-- Copyright 2009 Jo-Philipp Wich <jow@openwrt.org> -- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0. local type, pairs, ipairs, table, luci, math = type, pairs, ipairs, table, luci, math local tpl = require "luci.template.parser" local utl = require "luci.util" local uci = require "luci.model.uci" module "luci.model.firewall" local uci_r, uci_s function _valid_id(x) return (x and #x > 0 and x:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$")) end function _get(c, s, o) return uci_r:get(c, s, o) end function _set(c, s, o, v) if v ~= nil then if type(v) == "boolean" then v = v and "1" or "0" end return uci_r:set(c, s, o, v) else return uci_r:delete(c, s, o) end end function init(cursor) uci_r = cursor or uci_r or uci.cursor() uci_s = uci_r:substate() return _M end function save(self, ...) uci_r:save(...) uci_r:load(...) end function commit(self, ...) uci_r:commit(...) uci_r:load(...) end function get_defaults() return defaults() end function new_zone(self) local name = "newzone" local count = 1 while self:get_zone(name) do count = count + 1 name = "newzone%d" % count end return self:add_zone(name) end function add_zone(self, n) if _valid_id(n) and not self:get_zone(n) then local d = defaults() local z = uci_r:section("firewall", "zone", nil, { name = n, network = " ", input = d:input() or "DROP", forward = d:forward() or "DROP", output = d:output() or "DROP" }) return z and zone(z) end end function get_zone(self, n) if uci_r:get("firewall", n) == "zone" then return zone(n) else local z uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if n and s.name == n then z = s['.name'] return false end end) return z and zone(z) end end function get_zones(self) local zones = { } local znl = { } uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if s.name then znl[s.name] = zone(s['.name']) end end) local z for z in utl.kspairs(znl) do zones[#zones+1] = znl[z] end return zones end function get_zone_by_network(self, net) local z uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if s.name and net then local n for n in utl.imatch(s.network or s.name) do if n == net then z = s['.name'] return false end end end end) return z and zone(z) end function del_zone(self, n) local r = false if uci_r:get("firewall", n) == "zone" then local z = uci_r:get("firewall", n, "name") r = uci_r:delete("firewall", n) n = z else uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if n and s.name == n then r = uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name']) return false end end) end if r then uci_r:foreach("firewall", "rule", function(s) if s.src == n or s.dest == n then uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name']) end end) uci_r:foreach("firewall", "redirect", function(s) if s.src == n or s.dest == n then uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name']) end end) uci_r:foreach("firewall", "forwarding", function(s) if s.src == n or s.dest == n then uci_r:delete("firewall", s['.name']) end end) end return r end function rename_zone(self, old, new) local r = false if _valid_id(new) and not self:get_zone(new) then uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if old and s.name == old then if not s.network then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "network", old) end uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "name", new) r = true return false end end) if r then uci_r:foreach("firewall", "rule", function(s) if s.src == old then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "src", new) end if s.dest == old then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "dest", new) end end) uci_r:foreach("firewall", "redirect", function(s) if s.src == old then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "src", new) end if s.dest == old then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "dest", new) end end) uci_r:foreach("firewall", "forwarding", function(s) if s.src == old then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "src", new) end if s.dest == old then uci_r:set("firewall", s['.name'], "dest", new) end end) end end return r end function del_network(self, net) local z if net then for _, z in ipairs(self:get_zones()) do z:del_network(net) end end end defaults = utl.class() function defaults.__init__(self) uci_r:foreach("firewall", "defaults", function(s) self.sid = s['.name'] return false end) self.sid = self.sid or uci_r:section("firewall", "defaults", nil, { }) end function defaults.get(self, opt) return _get("firewall", self.sid, opt) end function defaults.set(self, opt, val) return _set("firewall", self.sid, opt, val) end function defaults.syn_flood(self) return (self:get("syn_flood") == "1") end function defaults.drop_invalid(self) return (self:get("drop_invalid") == "1") end function defaults.input(self) return self:get("input") or "DROP" end function defaults.forward(self) return self:get("forward") or "DROP" end function defaults.output(self) return self:get("output") or "DROP" end zone = utl.class() function zone.