'use strict'; 'require view'; 'require fs'; 'require rpc'; 'require validation'; 'require ui'; var callNetworkInterfaceDump = rpc.declare({ object: 'network.interface', method: 'dump', expect: { interface: [] } }); function applyMask(addr, mask, v6) { var words = v6 ? validation.parseIPv6(addr) : validation.parseIPv4(addr); if (!words || mask < 0 || mask > (v6 ? 128 : 32)) return null; for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) { var b = Math.min(mask, v6 ? 16 : 8); words[i] &= ((1 << b) - 1); mask -= b; } return String.prototype.format.apply( v6 ? '%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x' : '%d.%d.%d.%d', words); } return view.extend({ load: function() { return Promise.all([ callNetworkInterfaceDump(), L.resolveDefault(fs.exec('/sbin/ip', [ '-4', 'neigh', 'show' ]), {}), L.resolveDefault(fs.exec('/sbin/ip', [ '-4', 'route', 'show', 'table', 'all' ]), {}), L.resolveDefault(fs.exec('/sbin/ip', [ '-4', 'rule', 'show' ]), {}), L.resolveDefault(fs.exec('/sbin/ip', [ '-6', 'neigh', 'show' ]), {}), L.resolveDefault(fs.exec('/sbin/ip', [ '-6', 'route', 'show', 'table', 'all' ]), {}), L.resolveDefault(fs.exec('/sbin/ip', [ '-6', 'rule', 'show' ]), {}) ]); }, getNetworkByDevice(networks, dev, addr, mask, v6) { var addr_arrays = [ 'ipv4-address', 'ipv6-address', 'ipv6-prefix', 'ipv6-prefix-assignment', 'route' ], matching_iface = null, matching_prefix = -1; for (var i = 0; i < networks.length; i++) { if (!L.isObject(networks[i])) continue; if (networks[i].l3_device != dev && networks[i].device != dev) continue; for (var j = 0; j < addr_arrays.length; j++) { var addr_list = networks[i][addr_arrays[j]]; if (!Array.isArray(addr_list) || addr_list.length == 0) continue; for (var k = 0; k < addr_list.length; k++) { var cmp_addr = addr_list[k].address || addr_list[k].target, cmp_mask = addr_list[k].mask; if (cmp_addr == null) continue; var addr1 = applyMask(cmp_addr, cmp_mask, v6), addr2 = applyMask(addr, cmp_mask, v6); if (addr1 != addr2 || mask < cmp_mask) continue; if (cmp_mask > matching_prefix) { matching_iface = networks[i].interface; matching_prefix = cmp_mask; } } } } return matching_iface; }, parseNeigh: function(s, networks, v6) { var lines = s.trim().split(/\n/), res = []; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var m = lines[i].match(/^([0-9a-f:.]+) (.+) (\S+) *$/), addr = m ? m[1] : null, flags = m ? m[2].trim().split(/\s+/) : [], state = (m ? m[3] : null) || 'FAILED'; if (!addr || state == 'FAILED' || addr.match(/^fe[89a-f][0-9a-f]:/)) continue; for (var j = 0; j < flags.length; j += 2) flags[flags[j]] = flags[j + 1]; if (!flags.lladdr) continue; var net = this.getNetworkByDevice(networks, flags.dev, addr, v6 ? 128 : 32, v6); res.push([ addr, flags.lladdr.toUpperCase(), E('span', { 'class': 'ifacebadge' }, [ net ? net : '(%s)'.format(flags.dev) ]) ]); } return res; }, parseRoute: function(s, networks, v6) { var lines = s.trim().split(/\n/), res = []; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var m = lines[i].match(/^(?:([a-z_]+|\d+) )?(default|[0-9a-f:.\/]+) (.+)$/), type = (m ? m[1] : null) || 'unicast', dest = m ? (m[2] == 'default' ? (v6 ? '::/0' : '') : m[2]) : null, flags = m ? m[3].trim().split(/\s+/) : []; if (!dest || type != 'unicast' || dest == 'fe80::/64' || dest == 'ff00::/8') continue; for (var j = 0; j < flags.length; j += 2) flags[flags[j]] = flags[j + 1]; var addr = dest.split('/'), bits = (addr[1] != null) ? +addr[1] : (v6 ? 128 : 32), net = this.getNetworkByDevice(networks, flags.dev, addr[0], bits, v6); res.push([ E('span', { 'class': 'ifacebadge' }, [ net ? net : '(%s)'.format(flags.dev) ]), dest, (v6 ? flags.from : flags.via) || '-', String(flags.metric || 0), flags.table || 'main', flags.proto, ]); } return res; }, parseRule: function(s) { var lines = s.trim().split(/\n/), res = []; for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var m = lines[i].match(/^(\d+):\s+(.