# coovachilli.pot # generated from ./applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua msgid "" msgstr "" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" "Language-Team: none\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #. CoovaChilli #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:1 msgid "CoovaChilli" msgstr "CoovaChilli" #. General configuration #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:2 msgid "General configuration" msgstr "Obecná konfigurace" #. General CoovaChilli settings #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:3 msgid "General CoovaChilli settings" msgstr "Obecné nastavení CoovaChilli" #. Command socket #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:4 msgid "Command socket" msgstr "Příkazový socket" #. UNIX socket used for communication with chilli_query #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:5 msgid "UNIX socket used for communication with chilli_query" msgstr "UNIX socket, používaný pro komunikaci s chilli_query" #. Config refresh interval #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:6 msgid "Config refresh interval" msgstr "Interval obnovení konfigurace" #. Re-read configuration file and do DNS lookups every interval seconds. This has the same effect as sending the HUP signal. If interval is 0 (zero) this feature is disabled. #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:7 msgid "" "Re-read configuration file and do DNS lookups every interval seconds. This " "has the same effect as sending the HUP signal. If interval is 0 (zero) this " "feature is disabled. " msgstr "" #. Pid file #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:8 msgid "Pid file" msgstr "PID soubor" #. Filename to put the process id #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:9 msgid "Filename to put the process id" msgstr "" #. State directory #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:10 msgid "State directory" msgstr "" #. Directory of non-volatile data #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:11 msgid "Directory of non-volatile data" msgstr "" #. TUN/TAP configuration #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:12 msgid "TUN/TAP configuration" msgstr "Nastavení TUN/TAP" #. Network/Tun configuration #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:13 msgid "Network/Tun configuration" msgstr "Nastavení sítě/Tun" #. Network down script #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:14 msgid "Network down script" msgstr "Network down skript" #. Script executed after a session has moved from authorized state to unauthorized #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:15 msgid "" "Script executed after a session has moved from authorized state to " "unauthorized" msgstr "" #. Network up script #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:16 msgid "Network up script" msgstr "Network up skript" #. Script executed after the tun network interface has been brought up #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:17 msgid "Script executed after the tun network interface has been brought up" msgstr "Skript, spuštěný po nahození síťového rozhraní TUN" #. Primary DNS Server #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:18 msgid "Primary DNS Server" msgstr "Primární DNS server" #. Secondary DNS Server #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:20 msgid "Secondary DNS Server" msgstr "Sekundární DNS server" #. Domain name #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:22 msgid "Domain name" msgstr "Doménové jméno" #. Is used to inform the client about the domain name to use for DNS lookups #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:23 msgid "" "Is used to inform the client about the domain name to use for DNS lookups" msgstr "" #. Dynamic IP address pool #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:24 msgid "Dynamic IP address pool" msgstr "Pool dynamických IP adres" #. Specifies a pool of dynamic IP addresses #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:25 msgid "Specifies a pool of dynamic IP addresses" msgstr "Urči rozsah, z něhož se budou přidělovat dynamické IP adresy" #. IP down script #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:26 msgid "IP down script" msgstr "IP down skript" #. Script executed after the tun network interface has been taken down #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:27 msgid "Script executed after the tun network interface has been taken down" msgstr "" #. IP up script #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:28 msgid "IP up script" msgstr "IP up skript" #. Script executed after the TUN/TAP network interface has been brought up #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:29 msgid "Script executed after the TUN/TAP network interface has been brought up" msgstr "" #. Uplink subnet #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:30 msgid "Uplink subnet" msgstr "" #. Network address of the uplink interface (CIDR notation) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:31 msgid "Network address of the uplink interface (CIDR notation)" msgstr "Síťová adresa