__init__(self, z) if uci_r:get("firewall", z) == "zone" then self.sid = z self.data = uci_r:get_all("firewall", z) else uci_r:foreach("firewall", "zone", function(s) if s.name == z then self.sid = s['.name'] self.data = s return false end end) end end function zone.get(self, opt) return _get("firewall", self.sid, opt) end function zone.set(self, opt, val) return _set("firewall", self.sid, opt, val) end function zone.masq(self) return (self:get("masq") == "1") end function zone.name(self) return self:get("name") end function zone.network(self) return self:get("network") end function zone.input(self) return self:get("input") or defaults():input() or "DROP" end function zone.forward(self) return self:get("forward") or defaults():forward() or "DROP" end function zone.output(self) return self:get("output") or defaults():output() or "DROP" end function zone.add_network(self, net) if uci_r:get("network", net) == "interface" then local nets = { } local n for n in utl.imatch(self:get("network") or self:get("name")) do if n ~= net then nets[#nets+1] = n end end nets[#nets+1] = net _M:del_network(net) self:set("network", table.concat(nets, " ")) end end function zone.del_network(self, net) local nets = { } local n for n in utl.imatch(self:get("network") or self:get("name")) do if n ~= net then nets[#nets+1] = n end end if #nets > 0 then self:set("network", table.concat(nets, " ")) else self:set("network", " ") end end function zone.get_networks(self) local nets = { } local n for n in utl.imatch(self:get("network") or self:get("name")) do nets[#nets+1] = n end return nets end function zone.clear_networks(self) self:set("network", " ") end function zone.get_forwardings_by(self, what) local name = self:name() local forwards = { } uci_r:foreach("firewall", "forwarding", function(s) if s.src and s.dest and s[what] == name then forwards[#forwards+1] = forwarding(s['.name']) end end) return forwards end function zone.add_forwarding_to(self, dest) local exist, forward for _, forward in ipairs(self:get_forwardings_by('src')) do if forward:dest() == dest then exist = true break end end if not exist and dest ~= self:name() and _valid_id(dest) then local s = uci_r:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, { src = self:name(), dest = dest }) return s and forwarding(s) end end function zone.add_forwarding_from(self, src) local exist, forward for _, forward in ipairs(self:get_forwardings_by('dest')) do if forward:src() == src then exist = true break end end if not exist and src ~= self:name() and _valid_id(src) then local s = uci_r:section("firewall", "forwarding", nil, { src = src, dest = self:name() }) return s and forwarding(s) end end function zone.del_forwardings_by(self, what) local name = self:name() uci_r:delete_all("firewall", "forwarding", function(s) return (s.src and s.dest and s[what] == name) end) end function zone.add_redirect(self, options) options = options or { } options.src = self:name() local s = uci_r:section("firewall", "redirect", nil, options) return s and redirect(s) end function zone.add_rule(self, options) options = options or { } options.src = self:name() local s = uci_r:section("firewall", "rule", nil, options) return s and rule(s) end function zone.get_color(self) if self and self:name() == "lan" then return "#90f090" elseif self and self:name() == "wan" then return "#f09090" elseif self then math.randomseed(tpl.hash(self:name())) local r = math.random(128) local g = math.random(128) local min = 0 local max = 128 if ( r + g ) < 128 then min = 128 - r - g else max = 255 - r - g end local b = min + math.floor( math.random() * ( max - min ) ) return "#%02x%02x%02x" % { 0xFF - r, 0xFF - g, 0xFF - b } else return "#eeeeee" end end forwarding = utl.class() function forwarding.__init__(self, f) self.sid = f end function forwarding.src(self) return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "src") end function forwarding.dest(self) return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "dest") end function forwarding.src_zone(self) return zone(self:src()) end function forwarding.dest_zone(self) return zone(self:dest()) end rule = utl.class() function rule.__init__(self, f) self.sid = f end function rule.get(self, opt) return _get("firewall", self.sid, opt) end function rule.set(self, opt, val) return _set("firewall", self.sid, opt, val) end function rule.src(self) return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "src") end function rule.dest(self) return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "dest") end function rule.src_zone(self) return zone(self:src()) end function rule.dest_zone(self) return zone(self:dest()) end redirect = utl.class() function redirect.__init__(self, f) self.sid = f end function redirect.get(self, opt) return _get("firewall", self.sid, opt) end function redirect.set(self, opt, val) return _set("firewall", self.sid, opt, val) end function redirect.src(self) return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "src") end function redirect.dest(self) return uci_r:get("firewall", self.sid, "dest") end function redirect.src_zone(self) return zone(self:src()) end function redirect.dest_zone(self) return zone(self:dest()) end