--[[ LuCI - Network model Copyright 2009-2010 Jo-Philipp Wich <xm@subsignal.org> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- local type, next, pairs, ipairs, loadfile, table = type, next, pairs, ipairs, loadfile, table local tonumber, tostring, math = tonumber, tostring, math local require = require local bus = require "ubus" local nxo = require "nixio" local nfs = require "nixio.fs" local ipc = require "luci.ip" local sys = require "luci.sys" local utl = require "luci.util" local dsp = require "luci.dispatcher" local uci = require "luci.model.uci" local lng = require "luci.i18n" module "luci.model.network" IFACE_PATTERNS_VIRTUAL = { } IFACE_PATTERNS_IGNORE = { "^wmaster%d", "^wifi%d", "^hwsim%d", "^imq%d", "^ifb%d", "^mon%.wlan%d", "^sit%d", "^gre%d", "^lo$" } IFACE_PATTERNS_WIRELESS = { "^wlan%d", "^wl%d", "^ath%d", "^%w+%.network%d" } protocol = utl.class() local _protocols = { } local _interfaces, _bridge, _switch, _tunnel local _ubus, _ubusnetcache, _ubusdevcache, _ubuswificache local _uci_real, _uci_state function _filter(c, s, o, r) local val = _uci_real:get(c, s, o) if val then local l = { } if type(val) == "string" then for val in val:gmatch("%S+") do if val ~= r then l[#l+1] = val end end if #l > 0 then _uci_real:set(c, s, o, table.concat(l, " ")) else _uci_real:delete(c, s, o) end elseif type(val) == "table" then for _, val in ipairs(val) do if val ~= r then l[#l+1] = val end end if #l > 0 then _uci_real:set(c, s, o, l) else _uci_real:delete(c, s, o) end end end end function _append(c, s, o, a) local val = _uci_real:get(c, s, o) or "" if type(val) == "string" then local l = { } for val in val:gmatch("%S+") do if val ~= a then l[#l+1] = val end end l[#l+1] = a _uci_real:set(c, s, o, table.concat(l, " ")) elseif type(val) == "table" then local l = { } for _, val in ipairs(val) do if val ~= a then l[#l+1] = val end end l[#l+1] = a _uci_real:set(c, s, o, l) end end function _stror(s1, s2) if not s1 or #s1 == 0 then return s2 and #s2 > 0 and s2 else return s1 end end function _get(c, s, o) return _uci_real:get(c, s, o) end function _set(c, s, o, v) if v ~= nil then if type(v) == "boolean" then v = v and "1" or "0" end return _uci_real:set(c, s, o, v) else return _uci_real:delete(c, s, o) end end function _wifi_iface(x) local _, p for _, p in ipairs(IFACE_PATTERNS_WIRELESS) do if x:match(p) then return true end end return false end function _wifi_state(key, val, field) if not next(_ubuswificache) then _ubuswificache = _ubus:call("network.wireless", "status", {}) or {} end local radio, radiostate for radio, radiostate in pairs(_ubuswificache) do local ifc, ifcstate for ifc, ifcstate in pairs(radiostate.interfaces) do if ifcstate[key] == val then return ifcstate[field] end end end end function _wifi_lookup(ifn) -- got a radio#.network# pseudo iface, locate the corresponding section local radio, ifnidx = ifn:match("^(%w+)%.network(%d+)$") if radio and ifnidx then local sid = nil local num = 0 ifnidx = tonumber(ifnidx) _uci_real:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.device == radio then num = num + 1 if num == ifnidx then sid = s['.name'] return false end end end) return sid -- looks like wifi, try to locate the section via state vars elseif _wifi_iface(ifn) then local sid = _wifi_state("ifname", ifn, "section") if not sid then _uci_state:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.ifname == ifn then sid = s['.name'] return false end end) end return sid end end function _iface_virtual(x) local _, p for _, p in ipairs(IFACE_PATTERNS_VIRTUAL) do if x:match(p) then return true end end return false end function _iface_ignore(x) local _, p for _, p in ipairs(IFACE_PATTERNS_IGNORE) do if x:match(p) then return true end end return _iface_virtual(x) end function init(cursor) _uci_real = cursor or _uci_real or uci.cursor() _uci_state = _uci_real:substate() _interfaces = { } _bridge = { } _switch = { } _tunnel = { } _ubus = bus.connect() _ubusnetcache = { } _ubusdevcache = { } _ubuswificache = { } -- read interface information local n, i for n, i in ipairs(nxo.getifaddrs()) do local name = i.name:match("[^:]+") local prnt = name:match("^([^%.]