uplink rozhraní (CIDR notace)" #. Static IP address pool #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:32 msgid "Static IP address pool" msgstr "Pool statických IP adres" #. Specifies a pool of static IP addresses #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:33 msgid "Specifies a pool of static IP addresses" msgstr "Určuje rozsah, z něhož se budou přidělovat statické IP adresy" #. TUN/TAP device #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:34 msgid "TUN/TAP device" msgstr "" #. The specific device to use for the TUN/TAP interface #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:35 msgid "The specific device to use for the TUN/TAP interface" msgstr "" #. TX queue length #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:36 msgid "TX queue length" msgstr "Délka odchozí fronty" #. The TX queue length to set on the TUN/TAP interface #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:37 msgid "The TX queue length to set on the TUN/TAP interface" msgstr "Délka odchozí fronty na zařízení TUN/TAP" #. Use TAP device #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:38 msgid "Use TAP device" msgstr "Použít zařízení TAP" #. Use the TAP interface instead of TUN #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:39 msgid "Use the TAP interface instead of TUN" msgstr "Použít TAP rozhraní namísto TUN" #. DHCP configuration #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:40 msgid "DHCP configuration" msgstr "Nastavení DHCP" #. Set DHCP options for connecting clients #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:41 msgid "Set DHCP options for connecting clients" msgstr "Nastavit možnosti DHCP pro příchozí klienty" #. DHCP end number #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:42 msgid "DHCP end number" msgstr "DHCP koncové číslo" #. Where to stop assigning IP addresses (default 254) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:43 msgid "Where to stop assigning IP addresses (default 254)" msgstr "Kde přestat přidělovat IP adresy (standardně 254)" #. DHCP interface #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:44 msgid "DHCP interface" msgstr "DHCP rozhraní" #. Ethernet interface to listen to for the downlink interface #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:45 msgid "Ethernet interface to listen to for the downlink interface" msgstr "" #. Listen MAC address #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:46 msgid "Listen MAC address" msgstr "" #. MAC address to listen to. If not specified the MAC address of the interface will be used #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:47 msgid "" "MAC address to listen to. If not specified the MAC address of the interface " "will be used" msgstr "" #. DHCP start number #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:48 msgid "DHCP start number" msgstr "" #. Where to start assigning IP addresses (default 10) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:49 msgid "Where to start assigning IP addresses (default 10)" msgstr "Odkud začít přidělovat IP adresy" #. Enable IEEE 802.1x #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:50 msgid "Enable IEEE 802.1x" msgstr "Povolit IEEE 802.1x" #. Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication and listen for EAP requests #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:51 msgid "Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication and listen for EAP requests" msgstr "Povolit IEEE 802.1x autentizaci a naslouchat požadavkům EAP" #. Leasetime #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:52 msgid "Leasetime" msgstr "" #. Use a DHCP lease of seconds (default 600) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:53 msgid "Use a DHCP lease of seconds (default 600)" msgstr "" #. Allow session update through RADIUS #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:56 msgid "Allow session update through RADIUS" msgstr "" #. Allow updating of session parameters with RADIUS attributes sent in Accounting-Response #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:57 msgid "" "Allow updating of session parameters with RADIUS attributes sent in " "Accounting-Response" msgstr "" #. Admin password #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:58 msgid "Admin password" msgstr "Administrátorské heslo" #. Password to use for Administrative-User authentication in order to pick up chilli configurations and establish a device "system" session #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:59 msgid "" "Password to use for Administrative-User authentication in order to pick up " "chilli configurations and establish a device \"system\" session" msgstr "" #. Admin user #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:60 msgid "Admin user" msgstr "Administrátorský uživatel" #. User-name to use for Administrative-User authentication in order to pick up chilli configurations and establish a device "system" session #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:61 msgid "" "User-name to use for Administrative-User authentication in order to pick up " "chilli configurations and establish a device \"system\" session" msgstr "" #. Do not check disconnection requests #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:62 msgid "Do not check disconnection requests" msgstr "Neověřovat požadavky na odpojení" #. Do not check the source IP address of radius disconnect requests #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:63 msgid "Do not check the source IP address of radius disconnect requests" msgstr "Neověřovat zdrojovou IP adresu požadavku na odpojení protokolu RADIUS" #. RADIUS disconnect port #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:64 msgid "RADIUS disconnect port" msgstr "" #. UDP port to listen to for accepting radius disconnect requests #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:65 msgid "UDP port to listen to for accepting radius disconnect requests" msgstr "" #. NAS IP #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:66 msgid "NAS IP" msgstr "NAS IP" #. Value to use in RADIUS NAS-IP-Address attribute #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:67 msgid "Value to use in RADIUS NAS-IP-Address attribute" msgstr "" #. NAS MAC #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:68 msgid "NAS MAC" msgstr "NAS MAC" #. MAC address value to use in RADIUS Called-Station-ID attribute #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:69 msgid "MAC address value to use in RADIUS Called-Station-ID attribute" msgstr "" #. Allow OpenID authentication #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:70 msgid "Allow OpenID authentication" msgstr "Povolit autentizaci pomocí OpenID" #. Allows OpenID authentication by sending ChilliSpot-Config=allow-openidauth in RADIUS Access-Requests #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:71 msgid "" "Allows OpenID authentication by sending ChilliSpot-Config=allow-openidauth " "in RADIUS Access-Requests" msgstr "" #. RADIUS accounting port #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:72 msgid "RADIUS accounting port" msgstr "" #. The UDP port number to use for radius accounting requests (default 1813) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:73 msgid "" "The UDP port number to use for radius accounting requests (default 1813)" msgstr "" #. RADIUS authentication port #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:74 msgid "RADIUS authentication port" msgstr "" #. The UDP port number to use for radius authentication requests (default 1812) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:75 msgid "" "The UDP port number to use for radius authentication requests (default 1812)" msgstr "" #. Option radiuscalled #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:76 msgid "Option radiuscalled" msgstr "" #. RADIUS listen address #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:77 msgid "RADIUS listen address" msgstr "" #. Local interface IP address to use for the radius interface #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:78 msgid "Local interface IP address to use for the radius interface" msgstr "" #. RADIUS location ID #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:79 msgid "RADIUS location ID" msgstr "" #. WISPr Location ID #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:80 msgid "WISPr Location ID" msgstr "" #. RADIUS location name #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:81 msgid "RADIUS location name" msgstr "" #. WISPr Location Name #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:82 msgid "WISPr Location Name" msgstr "" #. NAS ID #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:83 msgid "NAS ID" msgstr "" #. Network access server identifier #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:84 msgid "Network access server identifier" msgstr "" #. Option radiusnasip #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:85 msgid "Option radiusnasip" msgstr "" #. NAS port type #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:86 msgid "NAS port type" msgstr "" #. Value of NAS-Port-Type attribute. Defaults to 19 (Wireless-IEEE-802.11) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:87 msgid "Value of NAS-Port-Type attribute. Defaults to 19 (Wireless-IEEE-802.11)" msgstr "" #. Send RADIUS VSA #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:88 msgid "Send RADIUS VSA" msgstr "" #. Send the ChilliSpot-OriginalURL RADIUS VSA in Access-Request #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:89 msgid "Send the ChilliSpot-OriginalURL RADIUS VSA in Access-Request" msgstr "" #. RADIUS secret #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:90 msgid "RADIUS secret" msgstr "" #. Radius shared secret for both servers #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:91 msgid "Radius shared secret for both servers" msgstr "" #. RADIUS server 1 #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:92 msgid "RADIUS server 1" msgstr "RADIUS server 1" #. The IP address of radius server 1 #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:93 msgid "The IP address of radius server 1" msgstr "IP adresa prvního radius serveru" #. RADIUS server 2 #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:94 msgid "RADIUS server 2" msgstr "RADIUS server 