LuCI iptables parser and query library

@cstyle	instance
module "luci.sys.iptparser"

Create a new iptables parser object.

@class	function
@name	IptParser
@param	family	Number specifying the address family. 4 for IPv4, 6 for IPv6
@return	IptParser instance

Find all firewall rules that match the given criteria. Expects a table with

search criteria as only argument. If args is nil or an empty table then all
rules will be returned.

Rebuild the internal lookup table, for example when rules have changed

through external commands.
@class function
@name IptParser.resync
@return	nothing

Find the names of all tables.

@class function
@name IptParser.tables
@return		Table of table names.

Find the names of all chains within the given table name.

@class function
@name IptParser.chains
@param table	String containing the table name
@return		Table of chain names in the order they occur.

Return the given firewall chain within the given table name.

@class function
@name IptParser.chain
@param table	String containing the table name
@param chain	String containing the chain name
@return		Table containing the fields "policy", "packets", "bytes"
--				and "rules". The "rules" field is a table of rule tables.

Test whether the given target points to a custom chain.

@class function
@name IptParser.is_custom_target
@param target	String containing the target action
@return			Boolean indicating whether target is a custom chain.