+)%.") if _iface_virtual(name) then _tunnel[name] = true end if _tunnel[name] or not _iface_ignore(name) then _interfaces[name] = _interfaces[name] or { idx = i.ifindex or n, name = name, rawname = i.name, flags = { }, ipaddrs = { }, ip6addrs = { } } if prnt then _switch[name] = true _switch[prnt] = true end if i.family == "packet" then _interfaces[name].flags = i.flags _interfaces[name].stats = i.data _interfaces[name].macaddr = i.addr elseif i.family == "inet" then _interfaces[name].ipaddrs[#_interfaces[name].ipaddrs+1] = ipc.IPv4(i.addr, i.netmask) elseif i.family == "inet6" then _interfaces[name].ip6addrs[#_interfaces[name].ip6addrs+1] = ipc.IPv6(i.addr, i.netmask) end end end -- read bridge informaton local b, l for l in utl.execi("brctl show") do if not l:match("STP") then local r = utl.split(l, "%s+", nil, true) if #r == 4 then b = { name = r[1], id = r[2], stp = r[3] == "yes", ifnames = { _interfaces[r[4]] } } if b.ifnames[1] then b.ifnames[1].bridge = b end _bridge[r[1]] = b elseif b then b.ifnames[#b.ifnames+1] = _interfaces[r[2]] b.ifnames[#b.ifnames].bridge = b end end end return _M end function save(self, ...) _uci_real:save(...) _uci_real:load(...) end function commit(self, ...) _uci_real:commit(...) _uci_real:load(...) end function ifnameof(self, x) if utl.instanceof(x, interface) then return x:name() elseif utl.instanceof(x, protocol) then return x:ifname() elseif type(x) == "string" then return x:match("^[^:]+") end end function get_protocol(self, protoname, netname) local v = _protocols[protoname] if v then return v(netname or "__dummy__") end end function get_protocols(self) local p = { } local _, v for _, v in ipairs(_protocols) do p[#p+1] = v("__dummy__") end return p end function register_protocol(self, protoname) local proto = utl.class(protocol) function proto.__init__(self, name) self.sid = name end function proto.proto(self) return protoname end _protocols[#_protocols+1] = proto _protocols[protoname] = proto return proto end function register_pattern_virtual(self, pat) IFACE_PATTERNS_VIRTUAL[#IFACE_PATTERNS_VIRTUAL+1] = pat end function has_ipv6(self) return nfs.access("/proc/net/ipv6_route") end function add_network(self, n, options) local oldnet = self:get_network(n) if n and #n > 0 and n:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") and not oldnet then if _uci_real:section("network", "interface", n, options) then return network(n) end elseif oldnet and oldnet:is_empty() then if options then local k, v for k, v in pairs(options) do oldnet:set(k, v) end end return oldnet end end function get_network(self, n) if n and _uci_real:get("network", n) == "interface" then return network(n) end end function get_networks(self) local nets = { } local nls = { } _uci_real:foreach("network", "interface", function(s) nls[s['.name']] = network(s['.name']) end) local n for n in utl.kspairs(nls) do nets[#nets+1] = nls[n] end return nets end function del_network(self, n) local r = _uci_real:delete("network", n) if r then _uci_real:delete_all("network", "alias", function(s) return (s.interface == n) end) _uci_real:delete_all("network", "route", function(s) return (s.interface == n) end) _uci_real:delete_all("network", "route6", function(s) return (s.interface == n) end) _uci_real:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) local net local rest = { } for net in utl.imatch(s.network) do if net ~= n then rest[#rest+1] = net end end if #rest > 0 then _uci_real:set("wireless", s['.name'], "network", table.concat(rest, " ")) else _uci_real:delete("wireless", s['.name'], "network") end end) end