+)$/), prio = m ? m[1] : null, rule = m ? m[2] : null; res.push([ prio, rule ]); } return res; }, render: function(data) { var networks = data[0], ip4neigh = data[1].stdout || '', ip4route = data[2].stdout || '', ip4rule = data[3].stdout || '', ip6neigh = data[4].stdout || '', ip6route = data[5].stdout || '', ip6rule = data[6].stdout || ''; var device_title = _('Which is used to access this %s').format(_('Target'); var target_title = _('Network and its mask that define the size of the destination'); var gateway_title = _('The address through which this %s is reachable').format(_('Target')); var metric_title = _('Quantifies the cost or distance to a destination in a way that allows routers to make informed decisions about the optimal path to forward data packets'); var table_title = _('Common name or numeric ID of the %s in which this route is found').format(_('Table')); var proto_title = _('The routing protocol identifier of this route'); var source_title = _('Network and its mask that define which source addresses use this route'); var neigh4tbl = E('table', { 'class': 'table' }, [ E('tr', { 'class': 'tr table-titles' }, [ E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, [ _('IP address') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, [ _('MAC address') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, [ _('Interface') ]) ]) ]); var route4tbl = E('table', { 'class': 'table' }, [ E('tr', { 'class': 'tr table-titles' }, [ E('th', { 'class': 'th', 'title': device_title }, [ _('Device') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th', 'title': target_title }, [ _('Target') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th', 'title': gateway_title }, [ _('Gateway') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th', 'title': metric_title }, [ _('Metric') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th', 'title': table_title }, [ _('Table') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th', 'title': proto_title }, [ _('Protocol') ]) ]) ]); var rule4tbl = E('table', { 'class': 'table' }, [ E('tr', { 'class': 'tr table-titles' }, [ E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, [ _('Priority') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, [ _('Rule') ]) ]) ]); var neigh6tbl = E('table', { 'class': 'table' }, [ E('tr', { 'class': 'tr table-titles' }, [ E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, [ _('IP address') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, [ _('MAC address') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, [ _('Interface') ]) ]) ]); var route6tbl = E('table', { 'class': 'table' }, [ E('tr', { 'class': 'tr table-titles' }, [ E('th', { 'class': 'th', 'title': device_title }, [ _('Device') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th', 'title': target_title }, [ _('Target') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th', 'title': source_title }, [ _('Source') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th', 'title': metric_title }, [ _('Metric') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th', 'title': table_title }, [ _('Table') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th', 'title': proto_title }, [ _('Protocol') ]) ]) ]); var rule6tbl = E('table', { 'class': 'table' }, [ E('tr', { 'class': 'tr table-titles' }, [ E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, [ _('Priority') ]), E('th', { 'class': 'th' }, [ _('Rule') ]) ]) ]); cbi_update_table(neigh4tbl, this.parseNeigh(ip4neigh, networks, false), E('em', _('No entries available')) ); cbi_update_table(route4tbl, this.parseRoute(ip4route, networks, false), E('em', _('No entries available')) ); cbi_update_table(rule4tbl, this.parseRule(ip4rule, networks, false), E('em', _('No entries available')) ); cbi_update_table(neigh6tbl, this.parseNeigh(ip6neigh, networks, true), E('em', _('No entries available')) ); cbi_update_table(route6tbl, this.parseRoute(ip6route, networks, true), E('em', _('No entries available')) ); cbi_update_table(rule6tbl, this.parseRule(ip6rule, networks, false), E('em', _('No entries available')) ); var view = E([], [ E('h2', {}, [ _('Routing') ]), E('p', {}, [ _('The following rules are currently active on this system.') ]), E('div', {}, [ E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-section', 'data-tab': 'ipv4routing', 'data-tab-title': _('IPv4 Routing') }, [ E('h3', {}, [ _('IPv4 Neighbours') ]), neigh4tbl, E('h3', {}, [ _('Active IPv4 Routes') ]), route4tbl, E('h3', {}, [ _('Active IPv4 Rules') ]), rule4tbl ]), E('div', { 'class': 'cbi-section', 'data-tab': 'ipv6routing', 'data-tab-title': _('IPv6 Routing') }, [ E('h3', {}, [ _('IPv6 Neighbours') ]), neigh6tbl, E('h3', {}, [ _('Active IPv6 Routes') ]), route6tbl, E('h3', {}, [ _('Active IPv6 Rules') ]), rule6tbl ]) ]) ]); ui.tabs.initTabGroup(view.lastElementChild.childNodes); return view; }, handleSaveApply: null, handleSave: null, handleReset: null });