--[[ LuCI - Internationalisation Description: A very minimalistic but yet effective internationalisation module FileId: $Id$ License: Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <steven@midlink.org> Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ]]-- --- LuCI translation library. module("luci.i18n", package.seeall) require("luci.util") require("lmo") table = {} i18ndir = luci.util.libpath() .. "/i18n/" loaded = {} context = luci.util.threadlocal() default = "en" --- Clear the translation table. function clear() table = {} end --- Load a translation and copy its data into the translation table. -- @param file Language file -- @param lang Two-letter language code -- @param force Force reload even if already loaded (optional) -- @return Success status function load(file, lang, force) lang = lang and lang:gsub("_", "-") or "" if force or not loaded[lang] or not loaded[lang][file] then local f = lmo.open(i18ndir .. file .. "." .. lang .. ".lmo") if f then if not table[lang] then table[lang] = { f } setmetatable(table[lang], { __index = function(tbl, key) for i = 1, #tbl do local s = rawget(tbl, i):lookup(key) if s then return s end end end }) else table[lang][#table[lang]+1] = f end loaded[lang] = loaded[lang] or {} loaded[lang][file] = true return true else return false end else return true end end --- Load a translation file using the default translation language. -- Alternatively load the translation of the fallback language. -- @param file Language file -- @param force Force reload even if already loaded (optional) function loadc(file, force) load(file, default, force) if context.parent then load(file, context.parent, force) end return load(file, context.lang, force) end --- Set the context default translation language. -- @param lang Two-letter language code function setlanguage(lang) context.lang = lang:gsub("_", "-") context.parent = (context.lang:match("^([a-z][a-z])_")) end --- Return the translated value for a specific translation key. -- @param key Default translation text -- @return Translated string function translate(key) return (table[context.lang] and table[context.lang][key]) or (table[context.parent] and table[context.parent][key]) or (table[default] and table[default][key]) or key end --- Return the translated value for a specific translation key and use it as sprintf pattern. -- @param key Default translation text -- @param ... Format parameters -- @return Translated and formatted string function translatef(key, ...) return tostring(translate(key)):format(...) end --- Return the translated value for a specific translation key -- and ensure that the returned value is a Lua string value. -- This is the same as calling <code>tostring(translate(...))</code> -- @param key Default translation text -- @return Translated string function string(key) return tostring(translate(key)) end --- Return the translated value for a specific translation key and use it as sprintf pattern. -- Ensure that the returned value is a Lua string value. -- This is the same as calling <code>tostring(translatef(...))</code> -- @param key Default translation text -- @param ... Format parameters -- @return Translated and formatted string function stringf(key, ...) return tostring(translate(key)):format(...) end