return r end function rename_network(self, old, new) local r if new and #new > 0 and new:match("^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$") and not self:get_network(new) then r = _uci_real:section("network", "interface", new, _uci_real:get_all("network", old)) if r then _uci_real:foreach("network", "alias", function(s) if s.interface == old then _uci_real:set("network", s['.name'], "interface", new) end end) _uci_real:foreach("network", "route", function(s) if s.interface == old then _uci_real:set("network", s['.name'], "interface", new) end end) _uci_real:foreach("network", "route6", function(s) if s.interface == old then _uci_real:set("network", s['.name'], "interface", new) end end) _uci_real:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) local net local list = { } for net in utl.imatch(s.network) do if net == old then list[#list+1] = new else list[#list+1] = net end end if #list > 0 then _uci_real:set("wireless", s['.name'], "network", table.concat(list, " ")) end end) _uci_real:delete("network", old) end end return r or false end function get_interface(self, i) if _interfaces[i] or _wifi_iface(i) then return interface(i) else local ifc local num = { } _uci_real:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.device then num[s.device] = num[s.device] and num[s.device] + 1 or 1 if s['.name'] == i then ifc = interface( "%s.network%d" %{s.device, num[s.device] }) return false end end end) return ifc end end function get_interfaces(self) local iface local ifaces = { } local seen = { } local nfs = { } local baseof = { } -- find normal interfaces _uci_real:foreach("network", "interface", function(s) for iface in utl.imatch(s.ifname) do if not _iface_ignore(iface) and not _wifi_iface(iface) then seen[iface] = true nfs[iface] = interface(iface) end end end) for iface in utl.kspairs(_interfaces) do if not (seen[iface] or _iface_ignore(iface) or _wifi_iface(iface)) then nfs[iface] = interface(iface) end end -- find vlan interfaces _uci_real:foreach("network", "switch_vlan", function(s) if not s.device then return end local base = baseof[s.device] if not base then if not s.device:match("^eth%d") then local l for l in utl.execi("swconfig dev %q help 2>/dev/null" % s.device) do if not base then base = l:match("^%w+: (%w+)") end end if not base or not base:match("^eth%d") then base = "eth0" end else base = s.device end baseof[s.device] = base end local vid = tonumber(s.vid or s.vlan) if vid ~= nil and vid >= 0 and vid <= 4095 then local iface = "%s.%d" %{ base, vid } if not seen[iface] then seen[iface] = true nfs[iface] = interface(iface) end end end) for iface in utl.kspairs(nfs) do ifaces[#ifaces+1] = nfs[iface] end -- find wifi interfaces local num = { } local wfs = { } _uci_real:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.device then num[s.device] = num[s.device] and num[s.device] + 1 or 1 local i = "%s.network%d" %{ s.device, num[s.device] } wfs[i] = interface(i) end end) for iface in utl.kspairs(wfs) do ifaces[#ifaces+1] = wfs[iface] end return ifaces end function ignore_interface(self, x) return _iface_ignore(x) end function get_wifidev(self, dev) if _uci_real:get("wireless", dev) == "wifi-device" then return wifidev(dev) end end function get_wifidevs(self) local devs = { } local wfd = { } _uci_real:foreach("wireless", "wifi-device", function(s) wfd[#wfd+1] = s['.name'] end) local dev for _, dev in utl.vspairs(wfd) do devs[#devs+1] = wifidev(dev) end return devs end function get_wifinet(self, net) local wnet = _wifi_lookup(net) if wnet then return wifinet(wnet) end end function add_wifinet(self, net, options) if type(options) == "table" and options.device and _uci_real:get("wireless", options.device) == "wifi-device" then local wnet = _uci_real:section("wireless", "wifi-iface", nil, options) return wifinet(wnet) end end function del_wifinet(self, net) local wnet = _wifi_lookup(net) if wnet then _uci_real:delete("wireless", wnet) return true end return false end function get_status_by_route(self, addr, mask) local _, object for _, object in ipairs(_ubus:objects()) do local net = object:match("^network%.interface%.