Rewrite matched traffic to the given address."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Rewrite matched traffic to the given source port. May be left empty to only "
"rewrite the IP address."
msgstr ""

msgid "Rewrite to source %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "Rewrite to source %s, %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "Rule is disabled"
msgstr ""

msgid "Rule is enabled"
msgstr ""

msgid "SNAT"
msgstr ""

msgid "SNAT IP address"
msgstr ""

msgid "SNAT port"
msgstr ""

msgid "Source"
msgstr ""

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Generated from applications/luci-fw/luasrc/model/cbi/luci_fw/rrule.lua      #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# msgid "Traffic Redirection"
# msgstr ""
# msgid ""
# "Traffic redirection allows you to change the destination address of "
# "forwarded packets."
# msgstr ""
# msgid "Overview"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "Name"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "Source zone"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "Source MAC-address"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "Source port"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "Protocol"
# msgstr ""
msgid "Source IP address"
msgstr ""

msgid "Source MAC address"
msgstr ""

msgid "Source NAT"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Source NAT is a specific form of masquerading which allows fine grained "
"control over the source IP used for outgoing traffic, for example to map "
"multiple WAN addresses to internal subnets."
msgstr ""

msgid "Source address"
msgstr ""

msgid "Source port"
msgstr ""

msgid "Source zone"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The firewall creates zones over your network interfaces to control network "
"traffic flow."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"The options below control the forwarding policies between this zone (%s) and "
"other zones. <em>Destination zones</em> cover forwarded traffic "
"<strong>originating from %q</strong>. <em>Source zones</em> match forwarded "
"traffic from other zones <strong>targeted at %q</strong>. The forwarding "
"rule is <em>unidirectional</em>, e.g. a forward from lan to wan does "
"<em>not</em> imply a permission to forward from wan to lan as well."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"This page allows you to change advanced properties of the port forwarding "
"entry. In most cases there is no need to modify those settings."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"This page allows you to change advanced properties of the traffic rule "
"entry, such as matched source and destination hosts."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"This section defines common properties of %q. The <em>input</em> and "
"<em>output</em> options set the default policies for traffic entering and "
"leaving this zone while the <em>forward</em> option describes the policy for "
"forwarded traffic between different networks within the zone. <em>Covered "
"networks</em> specifies which available networks are member of this zone."
msgstr ""

msgid "To %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "To %s at %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "To %s at %s on <var>this device</var>"
msgstr ""

msgid "To %s in %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "To %s on <var>this device</var>"
msgstr ""

msgid "To %s, %s in %s"
msgstr ""

msgid "To source IP"
msgstr ""

msgid "To source port"
msgstr ""

msgid "Traffic Rules"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Traffic rules define policies for packets traveling between different zones, "
"for example to reject traffic between certain hosts or to open WAN ports on "
"the router."
msgstr ""

msgid "Via"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"You may specify multiple by selecting \"-- custom --\" and then entering "
"protocols separated by space."
msgstr ""

msgid "Zone %q"
msgstr ""

msgid "Zone ⇒ Forwardings"
msgstr ""

msgid "Zones"
msgstr ""

msgid "accept"
msgstr ""

msgid "any"
msgstr ""

msgid "any host"
msgstr ""

msgid "any router IP"
msgstr ""

msgid "any zone"
msgstr ""

msgid "day"
msgstr ""

msgid "don't track"
msgstr ""

msgid "drop"
msgstr ""

msgid "hour"
msgstr ""

msgid "minute"
msgstr ""

msgid "not"
msgstr ""

msgid "port"
msgstr ""

msgid "ports"
msgstr ""

msgid "reject"
msgstr ""

msgid "second"
msgstr ""

msgid "type"
msgstr ""

msgid "types"
msgstr ""

#~ msgid "(optional)"
#~ msgstr "(opcjonalne)"

#~ msgid "Internal port (optional)"
#~ msgstr "Wewnętrzny port (opcjonalnie)"

#~ msgid "Advanced Options"
#~ msgstr "Opcje zaawansowane"

# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Generated from applications/luci-fw/luasrc/model/cbi/luci_fw/trule.lua      #
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# msgid "Name"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "(optional)"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "Protocol"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "Source port"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "Destination port"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "Action"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "drop"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "accept"
# msgstr ""
# msgid "reject"
# msgstr ""
#~ msgid "Advanced Rules"
#~ msgstr "Reguły zaawansowane"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "Advanced rules let you customize the firewall to your needs. Only new "
#~ "connections will be matched. Packets belonging to already open "
#~ "connections are automatically allowed to pass the firewall."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Reguły zaawansowane pozwalają dostosować zaporę do Twoich potrzeb. Tylko "
#~ "nowe połączenia zostaną nimi objęte. Pakiety należące do połączeń już "
#~ "otwarte są automatycznie przepuszczane przez zaporę."

#~ msgid "Custom Rules (/etc/firewall.user)"
#~ msgstr "Reguły własne (/etc/firewall.user)"

#~ msgid "Device"
#~ msgstr "Urządzenie"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "For DNAT, match incoming traffic directed at the given destination ip "
#~ "address. For SNAT rewrite the source address to the given address."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Dla DNAT, dopasuj ruch przychodzący kierowane na podany adres IP. Dla "
#~ "SNAT zmienić adres źródłowy na podany adres."