2" #. The IP address of radius server 2 #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:95 msgid "The IP address of radius server 2" msgstr "IP adresa druhého radius serveru" #. Swap octets #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:96 msgid "Swap octets" msgstr "" #. Swap the meaning of "input octets" and "output octets" as it related to RADIUS attribtues #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:97 msgid "" "Swap the meaning of \"input octets\" and \"output octets\" as it related to " "RADIUS attribtues" msgstr "" "Prohodit významy spojení \"vstupní oktety\" a \"výstupní oktety\", vztahující se " "k atributům protokolu RADIUS" #. Allow WPA guests #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:98 msgid "Allow WPA guests" msgstr "Povolit WPA hosty" #. Allows WPA Guest authentication by sending ChilliSpot-Config=allow-wpa-guests in RADIUS Access-Requests #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:99 msgid "" "Allows WPA Guest authentication by sending ChilliSpot-Config=allow-wpa-" "guests in RADIUS Access-Requests" msgstr "" #. Proxy client #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:102 msgid "Proxy client" msgstr "Proxy klient" #. IP address from which radius requests are accepted. If omitted the server will not accept radius requests #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:103 msgid "" "IP address from which radius requests are accepted. If omitted the server " "will not accept radius requests" msgstr "" "IP adresa, ze které budou přijímány požadavky radius. Pokud necháte prázdné, " "server nebude přijímat požadavky protokolu RADIUS." #. Proxy listen address #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:104 msgid "Proxy listen address" msgstr "Naslouchající adresa Proxy" #. Local interface IP address to use for accepting radius requests #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:105 msgid "Local interface IP address to use for accepting radius requests" msgstr "" "IP adresa místního rozhraní, určená pro naslouchání požadavkům protokolu " "RADIUS" #. Proxy port #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:106 msgid "Proxy port" msgstr "Port Proxy" #. UDP Port to listen to for accepting radius requests #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:107 msgid "UDP Port to listen to for accepting radius requests" msgstr "UDP port, určený pro naslouchání požadavkům protokolu RADIUS" #. Proxy secret #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:108 msgid "Proxy secret" msgstr "" #. Radius shared secret for clients #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:109 msgid "Radius shared secret for clients" msgstr "" #. UAM configuration #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:110 msgid "UAM configuration" msgstr "Konfigurace UAM" #. Unified Configuration Method settings #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:111 msgid "Unified Configuration Method settings" msgstr "Nastavení 'Unified Configuration Method'" #. Use Chilli XML #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:112 msgid "Use Chilli XML" msgstr "Použít Chilli XML" #. Return the so-called Chilli XML along with WISPr XML #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:113 msgid "Return the so-called Chilli XML along with WISPr XML" msgstr "" #. Default idle timeout #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:114 msgid "Default idle timeout" msgstr "Výchozí časový limit nečinnosti" #. Default idle timeout unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:115 msgid "Default idle timeout unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0)" msgstr "" "Výchozí časový limit nečinnosti, pokud nebyl nastaven pomocí RADIUS " "(standardně 0)" #. Default interim interval #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:116 msgid "Default interim interval" msgstr "" #. Default interim-interval for RADIUS accounting unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:117 msgid "" "Default interim-interval for RADIUS accounting unless otherwise set by " "RADIUS (defaults to 0)" msgstr "" #. Default session timeout #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:118 msgid "Default session timeout" msgstr "Výchozí časový limit sezení" #. Default session timeout unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:119 msgid "Default session timeout unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0)" msgstr "" "Výchozí časový limit sezení, pokud není RADIUS nastaven jinak (standardně 0)" #. Inspect DNS traffic #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:120 msgid "Inspect DNS traffic" msgstr "Kontrolovat DNS provoz" #. Inspect DNS packets and drop responses with any non- A, CNAME, SOA, or MX records to prevent dns tunnels (experimental) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:121 msgid "" "Inspect DNS packets and drop responses with any non- A, CNAME, SOA, or MX " "records to prevent dns tunnels (experimental)" msgstr "" #. Local users file #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:122 msgid "Local users file" msgstr "Soubor s místními uživateli" #. A colon seperated