(.+)") if net then local s = _ubus:call(object, "status", {}) if s and s.route then local rt for _, rt in ipairs(s.route) do if not rt.table and rt.target == addr and rt.mask == mask then return net, s end end end end end end function get_status_by_address(self, addr) local _, object for _, object in ipairs(_ubus:objects()) do local net = object:match("^network%.interface%.(.+)") if net then local s = _ubus:call(object, "status", {}) if s and s['ipv4-address'] then local a for _, a in ipairs(s['ipv4-address']) do if a.address == addr then return net, s end end end if s and s['ipv6-address'] then local a for _, a in ipairs(s['ipv6-address']) do if a.address == addr then return net, s end end end end end end function get_wannet(self) local net = self:get_status_by_route("", 0) return net and network(net) end function get_wandev(self) local _, stat = self:get_status_by_route("", 0) return stat and interface(stat.l3_device or stat.device) end function get_wan6net(self) local net = self:get_status_by_route("::", 0) return net and network(net) end function get_wan6dev(self) local _, stat = self:get_status_by_route("::", 0) return stat and interface(stat.l3_device or stat.device) end function network(name, proto) if name then local p = proto or _uci_real:get("network", name, "proto") local c = p and _protocols[p] or protocol return c(name) end end function protocol.__init__(self, name) self.sid = name end function protocol._get(self, opt) local v = _uci_real:get("network", self.sid, opt) if type(v) == "table" then return table.concat(v, " ") end return v or "" end function protocol._ubus(self, field) if not _ubusnetcache[self.sid] then _ubusnetcache[self.sid] = _ubus:call("network.interface.%s" % self.sid, "status", { }) end if _ubusnetcache[self.sid] and field then return _ubusnetcache[self.sid][field] end return _ubusnetcache[self.sid] end function protocol.get(self, opt) return _get("network", self.sid, opt) end function protocol.set(self, opt, val) return _set("network", self.sid, opt, val) end function protocol.ifname(self) local ifname if self:is_floating() then ifname = self:_ubus("l3_device") else ifname = self:_ubus("device") end if not ifname then local num = { } _uci_real:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.device then num[s.device] = num[s.device] and num[s.device] + 1 or 1 local net for net in utl.imatch(s.network) do if net == self.sid then ifname = "%s.network%d" %{ s.device, num[s.device] } return false end end end end) end return ifname end function protocol.proto(self) return "none" end function protocol.get_i18n(self) local p = self:proto() if p == "none" then return lng.translate("Unmanaged") elseif p == "static" then return lng.translate("Static address") elseif p == "dhcp" then return lng.translate("DHCP client") else return lng.translate("Unknown") end end function protocol.type(self) return self:_get("type") end function protocol.name(self) return self.sid end function protocol.uptime(self) return self:_ubus("uptime") or 0 end function protocol.expires(self) local a = tonumber(_uci_state:get("network", self.sid, "lease_acquired")) local l = tonumber(_uci_state:get("network", self.sid, "lease_lifetime")) if a and l then l = l - (nxo.sysinfo().uptime - a) return l > 0 and l or 0 end return -1 end function protocol.metric(self) return tonumber(_uci_state:get("network", self.sid, "metric")) or 0 end function protocol.ipaddr(self) local addrs = self:_ubus("ipv4-address") return addrs and #addrs > 0 and addrs[1].address end function protocol.netmask(self) local addrs = self:_ubus("ipv4-address") return addrs