#, fuzzy msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2009-05-19 19:35+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n" "Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: Translate Toolkit 1.1.1\n" #. OLSR Daemon #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:1 msgid "olsrd" msgstr "OLSR Daemon" #. Neighbour IP #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:2 msgid "olsrd_neighbour_ip" msgstr "Neighbour IP" #. Local interface IP #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:3 msgid "olsrd_local_ip" msgstr "Local interface IP" #. Announced network #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:4 msgid "olsrd_network" msgstr "Announced network" #. OLSR gateway #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:5 msgid "olsrd_gateway" msgstr "OLSR gateway" #. OLSR node #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:6 msgid "olsrd_node" msgstr "OLSR node" #. Unable to connect to the OLSR daemon! #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:7 msgid "olsrd_error" msgstr "Unable to connect to the OLSR daemon!" #. Make sure that OLSRd is running, the "txtinfo" plugin is loaded, configured on port 2006 and accepts connections from "". #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:8 msgid "olsrd_error_desc" msgstr "" "Make sure that OLSRd is running, the "txtinfo" plugin is loaded, " "configured on port 2006 and accepts connections from ""." #. OLSR - HNA-Announcements #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:9 msgid "olsrd_hna" msgstr "OLSR - HNA-Announcements" #. OLSR - Plugins #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:10 msgid "olsrd_plugins" msgstr "OLSR - Plugins" #. OLSR connections #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:11 msgid "olsrd_links" msgstr "OLSR connections" #. Overview of currently established OLSR connections #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:12 msgid "olsrd_links_desc" msgstr "Overview of currently established OLSR connections" #. Expected retransmission count #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:13 msgid "olsrd_links_etx_desc" msgstr "Expected retransmission count" #. Success rate of sent packages #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:14 msgid "olsrd_links_lq_desc" msgstr "Success rate of sent packages" #. Success rate of received packages #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:15 msgid "olsrd_links_nlq_desc" msgstr "Success rate of received packages" #. Known OLSR routes #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:16 msgid "olsrd_routes" msgstr "Known OLSR routes" #. Overview of currently known routes to other OLSR nodes #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:17 msgid "olsrd_routes_desc" msgstr "Overview of currently known routes to other OLSR nodes" #. Active OLSR nodes #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:18 msgid "olsrd_topology" msgstr "Active OLSR nodes" #. Overview of currently known OLSR nodes #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:19 msgid "olsrd_topology_desc" msgstr "Overview of currently known OLSR nodes" #. Last hop #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:20 msgid "olsrd_topology_lasthop" msgstr "Last hop" #. Active host net announcements #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:21 msgid "olsrd_hna2" msgstr "Active host net announcements" #. Overview of currently active OLSR host net announcements #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:22 msgid "olsrd_hna_desc" msgstr "Overview of currently active OLSR host net announcements" #. Active MID announcements #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:23 msgid "olsrd_mid" msgstr "Active MID announcements" #. Overview of known multiple interface announcements #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:24 msgid "olsrd_mid_desc" msgstr "Overview of known multiple interface announcements" #. Secondary OLSR interfaces #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:25 msgid "olsrd_mid_aliases" msgstr "Secondary OLSR interfaces" #. Freifunk #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:26 msgid "olsrd_etx_ff" msgstr "Freifunk" #. floating point #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:27 msgid "olsrd_etx_float" msgstr "floating point" #. fixed point math #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:28 msgid "olsrd_etx_fpm" msgstr "fixed point math" #. General settings #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:29 msgid "olsrd_olsrd" msgstr "General settings" #. Start without network #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:30 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_allownoint" msgstr "Start without network" #. Clear screen #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:31 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_clearscreen" msgstr "Clear screen" #. Debugmode #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:32 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_debuglevel" msgstr "Debugmode" #. FIB metric #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:33 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_fibmetric" msgstr "FIB metric" #. Internet protocol #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:34 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_ipversion" msgstr "Internet protocol" #. LQ aging #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:35 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityaging" msgstr "LQ aging" #. LQ algorithm #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:36 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityalgorithm" msgstr "LQ algorithm" #. LQ Dijkstra limit #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:37 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitydijkstralimit" msgstr "LQ Dijkstra limit" #. LQ fisheye #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:38 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_linkqualityfisheye" msgstr "LQ fisheye" #. LQ level #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:39 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel" msgstr "LQ level" #. MPR selection #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:40 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel_1" msgstr "MPR selection" #. MPR selection and routing #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:41 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitylevel_2" msgstr "MPR selection and routing" #. LQ window size #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:42 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_linkqualitywinsize" msgstr "LQ window size" #. MPR coverage #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:43 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_mprcoverage" msgstr "MPR coverage" #. Pollrate #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:44 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_pollrate" msgstr "Pollrate" #. TC redundancy #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:45 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy" msgstr "TC redundancy" #. MPR selectors #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:46 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_0" msgstr "MPR selectors" #. MPR selectors and MPR #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:47 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_1" msgstr "MPR selectors and MPR" #. all neighbours #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:48 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_tcredundancy_2" msgstr "all neighbours" #. Use hysteresis #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:49 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_usehysteresis" msgstr "Use hysteresis" #. Willingness #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:50 msgid "olsrd_olsrd_willingness" msgstr "Willingness" #. Hello interval #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:51 msgid "olsrd_interface_hellointerval" msgstr "Hello interval" #. Hello validity time #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:52 msgid "olsrd_interface_hellovaliditytime" msgstr "Hello validity time" #. HNA interval #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:53 msgid "olsrd_interface_hnainterval" msgstr "HNA interval" #. HNA validity time #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:54 msgid "olsrd_interface_hnavaliditytime" msgstr "HNA validity time" #. IPv4 broadcast #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:55 msgid "olsrd_interface_ip4broadcast" msgstr "IPv4 broadcast" #. MID interval #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:56 msgid "olsrd_interface_midinterval" msgstr "MID interval" #. MID validity time #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:57 msgid "olsrd_interface_midvaliditytime" msgstr "MID validity time" #. TC interval #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:58 msgid "olsrd_interface_tcinterval" msgstr "TC interval" #. TC validity time #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:59 msgid "olsrd_interface_tcvaliditytime" msgstr "TC validity time" #. IPv6 address type #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:60 msgid "olsrd_interface_ip6addrtype" msgstr "IPv6 address type" #. IPC settings #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:61 msgid "olsrd_ipcconnect" msgstr "IPC settings" #. IPC connections enable you to remote-control the local OLSRd instance using external programs #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:62 msgid "olsrd_ipcconnect_desc" msgstr "" "IPC connections enable you to remote-control the local OLSRd instance using " "external programs" #. Allowed host addresses #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:63 msgid "olsrd_ipcconnect_host" msgstr "Allowed host addresses" #. Multiple separated by spaces #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:64 msgid "olsrd_ipcconnect_host_desc" msgstr "Multiple separated by spaces" #. Maxmimum connection count #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:65 msgid "olsrd_ipcconnect_maxconnections" msgstr "Maxmimum connection count" #. Set to 0 to disable IPC #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:66 msgid "olsrd_ipcconnect_maxconnections_desc" msgstr "Set to 0 to disable IPC" #. Allowed subnets #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:67 msgid "olsrd_ipcconnect_net" msgstr "Allowed subnets" #. Address Mask; multiple separated by space #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:68 msgid "olsrd_ipcconnect_net_desc" msgstr "Address Mask; multiple separated by space" #. IPv4 HNA announcements #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:69 msgid "olsrd_hna4" msgstr "IPv4 HNA announcements" #. Hna4 entries allow you to propagate local IPv4 host- and network-routes into the mesh network #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:70 msgid "olsrd_hna4_desc" msgstr "" "Hna4 entries allow you to propagate local IPv4 host- and network-routes into " "the mesh network" #. Network address #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:71 msgid "olsrd_hna4_netaddr" msgstr "Network address" #. IPv4 address #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:72 msgid "olsrd_hna4_netaddr_desc" msgstr "IPv4 address" #. Netmask #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:73 msgid "olsrd_hna4_netmask" msgstr "Netmask" #. IPv4 address #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:74 msgid "olsrd_hna4_netmask_desc" msgstr "IPv4 address" #. IPv6 HNA announcements #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:75 msgid "olsrd_hna6" msgstr "IPv6 HNA announcements" #. Hna6 entries allow you to propagate local IPv6 host- and network-routes into the mesh network #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:76 msgid "olsrd_hna6_desc" msgstr "" "Hna6 entries allow you to propagate local IPv6 host- and network-routes into " "the mesh network" #. Network address #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:77 msgid "olsrd_hna6_netaddr" msgstr "Network address" #. IPv6 address #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:78 msgid "olsrd_hna6_netaddr_desc" msgstr "IPv6 address" #. Prefix #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:79 msgid "olsrd_hna6_prefix" msgstr "Prefix" #. IPv6 prefix #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:80 msgid "olsrd_hna6_prefix_desc" msgstr "IPv6 prefix" #. Plugin configuration #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:81 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin" msgstr "Plugin configuration" #. Enable plugin #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:82 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_ignore" msgstr "Enable plugin" #. Library #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:83 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_library" msgstr "Library" #. Allow connections from this hosts #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:84 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_accept" msgstr "Allow connections from this hosts" #. Ping test addresses #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:85 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_ping" msgstr "Ping test addresses" #. Interval #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:86 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_interval" msgstr "Refresh interval in seconds" #. HNA announcements #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:87 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_hna" msgstr "HNA announcements" #. Format: IP-Address Netmask / OLSR will announce this network once it is reachable #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:88 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_hna_desc" msgstr "" "Format: IP-Address Netmask / OLSR will announce this network once it is " "reachable" #. Alternative \"hosts\" file #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:89 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_addhosts" msgstr "Alternative \"hosts\" file" #. The contents of this file will be appended to the autogenerated \"hosts\" file #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:90 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_addhosts_desc" msgstr "" "The contents of this file will be appended to the autogenerated \"hosts\" file" #. DNS server #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:91 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_dnsserver" msgstr "DNS server" #. Alternative hostnames #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:92 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_hosts" msgstr "Alternative hostnames" #. Format: Interface-IP Hostname #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:93 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_hosts_desc" msgstr "Format: Interface-IP Hostname" #. Path to the \"hosts\" file #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:94 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_hostsfile" msgstr "Path to the \"hosts\" file" #. Latitude #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:95 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_lat" msgstr "Latitude" #. Output file for coordinates #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:96 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_latlonfile" msgstr "Output file for coordinates" #. OLSR will write received coordinates of other nodes to this file #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:97 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_latlonfile_desc" msgstr "OLSR will write received coordinates of other nodes to this file" #. Input file for coordinates #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:98 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_latloninfile" msgstr "Input file for coordinates" #. OLSR periodically checks this file for new coordinates and propagates them #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:99 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_latloninfile_desc" msgstr "" "OLSR periodically checks this file for new coordinates and propagates them" #. Longitude #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:100 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_lon" msgstr "Longitude" #. Hostnames #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:101 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_name" msgstr "Hostnames" #. Command for name changes #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:102 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_namechangescript" msgstr "Command for name changes" #. OLSR executes this command once entries in the \"hosts\" are changed #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:103 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_namechangescript_desc" msgstr "OLSR executes this command once entries in the \"hosts\" are changed" #. Path to the \"resolv\" file #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:104 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_resolvfile" msgstr "Path to the \"resolv\" file" #. Command for service changes #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:105 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_serviceschangescript" msgstr "Command for service changes" #. OLSR excutes this command once new service announcements are received #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:106 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_serviceschangescript_desc" msgstr "OLSR excutes this command once new service announcements are received" #. PID file for SIGHUP signals #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:107 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_sighuppidfile" msgstr "PID file for SIGHUP signals" #. OLSR sends a HUP signal to this PID once the \"hosts\" oder \"resolv\" file is changed #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:108 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_sighuppidfile_desc" msgstr "" "OLSR sends a HUP signal to this PID once the \"hosts\" oder \"resolv\" file is " "changed" #. Domain suffix #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:109 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_suffix" msgstr "Domain suffix" #. Timeout #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:110 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_timeout" msgstr "Timeout" #. Name of the BMF interface #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:111 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_bmfinterface" msgstr "Name of the BMF interface" #. IP address of the BMF interface #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:112 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_bmfinterfaceid" msgstr "IP address of the BMF interface" #. Redirect local broadcasts #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:113 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_dolocalbroadcast" msgstr "Redirect local broadcasts" #. Also redirect broadcasts from OLSR interfaces #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:114 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_capturepacketsonolsrinterfaces" msgstr "Also redirect broadcasts from OLSR interfaces" #. Propagation mechanism #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:115 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_bmfmechanism" msgstr "Propagation mechanism" #. Number of retransmissions per package #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:116 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_broadcastretransmitcount" msgstr "Number of retransmissions per package" #. Minimum number of neighbours for broadcast redirection #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:117 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_fanoutlimit" msgstr "Minimum number of neighbours for broadcast redirection" #. Non-OLSR interfaces #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:118 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_nonolsrif" msgstr "Non-OLSR interfaces" #. Used port #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:119 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_port" msgstr "Used port" #. Allow connections from hosts #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:120 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_host" msgstr "Allow connections from hosts" #. Allow connections from subnets #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:121 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_net" msgstr "Allow connections from subnets" #. Format: IP-AddresseNetmask #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:122 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_net_desc" msgstr "Format: IP-AddresseNetmask" #. Used protocols #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:123 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_redistribute" msgstr "Used protocols" #. Only export routes to Quagga or to kernel too #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:124 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_exportroutes" msgstr "Only export routes to Quagga or to kernel too" #. Always prefer local routes #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:125 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_localpref" msgstr "Always prefer local routes" #. Distance of exported routes #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:126 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_distance" msgstr "Distance of exported routes" #. Key file #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:127 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_keyfile" msgstr "Key file" #. Watchdog timestamp file #: applications/luci-olsr/luasrc/i18n/olsr.en.lua:128 msgid "olsrd_loadplugin_file" msgstr "Watchdog timestamp file"