file containing usernames and passwords of locally authenticated users #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:123 msgid "" "A colon seperated file containing usernames and passwords of locally " "authenticated users" msgstr "" "Soubor, obsahující uživatelská jména a hesla místně ověřovaných uživatelů. " "Jednotlivé položky jsou odděleny dvojtečkou." #. Location name #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:124 msgid "Location name" msgstr "Název umístění" #. Human readable location name used in JSON interface #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:125 msgid "Human readable location name used in JSON interface" msgstr "Čitelný název umístění, používán v rozhraní JSON" #. Do not redirect to UAM server #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:126 msgid "Do not redirect to UAM server" msgstr "Nepřesměrovávat na UAM server" #. Do not return to UAM server on login success, just redirect to original URL #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:127 msgid "" "Do not return to UAM server on login success, just redirect to original URL" msgstr "" "Při úspěšném přihlášení nevracet na UAM server, pouze přesměrovat na původní " "URL" #. Do not do WISPr #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:128 msgid "Do not do WISPr" msgstr "Neprovádět WISPr" #. Do not do any WISPr XML, assume the back-end is doing this instead #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:129 msgid "Do not do any WISPr XML, assume the back-end is doing this instead" msgstr "" #. Post auth proxy #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:130 msgid "Post auth proxy" msgstr "" #. Used with postauthproxyport to define a post authentication HTTP proxy server #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:131 msgid "" "Used with postauthproxyport to define a post authentication HTTP proxy server" msgstr "" #. Post auth proxy port #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:132 msgid "Post auth proxy port" msgstr "" #. Used with postauthproxy to define a post authentication HTTP proxy server #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:133 msgid "" "Used with postauthproxy to define a post authentication HTTP proxy server" msgstr "" #. Allowed resources #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:134 msgid "Allowed resources" msgstr "Povolené zdroje" #. List of resources the client can access without first authenticating #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:135 msgid "List of resources the client can access without first authenticating" msgstr "Seznam zdrojů, jež může klient využívat bez nutnosti autentizace" #. Allow any DNS server #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:136 msgid "Allow any DNS server" msgstr "Povolit libovolný DNS server" #. Allow any DNS server for unauthenticated clients #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:137 msgid "Allow any DNS server for unauthenticated clients" msgstr "Povolí libovolný DNS server neověřeným klientům" #. Allow any IP address #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:138 msgid "Allow any IP address" msgstr "Povolit libovolnou IP adresu" #. Allow clients to use any IP settings they wish by spoofing ARP (experimental) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:139 msgid "" "Allow clients to use any IP settings they wish by spoofing ARP (experimental)" msgstr "" #. Allowed domains #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:140 msgid "Allowed domains" msgstr "Povolené domény" #. Defines a list of domain names to automatically add to the walled garden #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:141 msgid "" "Defines a list of domain names to automatically add to the walled garden" msgstr "" #. UAM homepage #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:142 msgid "UAM homepage" msgstr "Domovská stránka UAM" #. URL of homepage to redirect unauthenticated users to #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:143 msgid "URL of homepage to redirect unauthenticated users to" msgstr "URL domovské stránky, na kterou budou přesměrováni neověření uživatelé" #. UAM static content port #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:144 msgid "UAM static content port" msgstr "" #. TCP port to bind to for only serving embedded content #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:145 msgid "TCP port to bind to for only serving embedded content" msgstr "" #. UAM listening address #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:146 msgid "UAM listening address" msgstr "" #. IP address to listen to for authentication of clients #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:147 msgid "IP address to listen to for authentication of clients" msgstr "IP adresa, na které naslouchat za účelem ověřování klientů" #. UAM logout IP #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:148 msgid "UAM logout IP" msgstr "Odhlašovací IP UAM" #. Use this IP address to instantly logout a client accessing it (defaults to #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:149 msgid "" "Use this IP address to instantly