and #addrs > 0 and ipc.IPv4("" % addrs[1].mask):mask():string() end function protocol.gwaddr(self) local _, route for _, route in ipairs(self:_ubus("route") or { }) do if route.target == "" and route.mask == 0 then return route.nexthop end end end function protocol.dnsaddrs(self) local dns = { } local _, addr for _, addr in ipairs(self:_ubus("dns-server") or { }) do if not addr:match(":") then dns[#dns+1] = addr end end return dns end function protocol.ip6addr(self) local addrs = self:_ubus("ipv6-address") if addrs and #addrs > 0 then return "%s/%d" %{ addrs[1].address, addrs[1].mask } else addrs = self:_ubus("ipv6-prefix-assignment") if addrs and #addrs > 0 then return "%s/%d" %{ addrs[1].address, addrs[1].mask } end end end function protocol.gw6addr(self) local _, route for _, route in ipairs(self:_ubus("route") or { }) do if route.target == "::" and route.mask == 0 then return ipc.IPv6(route.nexthop):string() end end end function protocol.dns6addrs(self) local dns = { } local _, addr for _, addr in ipairs(self:_ubus("dns-server") or { }) do if addr:match(":") then dns[#dns+1] = addr end end return dns end function protocol.is_bridge(self) return (not self:is_virtual() and self:type() == "bridge") end function protocol.opkg_package(self) return nil end function protocol.is_installed(self) return true end function protocol.is_virtual(self) return false end function protocol.is_floating(self) return false end function protocol.is_empty(self) if self:is_floating() then return false else local rv = true if (self:_get("ifname") or ""):match("%S+") then rv = false end _uci_real:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) local n for n in utl.imatch(s.network) do if n == self.sid then rv = false return false end end end) return rv end end function protocol.add_interface(self, ifname) ifname = _M:ifnameof(ifname) if ifname and not self:is_floating() then -- if its a wifi interface, change its network option local wif = _wifi_lookup(ifname) if wif then _append("wireless", wif, "network", self.sid) -- add iface to our iface list else _append("network", self.sid, "ifname", ifname) end end end function protocol.del_interface(self, ifname) ifname = _M:ifnameof(ifname) if ifname and not self:is_floating() then -- if its a wireless interface, clear its network option local wif = _wifi_lookup(ifname) if wif then _filter("wireless", wif, "network", self.sid) end -- remove the interface _filter("network", self.sid, "ifname", ifname) end end function protocol.get_interface(self) if self:is_virtual() then _tunnel[self:proto() .. "-" .. self.sid] = true return interface(self:proto() .. "-" .. self.sid, self) elseif self:is_bridge() then _bridge["br-" .. self.sid] = true return interface("br-" .. self.sid, self) else local ifn = nil local num = { } for ifn in utl.imatch(_uci_real:get("network", self.sid, "ifname")) do ifn = ifn:match("^[^:/]+") return ifn and interface(ifn, self) end ifn = nil _uci_real:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.device then num[s.device] = num[s.device] and num[s.device] + 1 or 1 local net for net in utl.imatch(s.network) do if net == self.sid then ifn = "%s.network%d" %{ s.device, num[s.device] } return false end end end end) return ifn and interface(ifn, self) end end function protocol.get_interfaces(self) if self:is_bridge() or (self:is_virtual() and not self:is_floating()) then local ifaces = { } local ifn local nfs = { } for ifn in utl.imatch(self:get("ifname")) do ifn = ifn:match("^[^:/]+") nfs[ifn] = interface(ifn, self) end for ifn in utl.kspairs(nfs) do ifaces[#ifaces+1] = nfs[ifn] end local num = { } local wfs = { } _uci_real:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.device then num[s.device] = num[s.device] and num[s.device] + 1 or 1 local net for net in utl.imatch(s.network) do if net == self.sid then ifn = "%s.network%d" %{ s.device, num[s.device] } wfs[ifn] = interface(ifn, self) end end end end) for ifn in utl.kspairs(wfs) do ifaces[#ifaces+1] = wfs[ifn] end return ifaces end end function protocol.contains_interface(self, ifname) ifname = _M:ifnameof(ifname) if not ifname then return false elseif self:is_virtual() and self:proto() .. "-" .. self.sid == ifname then return true elseif self:is_bridge() and "br-" .. self.sid == ifname then return true else local ifn for ifn in utl.imatch(self:get("ifname")) do ifn = ifn:match("[^:]+") if ifn == ifname then return true end end local wif = _wifi_lookup(ifname) if wif then local n for n in utl.imatch(_uci_real:get("wireless", wif, "network")) do if n == self.sid then return true end end end end return false end function protocol.adminlink(self) return dsp.build_url("admin", "network", "network", self.sid) end interface = utl.class() function interface.__init__(self, ifname, network) local wif = _wifi_lookup(ifname) if wif then self.wif = wifinet(wif) self.ifname = _wifi_state("section", wif, "ifname") end self.ifname = self.ifname or ifname self.dev = _interfaces[self.ifname] self.network = network end function interface._ubus(self, field) if not _ubusdevcache[self.ifname] then _ubusdevcache[self.ifname] = _ubus:call("network.device", "status", { name = self.ifname }) end if _ubusdevcache[self.ifname] and field then return _ubusdevcache[self.ifname][field] end return _ubusdevcache[self.ifname] end function interface.name(self) return self.wif and self.wif:ifname() or self.ifname end function interface.mac(self) return (self:_ubus("macaddr") or "00:00:00:00:00:00"):upper() end function interface.ipaddrs(self) return self.dev and self.dev.ipaddrs or { } end function interface.ip6addrs(self) return self.dev and self.dev.ip6addrs or { } end function interface.type(self) if self.wif or _wifi_iface(self.ifname) then return "wifi" elseif _bridge[self.ifname] then return "bridge" elseif _tunnel[self.ifname] then return "tunnel" elseif self.ifname:match("%.") then return "vlan" elseif _switch[self.ifname] then return "switch" else return "ethernet" end end function interface.shortname(self) if self.wif then return "%s %q" %{ self.wif:active_mode(), self.wif:active_ssid() or self.wif:active_bssid() } else return self.ifname end end function interface.get_i18n(self) if self.wif then return "%s: %s %q" %{ lng.translate("Wireless Network"), self.wif:active_mode(), self.wif:active_ssid() or self.wif:active_bssid() } else return "%s: %q" %{ self:get_type_i18n(), self:name() } end end function interface.get_type_i18n(self) local x = self:type() if x == "wifi" then return lng.translate("Wireless Adapter") elseif x == "bridge" then return lng.translate("Bridge") elseif x == "switch" then return lng.translate("Ethernet Switch") elseif x == "vlan" then return lng.translate("VLAN Interface") elseif x == "tunnel" then return lng.translate("Tunnel Interface") else return lng.translate("Ethernet Adapter") end end function interface.adminlink(self) if self.wif then return self.wif:adminlink() end end function interface.ports(self) local members = self:_ubus("bridge-members") if members then local _, iface local ifaces = { } for _, iface in ipairs(members) do ifaces[#ifaces+1] = interface(iface) end end end function interface.bridge_id(self) if self.br then return self.br.id else return nil end end function interface.bridge_stp(self) if self.br then return self.br.stp else return false end end function interface.is_up(self) return self:_ubus("up") or false end function interface.is_bridge(self) return (self:type() == "bridge") end function interface.is_bridgeport(self) return self.dev and self.dev.bridge and true or false end function interface.tx_bytes(self) local stat = self:_ubus("statistics") return stat and stat.tx_bytes or 0 end function interface.rx_bytes(self) local stat = self:_ubus("statistics") return stat and stat.rx_bytes or 0 end function interface.tx_packets(self) local stat = self:_ubus("statistics") return stat and stat.tx_packets or 0 end function interface.rx_packets(self) local stat = self:_ubus("statistics") return stat and stat.rx_packets or 0 end function interface.get_network(self) return self:get_networks()[1] end function interface.get_networks(self) if not self.networks then local nets = { } local _, net for _, net in ipairs(_M:get_networks()) do if net:contains_interface(self.ifname) or net:ifname() == self.ifname then nets[#nets+1] = net end end table.sort(nets, function(a, b) return a.sid < b.sid end) self.networks = nets return nets else return self.networks end end function interface.get_wifinet(self) return self.wif end wifidev = utl.class() function wifidev.__init__(self, dev) self.sid = dev self.iwinfo = dev and sys.wifi.getiwinfo(dev) or { } end function wifidev.get(self, opt) return _get("wireless", self.sid, opt) end function wifidev.set(self, opt, val) return _set("wireless", self.sid, opt, val) end function wifidev.name(self) return self.sid end function wifidev.hwmodes(self) local l = self.iwinfo.hwmodelist if l and next(l) then return l else return { b = true, g = true } end end function wifidev.get_i18n(self) local t = "Generic" if self.iwinfo.type == "wl" then t = "Broadcom" elseif self.iwinfo.type == "madwifi" then t = "Atheros" end local m = "" local l = self:hwmodes() if l.a then m = m .. "a" end if l.b then m = m .. "b" end if l.g then m = m .. "g" end if l.n then m = m .. "n" end return "%s 802.11%s Wireless Controller (%s)" %{ t, m, self:name() } end function wifidev.is_up(self) if _ubuswificache[self.sid] then return (_ubuswificache[self.sid].up == true) end local up = false _uci_state:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.device == self.sid then if s.up == "1" then up = true return false end end end) return up end function wifidev.get_wifinet(self, net) if _uci_real:get("wireless", net) == "wifi-iface" then return wifinet(net) else local wnet = _wifi_lookup(net) if wnet then return wifinet(wnet) end end end function wifidev.get_wifinets(self) local nets = { } _uci_real:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.device == self.sid then nets[#nets+1] = wifinet(s['.name']) end end) return nets end function wifidev.add_wifinet(self, options) options = options or { } options.device = self.sid local wnet = _uci_real:section("wireless", "wifi-iface", nil, options) if wnet then return wifinet(wnet, options) end end function wifidev.del_wifinet(self, net) if utl.instanceof(net, wifinet) then net = net.sid elseif _uci_real:get("wireless", net) ~= "wifi-iface" then net = _wifi_lookup(net) end if net and _uci_real:get("wireless", net, "device") == self.sid then _uci_real:delete("wireless", net) return true end return false end wifinet = utl.class() function wifinet.__init__(self, net, data) self.sid = net local num = { } local netid _uci_real:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", function(s) if s.device then num[s.device] = num[s.device] and num[s.device] + 1 or 1 if s['.name'] == self.sid then netid = "%s.network%d" %{ s.device, num[s.device] } return false end end end) local dev = _wifi_state("section", self.sid, "ifname") or netid self.netid = netid self.wdev = dev self.iwinfo = dev and sys.wifi.getiwinfo(dev) or { } self.iwdata = data or _uci_state:get_all("wireless", self.sid) or _uci_real:get_all("wireless", self.sid) or { } end function wifinet.get(self, opt) return _get("wireless", self.sid, opt) end function wifinet.set(self, opt, val) return _set("wireless", self.sid, opt, val) end function wifinet.mode(self) return _uci_state:get("wireless", self.sid, "mode") or "ap" end function wifinet.ssid(self) return _uci_state:get("wireless", self.sid, "ssid") end function wifinet.bssid(self) return _uci_state:get("wireless", self.sid, "bssid") end function wifinet.network(self) return _uci_state:get("wifinet", self.sid, "network") end function wifinet.id(self) return self.netid end function wifinet.name(self) return self.sid end function wifinet.ifname(self) local ifname = self.iwinfo.ifname if not ifname or ifname:match("^wifi%d") or ifname:match("^radio%d") then ifname = self.wdev end return ifname end function wifinet.get_device(self) if self.iwdata.device then return wifidev(self.iwdata.device) end end function wifinet.is_up(self) local ifc = self:get_interface() return (ifc and ifc:is_up() or false) end function wifinet.active_mode(self) local m = _stror(self.iwinfo.mode, self.iwdata.mode) or "ap" if m == "ap" then m = "Master" elseif m == "sta" then m = "Client" elseif m == "adhoc" then m = "Ad-Hoc" elseif m == "mesh" then m = "Mesh" elseif m == "monitor" then m = "Monitor" end return m end function wifinet.active_mode_i18n(self) return lng.translate(self:active_mode()) end function wifinet.active_ssid(self) return _stror(self.iwinfo.ssid, self.iwdata.ssid) end function wifinet.active_bssid(self) return _stror(self.iwinfo.bssid, self.iwdata.bssid) or "00:00:00:00:00:00" end function wifinet.active_encryption(self) local enc = self.iwinfo and self.iwinfo.encryption return enc and enc.description or "-" end function wifinet.assoclist(self) return self.iwinfo.assoclist or { } end function wifinet.frequency(self) local freq = self.iwinfo.frequency if freq and freq > 0 then return "%.03f" % (freq / 1000) end end function wifinet.bitrate(self) local rate = self.iwinfo.bitrate if rate and rate > 0 then return (rate / 1000) end end function wifinet.channel(self) return self.iwinfo.channel or tonumber(_uci_state:get("wireless", self.iwdata.device, "channel")) end function wifinet.signal(self) return self.iwinfo.signal or 0 end function wifinet.noise(self) return self.iwinfo.noise or 0 end function wifinet.country(self) return self.iwinfo.country or "00" end function wifinet.txpower(self) local pwr = (self.iwinfo.txpower or 0) return pwr + self:txpower_offset() end function wifinet.txpower_offset(self) return self.iwinfo.txpower_offset or 0 end function wifinet.signal_level(self, s, n) if self:active_bssid() ~= "00:00:00:00:00:00" then local signal = s or self:signal() local noise = n or self:noise() if signal < 0 and noise < 0 then local snr = -1 * (noise - signal) return math.floor(snr / 5) else return 0 end else return -1 end end function wifinet.signal_percent(self) local qc = self.iwinfo.quality or 0 local qm = self.iwinfo.quality_max or 0 if qc > 0 and qm > 0 then return math.floor((100 / qm) * qc) else return 0 end end function wifinet.shortname(self) return "%s %q" %{ lng.translate(self:active_mode()), self:active_ssid() or self:active_bssid() } end function wifinet.get_i18n(self) return "%s: %s %q (%s)" %{ lng.translate("Wireless Network"), lng.translate(self:active_mode()), self:active_ssid() or self:active_bssid(), self:ifname() } end function wifinet.adminlink(self) return dsp.build_url("admin", "network", "wireless", self.netid) end function wifinet.get_network(self) return self:get_networks()[1] end function wifinet.get_networks(self) local nets = { } local net for net in utl.imatch(tostring(self.iwdata.network)) do if _uci_real:get("network", net) == "interface" then nets[#nets+1] = network(net) end end table.sort(nets, function(a, b) return a.sid < b.sid end) return nets end function wifinet.get_interface(self) return interface(self:ifname()) end -- setup base protocols _M:register_protocol("static") _M:register_protocol("dhcp") _M:register_protocol("none") -- load protocol extensions local exts = nfs.dir(utl.libpath() .. "/model/network") if exts then local ext for ext in exts do if ext:match("%.lua$") then require("luci.model.network." .. ext:gsub("%.lua$", "")) end end end