logout a client accessing it (defaults to " "" msgstr "" "Adresa, sloužící k okamžitému odhlášení klienta, pokud na ní přistoupí " "(standardně" #. UAM listening port #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:150 msgid "UAM listening port" msgstr "Naslouchající port UAM" #. TCP port to bind to for authenticating clients (default 3990) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:151 msgid "TCP port to bind to for authenticating clients (default 3990)" msgstr "" #. UAM secret #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:152 msgid "UAM secret" msgstr "" #. Shared secret between uamserver and chilli #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:153 msgid "Shared secret between uamserver and chilli" msgstr "" #. UAM server #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:154 msgid "UAM server" msgstr "UAM server" #. URL of web server to use for authenticating clients #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:155 msgid "URL of web server to use for authenticating clients" msgstr "URL web serveru, sloužícího k ověřování klientů" #. UAM user interface #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:156 msgid "UAM user interface" msgstr "Uživatelské rozhraní UAM" #. An init.d style program to handle local content on the uamuiport web server #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:157 msgid "" "An init.d style program to handle local content on the uamuiport web server" msgstr "" #. Use status file #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:158 msgid "Use status file" msgstr "Použít stavový soubor" #. Write the status of clients in a non-volatile state file (experimental) #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:159 msgid "Write the status of clients in a non-volatile state file (experimental)" msgstr "Zapisovat stavy klientů do stálého stavového souboru (experimentální)" #. WISPr login url #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:160 msgid "WISPr login url" msgstr "Přihlašovací URL WISPr" #. Specific URL to be given in WISPr XML LoginURL #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:161 msgid "Specific URL to be given in WISPr XML LoginURL" msgstr "" #. CGI program #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:162 msgid "CGI program" msgstr "CGI program" #. Executable to run as a CGI type program (like haserl) for URLs with extention .chi #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:163 msgid "" "Executable to run as a CGI type program (like haserl) for URLs with " "extention .chi" msgstr "" #. Web content directory #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:164 msgid "Web content directory" msgstr "Adresář s webovým obsahem" #. Directory where embedded local web content is placed #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:165 msgid "Directory where embedded local web content is placed" msgstr "Adresář, ve kterém je umístěn místní webový obsah." #. MAC configuration #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:166 msgid "MAC configuration" msgstr "Nastavení MAC" #. Configure MAC authentication #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:167 msgid "Configure MAC authentication" msgstr "Nastavit ověřování pomocí MAC" #. Allowed MAC addresses #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:168 msgid "Allowed MAC addresses" msgstr "Povolené MAC adresy" #. List of MAC addresses for which MAC authentication will be performed #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:169 msgid "List of MAC addresses for which MAC authentication will be performed" msgstr "Seznam MAC adres, pro které bude prováděno ověřování pomocí MAC" #. Authenticate locally allowed MACs #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:170 msgid "Authenticate locally allowed MACs" msgstr "Ověřit lokálně povolené MAC" #. Authenticate allowed MAC addresses without the use of RADIUS #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:171 msgid "Authenticate allowed MAC addresses without the use of RADIUS" msgstr "Ověří povolené MAC adresy bez použití protokolu RADIUS" #. Enable MAC authentification #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:172 msgid "Enable MAC authentification" msgstr "Povolit ověřování pomocí MAC" #. Try to authenticate all users based on their mac address alone #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:173 msgid "Try to authenticate all users based on their mac address alone" msgstr "" #. Password #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:174 msgid "Password" msgstr "Heslo" #. Password used when performing MAC authentication #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:175 msgid "Password used when performing MAC authentication" msgstr "" #. Suffix #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:176 msgid "Suffix" msgstr "Přípona" #. Suffix to add to the MAC address in order to form the User-Name, which is sent to the radius server #: applications/luci-coovachilli/luasrc/i18n/coovachilli.en.lua:177 msgid "" "Suffix to add to the MAC address in order to form the User-Name, which is " "sent to the radius server" msgstr ""